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Spring Anime 2013 l OT One l All roads lead to this

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Long time no see Animegaf, odd to see you moving at a reasonable pace now. Also good to see xbone-tan is finally a thing, I knew getting jabs at microsoft through a cute mascot was too tempting for the internet to resist. Anyway I was in the mood for something depraved so I decided to poopsock Flowers of Evil.

Flowers of Evil 1-10

So I'm expecting a show that's different from most anime and what's the first plot point? It's freaking
agonizing over stealing a gym uniform!
That was so goddamn ridiculously anime that I couldn't help but laugh. So as silly as that premise was
(seriously just put it back! It would've been that easy!)
every work of fiction needs a pass on that to suspend your disbelief because otherwise there would be no show. Early on it's like a shitty telltale heart and while the struggle to confess to something terrible is compelling I don't think that aspect is really this show's strong suit, especially when it's tied to something so flimsy. So as well done and supposedly shocking the
library stripping and dressing in the school uniform
scene in episode 3 was I couldn't get much out of it because I wasn't really invested in anything so far.

Then comes the
I guess there's some fun in seeing someone so spineless being so thoroughly
blackmailed but the wearing the uniform under your clothes thing just felt like the twisted thing to do in a show about being twisted rather than anything shocking at that point.
Crazy things shouldn't feel so status quo, Nakamura's SA SA SA SA was pretty great though. Things did start to pick up in
episode 7 though. Kasuga's got full blown Stockholm syndrome at this point with his hilariously pathetic breakdown full of begging and even depending on Nakamura. The cathartic trashing of his class room had me hoping for the consequences to catch up to Kasuga and lead to a significant change in his character. This turned out to be partially true and helped accelerate the plot but the lucky ink splatter over his name was an unsatisfying aspect to an otherwise good development.

Next up was the dreaded walking in episode 8, I was expecting Ingmar Bergman levels of super long static scenes but this had multiple cuts, decent framing/angles, motion, and background music! While not to this level it did remind me how much praise the "silent" portion of Wall-E was getting for being so bold when I found the hyper active pace of cuts and motion silly in how afraid it was of you getting bored. So yeah I liked the walking scene and found it struck a decent balance, sure the point could've been made in less time but this show hits you over the head with a lot of things so it seems kind of odd to single out this scene.

Episode 9 is mostly setup so let's just skip straight to 10. It's great to finally feel
the other shoe dropping with confrontations about things that were long overdue. NO SHIT YOU DON'T KNOW FUCK ALL ABOUT BAUDELAIRE YOU PRETENTIOUS SPINELESS DICK. How Saeki can forgive him I'll never know but it gives her an air of crazy to match with the other two I suppose. It definitely shows how laughably pointless Kasuga's turmoil was though. But hey instead of resolving everything and ditching the girl who's been torturing you let's chase after her because I'm clearly a masochist with none of my own best interests in mind. Being taken by the cops could lead to interesting things but with the track record so far I have my doubts.

I haven't seen many of the shows this season but is this one the best? Most likely but considering the general standard that's not really saying much. I'm glad I poopsocked it, not because I would've been dying to see what happens next but because I doubt I could keep my interest every week for the first half of the show. If the remaining episodes keep this up it could be the exact opposite of Chuu2 in tone and aesthetics with a shitty first half and a great second half.

So TL;DR Unsatisfying in a lot of ways but watch it anyway.


Sword Art Online 12

Daaaaaaaaaaang. There are a lot of small kids playing this. Nevermind however many must've been among the 4000 dead. I really want to know what the villain's plan is that justifies killing 4k people. Which is to say I readily await the hilariously inexcusable excuse he has.

Oh God Orange Sputnik is a small time major villain now? Why am I not surprised. Well this is the most contrived method of finding the truth ever. Is Yui some kind of Newtype or something? Hey what if Yui is like Phibrizzo and is actually a demon disguised as a child? Nobody else finds a player without a marker even a little suspicious? And neither Mommy nor Daddy thought to friend their daughter so they can keep an eye on her location and stuff? Sheesh, Kirito and Asuna aren't very good parents. Yes, let's bring the child into the dungeon with level 60 monsters. I mean it isn't like a good parent would tell their child to stay at the daycare rather than bring them into harms way or anything.

Kirito and Asuna are just plain dumb. Where my boy Klein at?

Yui is maybe just a little too excited to see Daddy kill frogs. Like, as a kid I couldn't bear to watch my dad gut fish. I enjoyed the fish afterward, and was proud that my dad was able to catch fish and blah blah blah, but I sure as hell wasn't bouncing up and down with glee as he gutted the damn things.


So dumb. This show is so stupid.
Okay noted. I'm not a huge fan of lighthearted 24/7 shows (I like some tragedy to my romances). I do think I recongize the characters from just around boards and YouTube though.

Oh don't worry it has some good drama to it, not necessarily tragedy but characters are much deeper than they appear to be when you see them. It's just not heart-crushingly sad is all.


Watchin' SZS right now, why haven't I watched this sooner? Kiri Chitsu is the best SZS.
I'm also tsun for Date a shit.


In-universe productions don't need to match the quality of the work itself.

I certainly agree with you in principle and the two productions should look noticeably different or else the people making the episode are just being lazy. However the film itself is just such a complete mess that I can't imagine it serving the purpose that it's intended to e.g. propaganda. It's significantly less coherent than the kind of things teenagers put up on YouTube.
I actually never read the top posts and only the bottom ones.

It's not so much positioning as it's the lack of time that it's visible. Once the next post is up BAM! It's disappeared to the aether that is the last page. I usually wouldn't mind but I spent a little bit of time on that post :/


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. I can't decide if the end of that episode was genuinely emotional or just frustratingly stupid.
Kaiji 14


People die when they are killed.

The feeling of bro-ness is coming out.

Ishida, a man who was saved by Kaiji on the ship for some reason. He has now given his ticket to Kaiji, as a final will to save his wife from debt. Whereas everyone thought of themselves as death stood closer, he thought of someone else. He was the least piece of shit human being on the show. I say least because he still put her in debt, but he never once acted like a complete asshole on the show. Even fell silently to not disturb Kaiji, even though he was afraid. Ishida was a true bro to the very end. R.I.P.

Warmth gave Sahara the ability to act over the top to victory!


Kudos to David Production for actually realizing that it looked bad and fixing it.
Well that episode was by far the worst in the series in that regard. Too bad there's many visual elements that I'm sure they wouldn't fix (the Joestar mansion, for example).

From what i've seen they've done a pretty good job of fixing (most of) the really awful looking bits in the series.

She was the character I wanted to learn the most about when I watched the OP initially. Something about her expressiveness in it.
Yeah, she really stood out in what was an already incredibly expressive OP.


Watchin' SZS right now, why this sooner? Kiri Chitsu is the best SZS.
I'm also tsun for Date a shit.

Your avatar is lovely. DATE A LIVE is incredibly stupid but its definitely fun.

Sword Art Online 12

Daaaaaaaaaaang. There are a lot of small kids playing this. Nevermind however many must've been among the 4000 dead. I really want to know what the villain's plan is that justifies killing 4k people. Which is to say I readily await the hilariously inexcusable excuse he has.

Oh God Orange Sputnik is a small time major villain now? Why am I not surprised. Well this is the most contrived method of finding the truth ever. Is Yui some kind of Newtype or something? Hey what if Yui is like Phibrizzo and is actually a demon disguised as a child? Nobody else finds a player without a marker even a little suspicious? And neither Mommy nor Daddy thought to friend their daughter so they can keep an eye on her location and stuff? Sheesh, Kirito and Asuna aren't very good parents. Yes, let's bring the child into the dungeon with level 60 monsters. I mean it isn't like a good parent would tell their child to stay at the daycare rather than bring them into harms way or anything.

Kirito and Asuna are just plain dumb. Where my boy Klein at?

Yui is maybe just a little too excited to see Daddy kill frogs. Like, as a kid I couldn't bear to watch my dad gut fish. I enjoyed the fish afterward, and was proud that my dad was able to catch fish and blah blah blah, but I sure as hell wasn't bouncing up and down with glee as he gutted the damn things.


So dumb. This show is so stupid.

This is causing irreperable harm to you Corvy kun.
the excuse for the whole thing is definitely as dumb as you think it is though. Its ridiculously stupid.
have fun discovering it :D


Your avatar is lovely. DATE A LIVE is incredibly stupid but its definitely fun.

This is causing irreperable harm to you Corvy kun.
the excuse for the whole thing is definitely as dumb as you think it is though. Its ridiculously stupid.
have fun discovering it :D

I'm just not a big fan of
introducing and killing a character in 1-2 episodes.
Not unless you're doing like, a 12 episode season and don't have the time for more. It's especially egregious when shows like Gundam AGE do it, though, since they have 50 episodes to develop a cast and instead blow that time on stupid things.


Got 99 problems and only one of them is a waifu
no amount of alchohol can make me lik e this Origami bitch in Date a Live. She's so bad. Worst chatracter ever.
Tactical Waifu Action

I actually started this first episode with my little sister (8 years old) a few months ago, but she was getting kinda bored and was having a hard time reading the entire time so I had to shelve it. Needed to make use of my Crunchyroll Account, and so here we are!

So am I like, sorta supposed to be like the Tactician from Fire Emblem? Or hapless harem protag?
they're the same thing

Oh hey! Kincaido's avatar! ...Now it all makes sense.

This interview format for some reason reminds me of the Office.
Sorry, couldn't find a YouTube version of the relevant clip.

Yeah, this is one of those shows I can only comfortably watch in the dead of night.
Actually that's been pretty much every single show I've watched so far

Unfortunately I have some logistical problems, and would not be able to allocate such a DEAL in my room. Not even my bed is safe, currently I'm sleeping in it with:
1xDSi XL; 1x3DS; 2x3DS XL; 1xWii U Gamepad; 1xLaptop; 1xYotsubato!(vol. 12); 1xCCS(vol. 11); 6xNisekoi(vol. 1~6); 1xSketDance(vol. 22); and 1xJinrui(vol.8)
. /stealthbrag(?)

Smile Precure! - 40

Akane took her sweet time to realize her treasure.
All the
animation cuts from the OP are gonna be used in these last episodes
, right?
I do wonder what
really gonna happen to Wolfrun


Got 99 problems and only one of them is a waifu
Tactical Waifu Action

I actually started this first episode with my little sister (8 years old) a few months ago, but she was getting kinda bored and was having a hard time reading the entire time so I had to shelve it. Needed to make use of my Crunchyroll Account, and so here we are!

So am I like, sorta supposed to be like the Tactician from Fire Emblem? Or hapless harem protag?
they're the same thing

Oh hey! Kincaido's avatar! ...Now it all makes sense.

This interview format for some reason reminds me of the Office.
Sorry, couldn't find a YouTube version of the relevant clip.

Yeah, this is one of those shows I can only comfortably watch in the dead of night.
Actually that's been pretty much every single show I've watched so far

Chihaya is da besssss. mai one true waifu <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Kaiji 15

Sahara dies too

And thanks to fear, the tickets were voided, but ANOTHER CHANCE FOR KAIJI, along with Head Honcho-sama, and his pokey stick of doom.

Looks like everything will come down to a Serious Battle of Children's Card Games again. With 16-26, I wouldn't be surprised if it was one card an episode.

That glass stair case was pretty dumb though. MAGIC STAIRS APPEAR WITH SPAKKU HUNTER


Fire Emblem : Awakening Episode 9.

I can't believe this anime has a 1000-year old
Continues to deliver the goods as far as I'm concerned! HOLY SHIT @ the ending of that last episode.;_;
Fire Emblem : Awakening Episode 9.

I can't believe this anime has a 1000-year old
Continues to deliver the goods as far as I'm concerned! HOLY SHIT @ the ending of that last episode.;_;

Rekka no Ken 01

Hapless harem protag discovered in a field by cute green haired girl? Wow, this show is going to be so awful.

Rekka no Ken 33

I.. just.. no.. how can it be over already?!


Slayers Try 5

Hahahaha, Xellos is a magnificent bastard. It's disconcerting seeing Filia get under his skin because last season Xellos maintained his cool even when Gaav was beating him within an inch of his life, but on the other hand, having someone who can foil Xellos is kind of nice. Not nearly as nice as watching Xellos pick on Filia, though.

Also, I have to say at this point it is become clear that Lina did NOT kill Shabranigdo, and when she trashed him waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in S1, she apparently only sent him back to sleep. So uh, the Giga Slave isn't enough to kill the guy, I guess?

I still wonder how they're gonna shoe-horn Sylphiel in the end of this season. Three white mages in Lina's power will make things kind of silly.

Actually, come to think of it, isn't Xellos' job class technically Priest, too? But he's sort of a Priest of evil. Oh I don't know it isn't like Xellos actively participates in the team's battles anyway. So when Sylphiel no doubt arrives it'll be three clerics, a red mage, a sorceress, one warrior and Xellos cheering from the sidelines.


Wait, ponies are?!
Original ponies were in part done by Toei I think.

The show looks a lot bluer than it does in my memories.
It did release in the same year as this.

It's not about need, it's about not being physically painful to watch.
As Jexhius said they don't try anything like that again. I agree it's hideous though that's the point here. (the video you are watching being terrible isn't helping either.)

I play as a boy whenever afforded the opportunity.
How boring.

I'm already that so I play as a female whenever possible.
Universe shattered.

I certainly agree with you in principle and the two productions should look noticeably different or else the people making the episode are just being lazy. However the film itself is just such a complete mess that I can't imagine it serving the purpose that it's intended to e.g. propaganda. It's significantly less coherent than the kind of things teenagers put up on YouTube.
If you look at home made propaganda videos uploaded on youtube and the like they do tend to look worse than a lot of teenager stuff!
Alternatively the propaganda people gave it to IDEA FUCK (Mars of Destruction fame) to make!
Kaiji 16

All about psychology, wits, and slavery battles.

An eye for an eye, and an ear for 20 million. Being use to this series, Kaiji winning twice in a row was likely part of a plan.


I'm just not a big fan of
introducing and killing a character in 1-2 episodes.
Not unless you're doing like, a 12 episode season and don't have the time for more.
(The above contains spoilers for what I'm talking about below)
Well saying that I'm sure that in Nadesico
Gai only lasts about 3? maybe 5 episodes?
There's ways to do it and ways not to do it.

Slayers Try 5
I still wonder how they're gonna shoe-horn Sylphiel in the end of this season. Three white mages in Lina's power will make things kind of silly.
Unsuccessfully. They do it unsuccessfully.

I certainly agree with you in principle and the two productions should look noticeably different or else the people making the episode are just being lazy. However the film itself is just such a complete mess that I can't imagine it serving the purpose that it's intended to e.g. propaganda. It's significantly less coherent than the kind of things teenagers put up on YouTube.
The trouble with the propaganda film is that it has very little context and seemingly appears from nowhere. I'm noticeably dense about these things and didn't have any understanding about what they were showing and ignored until someone pointed out what a mess when they were watching it. It's not until later in the season that you gain any understanding and reference about what some of the imagery is about.

Putting aside that, the whole issue of it's production is more of a quandary. It is an ill-conceived, seizure inducing mess but I find it hard to conceive a way they could show a film like that done in a more professional manner without revealing too much of it's hand too early.

I'd imagine they were trying to inject a discordant note into an otherwise happy ending to the episode but it comes off as more of a blast of heavy metal during a classical music recital.


(The above contains spoilers for what I'm talking about below)
Well saying that I'm sure that in Nadesico
Gai only lasts about 3? maybe 5 episodes?
There's ways to do it and ways not to do it.

I wasn't wild about that, either, but more because like in Gurren Lagann
Gai was a larger than life mentor character who got offed before I was ready for it.
That said, I really did like the way that Nadesico handled that,
with having Akito reject anime when he sees the last episode of Gekiganger, sees that Jo comes back to life, and decides that last minute revivals invalidate the worth of someone's sacrifice and are stupid.

And I daresay I don't expect that SAO will be handling this with that kind of wit.

Unsuccessfully. They do it unsuccessfully.
Well duh, its Sylphiel. She's the worst girl.

Utena 4

What's with boys named Kaoru and playing the piano? What's with playing the piano in anime anyway? For Papillon to be a more likeable character she's gonna have to develop an actual personality some time soon. Also blonde girl is beyond bitch-queen status. I mean really.

I really need to stop watching this show with the shadow demons so late at night/early in the morning.

Oh, hello Regulus' Avatar. Also, while originally I thought this ploy would not work, I must admit that a girl keeping a pencil case full of snails is creepy as hell. "HaaaaAAAAaaaaaah!"


The trouble with the propaganda film is that it has very little context and seemingly appears from nowhere. I'm noticeably dense about these things and didn't have any understanding about what they were showing and ignored until someone pointed out what a mess when they were watching it. It's not until later in the season that you gain any understanding and reference about what some of the imagery is about.

Putting aside that, the whole issue of it's production is more of a quandary. It is an ill-conceived, seizure inducing mess but I find it hard to conceive a way they could show a film like that done in a more professional manner without revealing too much of it's hand too early.

I'd imagine they were trying to inject a discordant note into an otherwise happy ending to the episode but it comes off as more of a blast of heavy metal during a classical music recital.

I understand the concept behind the video, and the idea behind making it look 'amateurish' but the entire thing was sill executed rather badly. There's a difference between making something appear like it was produced by amateurs and having something look like a mess. Compare and contrast with the first episode of Haurhi which is a very skilful imitation of an amateur production.

I think the worst part of the whole matter is that I don't trust the director to make something that's supposed to look like an amateur film when some of the direction in the first episode is just as poor.


Hey yiou guys what's up. I love u all k thnx bai.
Hmm... you alright?

Wit Studio really has the worst management.
The production issues that have been affecting the show for some time are really becoming a quite noticeable detriment to the series as a whole. I assume this is the only option they have left.
I wonder if someone will bring some 'tough' questions related to this problem aimed at George Wada for the next Anime Expo:

Announcing Attack on Titan Producer George Wada as Guest of Honor for AX 2013 | Anime Expo® 2013 | Los Angeles Conventions Center (LACC) July 4 – 7 2013

You're welcome! Always good to know someone is reading these things.
Hey, it doesn't needs to be said we are reading them! :p

We can't thank enough times for posts like those, so I kind of sometimes obviate a thankful response. I appreciate that analysis, hosannainexcelsis.
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