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Spring Anime 2013 l OT One l All roads lead to this

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That is a good one yes.
Niiiice... Mr.Jeff will be proud now. :)

It's the 2nd model so the one with a longer barrel. Shame the nendoroid uses the barrel of the first.
You wanted the 'F2 type' for the Nendoroid? It is now on stock in a couple of places.

Also, I was going to recommend you this:


Not just because of the Model Graphix magazine guide with photos that I'm sure will be very helpful, but for the quality decals (I assume these are by Cartograph as well) it includes, I think only available on this offer from their web store, made for any 1/35 scale AFVs... one isn't limited to PLATZ re-badged kits!


Setec Astronomer
Ojamajo Doremi # 10




God damn.

This episode.


Niiiice... Mr.Jeff will be proud now. :)
You are both marked down as gentlemen of good taste! :monocle

I still don't get the hate for MAL...
The system itself is good but it's community are by and large the same type of retarded anime fan you would find in in youtube comments boxes.

When such a community spills over and starts doing things like changing the names of all the anime series to romanji because it's for the glory of the adopted motherland, it doesn't help itself set itself apart from the rest of the trash.

With Hummingbird (for now), each individuals page is only as bad as they choose to make it.


Setec Astronomer
Even ignoring the issues of management and DB nazis, MAL has a lot of room for improvement, and it's been in stasis for the most part.


Futari wa Precure Splash Star 18

This episode focused on:

- Michiru and Kaoru character development
- Minori being adorable as fuck

These are two of my favourite things in Splash Star. Best episode!

Then at the end of the episode,
Michiru and Kaoru secretly saved the Precures' lives. And they were all wistfully like "I wonder if the Cures would say 'thank you' if they knew what we did?" I KNEW YOU GUYS WERE AWESOME REALLY. Their development is following exactly the same path as Kiriya so far, and I could not be happier.

In short:


(First gif I ever made. I think it was worth it.)


It's the 2nd model so the one with a longer barrel. Shame the nendoroid uses the barrel of the first.

They need to release this mod.

(And that torso)
She is going to be tankless when she arrives I'm afraid. But it did come with a Miho sticker!
Oh. That really sucks :(

Niiiice... Mr.Jeff will be proud now. :)
You wanted the 'F2 type' for the Nendoroid? It is now on stock in a couple of places.

Also, I was going to recommend you this:


Not just because of the Model Graphix magazine guide with photos that I'm sure will be very helpful, but for the quality decals (I assume these are by Cartograph as well) it includes, I think only available on this offer from their web store, specifically for any 1/35 scale AFVs... one isn't limited to PLATZ re-badged kits!
So... You think senpai will notice me now? *blush*
Yeah it was pretty hilarious
especially the take on Full Metal Jacket as well as other parodies in it.

NTR induced murder sprees?


Setec Astronomer
Ojamajo Doremi # 10 (continued)

That episode was fucking meta. Episode about the girls reading a story in progress filling in their own ideas, while the show is absolutely packed with hints and hooks for the viewer to add their own to the episode itself!


I just want a future filled with Oshimi's beautiful swaying hair.
Don't worry, man... Mr. Yamashita's ending for From the New World already showed all the swaying hair capabilities of such software. As BahiJD explains:

BahiJD said:
The digital tablet animators mostly work on Flash, some people can‘t even imagine that you can create hand-drawn animation with that software. At the beginning you need some time to familiarize with the UI and “draw” on Flash and get the lines the way you want but it‘s possible. You just need to practice.

These are some beautiful shots by Shingo Yamashita made in Flash :


There are even anime feature films where some animators worked on flash, the production process is usually the same.
Still skimming posts to catch up but wow, why is Hitler anime fan art a thing?! If any despot deserves to be in anime it'd be Qaddafi, dude is just too fabulous. A Code Geass: Libya edition needs to be made featuring him.


Maturity, bitches.
You wanted the 'F2 type' for the Nendoroid? It is now on stock in a couple of places!
Well it wasn't at the time and since the difference is just the barrel I thought what the hell. Better to have something than nothing. I don't really need two of them HA HA. I'm most likely going to display her outside of the tank anyway. I could easily display her with the nendo tank barrel and I doubt anyone will realise that technically they don't go together, but I do prefer the longer barrel on my tanks. If they released the longer barrel with the tournament uniform that would be awesome mind.

It does come with the correct decals

EDIT: I just realised I gave the wrong impression. I got the F2 model. I'm saying it would be nice is the Nendo part was also in the F2 style. HA HA. Sorry for the confusion.

Oh. That really sucks :(
I don't mind.


Dude, he hasn't even watched Kids on the Slope, and he actually liked the trailer! I'm not counting on stump ever watching a full anime series.
One of the reasons I thought of Mushishi is that he wouldn't have to watch the full series. One episode is shorter than a movie!


Squabble over who the best girl is of course, it's the animegaf way. I'm leaning towards stalin-chan, those facial expressions are priceless. Though Pol Pot's throne of skulls is pretty baller.
Stalin is indeed ballin' in there. There were more complete scans posted yesterday over here btw which is what I was commenting on. I should check if I can buy this book actually.



Oh Japan. I love you so much.

Must...not...be attracted to...loli Hitler...

Futari wa Precure Splash Star 19

Oh hey, it's like one of the "magic notebook" episodes from Futari wa and Max Heart. Except better, because this is Splash Star and it makes all the things awesome.

Michiru and Kaoru, still trying their best to be evil, decide that since the Cures' power comes from their friendship, they should try and ruin their friendship to make them weaker. So after noting that Saki and Mai have made plans to meet after school, they steal each of the Cures' most precious possessions - Saki's softball glove and Mai's sketchbook.

Just as planned, the Cures are so preoccupied searching for their missing items that they forget all about their promise to meet each other for a while. The first to remember is Saki, who rushes to the school gate to find Mai, but Michiru and Kaoru greet her instead, and inform her that Mai is heartbroken because she lost her precious notebook and Saki forgot their promise, all in the same day. So Saki walks home dejected.

Then Mai remembers, but Michiru and Kaoru intercept her as well, and inform her that Saki forgot all about her and went home on her own, probably because she lost her precious softball glove. So Mai goes home depressed as well.

That night, each of the Cures places a precious note inside her pencilcase - Saki a note to remind her of her plans to apologise to Mai the next day, and Mai a beautiful sketch of Saki that serves a similar purpose. And overnight, the mystical spirits respond to the strong feelings that lie within these notes, and transform both girls' pencilcases into MAGICAL ITEMS.

Saki and Mai have trouble finding an opportunity to talk the next day, but it turns out that the magical items are for making wishes to the spirits, so each of them writes down a secret wish on the pencilcases' wishing-paper. Then, as Michiru and Kaoru watch in interest, Dorodoron launches an attack on the Cures. Far from being weakened, the Cures display more power than ever, defeating Dorodoron's latest Uzaina almost effortlessly. A quick look at the wishes they wrote reveals why - each of them wished
that the other would find her lost precious item
! D'awwwwwww. So they apologise and everything is HAPPINESS AND RAINBOWS.

But the episode saves the best part for last: Michiru and Kaoru, amazed by the strength of the Cures' POWER OF FRIENDSHIP, wonder what they should do with the stolen items, and conclude that they "have no use for them any more". So the items conveniently turn up in the Cures' clubrooms like they had been there all along!

tl;dr Michiru and Kaoru are the most tsundere villains ever.
Even ignoring the issues of management and DB nazis, MAL has a lot of room for improvement, and it's been in stasis for the most part.

I thought they had some weird rules or rather odd enforcement (never understood size restrictions for images for the character posts and anime/manga images, limited posts to one image per post), and for the database, genre editing should be allowed by users, and there seems to be little control for cleaning out duplicates of series with a jpn and eng name (1 2)


Subete no aware
Space Bros 63

It's weird. I'm still bothered by the fact that the manga-like pacing just doesn't work well with the 30-minute anime format, but the flip side is that they probably have at least another year of material to go through if they go at the rate that they've been going, so the show can presumably go for as long as it's still popular.
I guess in that respect, I should be happy they don't make 1-hour anime nowadays.


If they released the longer barrel with the tournament uniform that would be awesome mind.
With the popularity of the franchise I'm sure they will take all the opportunities they can to release new product variants like that, oh yeah.

There's no doubt that Flash is a legitimately great tool when used correctly.
Yep. After all, the problems come when sometimes one can indulge too much on the shortcuts it can provide, but as with many other powerful tools all depends on how much the individual user can really take advantage of it. It is a shame it acquired a bit of bad fame overall.
Ohh, there's a spoiler button.

I already approve of the change.

Date A Live

Fuck Toobitchy. Worst fucking character ever. Bitch should've died. Nothing redeeming at all about her. The only thing that will suck about season 2 is that this fucking character will still be around.

That final scene of her
strapped to the bed
was pretty good.


It's weird. I'm still bothered by the fact that the manga-like pacing just doesn't work well with the 30-minute anime format, but the flip side is that they probably have at least another year of material to go through if they go at the rate that they've been going, so the show can presumably go for as long as it's still popular.
I guess in that respect, I should be happy they don't make 1-hour anime nowadays.

Hey, Katanagatari was only three years ago, and that managed to run for a full year with hour-long episodes!

...Admittedly it got away with that by adapting an already-complete LN series. AND only airing one episode a month. =p


Subete no aware
Hey, Katanagatari was only three years ago, and that managed to run for a full year with hour-long episodes!

...Admittedly it got away with that by adapting an already-complete LN series. AND only airing one episode a month. =p

Heh, I'd almost be okay if Space Bros was biweekly with hour long episodes, but obviously that just doesn't work for broadcast reasons.


The new CM for KILL la KILL after the final episode of Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann (on June, 29) we've been waiting for:

Twitter / kill_la_kill: 来週土曜(29日)、グレンラガン再放送の最終回にて新CMを放 ...


Space Bros 63

It's weird. I'm still bothered by the fact that the manga-like pacing just doesn't work well with the 30-minute anime format, but the flip side is that they probably have at least another year of material to go through if they go at the rate that they've been going, so the show can presumably go for as long as it's still popular.
I guess in that respect, I should be happy they don't make 1-hour anime nowadays.

Man, before I knew it I stopped watching Space Bros. week-by-week and then cold turkey. I couldn't catch up.

cosmicblizzard won the bet (with me)!
I guess you didn't read enough of that post.

Oh I did, it's just I never expected Stalin-chan to be so much cuter. Also not nearly enough to gold to accurately distill Qaddafi in moe form. Not liking the lack of Churchill either but I guess he's too popular to be lumped in with dictators rather than just larger than life historical figures.


Futari wa Precure Splash Star 20

More Minori being adorable and more Michiru/Kaoru development?! Hnnnnnghhhh...I'm not sure if I can handle much more of this!

I can certainly empathise with Kaoru. Minori is, like, the embodiment of goodness and happiness and wonderful. And she really likes her Kaoru-oneechan. If Minori smiled at me like that, I'd happily abandon everything I believed in for her too. Not content with just eroding Kaoru's Evil alignment, this episode Minori even makes her
. Almost imperceptibly, but it happened, I swear! Michiru even commented on it!

Oh, and I almost forgot...

Third villain down! Fountain of Earth restored! Queen Filia message get! Zekkouchou nari~!
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