Ro-Kyu-Bu! OVA
5 minutes in and I already feel like a criminal. I can't do this.
It feels like it's a good thing I forgot it existed in my queue.
Ro-Kyu-Bu! OVA
5 minutes in and I already feel like a criminal. I can't do this.
Ghost in the Shell: Arise
Robot? More like moe-bot, amirite guys? Hello? Is this thing on?
That was pretty cool. It almost makes me want to check out the second movie and maybe the television series... but realistically, that won't happen. Still, looking forward to whenever the second episode will come out.
Long story short, Tamerlane got banned in the Wire vs. Sopranos thread, someone noticed that another poster did the "lol anime avatar" thing and wasn't banned, there was the usual discussion on OT culture and mod policies, and Stump actually came here with an amazing post explaining everything.
I can speak Korean, and muddle through English, but the one thing I'll always regret is taking Spanish over Japanese for my mandatory language courses. I like to believe that my weebish interests would have aided in comprehension, or effort, or something. Instead I can count to ten or so after two years of Espanol.
I guess it won't hurt to check out a couple of episodes. Beside now that Law and Order SVU, I got no cop drama to watch and I have idea when the third season of Luther will start.New NBC show called Crossing Lines starring William Fichtner and lots of European people.
Other than actually being shot in Europe, I'm not sure there's really anything there that distinguishes from your standard "team of cops with dark pasts solve crimes" though. But if you like Europe, you could do worse?
Just wait until you get to the tofu moment. It melted my brain and I couldn't stop laughing for a few minutes.
If you thought RKB was bad before, here's a fanservice OVA!It feels like it's a good thing I forgot it existed in my queue.
If you're going to tell this whole story like this, at least provide some links to relevant posts. Please. I missed this whole thing too!
I took like 4 years of Latin in High School
I remember nothing
Memoror Nihil
That would be November 30, with the general BD release on December 25.Still, looking forward to whenever the second episode will come out.
Well yeah, Latin is a dead language. You don't need it unless you're going tomb raiding in Europe.
Portuguese, on the other hand, has opened up some interesting doors for me. None of which I've managed to squeeze through, but there it is.
Well yeah, Latin is a dead language. You don't need it unless you're going tomb raiding in Europe.
Portuguese, on the other hand, has opened up some interesting doors for me. None of which I've managed to squeeze through, but there it is.
A lot of my problem with languages is having to reach this competency mark where you can really begin self-directed learning by picking at random materials and trying to understand it. I've never buckled down and fully committed to learning a language and it feels like something I just need to focus, like, 80-90% of my efforts on for a sustained period of time until it becomes relatively self-sustaining. And I'm just not going to get that time for a while.
Trying to change the situation, but yeah... it's slow going.
Well yeah, Latin is a dead language. You don't need it unless you're going tomb raiding in Europe.
Portuguese, on the other hand, has opened up some interesting doors for me. None of which I've managed to squeeze through, but there it is.
A lot of my problem with languages is having to reach this competency mark where you can really begin self-directed learning by picking at random materials and trying to understand it. I've never buckled down and fully committed to learning a language and it feels like something I just need to focus, like, 80-90% of my efforts on for a sustained period of time until it becomes relatively self-sustaining. And I'm just not going to get that time for a while.
Trying to change the situation, but yeah... it's slow going.
I don't know what that is, so :kayos.So it's not Mardock Scramble? yessssssssssss
Well, the pilot is basically a two hour movie. It doesn't really do anything special, except for that Kinect holographic CG crime scene thing. lolI guess it won't hurt to check out a couple of episodes. Beside now that Law and Order SVU, I got no cop drama to watch and I have idea when the third season of Luther will start.
Good hand-eye coordination!I skimmed through the rest of it and yeah....
Man, 6 months? That's a pretty breezy schedule.That would be November 30, with the general BD release on December 25.
Oh come on.The correct answer would have been West Wing over those two anyways.
Esperato future.
This is gonna be really terrible advice (and is a reason why I never delve into those TEACH ME A LANGUAGE PLEASE threads) but I wanted to address this.
For me, the best way to learn a language is to immerse yourself in it. I'm not saying go to Japan and live like a hermit or something but try to listen, really listen, to the anime/media you're watching. It doesn't matter if you don't understand, what's important is you get used to hearing. Listening to songs and basically hypnotizing yourself with the language is a good idea too.
Eventually, when you get to learning some words in class, some of them will just "click" for no reason other than the fact that you're used to hearing them and you feel like you already know the words.
Other than that, its just patience. You'll be watching something someday and you'll just "get it". That's the sign.
I don't know what that is, so :kayos.
Other cop shows don't have Fukuyama so Galileo wins.
I'll take your word for it then. lolWatch it and you'll know why everyone freaked out when Tow Ubukata was announced as writer for Arise.
Oh you.Galileo > The Wire
I take it the :wonzo is back?Compare and contrast:
Compare and contrast:
Nah, reading the manga as a group started translating it not long after the first season ended. The tone is so completely different it's almost as if I'm reading something else entirely.I take it the :wonzo is back?
Revolutionary Girl Utena 12
Hearing "Utena-San" is just so odd. And not just from Papillon, but from everyone. In case anybody is asking, Wakaba is best girl and also my Waifu for the rest of the show. Girl's 'dorable. Can't decide if Utena in a skirt is good or not. Very definition of "Not Sure If Want."
A question, for late-night AnimeGAF to ponder: Who is the bigger douchebag? Gendo Ikari, or Tengou Kiryu? I can't judge yet, since I know more about Gendo than Tengou, but still. Tengou is a DOUCHE KING. Not quite Douche of the World like Gargantia's Pinion, though.
Oh, nevermind. It turns out the biggest douchebag in the show is Utena Tenjou. Fuck you, woman. Wakaba was right! #Wakabawasright.
Do you know do you know is almost as annoying as It is Known Khaleesi.
HOT DAMN NEW SONG. HAHAHAHA It's a pink lightsaber, dude. C'mon. So I guess that the song was also sort of meant to symbolize the brevity of Tengou's reign? Anyway, I just realized that Utena's princess costume is a pink variant of Anthy's Rose Bride outfit. That's probably significant I guess.
I CAN'T DO IT. Once I start thinking about what's symbolic in this show my brain goes into overdrive and I start thinking up wild mass guesses about the significance of Chu-Chu's eyes looking like black vortexes from which sanity cannot escape.
When I was really into Greek mythology years ago I actually studied enough Ancient Greek to be able to read parts of The Iliad in its original language, but I remember nary a word of it. It had the most monstrously difficult verb conjugation and freeform sentence structure of any language I've ever studied.
Fun fact: there's actually some GAF poster whose tag is "I like big butts and I cannot lie" in ancient Greek. I've actually noticed a few tags in ancient Greek and Latin, which I think was Dragona's doing. Regulus/Dresden, if either of you are here, is that how you got your tag?
ピクサー or ピクザー?
Ro-Kyu-Bu! OVA
5 minutes in and I already feel like a criminal. I can't do this.
haha no way, I seriously did not know that xD
Virgo. Virgo.