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Spring Anime 2013 l OT One l All roads lead to this

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Free tags for everyone!


Suddenly it occurs to me that it's to be expected this show gets overlooked.

That might be my fault too, since I lack presence .

Ojamajo Doremi - 02

Child labor
. For kids!
Body change hijinks.
The disbelief of Doremi's family have of her doing any thing right or helpful, or to refuse a steak.
That flash animation when she was flying in her broom was bad.
Osaka is coming.


Bleh, I fell asleep yesterday evening completely by accident, before even eating dinner or watching any anime =/ I guess I'll just have to watch ALL THE ANIMES today to make up for it.

Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha - 03


This show is shameless. :lol

Quoting with image because goddamn that is hawt. Suddenly I feel an urge for Nanoha doujins. And that's silly, because I know I've already read so many Nanoha doujins in my time that I'm sick to death of them.

Creeper Art Online 19

I mean, 1, why attack their shields when there are huge holes in the shields you could stab their heads through? 2, why not fly over and hit them from behind? 3, since you've already PK'd some people in this game, why does it matter if your party dies here? Why does that stick with you but not the other thing?

With regard to 2),
flying doesn't work in caves. I believe because it's powered by sunlight.
With regard to 3),
the logical reason is that if they get killed here, they'll respawn all the way back at the Sylph home city which would be a setback to Kirito's goal of getting to the World Tree as quickly as possible. The real reason is that Kirito is and always has been an obsessive RPer who gets way too invested in game-worlds (see also how he hates letting NPCs die). And the trauma of having his party killed off for real that one time back in SAO makes party death a particular sticking point for him.

Can't really answer 1), though. I'll admit that the enemy strategy in this fight never seemed quite as foolproof the way it was depicted in the anime as it sounded in the novel.

Fucking snapped necks and bit people in two and now he says its fun. It's like the first fifteen episodes of this show just never fucking happened. Fuck this.

Hey, if you got to
transform into a demon
I bet you'd enjoy it too. Kirito has nothing against
killing enemies when they're just players who aren't actually going to die.
He loves that shit.


Clicking iquoted images to show full size finally works for me at least. It's like I've finally made it to the 21st century.


Something something new PV for Tamayura ~More Aggressive~. I think I felt calmer just from watching it.

Looks like they'll be introducing a lot of new characters, which should be nice.


Utena 10

Hahaha, Tengou is such a bastard.
Sets his best friend up for expulsion, is there to see him off, then takes the diary the guy had been keeping with the girl he was into and chucks it into a furnace. Whahahaha.

So uh, does Utena have feelings for Tengou? It kinda seems to me like she sorta does. Where does this show take place, exactly? I mean, sometimes it looks like Japan, and other times it looks like France. I dunno. You know, bitchy as Nanami is, its her friend with the dual ponytails that really irks me. Something about that girl's face just rubs me wrong.

Lawl, one slap and Anthy can't even stay standing. Good grief, is she ill, or does Nanami just slap with the force of a thousand imoutos? Also, I don't know why this took 10 episodes for me to realize, but Tengou is definitely Red Haired Sephiroth. That said, seeing him laugh at a cat messing with him is kinda off-putting, since he's kind of a super cruel guy.

Dude is like super two faced.

Yeah I got nothin' on what these lyrics are supposed to mean. Can I just take like, Utena 101 or something? GAT DAYUM. Not only does she not give a flip, she dual wields during the duel, too! HOooooo.


listen to the mad man
What's your stance on the current state of anime and moe* in general?

*For more info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moe_(slang)

Art style is not something that's really at all important to me, although I guess if I had a preference at all, the animation in "Kids on the Slope", from what I saw from a 30 second trailer of it last year or whatever, is pretty close to the style I visually like while still maintaining a very Japanese feel. I never did see the show in the end, I just liked the fluidity of the animation and the very real-world feel about it.

My sister really loved Azumanga Daioh so I guess when I think of "moe" I think of that. I don't know if that counts or not. This was many years ago, but I remember it being a little shrill and high energy for my liking. I'm a really really subdued, relaxed kind of person in general so probably an bad fit for the kind of, I don't know, emotional, emotive, expressive, high energy stuff that I would associate with that term. Like if I close my eyes and think of a character with a big mouth or that weird cultural trope of the streams of tears coming down the face like pillars or any of the other really expressive, sort of super deformed traits and the associated character or personality traits, that's not something I enjoy. I didn't really like people who acted like teenage girls when I was a teenager, and every year I get older I find that type of person more grating.

Ultimately the reason why I don't watch more anime is because there are a lot of themes that don't really resonate with me. When I do occasionally ask for recommendations from people I generally stress that I don't want: a warrior on a quest to power himself up and fight bigger bad guys; I have less than zero interest in badass military or mecha gear; I don't like nonsense pseudo-philosophical stuff; the supernatural; no big hair or ridiculous, campy character designs; no teen-oriented relationship stuff; no shrill or high pitched noises, a few other things. I also don't have any cultural attachment to Japan as a setting so unless it is brought to life in a really novel or interesting way (I loved Paprika, for example--I don't know if anime films count as anime for the purposes of this thread). So I feel like there are a lot of major themes don't really connect with me. That's cool though, I also don't like pro sports or whatever, live and let live.

Some of my favourite films include Dog Day Afternoon (crime drama that hinges on an anti-hero, gender and sexual orientation politics and culture post-Stonewall, really excellent construction of space, riveting performance by Pacino), Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (existential and very authentically philosophical, non-linear, heartbreaking, adult relationship), Groundhog Day (spiritual, contemplative, funny in a smart way). My favourite TV show is The West Wing (politics, breakneck dialogue, strong performances). I did like what I saw of Cowboy Bebop. I like all the Ghibli films I've seen, some more than others. I liked Tekkonkinkreet. The Girl who Lept Through Time. Dragona recommended me some anime about an archaeologist once but I can't remember what it was called now and I never was able to track it down.

I promise I'll leave you guys alone ;)


Hey, if you got to
transform into a demon
I bet you'd enjoy it too. Kirito has nothing against
killing enemies when they're just players who aren't actually going to die.
He loves that shit.

It has been 3 months since he was inside a virtual deathgame run by a certifiable madman where taking a life literally meant taking a life. That he does not pause and freak the fuck out after taking a life but instead REJOICES in having done so calls Kirito's entire character into question.

If Flit Asuno was the Adolf Hitler of protagonists, then Kirito's shaping up to be the Jack the Ripper. You don't bite someone in fucking half and laugh it off three months out of a situation where doing that would have literally killed that person.

Why is Kirito showing no fucking trauma at all from his experiences in SAO?


I promise I'll leave you guys alone ;)

If you put some effort into trying out some of the recommendations instead and posting about them, you could help improve the discussions here even more. :(

I wish you would watch something like Wings of Honneamise, Memories, or Jin-Roh, and drop by with nice impressions some day. They're movies, so you don't even have to commit to a full series! :(


The Light of El Cantare
Kiss Dum: Engage Planet 03:

oh fuck



THE TROLLING. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW. The entire battle in this episode was just the most hilariously cruel see-saw of everyone being saved, then being doomed, then being saved, then being doomed, and so on.

So all of the surviving units regroup for one final assault on the Hardians. Humanity is basically fucked if they lose this one. Pederast Roy Fokker shoots Aiba just to incapacitate him and Aiba spends most of the episode tied up in a cell angsting over AM I HUMAN OR AM I THE NECRODIVER bullshit, finally realizing that it doesn't fucking matter when Yuno gets attacked by a CG bug cloud. "Oh, I guess I'll save humanity after all, or something, because it's probably going to be hard to bang Yuno if the world is overrun with monsters."

Meanwhile, the resistance force has managed to deduce the location of the Hardian Queen due to some data extracted from a surviving intranet (because, you know, how else could you depict a final desperate assault?) and everybody suits up. The assault is strategically planned to begin at daybreak, because either Hardians are weak to sunlight or these futuristic fighter jets are really shitty in night combat. Not sure which. There are planes, there are tanks, there are mechs, everybody's ready to destroy this thing. Day breaks. This is their golden opportunity. And then?

The Hardian Queen, which is this giant tentacled fuck knows what with a female face with its eyes sewn shut, opens every orifice on its body and POURS OUT SO MUCH BLACK SMOKE THAT THE SUN IS BLOTTED OUT. Everybody's fucked, people are getting blown up, there's no hope. But then? ENTER AIBA, jumping a thousand feet out of a fighter jet because he's 2kool4skool. Necrodiver's here. Everyone's saved.

EXCEPT NO! He's a moron and forgot that he has to absorb weapons into his body to be able to fight, and all he has is the one bullet that Pederast Roy Fokker shot him with. Which he decides to blow up a random cloud of CG bugs with instead of, y'know, firing into the Hardian Queen's brain. Suddenly, a giant chasm opens for no particular reason around the Hardian Queen and virtually all of the grunt officers fall in at once, because humanity wasn't quite fucked enough. And here's where the fun really begins.

So, the main cast? At least among the pilots, there's Pederast Roy Fokker, shota kid, Lara Croft, and Not-Alto. At least, until Aiba fucks up with his bullet, all of the other soldiers die, and the Hardian Queen decides to casually, well, extend a bunch of carnivorous tentacles from her body at once and violently consume Roy, shota, and Lara. THEY'RE ALL DEAD. Aiba's protecting everyone about as well as a certain other character.

At this point, if everyone wasn't trolled enough, the director of Aiba's military unit makes an appearance atop the Hardian Queen, reveals that she had planted the data on the computer to lure everyone into a trap, and that she'd been working for the Hardians all along because something something nihilist bullshit. And to top it all off, the Hardian Queen has now captured Yuno, who was in the jet that Aiba jumped from but she had no clue how to pilot the jet once he was gone. Yuno falls out of the jet and gets tossed off the top of the skyscraper-sized Hardian Queen, and Aiba and Not-Alto, the only other surviving member of the cast and Yuno's manservant, both leap to catch her at the same time. Aiba gets knocked out of the way by a random piece of debris and Not-Alto doesn't catch Yuno. She falls into a pile of twisted wreckage.

Not-Alto, horrified, rushes out of his mecha to help her, and just as he reaches her, he gets devoured by a random eagle monster. DEAD. Aiba then rushes to Yuno only to find her broken and bloodied body in a pile of rubble. Aiba and Yuno have a tearful exchange, and Yuno entrusts a pendant that has a connection to the Book of the Dead to Aiba. Still determined to save Yuno, Aiba reaches his arm into the rubble to grab her hand and pull her out, but just as his hand is about to reach, another chasm opens and swallows Yuno into the depths. DEAD. Her disembodied foot twirls slowly in the air as Aiba watches in horror. EVERY SINGLE CAST MEMBER OTHER THAN AIBA IS DEAD, and dead because Aiba gets cockblocked at the very last moment every single time he tries to save someone. END EPISODE.

I was laughing my ass off by the end. Amazing. Like any such scenario there's no guarantee that
it's not just a fakeout
, but I won't feel cheated even if it is. At least for this moment, it was like watching a lost episode of

e: yeah I know that I basically wrote an essay regurgitating the plot but for anyone who wasn't going to watch the show anyway, it's necessary to illustrate why this episode left me with the reaction that it did.


'All the special features' being 'Clean opening animation', 'Clean closing animation' and 'Sentai trailers'? It's not like we're talking about some extensive documentaries here.
Well those still take some space, usually a lot of space, Disney's BDs have 10+GB of trailers iirc. And if the second disk is 25GB you are done.

I'm not one for doujins, surprisingly. The couple I have read were about Erica and there was one where Sanya had several tails that I can't recall.
I only read SW doujins when I was making March avatars. Also Null is the best even in doujins!


Yep, time to watch the SNAFU show.
Now I'm tempted to watch it but I must resist.

Six months ago, I bought my first ever anime BD.

Today, a package arrived that contained the final parts of my collection:

All hail DHL and their crazy fast shipping to the east coast. Now, the question is, what on earth do I do with these? The included printouts are cool (the "PzIV fibel" and the Firstspear short manga were definite winners) but the BDs themselves are kinda useless...
What to do? Send them over to me!

I just dropped $100 on the Time of Eve movie...
I dropped $145... I might go down to $80 or $100 though. Will have to think. I can get Porco Rosso with the extra cash...

Magic Knight Rayearth - 1 and done
Who the hell wrote this shi-CLAMP? The Clamp? CardCaptor Sakura Clamp?
You don't know your CLAMP it looks like.

Apparently you're right. I thought Lodoss was early 90s, but apparently that's just the OVA series and the TV series is 1998, which is slightly after Slayers.

fake edit: Lodoss-tou Senki? fuck you MAL
Hummingbird bro.
They suck too but in other ways.

Man, my own posts are highlighted light blue but the highlighted quotes are green. This is p. weird. At Least quote backlinks and shrinked images are fixed.
Do you use the quote script? Might be broken atm.

You can't escape the Web 2.0 revolution.

I like that quoted images can be toggled in size instead of having to hold down the mouse button.
You could drag a picture slightly on the old system and it would do the same thing. Until you scrolled sideways then it broke.

Having options for different colour palettes like the gamefaqs redesign would be cool.

Yeah, and look how often Duckroll does that!
Duckroll only fancies one tag :(

Dresden is drunk with power. IRC WASN'T ENOUGH FOR HIM!

In other news, Duckroll quits animegaf, leaving all responsibilities to Dresden.
All according to Keikaku.

All I did was make the OT.
The best part about this is that people credited duckroll for that while they still liked the show. Now that they hate it it you who made it :(

Suddenly it occurs to me that it's to be expected this show gets overlooked. That "unhappiest" is supposed to be "unluckiest".
I remember it always being unluckiest on mine.

Plenty of people read this thread but don't post in it~
I wonder if I have my own lurker fanclub! Say hi people!

There's no way Evilore reads this thread. We're still here, for one.
Mentioning his name is the fast way for getting him on here. Are you trying to get ass all killed?

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