Friendly reminder that he is one of Meduka Meguca's biggest supporters.
being anti-feminist is suffering
Friendly reminder that he is one of Meduka Meguca's biggest supporters.
Well who's left?
Didn't G Gundam already do this? Will it also be piloted by a horse?
I think this is closer to another recent dumb Sunrise mecha design:
I'm being serious. What's ftfy?
i'm still sad :roymustang and :doggypoo never caught on ;_;
Fuunsaiki was 100% thoroughbred horse mecha. Whole different ballgame from this ugly bastard.
I'm sure the old meaning of :firehawk can replaced with :scarf or something.
Fuunsaiki was 100% thoroughbred horse mecha. Whole different ballgame from this ugly bastard.
People get what they need out of AnimeGaf. Sometimes its episode impressions, sometimes its gifs but most of the time its to kill time chatting about cartoons.
I mean, at this point, the thread moves soooo fast and we're so insular that anyone brave enough to come in must REALLY like reading all this crap.
:corvo :kayos :chet :duckroll
translate plz
pick me pick me
outlandish stream of conciousness impressions
Didn't G Gundam already do this? Will it also be piloted by a horse?
I think this is closer to another recent dumb Sunrise mecha design:
Friendly reminder that he is one of Meduka Meguca's biggest supporters.
Mine's pretty easy, but doesn't really reflect myself as a poster.Well who's left?
I demand a link to the full image of peaceiscloser's avatar. Lyn <3
You know who else supported Madoka? Hitler.
I think this is closer to another recent dumb Sunrise mecha design:
Because zerochan is weird and has problems linking stuff, I'll just link the page I found it on:
I cropped out Lyn and got rid of Roy for my avatar
You know what? I'm taking you up on this tonight.
Followup reading if/when you do.The show rips off Mad Max fairly liberally (as its creators admit to in the notably entertaining commentary track). Though Director credit was initially given to Hayato Ikeda, the truth is that it was really Koichi Ohata's work all along, and he was so young and inexperienced that the producers brought Ikeda in for appearances. In fact, Ohata was only 23 when he made Geist, and he pretty clearly had no idea how to tell a story. He and screenwriter Riku Sanjo pretty much approached the production as a collection of stuff they found to be "cool" without much regard as to how it came together. The animators, Ohata admits, were frustrated to the point of mutinous. Some scenes, such as the ultimate final battle, are so poorly laid out and colored that it's almost impossible to figure out what's happening.
Indeed, in its original state MD Geist was downright funny: it made almost no sense and had numerous registration errors. Characters erratically jump around the screen at least five times because the cells weren't properly aligned. One shot is so awkwardly animated that Geist's head appears to be flapping in the wind. Another features a guy being stabbed in the head, but then bleeding from his eyes. And then there's the ending, which crams such a ridiculous twist into the last 5 seconds that it seems like a mistake. Seven years later, Central Park Media sponsored a Director's Cut edition along with a sequel. Scenes were added and rearranged, the mistakes were smoothed over with video effects, and something resembling a coherent story emerged. (The American comic book adaptation by Tim Eldred was apparently used as a guide.) This elevated the show from "horrid" to "not so good:" the new animation simply looks nothing like the older stuff and it's actually even worse in quality, but the story actually kind of works.
Hey, I only talked like this when watching Code Geass.
Holy shit at that OP. Sounds so good. You've already got me, creators of this show.
- Gunslinger Girl 01
...but then I'm greeted by early 2000's chunky character designs. Shmehhhh
Here is the SAO packaging for Vol 1. Looks really good for SAO fans
Okay fuck this. Cancelling my PS4 order and gonna get all 4 volumes.
G Gundam has windmills and a buffalo shaped Gundam, but for all of that, I don't think it has any centaurs.
Because zerochan is weird and has problems linking stuff, I'll just link the page I found it on:
I cropped out Lyn and got rid of Roy for my avatar
Thanks! That's a really cute picture. Really love how Celica and Micaiah look too.
If only Hitler had lived in our modern era, he could have been a background artist for SHAFT.
No but it has a fish shaped one, Chariot riding one, and one that is part of a viking boat.
God I love G Gundam.
You know who else supported Madoka? Hitler.
You know what G Gundam doesn't have? A Gundam shaped like shame. Because in G Gundam, there is none to be found.
Leave it to Hitler to only save the blond one, leaving the rest to die.
i hope this picture doesn't ban me:I I'll remove it if too offensive
Leave it to Hitler to only save the blond one, leaving the rest to die.
i hope this picture doesn't ban me:I I'll remove it if too offensive
I thought he only liked Mami.
Curling irons.But Mami has curly hair, a suspiciously Jewish trait!
Its funny how firehawk12 loves everything mono no aware but shits on HanaIro because of a throwaway storyline. The HanaIro ending is quite a bit sadder than a graduation because for most of these people, they will NEVER meet each other again.
Waifu Emblem: Awakening-Robin ties the knot with Tharja, t-there is no going back. Guess they went with the Yandere route here eh?
Only thing I'm sad about is that there wasn't a Brazilian Gundam. Also the Portugal Gundam made no sense whatsoever hahahaha.
Waifu Emblem: Awakening-Robin ties the knot with Tharja, t-there is no going back. Guess they went with the Yandere route here eh?
This is pretty dumb...
But Mami has curly hair, a suspiciously Jewish trait!
Done goof'd, son. You shoulda wed Cordelia and you know it.
Brazilian Gundam would've been a bodacious amazon babe wielding a Soccer Ball. They'd named it Banana ReGundam for added effect. And yeah, I have no idea what Portugal and clowns have in common, but there isn't a competent way of making a king on a boat facing the opposite direction of his opponents into a Gundam. (So sorry, PR GAF)