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Spring Anime 2013 l OT One l All roads lead to this

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railgun s 11


yuri is over!

So this is all happening after touma lost his memory due to index right?

Curious whats happening next.

Too many fucking names and terms in this series. :/
Magi 25


Soon, it'll be time for the Sun family to rule!

Everything involving Sinbad's group? Awesome.

Everything involving the other guy? Boring.

But whatever. Don't care anymore.
Madoka Magica 02

Story was mostly standard setup again and was overall pretty boring, but I think there's some interesting and really sinister stuff going on under the surface. Madoka and friend really don't seem to be taking the danger of being Magical Girls serious enough, even after seeing a witch fight in person. Also, they really can't think of a wish? Really. How about a wish to get rid of all witches? or, you know, a good old standby of world peace? Love the fight and psychedelic imagery in the witches world, too. Real highlight of the episode

Ok, a few story observations/predictions (the fun part where the audience gets to laugh about how wrong I am)

I don't trust catbbit at all. That thing seems really really sinister. As a rule, I say don't trust anything that offers wishes. Offering wishes and massive magical power? Somethings way, way off here. I also think the explanation why the transfer girl wanted him dead is total BS. Makes no sense at all.

Blonde mentor girl's going to die, isn't she? Seems like they're really setting her up for that.

This episode begins with more Madoka waking up from a dream. More dream imagery? Betting that's going to be important somehow.

Madoka's mother is really not a great role model, is she? Seems like she's real absentee as well. Could explain why Madoka is so strange and naive.

Something's really strange about the grief seed shown at the end of the episode. It's being said it adds magical power, but it seems to suck away some darkness. I'm betting Magical Girls somehow get corrupted by witches over time and the grief seed counteracts that somehow.

If Magical Girls compete for witches, and witches are at tragedies, how long until a magical girl lets someone in a tragic situation just die so they can get an early fight in with the witch?

So far, I'm pretty interested in the show. Can't wait to see how it goes.

The atmosphere is one of the best parts of the show. When they go to the witch barriers is when the animation really shines.
Madoka Magica 02

Story was mostly standard setup again and was overall pretty boring, but I think there's some interesting and really sinister stuff going on under the surface. Madoka and friend really don't seem to be taking the danger of being Magical Girls serious enough, even after seeing a witch fight in person. Also, they really can't think of a wish? Really. How about a wish to get rid of all witches? or, you know, a good old standby of world peace? Love the fight and psychedelic imagery in the witches world, too. Real highlight of the episode

Ok, a few story observations/predictions (the fun part where the audience gets to laugh about how wrong I am)

I don't trust catbbit at all. That thing seems really really sinister. As a rule, I say don't trust anything that offers wishes. Offering wishes and massive magical power? Somethings way, way off here. I also think the explanation why the transfer girl wanted him dead is total BS. Makes no sense at all.

Blonde mentor girl's going to die, isn't she? Seems like they're really setting her up for that.

This episode begins with more Madoka waking up from a dream. More dream imagery? Betting that's going to be important somehow.

Madoka's mother is really not a great role model, is she? Seems like she's real absentee as well. Could explain why Madoka is so strange and naive.

Something's really strange about the grief seed shown at the end of the episode. It's being said it adds magical power, but it seems to suck away some darkness. I'm betting Magical Girls somehow get corrupted by witches over time and the grief seed counteracts that somehow.

If Magical Girls compete for witches, and witches are at tragedies, how long until a magical girl lets someone in a tragic situation just die so they can get an early fight in with the witch?

So far, I'm pretty interested in the show. Can't wait to see how it goes.

You should start spoilering your posts as of next episode.
I still haven't recovered from watching it last night

One thing for sure i'm genuily disapointed.

I think this is setting it in stone for one of the worst midseason climaxes ever in Precure. I'd say the worst, but I don't really have Max Heart's midseason climax in mind. I think there was Baldez or something coming up and wrecking shit? If so, then yeah, DokiDoki is probably the worst one ever.

Why even bother with next week's episode of Dokidoki? lol

Because of Regina. I need more material for my Regina shrine as it is steadily growing more and more. But it really keeps going with harem stuff. I'd call
Cure Ace's identity making her an even bigger sue, but this has happened before, so I can't go anywhere with it.

Should probably take a snap shot of the current Regina shrine.


The Light of El Cantare
Guys, what if
Cure Ace
is actually Mana? Maybe she's so perfect that she achieves
a second level transformation

Mushibugyo 10

This episode was simply amazing.

Action was really well done and the emotion in the scenes legitimately made me care about everything happening during those tense moments.

And I'm sorry Haru. While you and Jinbei are the obvious pairing, Kuroageha is way to cute and awesome for me not to support.


listen to the mad man
Hi there. I'm posting here to directly respond to posts and because I received a PM from someone in this thread who I respect very fully and whose counsel I value. I'm not here to make you guys feel uncomfortable or like you're being punished. If you feel like you want to reply to this in here, feel free to do so--normally we ask that replies on mod stuff go in PM to avoid derailing but I'm saying this just so it's really clear I don't have anything to hide here. If you feel like replies in here will derail the thread, reply to me in PM if you have any input. If you think I'm an idiot, go ahead and tell me--I'm not here to punish anyone.

RE: Tamerlane; it wasn't my ban, but it's in keeping with how we moderate. He was rude, hostile, and openly insulting to other users. That's grounds for a ban. That's something we ban for. Sometimes it sucks when someone is a bright and positive contributor (someone here linked a post that seemed to me to be pretty thoughtful) who also comes with some baggage; the hardest bans to do are bans against users that you like, if only they'd avoid doing that thing that gets them banned. I'm sure Hito can vouch that there have been a lot of users over the years that carry with them positive contributions, but also rule-breaking baggage.

If other users were also insulting to him on the same level, we would go through the thread and deal with that. The "you have an anime avatar, your opinions are invalid" poster was banned, so I'm not sure where the double standard is at this point. Sometimes one user gets picked up before another. Sometimes when we moderate a thread we take action on a few users individually and then wait until a moderate has time to sweep the whole thread. Not asking you to give us the benefit of the doubt, just to say that sometimes it's worth waiting a little while before forming a conclusion about the conversation going on behind the scenes.

You know, I've never been harassed a single time on any other forum for my choice of avatar, even forums that arguably attract an even more mainstream userbase. There is a particular culture of hyper-masculinity that has taken root here and anything that violates that heteronormative space even slightly is violently shouted down. It's why I simply avoid OT altogether; my opinion isn't worth anything to them and theirs isn't worth anything to me.

I am sorry that you feel you don't have a safe space there. Some of what you're assessing is correct and a function of the way the site has grown. We've talked a lot about it in private, about trying to make people feel more welcome. We have a pretty good handle on open insults, but maybe not casual disrespect. We have more work to do. I do think that you are right to note that, to some extent, the culture of the forum has shifted in a way that the majority opinion is sort of socially outgoing, "well-adjusted", and behaviours associated with "nerdiness" can get frowned upon or get a bad reaction. I don't know that it's easy to police for that or easy to solve beyond encouraging people to be nicer to each other as a matter of basic decency.

Personal advice threads are particularly bad for it, because the formula is generally: Someone who is lacking a basic life skill makes a thread asking for help, they get mocked for lacking a basic life skill making it harder for them to learn it. I think a long time ago on GAF someone would be more likely to get a little bit of good natured ribbing, but now it's probably at the point where the tone of the thread is mostly negative. Sometimes the person making the thread contributes to it by being pre-emptively cocky or defensive (or really not even making a minimum amount of effort to think through the situation themselves) but that's not an excuse.

I do not agree that it's constructed among explicitly heteronormative lines because I think both in terms of our rules and in terms of our forum culture, we have a generally safe and welcome space for users regardless of sexual orientation. It's not perfect, of course, and I think everyone on staff takes improving it seriously. We're not paid for this, we do this because we want to make a positive difference on the forum and help out.

If you ever see an indication that you're not welcome anywhere on GAF, please tell me and I'll step in to make sure you are.

Hell, Kabouter is still a mod, and he's on record doing the hurrr hurrr anime avatars thing.

I know Kabouter very well. He is not a party bro. He is not an alpha male. He is not an aggressive guy. I have never seen him get angry, I have never seen him be rude to someone. He is an extremely tolerant guy and I have never seen him hold it against someone that they are weird or different. And he'll be the first to admit that he's a weird guy too. He's Dutch, he likes bad european electronic music, he's quiet, he likes history and tax law, he likes bad made-for-TV movies like Mega Crocosaurus vs Mecha Sharktopus, and he's really hard on himself. I don't say this to set you up on a date, but to make it clear that whatever he said, I hope you know that he's a good guy and I think he'd be a good friend to anyone in this community if they needed help, including in dealing with the poster who was rude to Tamerlane.

I'll take your word that he said what you said, but just to provide some context I will expect that he meant it in an extremely light-hearted and joking manner. I can personally tell you that I've never seen him moderate against people on any kind of basis like that. He is one of the most progressive people on the team, and he is one of the most active in moderating against hostile, racist, or hateful viewpoints. And yeah, he makes fun of me for my weird eccentricities too, and my weird tastes. And I make fun of duckroll. And duckroll makes fun of EatChildren. And EatChildren makes fun of Kabouter. We have a very jovial atmosphere. Maybe sometimes when we post stuff that we think comes off as light-hearted or joking, other people read it as insulting or personal. I understand if you don't take my word for it.

When we make suggestions to EviLore for new moderation candidates, we look at all communities. I know Dresden posts here. Other people whose names we kicked around on a sort of long-list and then short-list were involved here too. As a staff, I promise, we're not hostile to the contributors here.

As a general point to the thread, I understand if you feel like it's hard to participate on GAF outside this thread. I'm sorry if people make you feel that way. I'm especially sorry if anyone involved in moderation does. I understand the temptation to stay in here where you feel safe and comfortable, and I wouldn't stop anyone from doing that. But besides some of the jerk users, there are also a lot of great users outside the thread. I hope you do manage to participate elsewhere here and think of yourself as part of a bigger community. We're going to try to do a better job at dealing with threads where no one is doing anything bannable, but a lot of users are just being low-level not very nice to others. I'm not sure it's even possible to curb that behaviour at a place this size but hopefully we can make an impact. We're still going to ban people for being openly rude and hurtful, but we're trying to do better to stop situations where 10 people gang up on one, the one becomes defensive, and then crosses the line--if we don't stop that, then we encourage a situation where everyone is just nice enough to avoid being banned, but no nicer, and that sucks.

Sorry for taking up space in here. Have a nice day.


Poet Centuriate
Toradora! 8

Is this...a training montage with...a ripoff of Chariots of Fire? :lol

oh wow, fucking wow. Okay, I changed my mind, Taiga = best girl for that, holy shit.

great fucking ending too.
I think this is setting it in stone for one of the worst midseason climaxes ever in Precure. I'd say the worst, but I don't really have Max Heart's midseason climax in mind. I think there was Baldez or something coming up and wrecking shit? If so, then yeah, DokiDoki is probably the worst one ever.
Don't get me wrong ..i'm conflicted ... i like the turn of events aka blue eyed regina BUt it's not the same without a big mid season finale ..something when the stakes are higher , even for a moment.

Because of Regina. I need more material for my Regina shrine as it is steadily growing more and more. But it really keeps going with harem stuff. I'd call
Cure Ace's identity making her an even bigger sue, but this has happened before, so I can't go anywhere with it.

Should probably take a snap shot of the current Regina shrine.

oh here you go :

I'm telling you she is making a harem !

So , dokidoki precure - 21 AKA Precure who do you think i am edition

i liked this episode but i didn't like the fact that the show focus so much on mana-regina even in the moments like this.. that mana & regina are the stars aren't a problem. the fact that even when it comes to help , we get a few second of screen time for the others is regrettable at best because ... well because.!!
USE your money toei , give me some animation ! you can do it !!


Predictable moment , predictable outcome , but still quite good

So deus-ex machina, aka the "plot" arrive and open or portail in the house that lead to the place they need to go just when they needed to go there.

Fresh made me dislike magical babies in precure, and i not enjoyed this time either.


When the main heroine answer with : It's love! , you don't have to wonder more.

Anyway after that part it's "row row fight da power !" Heck regina fought the impossible and won ..

I still think that cure Ace will be
regina + airi , they better not make her sacrifice herself like michiru & kaoru did
If that happen , i'll lead the charge on 2ch !

Guys, what if
Cure Ace
is actually Mana? Maybe she's so perfect that she achieves
a second level transformation

OMG, an evolution zettai bouei leviathan style ? They need to present me with enough things and i might accept it , but i think i won't.
Cure Cure ace might also be
a Gattai of all 4 girls !


Tragic victim of fan death
Awesome post

Hey Stump, thanks for taking the time to write this long comprehensive post for us. I wasn't exactly sure about what happened to timbo but a lot of what you write here makes me glad that you're looking out for the board. I try to present myself in the best way possible without being offensive to promote the environment (sometimes it doesn't work cuz we're all human lol). What you say doesn't simply apply to this thread though. The message you're trying to spread especially about getting better and the atmosphere you're seeking is something that needs to be shared with the forum at large. Not sure if you will or if you're going to or not since that's up to you. Still, thanks for looking out for GAF. =D


Subete no aware
Well, for what it's worth, I do see the whole "anime avatar" thing quite often in gaming side... but it's almost deserved, because it's usually in one of the "icecream"-like threads that get started once in a while. lol


The Light of El Cantare
Superb response, Stump. I can't compose a meaningful response right now because I just took some anxiety meds an hour or so ago and they're beginning to knock me out, but I'll absolutely respond in full later. You have my deep appreciation for taking the time to address this topic.


Gargantia #12


I hope the Eldridge comes out of the sea when they use the golden key in the next episode. Because why the fuck not?


I still don't understand why she has team mates either when situations like this happen. This is doomed to mediocrity. I'm only watching to see where they take Regina at this point, considering these type of characters manage to outshine everyone else. That's why she's living in my town.

Splash Star spoiler in this
Regina is like.... FUCK SOMEONES WATCHING WHAT IT IS, Michiru and Kaoru. She doesn't seem to be Cure Ace

Does Regina
even need to be a Cure? She is already stronger than all four of them.


I think this is setting it in stone for one of the worst midseason climaxes ever in Precure. I'd say the worst, but I don't really have Max Heart's midseason climax in mind. I think there was Baldez or something coming up and wrecking shit? If so, then yeah, DokiDoki is probably the worst one ever.

...Max Heart had a midseason climax? ~.~

Suisei no Gargantia 12

is a bit of an ass, huh.

Enjoyed seeing
Melty get some time in the spotlight. The scene with her and Ledo was cute. I could get behind that pairing.

In case you didn't see the responses before, the archaeology anime you were probably looking for was Master Keaton.

Anyway that definitely gives me a different impression of Kabouter after the interactions I've had with him both on and off Gaf. It's nice to know some of the stuff that could be interpreted poorly was probably just his way of joking around. I definitely haven't seen him attack any one community since getting modded, at least on the forum.

And I don't want to dwell on it, but I am glad the higher-ups at least know about how the forum has grown and its sudden aversion to "nerdiness" and less "well-adjusted" people. That virgin thread was a mess.


Tragic victim of fan death
In case you didn't see the responses before, the archaeology anime you were probably looking for was Master Keaton.

Anyway that definitely gives me a different impression of Kabouter after the interactions I've had with him both on and off Gaf. It's nice to know some of the stuff that could be interpreted poorly was probably just his way of joking around. I definitely haven't seen him attack any one community since getting modded, at least on the forum.

And I don't want to dwell on it, but I am glad the higher-ups at least know about how the forum has grown and its sudden aversion to "nerdiness" and less "well-adjusted" people. That virgin thread was a mess.

Sounds like a thread that I would read but not participate in. =D
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