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Spring Anime 2013 l OT One l All roads lead to this

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The last thing you want waking you up in the morning after marathoning something like School Days is 50,000 people rushing into your apartment being culturally vanilla. "Hey, did you guys ever play ZELDA for the N64? YEAH! That was a fun game!"

I wanted to go all School Days on them.

Impressions of School Days never really seem to get old. This is a more subdued take on it though. Maybe it really has run its course.

I prioritized rushing through it, so maybe my review wasn't quite as amusing as it could have been lol. Also I think I've just become desensitized to the stuff in School Days, being awful at VNs myself and having become acquainted with bad endings haha.
I had fun though!
You should have given it to me!
You know, I've never been harassed a single time on any other forum for my choice of avatar, even forums that arguably attract an even more mainstream userbase. There is a particular culture of hyper-masculinity that has taken root here and anything that violates that heteronormative space even slightly is violently shouted down. It's why I simply avoid OT altogether; my opinion isn't worth anything to them and theirs isn't worth anything to me.

Whoever said that NeoGAF was made up of the most conservative liberals on the internet was right.
Well have you ever noticed how a lot of the "OT regulars" say that they don't go into the gaming side anymore because it's so easy to get banned there? That's pretty telling.
Hell, Kabouter is still a mod, and he's on record doing the hurrr hurrr anime avatars thing.
Man, there are so many mods now that I've never seen like half of them.


A Good Citizen
I think he was seen as being condescending due to his references to older literature and somewhat obscure films that most other people haven't read or seen. Those references make other people view him as a know-it-all out to lord his superior knowledge over everyone else, as in this post.

An unfortunate situation, to be sure.
That thread is heartbreaking. Midbrow know-nothings get their inferiority complex all fired up and a genuinely substantial poster gets the boot.

I mean he was certainly an abrasive poster (I didn't care for him at first), but once I realized that was just his way of posting along with genuinely good posts, I warmed up to him. What a shame. Seriously considering just leaving this place entirely since I see what sort of "discussion" is encouraged, as well as what's punished.



ololol. That would be a silly article even if the packaging did claim the cookies were homemade (oh my god, you mean these cookies weren't actually made by a fictional character?!) but it's extra-silly because I can't see anything on those packages that claims that.

The Kotori package just says "contains 6 heart-shaped cookies", whilst the Asuna box says "contains Asuna's homemade-style cookies". Calling something "homemade-style" is basically tantamount to saying "NOT actually homemade".

EDIT: Also, +1 to the "Tamerlane shouldn't have been banned and that anime avatar hater should have been".


The Light of El Cantare
AnimeGAF cries out for blood. Who will respond?

Well have you ever noticed how a lot of the "OT regulars" say that they don't go into the gaming side anymore because it's so easy to get banned there? That's pretty telling.

Hold conversation in an environment where there's an actual possibility of being held accountable for being a dick? well fuck that
Devil survivor - 12

Alright episode but still i can't help but think that this show would have been MUCH MUCH better with 26 eps instead of 13.

The way things were adapted is kinda weird with characters having screen time only to kill them afterwards. This usualy doesn't bother me , but you don't feel like the characters alive learn from what happenned & bad thing just happen.

EP 12 however was better than ep 11 ( that just wiped half of the remaining cast JUST BECAUSE ) and now the 2/3 of what was remaining is gone too.

Still at least they tried to use as many monsters as possible but they only feel unused properly as a result ..so i guess , unless ep 13 give me the most impressive finale ever, i'll say "meh" and i have no intention of playing the game.


Subete no aware
Didnt know it was out in the west. Hopefully its picked up in America, the only non Eva/Naruto anime movie that I actually was looking forward to seeing this year.
Heh, I guess if you squint, there's some subtext! lol

Another reminder in addition to BluWacky's for me to check this out.
OMG. YES! Time for me to watch this! YAY!
Good times!

Well that sounds somewhat obtuse but that's exactly what I'd expect from the director of Mōryō no Hako! I really do recommend you check out his work in the anime series which adapted a number of classic Japanese literary texts, Aoi Bungaku. He directed episode 9 - 10 which was an adaptation of Run, Melos!. It's pretty great.
I always meant to check out Moryo no Hako and Aoi Bungaku. If nothing else, the movie moves those shows up in the eternal backlog.

Cross Days is only fun to hear about, not to actually play. :(
I think that's probably why it sounds like it'd be amazing to play!


Gargantia 12 has officially turned the show into a cartoon. I guess that's fine, since I stopped really caring two weeks ago, but man... this feels like something that was ripped out of a copy of Starlog or Asimov from 30 years ago.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
The nanoha universe is a very little variation on that game. the only difference between the 2 is that nanoha father is dead in that game and that will lead to some very bleak and unforgiving events.

Just so you know.

Everyone in the family except nanoha is a highly trained assasin ( well nanoha mother is a chef , but that doesn't make her any less a threat ) , but they primary worked as bodyguards. Nanoha sister is part of the familly but not a true blood relative.
In the original game , nanoha father dies ( nanoha mother was preganant at the time ) during work as a result of a bomb. This lead to a serie of events with a vicious origanisation ( clover ) doing some pretty bad things ( nanoha brother is the protagonist of the game ). As result the brother and sister are quite close and ...well i don't need to give you more details ..

In the nanoha universe, the events leading to the father death never happenned. ( Either the clover organisation doesn't exist or it was throughly destroyed ) i think it's the later because nanoha sister ( miyuki ) is still adopted in the takamichi familly.
The result is simple: nanoha grew-up in a loving familly while the 2 other relatives learned the way of the sword (Mikami-ryuu and Fuwa-ryuu sword styles)

Regardless of your continuity , nanoha is never involved in any conflict and is totally unaware of her familly past.Still , given the hints in season 1 of nanoha it seems that the big brother is still in a vague triangle relationship ( and one of the girls involved is miyuki ) Just so you know the original game is "triangle hearts " so the protagonist being in a triangle relationship is well the main point of those games .

So there you go , nanoha quit a familly of ninjas , bodyguards , badass sword masters to become a magical girl.

Oh... wow. O_O


So because some may perhaps feel cheated by my scathing review of the final episode of Sword Art Online last night, I thought I'd take the time to explain, without hyperbole, vitriol or coarse language, how I really feel about the show.

The simplest explanation comes foremost, for those looking to skip this post: The first 14 episodes of the show are okay, but stupid. Episodes 15-24 are the worst thing I've ever seen an anime do to itself ever. The 25th episode is also okay.

Moving more in depth from there, though, I guess I'll go at it piece by piece. The show's animation and music were okay, although CG is not my thing at all, and I felt gipped by most action sequences. That said, I'd say that the way characters moved was mostly okay, and in fact Sugou's interactions were the saving grace of the 10 episodes I hated, since they got across the idea of a man trying to rape a teenage girl well enough. The first OP and ED were considerably better than the 2nd, and the duel music was pretty nice, too.

As to the supporting cast, while it is fun to say that Egil and Klein and Lizbeth were better characters than the lead cast, its also unfair, as none of them spend nearly as much time on screen as the lead. That said, Klein, Egil and Lizbeth were memorable, enjoyable faces that made those first 14 episodes what they were.

Regarding Light Novels, while I harumphed at cnet many times, his knowledge of them did fill in the gaps that the anime never touched and did answer some questions which the anime would eventually answer. The thing is that, as a fan of Full Metal Panic! I can't treat LNs as canon to an anime adaptation since there's often quite a bit of disparity.

The plot of the first 14 episodes is relatively harmless as well. As was discussed when I noted that it reminded me of Digimon and others have stated with the dothack comparisons, the premise of kids trapped in a digital world is nothing particularly groundbreaking, but its an appealing and safe choice to make your story work. The arc's conclusion was bafflingly mishandled, though, and this was the beginning of my actual discontent with the show.

I'll readily throw out that the chief problem was that Kayaba suddenly had no pressing motivation. I cannot describe the feeling without any hyperbole, so please forgive me this once, but it was something like if the Count of Monte Cristo had had Mondego pleading at Dantes' feet for an explanation for all this carnage and suffering he had inflicted on him and his associates, only for the Count to shrug and go "Idk lol." It was immensely disappointing, and to see it never explained over the course of the show was upsetting.

That said, the following area of the show suffered greatly due to a waste of potential I'll discuss in a moment. First, though, the romance. I want to say Kirito and Asuna was an an endearing relationship which won me over in spite of myself, but that would be a lie. Asuna was an endearing girlfriend who won me over in spite of myself. Kirito is the Bella Swan of anime protagonists. He's a blank slate that any guy in the target demographic can slip into and pretend he is. He has no personality beyond what the viewer decides he has. He doesn't react to the life he takes, to Suguha's confession, to Asuna's needs in any distinct way. Instead he reacts in a neutral way so that the viewer can decide that "Yes, Kirito comforted Asuna here because he loved her" or "No, Kirito said nothing to Asuna here and only held her because he doesn't love her and doesn't know how to say it." and so on. Asuna was endearing, Kirito was tepid.

So I think at this point I've discussed why the first 14 episodes, barring the failure to climax, were an okay, if stupid show for teens. The last episode was good because aside from one moment I will discuss further down, it was a decent emotional payoff to the arc and as satisfactory a conclusion as the show could hope to have. Now let's talk about why the Alfheim Arc didn't work.

Frankly, it didn't feel like the same show. Beginning with the wasted potential, there was just so much they could have done there which would have made the show better. Showing Kirito cope with a world in which he was neither powerful nor notable would have been a smart choice, or making the tone more serious as he focused on trying to save Asuna. Ultimately, though, it felt as if Aincrad should have lasted a full season and Alfheim been saved for a second season, at which point the cast of Alfheim would have had a chance to develop and a much needed examination of Kirito's psyche after the things he went through in SAO and his return to the real world could have been done.

Next is the character of Suguha/Leafa. I'm all for introducing a romantic false lead for the hero as he tries to save the heroine. Full Metal Panic does this twice to great effect. Making that character the hero's younger sister is the worst decision possible, though. As a girl in the middle of a quest to save a heroine she was already bound for Worst Girl status from the get go, because audiences are bound not to like a woman who stands in the way of an OTP. But there was no reason for Suguha to also be Kirito's sister. Making her his cousin did not alleviate this situation at all and in fact may have aggravated it. You can argue that my dislike of incest relationships is a product of a western culture, but I sincerely doubt the average Japanese guy isn't going to be as repulsed by the thought of dating his sister as I am. Either way, it was unnecessary, and Suguha's tantrums and character consumed entirely too much of the time that should have been spent on developing Kirito. It was so bad that in the last scene of the show, Kirito is dancing around in the starlit, romantic atmosphere with his sister, and not the woman he wed and spent all this time trying to save.

Then there was the tentacle rape. What possible need was there for those guys to be shown as purple tentacle slugs? I cannot see a reason for it, in story nor out. More to the point, though, when we already have Sugou trying to rape and molest Asuna every single episode, why do I need to see two slug men doing it, too? What was the point of seeing Asuna bite down on a phallic purple tendril at all?

There's also the fact that at the end of the show, Kirito brutally savages his nemesis, then accepts encouragement from and delivers praise to a mass murderer. That scene was so far beyond sane that I could not believe my eyes.Nothing about that was okay.

The Alfheim arc also spends too much time building up this situation of tenacious racial politics and an attempt on the World Tree, only for a very small group of players to break through with relative ease and for Kirito to literally skip the heavily advertised dungeon. It feels like an entire plot is just cut in favor of rushing a finale after squandering so much time on a race feud that served literally no importance to the plot.

TL;DR version of this is again that Ep 1-14 and 25 are okay, but Ep 15-24 are truly awful. Reasons being incest, waste of potential, waste of time, tentacle rape and praising a mass murderer, just off the top of my head.


Subete no aware
I'm wondering how many more pro tips you have on this kind of material!

I don't know if anything delights in shitting on its reader as much as Cross Days. It's truly one of the greatest fuck yous that I've ever seen. If you think School Days shits on its source material, Cross Days shits on the franchise. And it did it to the people who paid money for more of the franchise!
I don't know if anything delights in shitting on its reader as much as Cross Days. It's truly one of the greatest fuck yous that I've ever seen. If you think School Days shits on its source material, Cross Days shits on the franchise. And it did it to the people who paid money for more of the franchise!

Have you actually read it?


I don't know if anything delights in shitting on its reader as much as Cross Days. It's truly one of the greatest fuck yous that I've ever seen. If you think School Days shits on its source material, Cross Days shits on the franchise. And it did it to the people who paid money for more of the franchise!

Oh wow.

Saving it for SAO S2. =D

Firehawk12 Pro Tips 2. I'll have it Day 0 pre-ordered on Amazon JP!

But what is it about?


For example, this silly hat.


There's no pretending here.

School Days is certainly not brilliantly written. From a character motivation and pure, realistic, plot sense, it doesn't work very well. That's a problem with a lot of television, though, so having leaps in character logic isn't a deal breaker.

What School Days does brilliantly, though, is the build up. It's cleverly paced in a lot of ways. It starts harmlessly enough, but then the events start stacking up. You see the horrible consequences coming from a mile away, but you're never sure how horrible things will get.

And, the thing about that show is I think a lot of the female characters are sort of likable. Unlike the piece of shit main dude, you don't really want to see horrible things happen to them. You don't want to see them dragged to hell with him. The ending events carry some emotional weight because it isn't just Mokoto's life that's screwed, it's everyone around him. I found that to be pretty effective.

Yeah, I actually do think School Days is worth watching for the actual show rather than just the shock value of the ending. It's not brilliant by any stretch, but it pulls off some interesting character moments that make the short running span worth going through.


No, no. "Silly" IS Glass Fleet's genre!

I . . . see . . .

The time when he went beastie.

Eh, I guess. That whole scene was pretty WTF, though, since Kirito's power to be a monster is never brought up again, never explained, and seeing him revel in killing people so soon after leaving a world where it meant they would have died for real was a big complaint of mine with that arc.

Space Opera.

Thank you.


I'm still trying to figure out what the hell happened at the end of Glass Fleet 12. My best explanation is still that
God hates Cleo.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
[Attack on I'm out of Jokes for this Boring Show] - 12

The pacing for this entire arc has been atrocious and there's no light at the end of the tunnel. I have nothing positive to say about this episode accept that I suppose it could have been as bad as episode 10.
But is it as bad as the Island/Africa arcs in Nadia?


Well, I'm sure glad that I've never been harrased about my choice of Avatar. Of course, I bet the time it will happen I'll be sent on a forced vacation from Gaf.

not sure if posted: love lab pv

I have serious issues keeping myself to my word apparantly. From two summer shows to four and now five thanks to this probably.
Watch me finish like half of them.


Tragic victim of fan death
Eh, I guess. That whole scene was pretty WTF, though, since Kirito's power to be a monster is never brought up again, never explained, and seeing him revel in killing people so soon after leaving a world where it meant they would have died for real was a big complaint of mine with that arc.

Kirito is super nerdy. He acts in-character and goofs off like an idiot. He's very... what's the word.... moronic. At the same time, he focuses on what's important to him and disregards everything else. Often times it's his principles and Asuna. So... yeah.


Nerawareta Gakuen
To say that the film is obtuse is probably bit of an understatement. Though it's not quite a Malick film, there really isn't much of a narrative for the audience to follow. Rather, it's a string of chronologically linear scenes connected to each other via a metaplot that is always differed. Only the characters really know what is actually going on in the world and it is up to the audience to try to piece together whatever story they can out of the glimpses that they are allowed by the director.

To get back to the argument discussion those of us who saw in back in October were having, it's hard to tell, from the perspective of someone who hasn't grown up in Japan, whether this is actually the deliberate directorial intent behind the movie.

The movie is a lot like The Girl Who Leapt Through Time in as much as it's basic structure is taken from an original short story, but then it's shifted into a pseudo-sequel state and developed upon. The difference is that whilst TGWLTT built upon the narrative of the original story with it's own additional content in order to actually produce something with an actual narrative depth, NeraGaku seems to take the approach of deliberately being as subversive about it as possible, veering off in odd directions at key moments.

There's also a few things in there which you suggest that only the characters know about, but the fact is that at least a few of those are references back to the original work, and given that NeraGaku has been adapted several times in other Japanese media, there's probably the expectation that the native Japanese audience can pick up on those. Believe me, I was awfully confused when I saw it too, but there's a lot which becomes a fair bit clearer with a bit of background research.

Meh, I need to actually get around to watching the movie again now that there's subs out there. Waiting for my BD to turn up, though. I should probably get around to watching that old schlock exploitation movie version it was a pain in the arse to find on DVD at some point, too.
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