Still can't beat Love Live's sexy legs.
Dat chunk
Still can't beat Love Live's sexy legs.
Envelaap isn't on the hate faction though.So Kayos joins DTL and Envelope in the AnimeGaf Bebop hating faction.
You've shared this story before but it makes me cringe every time.When I was a teenager, my parents bought me a blind box Cowboy Bebop figurine at a book store because they knew I liked it, but when I opened it up and it was a Faye figurine, they forced me to flush it down the toilet because it was "slutty". Yeah...
Truth. <( ̄︶ ̄Plot is overrated and direction is everything.
Should I call you Hixokage or Hixtokage now. Pick your new name!I should be upset, but it's only :kayos.
This guyI assume by the posts that Hix is not Hitokage's new nickname... Who's Hix then?
Ended up showing family Wolf Children that night instead.I'm just happy for Hito that someone is actually delivering.
He was a shill for screen upscalers.Hix was a shill? I'd have never guessed.
Tell me more.Laugh fap is something everyone must experience.
This sounds like one of the greatest things ever.
PM plz.I still remember the name of the video if that's what you want.
In regard to Cowboy Bebop being episodic, Big O's two seasons can give you a taste of what a show is like if it takes both a episodic and an over arching storyline approach.
PM plz.
<3Check your PMs
Should I call you Hixokage or Hixtokage now. Pick your new name!
This guy
Tie sakuga.
Tie sakuga.
In the case of Saionji it's refering to datedness, or long bygone eras and frames of mind. In the case of Miki it's referring to the "spira mirabilis", aka the golden ratio of which you find plenty examples in nature. It highlights Miki's talent and reputation as prodigy while also giving commentary on how that which he longs for (ie his sister's music) is an extinct ideal.I'll pay closer attention just as soon as you explain to me how Ammonites describe both Saionji AND Miki. Cuz I can't get my brain around how ammonites apply to anything in this show, yet.
Oh I think there's plenty to analyse!
I can't stop watching it.
And this is why discussing Utena in the context of a thread is better than in PM.[Utena]
In the case of Saionji it's refering to datedness, or long bygone eras and frames of mind. In the case of Miki it's referring to the "spira mirabilis", aka the golden ratio of which you find plenty examples in nature. It highlights Miki's talent and reputation as prodigy while also giving commentary on how that which he longs for (ie his sister's music) is an extinct ideal.
Where's the smaller half. Don't tell me she has committed the great tie sin and tucked it in between two button holes!Tie sakuga.
I can't wait til it's time to analyse Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery with corvo!And this is why discussing Utena in the context of a thread is better than in PM.
I can't wait til it's time to analyse Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery with corvo!
Looking forward to this as well. Never really talked J.A. Caesar lyrics with Utena.I can't wait til it's time to analyse Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery with corvo!
I've never played the GC Fire Emblems. I've only played Fire Emblem 7, the one for the DS with terrible, horrible, awful face art, and Fire Emblem Awakening.
And I'm pretty sure I hated that Niacentric episode.
Ridget or Bellows. Leaning toward Ridget because she hasn't been shown to have feelings for Worst Guy Pinion.
Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame. I wanna see Hirano and Saeko kill more zambulies.
Kaname's way better than Tessa. Tessa doesn't even shine as a character to me until after the end of the anime.
Okay, just so I'm completely certain: Lord Stark never actually says "Brace Yourselves, Winter Is Coming" does he? Because I don't remember the Brace Yourselves bit and that's the part that seems to have caught on for some reason.
Sometimes I worry that if I watch too many bad anime I'm going to wind up like Novid. Speaking of, where is Novid? It's been too long since he posted.
[Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon S] 125
That was draining.Hotaru's story touches on some of the parental issues that I thought were seriously missing from Chibi-Usa's tragedy at the end of R down right to our damsel in distress becoming a hot sexy villainess who in the end is obliterated by the power of love (and special effects sakuga). Professor Tomoe (?) is just a better suited character to elicit the kind of emotions that come with this type of plot than Usagi and Mamoru, whose parentage to Chibi-Usa was mostly played for the shock revelation and that's that.
I've been wanting a confrontation between the Outer and Inner Senshi for a long time, but the preview made it look like it was gonna be a budget episode with :wonzo faces.I hope it was just that one shot... Well, at least I got some sexy Neptune and Uranus. I feel bad about it, too!
So depressing... have some moé Hotaru instead!
I like Accel World more as well, but that has more to do with it having a slight henshin hero element to it... and I'm a sucker for those.
Sounds awesome, didn't know about this.
but traveling all the way to Paris sounds to hardcore for me,never been to anything anime related before.
edit:Sorry took a while to see that.
Seriously Time of eve looks & sounds like another one of those sad otaku wish fulfillment waifu things(my robot waifu can't be this kawaii).
Thighura 1-11
Good enough.
When I was a teenager, my parents bought me a blind box Cowboy Bebop figurine at a book store because they knew I liked it, but when I opened it up and it was a Faye figurine, they forced me to flush it down the toilet because it was "slutty". Yeah...
Seems like my fears about the bad art were justified. Rather, it was very stiff animation, which is very anticlimactic after the fabulous final confrontation. Those fifteen seconds of sakuga were great, though!
The heroines are not any smarter. Wait until you see what the writers try to pass as drama in the next episode.Smile Precure 42
These villains are dumb as bricks. 42 episodes of having this line of attack be open and just now you think of doing it? Zoicite got on that shit the next day.
Better to do that than take the Spider-Man 2 route!Smile Precure 42 (continued)
Oh bullshit.Fucking weak.You finally get to THAT moment in any double-life story and you just fucking handwaved it.
Weren't thoseBetter to do that than take the Spider-Man 2 route!"We won't tell anyone, we promise!"
Binbougami ga! 9-13 END
Well, it got a bit more standalone after a bit, but entered the whole deal of Momiji being clean, and Ichiko realizing that she needs crazy people to be at peace. Don't we all.
As for how well it did as an adaptation, it did pretty well actually. More than what I can say for some other ones like... Attack on Stillshots. No real filler or anything, and it made Nadeshiko more noticible. She was apparently in almost every chapter up until her real introduction, but she didn't "stick" out like she did here, probably because I became more aware, or there was a decision to make this more obvious. It never detracted from the anime though.
It's pretty over the top for what it is, considering breaking walls while jumping out into the air is the "norm" or at least it is for Ranmaru. Think I'll continue reading now from where I left off. And Jojo as well.
I'm sure some people here would like this!
Not sure if old or not but
I'm sure some people here would like this!
Did ZachDeKoromaru steal your account? What happened to your avatar?
Marketing department assked me to stand out more.Did ZachDeKoromaru steal your account? What happened to your avatar?
Marketing department assked me to stand out more.
Butt I'll consider reverting.
hmmm... tried to make my avatar feel like something out of a gba licensed game... not sure it worked out completely :/
Everything in this posts tells me you would greatly appreciate the second season a lot more. More laid back and address some of the grievances you have.K-On! 10-13
Another beach camp episode and it's inferior to the first one at that. This one was more akin to another of Azusa's research on the K-On! group and its varying members. Sadly for it, I had already been familiarized with them previously and there was little need for a recap on that front. Azusa's connections with the group on a whole feel superficial and overly observational. It's a notably weak episode for what it should have accomplished.
The entirety of episode 11 was simply an annoying drag.
Episode 12 is satisfactory . It has a gathering in the club room, a concert and even has more dress-up.
I'm completely puzzled by the notion that an episode handled Ritsu and didn't turn out completely terrible (like episode 11). Its focus on the group separated also made for much stronger direction than most of the previous episodes ever managed. It also had little-to-no obnoxiously awful background music. This was one of the best episodes of the whole series.
K-On! Special 14 [END]
Unfortunately, this episode has some of the weak tracks from prior episodes. Yet, it was still surprisingly good. The group meeting with other groups was a positive dynamic for the series to touch on. These past two episodes have managed periods of a tame tone yet have managed to be much less laborious to sit through while being more entertaining than the gags in 1-12.
Overall, the series constantly walks a thin, shaky line in quality. There are moments when the interactions and developments are worthy of enjoyment, but the more often weak and long-lasting periods with the group really test the nerves. Most of the conversing isn't executed in a meaningful or skilled manner either (even during character-focused episodes), making it an issue of execution as much as content.
The original soundtrack is also very poor and at times actively distracting. In a show even slightly revolving around music, I would expect that field to be handled with more care. Unfortunately for my ears, it is not the case. This aspect is something I noticed more on this repeat watch than in my initial viewing. The show itself is how I remembered it from those years ago. In perspective of Kyoto Animation, I don't enjoy it remotely to the degree of Nichijou or even Festival Arc Hyouka, but it's somewhat acceptable.
Yeah, it's a thing.Ura-ON! 1-7
This existed.
Marketing department assked me to stand out more.
Butt I'll consider reverting.
When S2 comes along, this is his character design:
Edit: Removed because I guess it's spoilerific
I feel like a group of people needa voltron a picture into 4 or so separate avatars (head, chest, butt, thighs, legs etc).
Kinda like how some lewd japanese companies do Trophies on psn.