Bunch of anti-Semites in here...
Obviously Angel Cop has influenced the thoughts and opinions of these people.
Bunch of anti-Semites in here...
So uh, saw a softcore porn video and the song Roundabout started playing. I was half expecting the woman in question start doing some Jojo poses. Didn't know whether to laugh, pose along, or fap. What do I do animegaf?
Does crying fap count? I think I laughed a little.Laugh fap is something everyone must experience.
Burn everything, walk out of house backward, slowly, never look back, and never speak of it again.
Sword Art Online 16
Beatin' in the real world. Khan Basilio is a bar keep in the real world? Seriously, this guy is way awesome. How often d'you suppose Kirito gets carded, though? Alfheim, land of the fairies? Well, there's just no way this could go wrong, right? Right? Right? New OP is not as good as old OP.
Wait, this game has no sword skills, no magic, no levels and Kirito is calling it hardcore? Oh god, this show doesn't know anything about anything about video games at all. Also, is this even Sword Art Online anymore? Because apparently we aren't even playing that now.
And then Suguha choked to death and no one had to put up with her incest pandering character ever again. THE END. Spriggan? As in Gerard Spriggan of Gundam AGE? I know, I know, but STILL.
Kirito needs to not play video games anymore. His copies are always defective. Also using the username Kirito when you play a video game run by a man who would like nothing more than to have you bumped off is probably not a smart idea, Kirito.
Man, gotta put up with this kid again? Speaking of, I know like, the "government" forbade Kirito and like, all the SAO survivors from speaking about it, LOL 6000 people world wide and no one spills their beans? Yeah right. But shouldn't he have been in counseling? I mean, Kirito had a life in a computer world where he had a wife and child and saw people die and had to kill, too. So uh, shouldn't he be pretty fucked up in the head when all of that is suddenly ripped away? And shouldn't he need to see someone about it? I mean, having Egil nearby must definitely help, but still.
You'll always be a Beater to us, Kirito. Actually, can we talk about this for a minute? I don't know which is worse, really: the idea that Kirito would have to actually regain all his skills mid-show, or that he once again doesn't really have to earn his powers but is just badass for the sake of being a badass. Because either way you look at it, its just kind of a no-win situation of stupidity.
And Leafa is nooooooot where its at. Honestly, this show would be much better if it had gone in a different direction and had Kirito having to come to grips with a world in which he was NOT powerful while also trying to save Asuna and solve the mystery of her imprisonment. I get that that's asking for oranges at a tomato farm, but still.
Long post made short: I'd sooner go back to playing SAO than Alfheim online, which looks dumber than most of the posts I make on this forum.
So uh, saw a softcore porn video and the song Roundabout started playing. I was half expecting the woman in question start doing some Jojo poses. Didn't know whether to laugh, pose along, or fap. What do I do animegaf?
Kiss Dum: Engage Planet 02:
But there is magicThere'll be much better action scenes in the ALO arc, just so you know and have to look forward to.
Real talk: Kirito looks like a damn fool with that new hair style and those new ears. Not that he was exactly Mr. Cool Guy before, but I mean, they've hit like rock bottom with this.
This sounds like one of the greatest things ever.
I still remember the name of the video if that's what you want.
When S2 comes along, this is his character design:
Edit: Removed because I guess it's spoilerific
Why does he look like a girl
Yes pls
Why does he look like a girl
The look on her face is classic.Revolutionary Girl Utena 7
So we have different forms of light, Lucifer, and Gods of Death and time. Kay, so Juri is a good person who wants to kill you. Got it. Also empty inside. BWAHAHAHAAH you gotta be kiddin' me. Man, just when I thoughtUtena had lost, there comes the miracle.
Well I watched about half of that video that featured Roundabout.
Greatest thing achieved.
Talk about big and round
The look on her face is classic.
Also, :sdburton.
Why does he look like a girl
Some bullshit about him getting an ultra-rare glitch that gives his avatar a female appearance.
This time it doesn't have anything to do with being based of Sword Art Online's architecture.
I kind of wish I didn't get into Attack on Titan. I think the characters and story are amazing, and the fact that it will only be like 26 episodes crushes me.
I could totally stick with this show for a long, long time.
Ojamajo Doremi 01:
Ojamajo Doremi 02:
Ojamajo Doremi 03:
Ojamajo Doremi 04:
I'll pretend this is about the Alicization Arc
Some bullshit about him getting an ultra-rare glitch that gives his avatar a female appearance.
This time it doesn't have anything to do with being based of Sword Art Online's architecture.
You can always read the manga.
Infinite backlog.This series sounds fun. I'm going to have to watch it after I'm done with Precure, aren't I? My Toei mahou shoujo journey will never end...
Incredibly bad? We finally agree on something!Not cool. Not cool.
Penguindrum was an incredible show.
Well that was surprisingly shounen, of course since it's Monogatari the best fight is just an absurdly violent conversation and I wouldn't have it any other way.
- Probably my second favorite vampire story after Thirst, may flip flop on this after more thought.
- Hanekawa fans need this in their veins right now.
- Shinobu/Kissshot-Acerolaorion-Heartunderblade fans, expect less haughtiness and more endearing.
- Collectingis easily my favorite plot coupon. It's not endless and they're delicious in oh so many ways.limbs and organs
- Owing eternal debts to everyone Araragi > King of lewd impulses Araragi
- Watching the opening scene to Bake 1 after reading this is glorious.
- So this definitely couldn't be aired but I'm not sure if a movie is the best way to go. I'm leaning towards break blade style OVA being a better fit but we'll see.
- I was afraid first encounters would be less interesting than the characters with history that the shows have but it works relatively well.
- why does everyscene have to be a host for lewd? It's like some kind of anime law.sports equipment locker
Glad I got this out of the way though I wonder what the next monogataris will be like. With this being shounen, bake being an oddjobs friendship harem, and Nise being a panderfest (that's totally a genre) I'm up for anything. Murder mystery? Oddities romcom? Slice of life? Whatever I'll probably eat it up, bring it on summermonogatari.
You can always read the manga.
Maybe. I guess that would be cool, but definitely not as powerful as the show.
I might just get into some of the famed shows out there once this is done. The only other action anime that I have watched from the beginning is High School of the Dead, but that show is kind of *blegh* and has more comedic value.
I have never watched FMA, Bleach, or Deathnote from the beginning.
This series sounds fun. I'm going to have to watch it after I'm done with Precure, aren't I? My Toei mahou shoujo journey will never end...
It's pretty much the same feel as Sailor Moon, but in the sense that they learned what went right in Sailor Moon and applied those lessons to a different kind of show.The few episodes I watched were pretty interesting, and had a "fuck the demographic" feel to the episodes.
It's pretty much the same feel as Sailor Moon, but in the sense that they learned what went right in Sailor Moon and applied those lessons to a different kind of show.
Aiura 11
Moar sexy legs pls.
Why does the sexiest show this season have to be the shortest?