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Spring Anime 2013 l OT One l All roads lead to this

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The Light of El Cantare
Ghost in the Shell: Arise

Robot? More like moe-bot, amirite guys? Hello? Is this thing on?

That was pretty cool. It almost makes me want to check out the second movie and maybe the television series... but realistically, that won't happen. Still, looking forward to whenever the second episode will come out.

So it's not Mardock Scramble? yessssssssssss
Long story short, Tamerlane got banned in the Wire vs. Sopranos thread, someone noticed that another poster did the "lol anime avatar" thing and wasn't banned, there was the usual discussion on OT culture and mod policies, and Stump actually came here with an amazing post explaining everything.

If you're going to tell this whole story like this, at least provide some links to relevant posts. Please. I missed this whole thing too!
I can speak Korean, and muddle through English, but the one thing I'll always regret is taking Spanish over Japanese for my mandatory language courses. I like to believe that my weebish interests would have aided in comprehension, or effort, or something. Instead I can count to ten or so after two years of Espanol.

Looking back at all three years of Spanish that I took in highschool, I'm definitely not using what I learned more than I did before I took the classes. I might have actually put some Japanese to use if learnt it.


New NBC show called Crossing Lines starring William Fichtner and lots of European people.

Other than actually being shot in Europe, I'm not sure there's really anything there that distinguishes from your standard "team of cops with dark pasts solve crimes" though. But if you like Europe, you could do worse?
I guess it won't hurt to check out a couple of episodes. Beside now that Law and Order SVU, I got no cop drama to watch and I have idea when the third season of Luther will start.


The Light of El Cantare


Revolutionary Girl Utena 12

Hearing "Utena-San" is just so odd. And not just from Papillon, but from everyone. In case anybody is asking, Wakaba is best girl and also my Waifu for the rest of the show. Girl's 'dorable. Can't decide if Utena in a skirt is good or not. Very definition of "Not Sure If Want."

A question, for late-night AnimeGAF to ponder: Who is the bigger douchebag? Gendo Ikari, or Tengou Kiryu? I can't judge yet, since I know more about Gendo than Tengou, but still. Tengou is a DOUCHE KING. Not quite Douche of the World like Gargantia's Pinion, though.

Oh, nevermind. It turns out the biggest douchebag in the show is Utena Tenjou. Fuck you, woman. Wakaba was right! #Wakabawasright.

Do you know do you know is almost as annoying as It is Known Khaleesi.

HOT DAMN NEW SONG. HAHAHAHA It's a pink lightsaber, dude. C'mon. So I guess that the song was also sort of meant to symbolize the brevity of Tengou's reign? Anyway, I just realized that Utena's princess costume is a pink variant of Anthy's Rose Bride outfit. That's probably significant I guess.

I CAN'T DO IT. Once I start thinking about what's symbolic in this show my brain goes into overdrive and I start thinking up wild mass guesses about the significance of Chu-Chu's eyes looking like black vortexes from which sanity cannot escape.
I finished this the other day and forgot to say anything. I enjoyed it when it was focusing on the music, but I don't think the characters were particularly strong and the romance was not enjoyable. Maybe I should have watched the dub because the Engrish was terrible/hilarious at times, especially since there are all these characters supposed to be native speakers. And Maho is the worst girl. I'm tempted to read the manga to see if I'll like that better.


Maou-sama 07 (con't)

It's a testament to this show's direction that the show can manage to be riotously funny and incredibly entertaining even with the show's somewhat mediocre animation.

Chi-chan lol


I took like 4 years of Latin in High School

I remember nothing

Memoror Nihil

Well yeah, Latin is a dead language. You don't need it unless you're going tomb raiding in Europe.

Portuguese, on the other hand, has opened up some interesting doors for me. None of which I've managed to squeeze through, but there it is.


A lot of my problem with languages is having to reach this competency mark where you can really begin self-directed learning by picking at random materials and trying to understand it. I've never buckled down and fully committed to learning a language and it feels like something I just need to focus, like, 80-90% of my efforts on for a sustained period of time until it becomes relatively self-sustaining. And I'm just not going to get that time for a while.

Trying to change the situation, but yeah... it's slow going.
Well yeah, Latin is a dead language. You don't need it unless you're going tomb raiding in Europe.

Portuguese, on the other hand, has opened up some interesting doors for me. None of which I've managed to squeeze through, but there it is.

I wish I had been able to read Latin when I was researching for my senior thesis on medieval German history. Those primary sources were a bitch.


The Light of El Cantare
Well yeah, Latin is a dead language. You don't need it unless you're going tomb raiding in Europe.

Portuguese, on the other hand, has opened up some interesting doors for me. None of which I've managed to squeeze through, but there it is.

When I was really into Greek mythology years ago I actually studied enough Ancient Greek to be able to read parts of The Iliad in its original language, but I remember nary a word of it. It had the most monstrously difficult verb conjugation and freeform sentence structure of any language I've ever studied.

Fun fact: there's actually some GAF poster whose tag is "I like big butts and I cannot lie" in ancient Greek. I've actually noticed a few tags in ancient Greek and Latin, which I think was Dragona's doing. Regulus/Dresden, if either of you are here, is that how you got your tag?


I can speak French (obviously), English, Spanish and I'm learning Japanese (according to my teacher I'm the best student of the group ∑(゚Д゚) )
Would be cool if I could learn another language someday, but I don't know which one.


A lot of my problem with languages is having to reach this competency mark where you can really begin self-directed learning by picking at random materials and trying to understand it. I've never buckled down and fully committed to learning a language and it feels like something I just need to focus, like, 80-90% of my efforts on for a sustained period of time until it becomes relatively self-sustaining. And I'm just not going to get that time for a while.

Trying to change the situation, but yeah... it's slow going.

This is why I haven't branched into Spanish and French full scale, really. I want to really, truly polish my Portuguese. I recently took a test from the Government in which I scored well, and when I tested out of Portuguese classes for my minor, I aced the test, and I'm able to carry on conversations just fine with my friends from Brazil, but on the other hand . . .

I've been trying to keep up with the protests in Brazil, and since I'm an International Politics major, I've been trying to get my head around the laws surrounding all this and let me tell you: You think you know a language till you try to read its legal documents. I can read the Bible in Portuguese just fine, and that thing was written like, a hundred billion years ago by Almeida. Legal documents are full of words that no one has ever seen or heard before, though.
Well yeah, Latin is a dead language. You don't need it unless you're going tomb raiding in Europe.

Portuguese, on the other hand, has opened up some interesting doors for me. None of which I've managed to squeeze through, but there it is.

Gosh I hope they call me somewhere foreign


A lot of my problem with languages is having to reach this competency mark where you can really begin self-directed learning by picking at random materials and trying to understand it. I've never buckled down and fully committed to learning a language and it feels like something I just need to focus, like, 80-90% of my efforts on for a sustained period of time until it becomes relatively self-sustaining. And I'm just not going to get that time for a while.

Trying to change the situation, but yeah... it's slow going.

This is gonna be really terrible advice (and is a reason why I never delve into those TEACH ME A LANGUAGE PLEASE threads) but I wanted to address this.

For me, the best way to learn a language is to immerse yourself in it. I'm not saying go to Japan and live like a hermit or something but try to listen, really listen, to the anime/media you're watching. It doesn't matter if you don't understand, what's important is you get used to hearing. Listening to songs and basically hypnotizing yourself with the language is a good idea too.

Eventually, when you get to learning some words in class, some of them will just "click" for no reason other than the fact that you're used to hearing them and you feel like you already know the words.

Other than that, its just patience. You'll be watching something someday and you'll just "get it". That's the sign.


The Light of El Cantare
Remember, guys, words only separate us.



Subete no aware
So it's not Mardock Scramble? yessssssssssss
I don't know what that is, so :kayos.

I guess it won't hurt to check out a couple of episodes. Beside now that Law and Order SVU, I got no cop drama to watch and I have idea when the third season of Luther will start.
Well, the pilot is basically a two hour movie. It doesn't really do anything special, except for that Kinect holographic CG crime scene thing. lol

I skimmed through the rest of it and yeah....
Good hand-eye coordination!

That would be November 30, with the general BD release on December 25.
Man, 6 months? That's a pretty breezy schedule.

The correct answer would have been West Wing over those two anyways.
Oh come on. :p
You might as well pick a jdrama!

Esperato future.


This is gonna be really terrible advice (and is a reason why I never delve into those TEACH ME A LANGUAGE PLEASE threads) but I wanted to address this.

For me, the best way to learn a language is to immerse yourself in it. I'm not saying go to Japan and live like a hermit or something but try to listen, really listen, to the anime/media you're watching. It doesn't matter if you don't understand, what's important is you get used to hearing. Listening to songs and basically hypnotizing yourself with the language is a good idea too.

Eventually, when you get to learning some words in class, some of them will just "click" for no reason other than the fact that you're used to hearing them and you feel like you already know the words.

Other than that, its just patience. You'll be watching something someday and you'll just "get it". That's the sign.

That's exactly why I started watching dramas and variety shows!


Madoka Magica 6

Fantastic episode. Much better than 5. A ton of stuff going on here.

First of all, you have new girl being evil. Not so interesting. She's terrible anyway, so the sooner we're done with her the better. Nothing they do with her this episode makes her any more interesting, so the less time they waste on her the better.

You have Madoka's mom actually being a good, attentive parent. That was a really nice character moment. I don't think the advice on how to deal with the situation was particularly good, but it was nice that she tried all the same. Sweet scene.

We got two big moments this episode. First, we have
an alliance between Brown Magic girl and Fang girl
. The exchange that led to that was sort of interesting, but character motivations are too heavily obscured to make a real judgement on it. I assume, given the discussion, it has to do with the
big bad that caused the destruction in Madoka's premonition
Should be interesting to see how it goes.

We also have more rules of being a Magic Girl revealed, and most surprisingly Catbbit actually made some solid points in an argument. First we have,
the fact that magic girl's soul stones get tainted over time. Totally called it. Not hard to call it, but glad to see I was right.
. We also have
the fact that magic girl's souls are carried in soul stones, a fact that should surprise nobody. Why else would they be called Soul Stones?
More importantly, Catbbit actually made a good argument when
the girls freaked out about it. It actually is super useful in the dangerous job of hunting witches. I mean, it sucks he did it without consent, but it isn't that huge a deal.
Still, the way he argued it was super creepy.

One of the things I find most interesting is that this is half way through the show and
the main character still hasn't gotten her transformation yet. As a viewer though, I don't wanter her to as I know whatever Catbbit is pushing can't be worth it. It really shows tremendous strength on the writer's part to push it out this long. Good on them


Poet Centuriate
Small multi series run tonight. Also, might do the Kurita thing and re-pick up Densha Otoko since I liked that but never got the chance to watch all of it.

Toradora! 9

what a way to start an episode :lol that's fucking gold. oh wait...hahahahahah that's fucking great
What's on the DVD I wonder...

Man, Ryuuji and Taiga should just realize that
RuujixTaiga and MinorinxYuusaku are basically great matches and they should just give it up.
But that wouldn't make for a 24 episode series now would it?

This a great fucking plan, no way it can backfire *rolls eyes*

WTF Yuusaku. WTF Minorin. W. T. F.

This whole
seeing ghost = experiencing love
metaphor is actually pretty beautiful.

Le Chevalier D'Eon 1

It's been a long time since I watch this show, picking it back up now. But, seeing as I couldn't remember where I was in the series (was kinda far and like it okay) and what was going on as well as I probably can now, so I figured it was best just to start back at the beginning.

The show is just as a remembered it though, so far. Great atmosphere, good dub, great animation. It definitely doesn't look anything like your traditional anime. D'Eon's position as (more or less) a idealistic but jaded cop (knight in this case) is rather cliche, but nt at all badly done.

This episode is a lot more noir-ish than the rest of the series by a bit, iirc, but it's still really well done. The fight scenes are a really great too.

The ED is really fucking good too, holy shit.

The Count of Monte Cristo 5

This got put on the backburner for numerous reasons, one of which was my Clannad run :p But back and up we go.

Man, the count's place is fucking baller. Need an MTV Cribs episode for him.

God, Albert you are such a fucking putz.

The count is a fucking boss, love that dude. Villainous, but man.


Maou-sama 08 (Con't)

So I thought originally it was going to be a lot more fish-out-of-water than it was going to be, but this episode made it apparent that it just timeskipped over that for reasons of getting the more interesting plot rolling and moved the comedy of that scenario over to Suzuno instead, which is probably infinitely more hilarious because of how 'dignified' she is in normal life. Exceptional episode. Also I knew the conversation between Emi and Suzano in the previous episode was being said on different levels.
Revolutionary Girl Utena 12

Hearing "Utena-San" is just so odd. And not just from Papillon, but from everyone. In case anybody is asking, Wakaba is best girl and also my Waifu for the rest of the show. Girl's 'dorable. Can't decide if Utena in a skirt is good or not. Very definition of "Not Sure If Want."

A question, for late-night AnimeGAF to ponder: Who is the bigger douchebag? Gendo Ikari, or Tengou Kiryu? I can't judge yet, since I know more about Gendo than Tengou, but still. Tengou is a DOUCHE KING. Not quite Douche of the World like Gargantia's Pinion, though.

Oh, nevermind. It turns out the biggest douchebag in the show is Utena Tenjou. Fuck you, woman. Wakaba was right! #Wakabawasright.

Do you know do you know is almost as annoying as It is Known Khaleesi.

HOT DAMN NEW SONG. HAHAHAHA It's a pink lightsaber, dude. C'mon. So I guess that the song was also sort of meant to symbolize the brevity of Tengou's reign? Anyway, I just realized that Utena's princess costume is a pink variant of Anthy's Rose Bride outfit. That's probably significant I guess.

I CAN'T DO IT. Once I start thinking about what's symbolic in this show my brain goes into overdrive and I start thinking up wild mass guesses about the significance of Chu-Chu's eyes looking like black vortexes from which sanity cannot escape.

Utena impressions are always so damn entertaining.
Do you know, do you know who is the biggest douchebag in Utena?


When I was really into Greek mythology years ago I actually studied enough Ancient Greek to be able to read parts of The Iliad in its original language, but I remember nary a word of it. It had the most monstrously difficult verb conjugation and freeform sentence structure of any language I've ever studied.

Greek's not so bad, but you kind of jumped in at the deep end with Homeric Greek which is different enough to standard Attic Greek to give anyone pause for thought.

Given that I've just jacked in my job to become a Classics teacher, though, I guess I would say that...

Fun fact: there's actually some GAF poster whose tag is "I like big butts and I cannot lie" in ancient Greek. I've actually noticed a few tags in ancient Greek and Latin, which I think was Dragona's doing. Regulus/Dresden, if either of you are here, is that how you got your tag?

I love Dresden's tag. Every time I see it, I think "really? You got tagged with that?"

Regulus's tag is a Monty Python reference, but I'm on my phone so there's no way I can link to the relevant section for Life Of Brian.



This is the new ピクサー studio film that doesn't feel like its own thing. Much like harem anime follow the same formula, this follows the same storyline we've seen a thousand times before.
Two rivals compete, they both fail, they join together out of necessity, they become friends, one goes behinds the others back, bad feelings, they make up and everything turns out alright.
And that's basically it. You've seen it before. Then sprinkle, sorry I mean mash as many references to the original as possible with as little grace as possible and you have モンスター大学. The two leads perform well and there are a decent number of genuinely funny moments, but it lacks the heart and charm of the original. Another addition to ピクサー's "decent" catalogue.

But let's talk about the ピクサー short, ブルー傘.
My god. This is one of the most stunning things I have even seen. The story is fairly standard. A tale of love between two umbrellas in a bustling city where all the inanimate objects have personalities. But this is the most beautiful example of CG I have ever seen. The amount of detail in everything is astonishing. The use of faces on the umbrellas is disappointing, as all the other objects have faces made of their parts but it still looks absolutely stellar. Maybe one day anime CG will look this good. lol
Definitely worth seeing for this visual masterpiece alone.


ピクサー or ピクザー?

Maou-sama 10

Chi-chan, your chest is fucking ludicrous. I would venture all the way up maybe to grotesque, to be honest.

lol, Chi and Emi's differing fear of reptiles was fantastic.


Its Monster University.

The Japanese for Monster University is actually モンスターズ・ユニバーシティ :p

ピクサー or ピクザー?

The first one.
Jewelpet Kira Deco 44

This had some of the ugliest art of the show, but it wasn't too obtrusive past the opening sequence. Anyway, the colorfulness of the two villains made up for that: one has the power of puppy dog eyes,


while the other is a serenading guitar-slinger.


They're a fun combination to watch, and somehow end up being the most competent of the Decoranain. It does feel like we're headed towards the end game. I'm sure it'll be funny, but I hope it'll have some payoff for the character subplots that have been simmering during the series too.


Ro-Kyu-Bu! OVA


5 minutes in and I already feel like a criminal. I can't do this.

Virgo. Virgo.

haha no way, I seriously did not know that xD

People, people, at least pretend you aren't pirating your anime.
Now you're going to have to come up with a follow-up story about your friend lending you the DVD without telling you where it came from.

Anyway, I took some photos earlier in the thread:
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