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Spring Anime 2013 l OT One l All roads lead to this

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Hyouka 7

Okay, a mystery about a potential ghost. Much better than "why did the math teacher mix up his class notes?" All right. Obviously no ghost. Resolution makes sense. Still kinda wish they'd go for something bigger and more important. Maybe they will with the School Festival arc I've heard so much about.

I thought the baths weren't mixed. So why did he see Chitanda bathing? Or was he having erotic hallucinations from dizziness? I don't know, I think I missed something. And why was that boat there in the bath (yes, I know it was to prevent me from seeing Oreki's junk, but in the context of the story, which I'm beginning to think there isn't one)?

It only gets better from there. You passed the tedious part. but it really gets rolling when the festival begins!

From what I've seen, I get the impression that the Sailor Moon marketing machine was even an order of magnitude more massive than Precure's with a tenth of the grotesque product placement.

Sometimes, people don't need to be manipulated into purchasing products if they enjoy a show because the show is actually good. Imagine that!

It is. Sailor Moon was a marketing juggernaut!

Eas X Love is hot, but I shall forever be partisan to Tsubomi X Erika. It's just so pure.

I like the cut of your jib.

Sword Art Online, 25

I have to tell you all, that without a doubt, Sword Art Online is my favorite anime ever. It is absolutely the best piece of animated fiction I have ever seen. Allow me, if you will, to detail to you all exactly why this touching story of love, adventure, and heroism should be the first anime each and every one of you watches.

The Animation is top notch. Truly, a dazzling display of colors and fluid motion which requires a better term than mere sakuga. Each and every motion properly emulates the human form, and is not just easy for the eye to follow, but pleasing to it as well. The monsters are brought to life in a way previously impossible to anime through the latest, state of the art computer animation, and the action sequences are so heart-poundingly well choreographed they'll have you on the edge of your seat for the entire series, begging for more. It can be subtle, too, though! From the way Asuna gently strokes Kirito's cheek to the way this is meticulously subverted with the villainous character of Sugou, you're in for quite a ride.

The Music is truly the best thing ever composed for an anime. Just when you thought that the OP and ED could not possibly better evoke the sense of wonder and adventure this show so truly captures, the second half of it kicks in, and the new OP and new ED, as the forum vernacular says, truly deliver. The duel themes are enough to make anyone giddy, and Kirito and Asuna's own personal themes being woven into various parts of episodes as musical leitmotifs was a stroke of utter genius never before seen in the realm of Japanese Animation. The soundtrack alone will make you cry.

The Premise is undoubtedly the single most unique thing anime has ever blessed the world with. It is an astounding, scathing, yet just look at the world of MMOs, video games, and dare I say the world at large? The manner in which the taking of life in and out of a virtual reality is discussed with such maturity and thoughtfulness that it can only be compared to the greatest treatises on the subjects of murder and war I have ever studied. Kirito struggling to handle a world in which he is neither powerful nor known in the second half, after his meteoric rise to prominence in the first act, is a brilliant examination of the male power fantasy and its stark contrast with the world in which we truly live.

The Villains are the most terrifying forces you will ever behold in your life. Their motivations are clear and well defined, and the sympathetic air that surrounds them makes one ponder the true nature of evil while simultaneously feeling for these tragic characters. Their every move is serious, well performed, and the absolute strength of the performances in the show. By the end they are the most misunderstood characters, and any viewer with a heart is sure to feel the same! Kayaba's scheme is daring, well organized, well thought out, and performed with such competence that even brilliant master tacticians like Lelouch Britannia, Alexander the Great, and Napoleon Bonaparte are put to shame. And Sugou's machinations are of such a moving, charismatic, carnal, seductive nature that villains like the Phantom of the Opera and the Grendel could never hope to measure up.

The Cast is the most diverse, loveable sort that you will ever meet. With the exception of Klein and Egil, who are admittedly the weak links meant to pander to lesser sorts, there isn't a blemish among them. We have deep characters like Alicia and Recon, whose importance to the plot is in no way diminished by their being side members. Indeed, their contributions to the show's comedy and poignance cannot be measured in one viewing, yet their true strength lies in these same features being readily appreciable from the get-go. No cast has ever interacted so well, been so well developed, nor so utterly human as the likes of them.

The Romance is more relevant than anything in any novel or life experience I have ever had. I'm going to level and tell you now that Suguha should have won. Her deep love for Kirito was touching and handled in a way that pandering bullshit like Koi Kaze could never expect to understand. Suguha's love for Kirito made me cry. I cried so much because she loved him but the bindings of this corrupt society prevented her pure, immaculate love from being righteously expressed. Asuna shouldn't have won, but even so her romance with Kirito was expounded upon in a terrific manner. Seeing Kirito struggle with her sudden loss and the loss of his daughter and home as well was an emotional moment the likes of which I have never, ever experienced before. If only Kirito had opened his heart and let Suguha heal his wounds! Even the undoubted Worst Girl Lizbeth had a surprisingly real and understandable romantic interaction with the Lonely Beater.

Ultimately Sword Art Online is simply the most superlative, sublime, endearing animated masterpiece which I have ever had the inestimable pleasure of experiencing. Nothing will ever come close to being as special, as wondrously captivating as this show. I pray every night to God that there will be a second season so that I can continue to journey with Kirito, Suguha, and Asuna in the world they loved. The ending to this show had me crying into my pillow, so awe-struck was I by its simplistic, intrinsic, masterful beauty.

There will never, ever be a show quite like Sword Art Online again.

Oh Corvy kun. its too late to save you :(
RIP little raven.

I think I'm gonna stick with To Love-ru Avatars for a while. Just hope I don't push the line a bit too far in the future...

Also, I still need to start Motto To Love-ru. Eventually....

Momo is a great avatar choice always.

Ow, my sarcasm meter. You broke it.

Dammit, you broke my sincerity meter too!

...Now go watch Accel World, because I'd be honestly interested to see what you think of that series.

I second this! Corvy Kun you should watch Accel world for something pretty stupid but a hell of a lot more fun.

Nah, you're fine and I actually think that this is just about word for word what I've come to believe. Heartcatch was my first Precure and my first magical girl anime, and even then I originally only tried it because of Umakoshi since I adored Casshern Sins. I tried it with a lot of trepidation thanks to having a really distorted concept of what magical girl anime entailed thanks to the pedo-tastic genre parodies in a lot of otaku shows, but, like you, the innocent fun was a revelation for me--something that I'd completely forgotten that anime was capable of--and the color, optimism, energy, and guilt-free enjoyment was just the thing that I needed at a really really dark time in my life. I was severely mentally unstable when I marathoned Heartcatch, and I honestly credit it with getting me out of that; perhaps this is why I developed an attachment to the franchise that transcended the actual quality of what I was watching. It's probably the same reason that I watched all of Bleach even though I only really liked Soul Society at a formative time in my youth.

Looking back, though? I trust my own critical faculties enough to be able to say that, my bias for Heartcatch aside, it is an anomaly in a franchise that is, for the most part, perfunctory, unengaging to the adult mind, aesthetically horrifying, creatively and artistically bankrupt, and disgusting in how deeply the need to encourage empty consumerism in small children is woven into the very fabric of the material. All seasons have individual episodes that are good, but most of the reason for my recent meltdown over the remarks on the high incidence of Precure discussion in the thread is that I finally allowed myself to accept that, other than Heartcatch, none of the other seasons are enjoyable in their entirety, and so I've felt terrible regret for aggressively pimping it for so long. Even Smile, which I typically gushed over while it aired, seems not that great in retrospect. I don't really regret watching it all, but I'll never again encourage anyone else to. I'm being honest with myself so that I can be honest with other people, and I kind of hope that eventually "Precure" won't be the first thing that comes to others' minds in association with me.


Because Japan is totally cool with that sort of thing!

Hey man, if it is, it is. Precure is pretty fun stuff and deserves some respect for its formidable run length and variety. Its pretty run of the mill mahou shoujo, but its also made for kids too. So it treats its audience as such.

I asked this once before in here but forgot to come back and read the responses,

Can anyone recommend comedy-ish college/highschool animes? I'm watching Oreimo but it's not really my thing. It's definitely funny but the story is kind of boring to me.

Daily Lives of highschool Boys
Cromartie high School

Hmm. Depends what kind of show you're looking for really. And I'm not sure what you've seen before, but here are a few good 'uns.

K-ON! for cute girls doing cute things.
Sket Dance for amusing gags with the occasional short but engaging serious arc.
Ano Natsu de Matteru for romantic antics.
Nichijou for offbeat, over-the-top comedy that can be hit-or-miss (personally I love it, but some people hate it), and godly animation.
Tari Tari for...actually, don't watch Tari Tari, it's boring. Also doesn't really have any comedy. Why did I list this show again?

Tari Tari is just GLEE. Its anime Glee. Plus it has Sawa in it so its amazing by default.

  • Princess Tutu 01
Once upon a time there was a man who died.



I think this may be my favorite dub ever. And I'm only in the first few minutes.

Yes. you just described exactly why this is one of the best dubs ever.

Madoka Magica 01

Initial Impressions; Hate, hate, hate the character designs. Those faces will haunt my dreams. So bad. I just find them super unpleasing to look at it. Backgrounds and colors, on the other hand look freaking amazing. So gorgeous. That kind of evens things out on a visual end. Music is really weird (in a good way?).

Story wise, episode was pretty standard and super boring. Don't really care about the story or characters at all. Hate the rabbit-cat thing.

Overall, walking away with a negative impression so far, but given the near universal love from AnimeGaf I'm absolutely sure this show is not at all what it seems to be. Not passing any real judgments right now. So, guys, without spoiling, about how long until the show starts showing its true colors? How much longer do I have to endure this standard, boiler-plate Magical Girl style story?

Ume Aokis designs are perfection.
*cries while hugging wideface
Anyway, this show is like a typical mahou shoujo show exactly none of the time.
It completely laughs at any semblance of a typical shoujo plot.

This was my initial impression of Madoka when it first aired. I couldn't understand why anyone would want faces that looked so weird and wide.

By the end of the series, I loved the designs. Now I'm watching Hidamari for the delicious Ume characters and swooning over Yuno. (Or at least I would be if Precure wasn't taking up all of my backlog attention.)

I wonder if you'll come round like I did.

Youve been converted :D

I agree, Utena > Eva, also Ikuhara > Anno.


Hito's an old man. He must be like, 25 by now.

What does that make me?! ;_;


sealed with a kiss
Well, they can influence a game as it happens. But, we could say a similar thing happens here as Mr. Anno & Co. also felt the pressure of the fandom and the popularity the series garnered when still dealing with the work, so... you are making me reconsider this, certainly...

I knew you would understand!~


Well, they can influence a game as it happens. But, we could say a similar thing happens here as Mr. Anno & Co. also felt the pressure of the fandom and the popularity the series garnered when still dealing with the work, so... you are making me reconsider this, certainly...
Let's not forget Anno's/Ikuhara's bath discussions about trolling EVA fans.


You're right. AnimeGAF should be more about worshiping the holy trinity of Dezaki, Satou, and Ikuhara.

So everyone needs to start watching Ultraviolet: Code 044, right?

Dezaki rather tangentially reminds me - I assume everyone knows this by now, but that controversial "rape manual" Kickstarter that's just been big news in the OT and on Twitter? Written by Tofusensei, of all people.


Setec Astronomer
Ojamajo Doremi64 # 11


Not enough stars, lady.

Anyway, this series has really been hitting the "shit parents do to their kids out of their own unfulfilled desires" theme, and I'm not sure if this particular episode has a satisfactory resolution. That said, they do acknowledge as much.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Ultimately you have to remember that this thread likes to bandwagon. Watch something and say it's good, and people will follow. Watch something and say it's bad, and people will still follow.

Hell, Mad Pierrot and myself explicitly put "AVOID" status on Precure Max Heart, and a couple people went "hey I want in on that!"

So by your logic, if I were to post "Fushigi Yuugi is a terrible show with a protagonist that exemplifies the worst traits of the typical shoujo heroine," for example, someone here will pick up the show to watch?


Setec Astronomer
So by your logic, if I were to post "Fushigi Yuugi is a terrible show with a protagonist that exemplifies the worst traits of the typical shoujo heroine," for example, someone here will pick up the show to watch?
Only if you were actually watching it at the time.


Fuck the world. I knew this was gonna happen but still man ;_;

Cutting some of the novel sucked too. There should've been another whole episode with Ayase.

I'm a bit confused they setup part of the Ayase arc and then cut it out.

Of course the ending is annoying in that after reading volume 12 I hoped they would take the chance to alter course and not hit the iceberg. Though this came out after 13 had already been published.


Muromi-san 12

Why do I feel like I just watched a softcore hentai?

Because you totally just did!

  • School Days 01

And so it begins.

....running into a train, eh? This reminds me of a certain imouto anime I just watched, *COUGH KOI KAZE*

Of course he has to gasp audibly when trying to be inconspicuous. That's anime at its finest.

Oh gosh they're friends. This is going to be a huge problem, isn't it. ISN'T IT AGHHH

Still trying to determine if our MC is hapless harem protag yet. -- backing a girl into a fence, huh well then

Sekai means world. Thank you for that. I think a Japanese person would know what "Sekai" means. Even I know what sekai means. (Maybe this is a Crunchyroll sub thing?)

We're just setting up for a horrifying love triangle now, aren't we

"A-a--ano... d-d-domo..."

Hapless MC protag. For sure. Never EVER tell a girl you're in love with another one, especially when she's obviously got the hots for you too. KNIVES TO THE HEART

Sekai, honey. Stop doing this to yourself. Please. Stop.

Shit. Right in the kisser. SHIT

I want to ask who best girl is.
I sorta hope its neither

Oh man. memories! This is one of the first shows animegaf tried to get me to watch and some jerk
Pmed me and actually tried to ruin it. didnt work though. I was still surprised by it.

Kirino is such a bitch to her brother.

All that need be said.

The problem has nothing to do with style and everything to do with piss poor colours to the point it's impossible to watch.

Do it.


If it was only one to one ratio. They are doing less than half now.

Ume-sensei ;3;

You know what to do.


Good! Sekai is best girl.

The Boat We Saw That Day :firehawk

Not anime don't care. Should get through the SDHQ VN one of these days though. I did promise I'd get round to it.

I fully disagree about the look of Steins;Gate, but different strokes. I watched it three times already. Really dont understand the hate for the art.

I don't think I've heard her in any actual series yet but from the Muromi OP alone I would subscribe to this newsletter. She reminds me of Kana Ueda I think.

I would have to agree!

This week I feel this man deserves Face of the Week:


You'll have to watch this week's Space Brothers to fully appreciate why he deserves to win.

I would have to agree with this as well.

  • Keima Probably Hated Playing This Visual Novel 09

She's talking about Keima

I didn't need to see that incriminating kiss AGAIN.

The worst possible thing. So it was a harem after all!

Huh, that loli disappearing reminded me of one scene from Madoka. I hope that vague reference is enough for those who've seen it.

Please, for the love of grosh Katsura... just get with Sawanaga. It's better for you. Anything is better for you. Literally anybody would be better for you. A cucumber, for example.


Makoto has no remorse. Everything is conducted according to where it gets him in bed. A prime example of thinking with your dick.

I'm kinda bothered by the fact that the school endorses this tradition of asking someone out -- with a bed and everything. They probably don't even change the sheets between customers.


  • Everybody In This School Is Freaking Nuts 10

Now that's a way to do an opening to your harem anime.



Don't spoil it for me, since I've got 2 episodes to go, but this is feeling like a VN with EVERY bad selection chosen. And now finally its crumbling on the evil player.

Sorry Sawanaga bro, you're just rebound. It was always this way.

Of all the people to be possessive of. Makoto is the last person you should be getting possessive over.

I don't effing care about growing the harem! AGHHH

Oh yes. It's finally happening. FINALLY. The truth... will set you free? -- probably too late for that now.


...and he did it. Of course he did. I can't expect anything less from this series.

And now, the crap hits the fan. Perfect setup for the last two episodes.

Impressions of School Days never really seem to get old. This is a more subdued take on it though. Maybe it really has run its course.

  • The Soylent Green of Anime? 11

I will never EVER criticize pre-destined romantic interests again.

being harem is suffering

Ahahahahaa so Princess Ringhair got with him after all? I KNEW it! I EFFING KNEW IT! HAHAHAHAHHA at least she's smart enough to know it's a one-night stand unlike the other girls.

Seriously, screw this OP. I refuse to listen to it.
More jarring than Madoka's OP after a few episodes.

High Schoolers are evil. They truly are.
Holy shoot. Katsura's gone off the deep end.

Wait a second. Did they just have an orgy at Itou's apartamente....... everything is expected.

No way. No no no no no no way. Oh gosh. No it can't be possible. NO! NOOOOOOOO.

This is why you wear protection. THIS IS WHY YOU WEAR PROTECTION YOU FOOL. AGHHHH
Remember to always spay and neuter your pets!

You are the worst kind of person, Makoto. THE WORST. You are the amalgamation of all the perverse, twisted people I have met in my life.

You deserve a fate worse than death, truly.

"Why is this happening to me?" Hah. HAHAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Oh man Kotonoha looks like a ghost.

No. You don't get to redeem yourself like that, you spawn of Satan.

  • School Days END

When Envy breeds unkind division:
There comes the ruin, there begins confusion.
1 Henry VI 4.1.195-6

This was literally the worst anime I have ever seen. But nice boat, nonetheless.

I don't know if its entirely intentional, but this show felt like a really messed up take on the harem genre as a whole -- or rather a realistic presentation of it. You just can't do the harem thing in real life without the most horrifying of repercussions. It all felt... hauntingly real. Like this all feels a lot like the horrible breakup stories and high school romance drama I had heard about happening but never got to see first hand.

It all... actually feels like it was written from some kind of personal experience. And to think there are actually WORSE things than the events in this show happening all the time.

Okay, I literally just screamed "Don't do it" to the screen when they kissed. This is sick and twisted.

School Days receives a score of
0.9 Sword Art Onlines
-5 Toradoras


I have a headache. Time for bed.

Most excellent. and you blazed through this like a beast. I hope you dont die.

Now I can fully appreciate references to Arjuna and I thank you guys sincerely for showing me the light.

In the past few months we've had EXTREME series of posts by multiple people about Gundam Age (a bad show), SAO (a bad show), School Days (a bad show)*, RAPEMAN....

We also get lots of great impressions of good shows. Its not exclusively bad anime that gets discussed here.

Ultimately you have to remember that this thread likes to bandwagon. Watch something and say it's good, and people will follow. Watch something and say it's bad, and people will still follow.

Hell, Mad Pierrot and myself explicitly put "AVOID" status on Precure Max Heart, and a couple people went "hey I want in on that!"

Yeah I went into Max Heart going "how bad can this be?" Its real fucking bad, even by my lax standards. Avoid.
So by your logic, if I were to post "Fushigi Yuugi is a terrible show with a protagonist that exemplifies the worst traits of the typical shoujo heroine," for example, someone here will pick up the show to watch?

But fushigi yugi problem is the fact that everyone around the heroine is dumb and the only ones that aren't die.

Not to mention that the heroine attitude ...argh ... Maybe this anime wasn't for me.
No, the real problem with Fushigi Yuugi is that it's ridden with genre tropes/cliches. Otherwise it was a fun watch.

i remember watching fishigi yugi and i admit that despite the classic touch , the first 25 episodes weren't bad... but then the second part arrived and i hadn't seen so much bad decision making in anime before that point . There was a time where the heroine should have evolved , grow-up, or become a littele independant despite her worries ..but NO ..
I can't recall one decision she made during that part that was beneficial to her party or just logical.

On that point it was trully impressive.

Story of Saiunkoku > Fushigi Yuugi

Hell yes.
In saiunkoku , the heroine despite the cliché of the genre is actually learning, is using her head and all of this despite being protected ... 30000% better than fushigi yugi no doubt.


i remember watching fishigi yugi and i admit that despite the classic touch , the first 25 episodes weren't bad... but then the second part arrived and i hadn't seen so much bad decision making in anime before that point . There was a time where the heroine should have evolved , grow-up, or become a littele independant despite her worries ..but NO ..
I can't recall one decision she made during that part that was beneficial to her party or just logical.

On that point it was trully impressive.

Hell yes.
In saiunkoku , the heroine despite the cliché of the genre is actually learning, is using her head and all of this despite being protected ... 30000% better than fushigi yugi no doubt.

I really miss snow miku :(
I know its summer but...SNOW MIKU


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
But fushigi yugi problem is the fact that everyone around the heroine is dumb and the only ones that aren't die.

Not to mention that the heroine attitude ...argh ... Maybe this anime wasn't for me.

Well the heroine is pretty dumb herself, so there's that.

No, the real problem with Fushigi Yuugi is that it's ridden with genre tropes/cliches. Otherwise it was a fun watch.

Yeah, in some ways it's paint-by-numbers shoujo with some really poor characterization. The only good thing to come from Fushigi Yuugi was the Otakon Documentary parity. The... "Otakumentary" *Gendo grin*

For the curious. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2x6mR0PYXxM (part 1 of 6)


Speaking of which,I have yet to be attractive to any Anime that have Romance an integral part of the plot due to the industries poor an melodramatic way of telling such themes. I loved Toradora, but can one say Romance was the central theme of it?
How is Lovely complex?

It's a pretty good show that suffers from many of the typical problems of a shoujo romance, especially with its awful contrivances to keep the couple apart, some of which actively harm character development. But despite those problems in the middle stretch of the show, it's still mostly enjoyable.
I really miss snow miku :(
I know its summer but...SNOW MIKU

I'll try to do something about it ... look forward to it ....... tomorrow i guess ?

Hunter x hunter - 85

Ah that moment , only the rain and rest is silence. Perfect moment .

Good job animation team !


I'm laughing my ass here , given that ( spoiler )
he will be in the same state as killua later

Oh the irony !

Still incredible episode. I had hoped that they would show some animation of the fight ( since it was skipped in the manga ) but they didn't. Too bad.
Waking up to find that eight pages have passed does not please me.

Madoka Magica 01

Initial Impressions; Hate, hate, hate the character designs. Those faces will haunt my dreams. So bad. I just find them super unpleasing to look at it. Backgrounds and colors, on the other hand look freaking amazing. So gorgeous. That kind of evens things out on a visual end. Music is really weird (in a good way?).

Story wise, episode was pretty standard and super boring. Don't really care about the story or characters at all. Hate the rabbit-cat thing.

Overall, walking away with a negative impression so far, but given the near universal love from AnimeGaf I'm absolutely sure this show is not at all what it seems to be. Not passing any real judgments right now. So, guys, without spoiling, about how long until the show starts showing its true colors? How much longer do I have to endure this standard, boiler-plate Magical Girl style story?

Oh shit a new Madoka watcher.

Kuttsukiboshi 2

Wait, so Aaya's brother dies off screen... okay. And then Aaya proceeds to trap and rape her ex-girlfriend... Uh... I don't think that's “Making it up to her” Aaya. That's just making it worse! … And yet she enjoys it. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. This is sick and depraved. Can I even call this Stockholm Syndrome?

“Do you hate me for just that?” Um... I wouldn't call screwing your brother a “just that” kind of thing Aaya. It's kind of creepy. VERY CREEPY. And yet... Kawakami is okay with looking past that. Uh huh.

… Is it me or is Aaya kind of like an abusive boyfriend? … ON THE DAMN TRAIN? GODDAMIT AAYA. And it even shows the sleeping passengers, as if to mock me. GAAAAAAAAAAAH.

“I'm leaving Japan tomorrow.” Good riddance? So she wants to fuck like rabbits all night until she has to leave... I don't get why Kawakami is even letting her do this.

“I want to make love to you before I die.” OH JOY. She's entirely stupid for going along with this stupidity. I get your brother is about to die from a tumor, but there are things you SHOULD NOT DO.


“It'd be great if you would lock up before you leave.” Aaya REALLY treated that like a typical one-night stand.

… SHE CAN TELEPORT NOW? Oh that's just lovely. I suppose now they'll have a happily ever aft- Okay, she's using HER powers to be obsessive....

WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY? So now they're just going to screw for all eternity on a distant alien world? How... Why.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

And yet another victim is claimed by this show.

Sword Art Online, 25

It's over now. You're free.

But the current manga arc and arc the anime half adapted is still yet to conclude.

Well the recent chapter does hint that
the arc is very close to completion.
So my expectations are fairly reasonable. I'm pretty sure I remember Mashima saying that the anime is not over yet.


I'll try to do something about it ... look forward to it ....... tomorrow i guess ?

Hunter x hunter - 85

Ah that moment , only the rain and rest is silence. Perfect moment .

Good job animation team !

Still incredible episode. I had hoped that they would show some animation of the fight ( since it was skipped in the manga ) but they didn't. Too bad.

Sweet. cant wait to see.

Waking up to find that eight pages have passed does not please me.

Oh shit a new Madoka watcher.

And yet another victim is claimed by this show.

It's over now. You're free.

Well the recent chapter does hint that
the arc is very close to completion.
So my expectations are fairly reasonable. I'm pretty sure I remember Mashima saying that the anime is not over yet.

Lol. I like that parody gif. Never seen it before.
Oreimo S2 - 12


Also why in the hell they are rushing this sooo much. First season did so well in disc sales that it's not like they have to do the series only to sell light novels. Two cour season would have made so much more sense. Really baffling. Best girl getting so weak episode because of rushing is sad. =(


No, the real problem with Fushigi Yuugi is that it's ridden with genre tropes/cliches. Otherwise it was a fun watch.

Geass kinda reminded me of Fushigi Yuugi on my first watch given the propensity to end on a cliffhanger nearly every ep. It's like anytime the ED theme started playing over the show, you knew something was up.


Lets Play! Suite Precure: 09

Another new toy this episode, and sightings of some recurring characters. Looks like there's a little dissension in the ranks for the bad guys. Wonder what this will mean for Siren in the future...


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha - 08&09

We finally have our moment where
Nanoha and Fate work together, and that little shit Chrono just had to show up and ruin Nanoha's chance at getting closer to her fellow mage.
I hope that kid dies.


Cardcaptor Sakura 19

"I won't buy it." I'm going to answer this for every money-related math question I have to answer from now on.

Li seems to be warming up to Sakura and Tomoyo a bit. And this new girl seems to be good too, as she beats the shit out of him in a fit of jealous rage when she sees Sakura wearing the shirt she gave him. I think I'm gonna like her.



Maybe its because its early morning, but for a single moment I actually thought that caption was the subtitle fromt hte anime.

In the past few months we've had EXTREME series of posts by multiple people about Gundam Age (a bad show), SAO (a bad show), School Days (a bad show)*, RAPEMAN....

So, stepping up to defend myself as the guy who does these "EXTREME" posts that are such a damper on the prestigious quality of an internet forum thread, I'd like to first start out that Gundam AGE invalidates the point of anyone receiving a troll recommendation. I watched AGE because I wanted to. I like shows about giant robots, and I like Gundam, and I didn't think it could really be that bad.

If we're going to act like my posts are a problem for this thread, then Gundam AGE and Gundam 00 ought to be discounted, because those two were things I watched on my own. You want to go after something, it'd be Geass, especially R2, where it was me watching the show crumble and animeGAF laughing at it and sure, I played it up by the end.

But as I said going into SAO, I was willing to give that show a fair chance and I didn't watch it JUST so I could do "EXTREME" posting because I am not a pony on a stand for doing tricks. And so for a full 14 episodes of SAO I gave it that fair shot, and I'd say I enjoyed it for the most part. Then it pulled a stupid move.

Meanwhile, these four bad shows, AGE, 00, R2 and SAO completely ignore all the good shows I've watched on AnimeGAF's recommendation recently. AnimeGAF recommended me Gun x Sword, Utena, G Gundam, the Big O, Martian Successor Nadesico, and the Vision of Escaflowne. And yeah, at some points in Escaflowne I resorted to the "OOOOH WUUUUUT" nature but in a show like that its justified. And it ignores all the shows I watch on my own, for no reason other than that I want to, and which I don't devote significant post content to, for instance Slayers or UC Gundam or GTO or Azumanga or HOTD, nor the things I've been watching this season, like Valvrave and Gargantia.

The grandiose, "EXTREME" posts were just something I did for fun about shows that AnimeGAF had seen and for the most part could have fun discussing with me. It's hardly the only thing I do in AnimeGAF, but if it really really is a big fat deal that is ruining the sacred name of AnimeGAF that some of the more dour posters here insist upon protecting from rant posts, boob gifs and all other evils perceived or otherwise, then I have no real qualm in stopping it, because I don't want to be that guy. AnimeGAF has been a fun community for me on GAF, and I think everyone has a right to that fun, and I don't want to ruin it for others. So I'll just drop it and we can all move on.

Oh Corvy kun. its too late to save you :(
RIP little raven.
I second this! Corvy Kun you should watch Accel world for something pretty stupid but a hell of a lot more fun.
What does that make me?! ;_;

I'm not watching anything by this writer ever again. And if Hito's old and you're older then well, I guess it makes you dead. Don't you watch enough anime to know any guy over 30 should have great grand children?

Who are you, and what have you done with Corvo

I am happy and free now, having embraced the greatest of all anime.

Blame CorvoSol!

I will gleefully accept the blame for the return of the WTF Princess.
Wait what? I was right? =O

The nanoha universe is a very little variation on that game. the only difference between the 2 is that nanoha father is dead in that game and that will lead to some very bleak and unforgiving events.

Just so you know.

Everyone in the family except nanoha is a highly trained assasin ( well nanoha mother is a chef , but that doesn't make her any less a threat ) , but they primary worked as bodyguards. Nanoha sister is part of the familly but not a true blood relative.
In the original game , nanoha father dies ( nanoha mother was preganant at the time ) during work as a result of a bomb. This lead to a serie of events with a vicious origanisation ( clover ) doing some pretty bad things ( nanoha brother is the protagonist of the game ). As result the brother and sister are quite close and ...well i don't need to give you more details ..

In the nanoha universe, the events leading to the father death never happenned. ( Either the clover organisation doesn't exist or it was throughly destroyed ) i think it's the later because nanoha sister ( miyuki ) is still adopted in the takamichi familly.
The result is simple: nanoha grew-up in a loving familly while the 2 other relatives learned the way of the sword (Mikami-ryuu and Fuwa-ryuu sword styles)

Regardless of your continuity , nanoha is never involved in any conflict and is totally unaware of her familly past.Still , given the hints in season 1 of nanoha it seems that the big brother is still in a vague triangle relationship ( and one of the girls involved is miyuki ) Just so you know the original game is "triangle hearts " so the protagonist being in a triangle relationship is well the main point of those games .

So there you go , nanoha quit a familly of ninjas , bodyguards , badass sword masters to become a magical girl.


[Attack on I'm out of Jokes for this Boring Show] - 12

The pacing for this entire arc has been atrocious and there's no light at the end of the tunnel. I have nothing positive to say about this episode accept that I suppose it could have been as bad as episode 10.
[Attack on I'm out of Jokes for this Boring Show] - 12

The pacing for this entire arc has been atrocious and there's no light at the end of the tunnel. I have nothing positive to say about this episode accept that I suppose it could have been as bad as episode 10.

i'm not sure ... but i'll ask anyway .

Is this about attack on titan ?
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