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Spring Anime 2013 l OT One l All roads lead to this

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Kirito is super nerdy. He acts in-character and goofs off like an idiot. He's very... what's the word.... moronic. At the same time, he focuses on what's important to him and disregards everything else. Often times it's his principles and Asuna. So... yeah.

So I've been told, but I don't see how he manages to have no mental trauma from SAO when it was so recent a thing.


Tragic victim of fan death
So I've been told, but I don't see how he manages to have no mental trauma from SAO when it was so recent a thing.

While most people might associate VR games with trauma, Kirito probably didn't since he saw Kayaba as the source of it, not the game itself. In all honesty, idk.


Meh, I need to actually get around to watching the movie again now that there's subs out there. Waiting for my BD to turn up, though. I should probably get around to watching that old schlock exploitation movie version it was a pain in the arse to find on DVD at some point, too.

Same director as Hausu! Yes, the film does include such wonders as this:


And no, it won't help much with understanding the NeraGaku anime, given that it is ALSO an alternate take on the original story! I need to try and track down the Messiah From The Future drama adaptation at some point...


Where are the season 2 announcements, SAO s2, Accel World s2, Horizon 3, and more JJBA... :(

God I want the JoJo announcement soon so bad. Even if it means sitting through Stardust Crusaders and the worst JoJo again, I want to watch that show. I didn't like reading Part 3 very much, but there are things they can do in the adaptation to vastly improve the pacing I believe.

Here's hoping Season 2 of JoJo also gives us Diamond is Unbreakable as well. Now that part is fantastic.


That thread is heartbreaking. Midbrow know-nothings get their inferiority complex all fired up and a genuinely substantial poster gets the boot.

I mean he was certainly an abrasive poster (I didn't care for him at first), but once I realized that was just his way of posting along with genuinely good posts, I warmed up to him. What a shame. Seriously considering just leaving this place entirely since I see what sort of "discussion" is encouraged, as well as what's punished.

I'll be honest having read some of the literature and watched some of the films he's namedropped. He's genuinely fucking wrong about The Wire.;p

Andrew J.

Chuunibyou Depth of Field

Is it crazy that I kind of want this in Super Robot Wars? If SD Gundam can get in, apparently anything has a shot...


Subete no aware
I've never even heard of this but it sounds really interesting and it looks gorgeous. On to the backlog you go.
Yeah, it's definitely worth checking out as a curiosity if nothing else.

To get back to the argument discussion those of us who saw in back in October were having, it's hard to tell, from the perspective of someone who hasn't grown up in Japan, whether this is actually the deliberate directorial intent behind the movie.

The movie is a lot like The Girl Who Leapt Through Time in as much as it's basic structure is taken from an original short story, but then it's shifted into a pseudo-sequel state and developed upon. The difference is that whilst TGWLTT built upon the narrative of the original story with it's own additional content in order to actually produce something with an actual narrative depth, NeraGaku seems to take the approach of deliberately being as subversive about it as possible, veering off in odd directions at key moments.

There's also a few things in there which you suggest that only the characters know about, but the fact is that at least a few of those are references back to the original work, and given that NeraGaku has been adapted several times in other Japanese media, there's probably the expectation that the native Japanese audience can pick up on those. Believe me, I was awfully confused when I saw it too, but there's a lot which becomes a fair bit clearer with a bit of background research.

Meh, I need to actually get around to watching the movie again now that there's subs out there. Waiting for my BD to turn up, though. I should probably get around to watching that old schlock exploitation movie version it was a pain in the arse to find on DVD at some point, too.

The wikipedia entry is completely barren, so I had no idea it was based on a previous text or that it has been adapted several times.
And not that imdb is really worth anything, but the fact that it has a 3.9 rating kind of makes sense given how this film stands on its own as a film in the conventional sense.

I don't know if you actually need to know anything about the source material to appreciate the story for what it is, assuming the idea really is that we can't communicate with each other. Of course, the problem is that it isn't as frustratingly obtuse as it probably should be if it wanted to be a series of thematic poetic vignettes. There's enough "plot" for the audience to grab onto, but not enough for it to be satisfying to anyone who wants a conventional arc or resolution to the characters.

Like, I don't think you get anything if you knew
what happened in the future, the relationship between the future father and the present grandfather, the mother, and so forth. You don't even really need to know why that one girl had to repeat school because of "cellphones"
. But I can see why it feels frustrating if you are expecting any of that stuff to play out.

Instead, the only real concrete narrative to hang your head on is the series of awkward communicative moments between the four leads in their love square. It's an extremely conventional romcom set up against a very unconventional backdrop involving
time travel and the extinction of the human race.

I'm curious though - I assume you now know more about the source material... does that knowledge help you understand the film more? Is it anything like the source material at all?

Despite it all, I feel like I got something out of the film even though I didn't, and probably still don't, know anything about it.


What use of it, if its have CG mech?

I'm the biggest hater of CG around, but if we get CG more akin to the stuff in MJP and Valvrave, I think I'm OK with more CG mecha. That stuff looks pretty good.

But I've never seen FMP, so I have zero clue how that would translate.
Doki Doki Precure 21

That was probably the only good part of this episode.... before they threw it under a bus with Mana shouting a "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM" speech. IM A STUDENT COUNCIL PRESIDENT! I groaned hard the moment this happened. Sunglasses dude was startled when this happened, WHY! GOD damn it. The first half wasn't too great, but the second half just honestly fell short of a midseason climax (although we're not completely there yet). I really don't want to see Mana flaunting her authority, IT DOESN'T MEAN MUCH IN BATTLE. Jesus christ. Toei, don't make characters like Mana again.

I still don't understand why she has team mates either when situations like this happen. This is doomed to mediocrity. I'm only watching to see where they take Regina at this point, considering these type of characters manage to outshine everyone else. That's why she's living in my town.

Splash Star spoiler in this
Regina is like.... FUCK SOMEONES WATCHING WHAT IT IS, Michiru and Kaoru. She doesn't seem to be Cure Ace

Next time, Beaches, GTS Sexy Time, and
Cure Ace

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
[Utena] 31
I feel like there was a better way to do it. :/
There are very few things Nanami is not in control of at Ohtori Academy, the most obvious one being sex. She's downright innocent when it comes to that stuff, so attacking her with that kind of contamination while she is going through all of the drama about her relationship with Touga is a very effective way to break her down. Letting her in the know helps plant seeds of doubt about the nature of her relationship with Touga. Because, if brothers do partake in coitus, what does that mean about the longing she feels for her brother?


I don't know if anything delights in shitting on its reader as much as Cross Days. It's truly one of the greatest fuck yous that I've ever seen. If you think School Days shits on its source material, Cross Days shits on the franchise. And it did it to the people who paid money for more of the franchise!


Amidst the mess that is Cross Days, I think I can see what they were trying to do, but they missed the mark by a mile.
Unless they had originally intended that to be their last game instead of Shiny Days and really were trying to piss everyone off.


I still bought Shiny Days afterwards...

Just for the record, Days games are entirely in video & pseudo-video format so you don't really "read" them.
  • Realistic Cheating Simulator 07

This is hard to watch. I think what's bothering me the most about this show is that it's actually kinda realistic about these kinds of situations... so its not the show's fault at all, I guess...

The way I see it is that it skews so far in the opposite direction of typical romance/harem anime rather than trying to be realistic. I found more entertainment from Makoto's handling of the situation than I expected. It really is a Greek tragedy as Hitokage has described.


So because some may perhaps feel cheated by my scathing review of the final episode of Sword Art Online last night, I thought I'd take the time to explain, without hyperbole, vitriol or coarse language, how I really feel about the show.

Just a few responses this time, I'll try to keep this relatively short =p I won't respond to the comments about Kayaba's motivations or your heartfelt loathing for Sugu and incest in general, since I think we've already covered that pretty thoroughly >.>

That said, the following area of the show suffered greatly due to a waste of potential I'll discuss in a moment. First, though, the romance. I want to say Kirito and Asuna was an an endearing relationship which won me over in spite of myself, but that would be a lie. Asuna was an endearing girlfriend who won me over in spite of myself. Kirito is the Bella Swan of anime protagonists. He's a blank slate that any guy in the target demographic can slip into and pretend he is. He has no personality beyond what the viewer decides he has. He doesn't react to the life he takes, to Suguha's confession, to Asuna's needs in any distinct way. Instead he reacts in a neutral way so that the viewer can decide that "Yes, Kirito comforted Asuna here because he loved her" or "No, Kirito said nothing to Asuna here and only held her because he doesn't love her and doesn't know how to say it." and so on. Asuna was endearing, Kirito was tepid.

Just for the sake of proving that it is possible for us to agree on things(!) I'll say that I have no arguments against the fact that Kirito is a boring protagonist. He's an audience substitute, pure and simple. I don't find that a huge problem - "audience substitute" is a trope that exists for a reason, and it's easy to just ignore the lack of characterisation and enjoy the power fantasy for what it is - but the series would definitely have been better if he had more in the way of actual character.

Then there was the tentacle rape. What possible need was there for those guys to be shown as purple tentacle slugs? I cannot see a reason for it, in story nor out. More to the point, though, when we already have Sugou trying to rape and molest Asuna every single episode, why do I need to see two slug men doing it, too? What was the point of seeing Asuna bite down on a phallic purple tendril at all?

My suspicion is that those guys' avatars were twisted slug creatures because that's what Sugou decided they should look like. As a narcissistic and megalomaniacal asshole of a villain, of course he would make himself the Fairy King, pinnacle of beauty, while reducing his subordinates to subhuman monsters to emphasise their inferiority to him.

Of course, his subordinates were depraved enough that the choice of avatar was actually entirely justified. If only Sugou had given himself an avatar along the same lines, I'd actually praise him for his appropriate judgement.

There's also the fact that at the end of the show, Kirito brutally savages his nemesis, then accepts encouragement from and delivers praise to a mass murderer. That scene was so far beyond sane that I could not believe my eyes.Nothing about that was okay.

Eh, Sugou totally deserved what he got there. Let's not go into the Heathcliff thing.

The Alfheim arc also spends too much time building up this situation of tenacious racial politics and an attempt on the World Tree, only for a very small group of players to break through with relative ease and for Kirito to literally skip the heavily advertised dungeon. It feels like an entire plot is just cut in favor of rushing a finale after squandering so much time on a race feud that served literally no importance to the plot.

Wasn't the entire point that the "heavily advertised dungeon" never actually existed? There was never anything beyond that gate, and the supposed city at the top of the World Tree where players could get their hands on eternal flight was a complete fabrication. Sugou set up the Grand Quest with an enemy spawn rate so high that he didn't expect anyone to ever make it past them all, and then even if anyone did make it past, there was no way to actually unlock the gate. It took an admin command to open it, and even then it turned out to just be a teleport to Sugou's twisted facility. Basically, Sugou is an ass.

I don't think an allied army of the most elite warriors of multiple races really counts as a "very small group of players", though, and I definitely don't think that scene was intended to come across as involving "relative ease" in any shape or form.

TL;DR version of this is again that Ep 1-14 and 25 are okay, but Ep 15-24 are truly awful. Reasons being incest, waste of potential, waste of time, tentacle rape and praising a mass murderer, just off the top of my head.

Anyway, I really hope you don't let this put you off Accel World, which is a much better show and doesn't really suffer from any of the problems you had with this one. Its protagonist has actual character (whether you actually like that character is YMMV), it doesn't have any incest as far as I recall, I don't believe there's any tentacle molestation (or any sexual fanservice inside the game at all, really, since everyone has robotic-looking bodies), and it certainly doesn't have any praising of mass murderers.

What it does have is a much more unique and interesting premise than SAO (and one which is explored and utilised in interesting ways), really good action, and a great cast of characters.


Subete no aware

Amidst the mess that is Cross Days, I think I can see what they were trying to do, but they missed the mark by a mile.
Unless they had originally intended that to be their last game instead of Shiny Days and really were trying to piss everyone off.


I still bought Shiny Days afterwards...

Just for the record, Days games are entirely in video & pseudo-video format so you don't really "read" them.

Do you feel salty because of the troll, or because it was bad?
Considering you still bought the next game in the sequel... lol

And yeah, I'm the asshole who just uses "read" and "reader" interchangeably with other synonyms regardless of media.

Someone actually uploaded a playthrough of the game on youtube, but of course, it's one of the playthroughs where nothing happens. lol


The wikipedia entry is completely barren, so I had no idea it was based on a previous text or that it has been adapted several times.
And not that imdb is really worth anything, but the fact that it has a 3.9 rating kind of makes sense given how this film stands on its own as a film in the conventional sense.

I don't know if you actually need to know anything about the source material to appreciate the story for what it is, assuming the idea really is that we can't communicate with each other. Of course, the problem is that it isn't as frustratingly obtuse as it probably should be if it wanted to be a series of thematic poetic vignettes. There's enough "plot" for the audience to grab onto, but not enough for it to be satisfying to anyone who wants a conventional arc or resolution to the characters.

Like, I don't think you get anything if you knew
what happened in the future, the relationship between the future father and the present grandfather, the mother, and so forth. You don't even really need to know why that one girl had to repeat school because of "cellphones"
. But I can see why it feels frustrating if you are expecting any of that stuff to play out. You'd be immediately aware that it's not supposed to be played out, because you've seen it played out before.

Instead, the only real concrete narrative to hang your head on is the series of awkward communicative moments between the four leads in their love square. It's an extremely conventional romcom set up against a very unconventional backdrop involving
time travel and the extinction of the human race.

I'm curious though - I assume you now know more about the source material... does that knowledge help you understand the film more? Is it anything like the source material at all?

Despite it all, I feel like I got something out of the film even though I didn't, and probably still don't, know anything about it.

I think Bluwacky knows more about this than me, but pretty much everything you've spoiler tagged above, to my knowledge, has a more significant basis in the original work.
The relationship between the Grandfather and the characters from the future is the original work, and is what makes this movie effectively a pseudo-sequel. From the way a number of events are framed, I rather suspect that you're expected to be immediately picking up on that fact, and it'll remove a whole layer of narrative confusion away should you be aware of it.

The girl who is bullied via cellphone is, I gather, based on a character with a far more significant role in the original work (bullied via blackboard messages, if I recall correctly). I'm pretty sure her most of her purpose is to be a combination of referential and a red herring. It's part of the whole weird subversion thing the movie has got going on - a character that you'd be expecting to play a major role is, actually, kind of meaningless in this version.

I think the main difference you'd get from knowing about the original going in is that all that stuff that seems to go nowhere would be things that you'd quickly realise are, infact, going to go nowhere - most of them are things that have already played out that you are supposed to be aware of. Going in with that additional knowledge would have made it far easier to actually pick out what is actually a very simple narrative the movie is trying to tell from what, ultimately, comes across as a movie full of really peculiar misdirection.

But, I'm not super familiar with the original source either. As you point out, English-language material on it is frustratingly hard to come by. All this stuff just serves to make the movie more interesting to me, though. It's a really freaking weird movie.

Mushibugyo 9

This show just got much more exciting now that they're fighting a group of antagonist.

Magistrate having poison as her power seems lame to me, but she actually manages to make it look cool. Koikawa's vendetta against them, causing him to distrust Mugai, has been obvious foreshadowing after his backstory was revealed. That "death" scene of one of the hunters he slashed is ambigous as hell, since there were only his clothes visible when he got cut.


Do you feel salty because of the troll, or because it was bad?
I'd still question why they spent so much time/animation on the gay routes and the comically-ugly-women bad-endings, but if the rest of it had been better, at least those parts wouldn't be the only noteworthy things about the game.

Considering you still bought the next game in the sequel... lol
Haha yeah...well, it's an expanded version of Summer Days which actually is good, so.

And yeah, I'm the asshole who just uses "read" and "reader" interchangeably with other synonyms regardless of media.
Basileus777 used "read" also so I had to nip this in the bud before it gets out of hand!


Subete no aware
I think Bluwacky knows more about this than me, but pretty much everything you've spoiler tagged above, to my knowledge, has a more significant basis in the original work.
The relationship between the Grandfather and the characters from the future is the original work, and is what makes this movie effectively a pseudo-sequel. From the way a number of events are framed, I rather suspect that you're expected to be immediately picking up on that fact, and it'll remove a whole layer of narrative confusion away should you be aware of it.

The girl who is bullied via cellphone is, I gather, based on a character with a far more significant role in the original work (bullied via blackboard messages, if I recall correctly). I'm pretty sure her most of her purpose is to be a combination of referential and a red herring. It's part of the whole weird subversion thing the movie has got going on - a character that you'd be expecting to play a major role is, actually, kind of meaningless in this version.

I think the main difference you'd get from knowing about the original going in is that all that stuff that seems to go nowhere would be things that you'd quickly realise are, infact, going to go nowhere - most of them are things that have already played out that you are supposed to be aware of. Going in with that additional knowledge would have made it far easier to actually pick out what is actually a very simple narrative the movie is trying to tell from what, ultimately, comes across as a movie full of really peculiar misdirection.

But, I'm not super familiar with the original source either. As you point out, English-language material on it is frustratingly hard to come by. All this stuff just serves to make the movie more interesting to me, though. It's a really freaking weird movie.

I guess that leaves the question of who the movie is for. My assumption is that, since the movie doesn't bring any of that stuff up, it just isn't really important to what the movie is about. For me anyway, the movie does stand up on its own, without really knowing anything about the "plot behind the plot".

And interestingly enough, I feel like the story with
the bullied girl ties in quite nicely with "the plan" inasmuch as you understand why she is so willing to blindly go along with it. I suppose there's a question of whether or not the plan actually matters, since all we know is that it kind of fails and peters out at the end, but that was fine with me.

Doubly interesting is how
the grandfather dying at the end is supposed to be, at least I would assume so, some momentous and revelatory event - a passing of the torch as it were - that probably makes a lot more sense to someone who knows what is going on. Again, while I wouldn't necessarily mind knowing that back story, I am perfectly fine with the film just killing him off because it gives you enough to make a connection between his death and the main character jumping into... wherever he goes.

But yeah, weird is probably the best way to describe this film. lol

If BluWacky actually knows what happens in the source material, it'd be interesting to read a short summary of what happens though.
K-ON! - 2

Mugi, why didn't you just ask for a discount in the first place if you're the president's daughter? But then again, if you didn't do that we wouldn't have the epic car watching scene!

So Yui gets her guitar and spends the rest of the episode creating adorable gif material.

Is it wrong to assume that every episode has at least one gif material moment? I don't think so.

Homura Mio continues to be the best character so far.
They both have the same English VA and they both look alike. Nice VA choice dub team!
I take it back. School Days is messing with my head right now

I feel cursed for watching it

Worst anime ever made, legitimately worse than anything else i've seen


Subete no aware
I'd still question why they spent so much time/animation on the gay routes and the comically-ugly-women bad-endings, but if the rest of it had been better, at least those parts wouldn't be the only noteworthy things about the game.
Aww, you spoiled it... although, I guess there's still a lot more behind Cross Days than those superficial elements.

But for me, that's why Cross Days is so good. They spend so much time on those routes because they are, at least I hope so, trying to troll the fuck out of anyone buying the game. lol

Haha yeah...well, it's an expanded version of Summer Days which actually is good, so.
You and your waifus. :(

Basileus777 used "read" also so I had to nip this in the bud before it gets out of hand!

Let's all be readers of anime!
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