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Spring Anime 2013 l OT One l All roads lead to this

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Nah, reading the manga as a group started translating it not long after the first season ended. The tone is so completely different it's almost as if I'm reading something else entirely.

What the best way to watch Kingdom S2 without watching S1?


Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn 4

IT'S BRIGHT NOAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! YEEEEESSSSSSS!!!! Haha, Ms. Martha's chin is soooooo masculine. Uh, I get that Audrey is seventeen and all, but I kinda thought that Riddhe was older than her and that his motivation for helping her escape the Nahel Argama was something other than trying to get into her pants.

On that note, it finally dawned on me why Audrey isn't attractive at all:
Because her father, Dozle Zabi, was one ugly guy, as was her grandfather, Degwin.

You know, I think this plot with Marida is the best part of the entire show. Because not only does it mean that
a Puru survived
, but rather than
being with Judau and living a happy life, she's had quite the opposite.

Bright's such a modest guy. "I'm no one special. I've just had a career slightly out of the norm." The other guy's like, "Bro you have captained experimental vessels with top of the line Gundam type suits and commanded basically every major Newtype not named Haman Khan or Paptimus Sriracha for seventeen years. Come on."

Hahaha, Audrey leaves a several gajillion dollar tip for the amazingly sage old coffee shop barkeep.

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT'S A GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUF! Oh man oh man oh man I hope there's a Gouf fight. Goufs are the best SI MSs ever made! Oh jeez, "If they can use the same weapons why can't they stop fighting?" Banagher, that has got to be one of the most forced attempts at asking why we can't all just get along that Gundam has ever done. I know you're a paint by numbers Gundam protagonist, but seriously kid, grow a brain.

Haha, Bright just SHUTS Riddhe down. That's right, Riddhe, look at that picture on the wall and know that you will never be as good as Domon Kasshu Judau Ashta Kamille Bidan Amuro Ray.

For a show that's basically all about how every stupid, petty, vicious thing humanity has done during the last 20 years of almost non-stop warfare, this show talks an awful lot about unicorns, peace, hearts, feelings, and stuff that you'd normally expect to find in a Lisa Frank coloring book.



The episode is full of marriage gags, so it's just a matter of time.

Is it an actual game or a just a VN date your favorite elementary schooler thing?

So I actually googled this to find out and... its not EXACTLY like a dating game. Think Sakura Wars except its basketball and all the characters are Iris. (I think, I couldn't be bothered to research too much on it)


Other than that, meh. We got a new girl, but I think she's pretty terrible. Really cliche rival personality, ugly design. Her damn fang teeth creep me out. She feels right out of something like Kamen Rider. Do not want at all. Hope she undergoes major character changes or goes away soon.

Oh, you're hating on Kyouko now as well as bestmom? You hate all the good things in life.

(Still enjoying your impressions, keep it up!)

Oreimo 12

I mean wow
this didn't happen in the LNs
but damn Kyosuke reject poor Ayase like that. Ayase was my favorite girls too even though Kuroneko is the better fit for Kyosuke. T_T Can't wait for the finisher, should be a lot of fun.

Yes, it did. As I mentioned in an earlier post, the
rejection scene
was taken straight out of the final novel.

various people said:
talk about languages

Since everyone's talking about what languages they speak, I guess I might as well join in. I speak:

  • English (British, native)
  • Japanese (studied at university, now working as a translator, would consider myself highly fluent reading, fairly fluent listening, but very inexperienced speaking due to never actually having anyone to talk to)
  • tiny bits of German (studied through high school, am currently living in Germany, but still can't really speak the language worth shit)
EDIT: Oh, and since people were talking about their ages too: I'm 24.


Is it an actual game or a just a VN date your favorite elementary schooler thing?

This one's actually the second RKB game, "Secret Lost Property." It's got a mix of conversation-mode, basketball training mode, and "lost property"-returning stealth missions.
You know the scene in the first season when Subaru winds up stuck sneaking into their room at night to return what Hinata lost? This game expands that into all the girls losing theirs all over the place, with Subaru playing Solid Snake to return them all.

The previous RKB was conversation-mode, basketball training, and basketball matches, leading up to a tournament at a local city sports event.
The training in this one is like one of those classic stat-training games like Princess Maker or Graduation.

The third game's coming out later this year; I think they said September. It's subtitled "Secret Shutter Chance" and has some kind of photography-based gameplay. (Photo Kano?)


I keep my avatar because honestly how could I ever find a better one than this?

Just a girl eating some ice cream.
Jewelpet Kira Deco 45


Somehow Coal has ended up being one of the most likable characters in the show. The Korumi personality helps, certainly, but even Coal himself, with his unflagging earnestness, has become more than the mere laughable underling his Decoranain colleagues treat him as. I can't help but feel bad for him as he gets trod underfoot.




It's an orange tomato.

Orange . . . tomato . .



You know what? Suguha was horrible, wretched, and awful, but STILL not as bad as Nina. Nina may well be the most repulsive character in any anime ever.

railgun s 11


yuri is over!

So this is all happening after touma lost his memory due to index right?

Curious whats happening next.

Too many fucking names and terms in this series. :/

WARNING: May possibly be construed as light spoilers for Index.

Yes, the Accelerator arc as seen in Index occurs after the opening arc where Touma meets Index. What happens next is seen from Touma's perspective during the Accelerator arc, if you care enough to watch Index just to see what's going to happen next in Railgun (except from Mikoto's perspective). You only need to watch the first 12 episodes of Index, but that's still a huge commitment for a show that desperately boring and in love with it's own impenetrable world.

The amount of retarded names and terms in Railgun is dramatically reduced from what I saw in Index. You basically needed an Appendix of terms and names on hand, plus a copy of the King James Version of the Christian Bible, just to watch Index. Railgun limits terminology pretty much just to the "science" side of things which is easy to understand, it's just a super-reductive form of shounen power levels where there's only Level 0 to Level 5 but the scale has to be logarithmic to compensate for this.


Ghost in the Shell Arise - Border 1: Ghost Pain

Well, that wasn't bad at all. Much better than the trailers let on in fact. The problems which surfaced with the trailers are still there - the character designs are pretty shit, the digital composite style which IG loves to use still makes everything look flat and boring, and recasting the characters, especially Batou, is kinda dumb. But in the end the script turned out to be pretty tight and not randomly dumb. It felt reserved enough and it didn't try to cramp too much crap within a short runtime. The action was pretty well animated too.

As far as an origin story reboot for GitS goes, I'll say this does a decent enough job of not being garbage. Surprisingly enough, that low bar is a pretty high bar in a lot of remakes and reboots these days. Or even other IG shows on average (lol Psycho-Pass). The new style of GitS is definitely modeled after the modern thriller. With self-investigation by the main character, lots of trust/suspicion dynamics with allies and superiors, and more "realistic" sort of mysteries like money laundering and murder, wrapped around the cyberpunk setting of GitS. It think it worked well enough.
Ghost in the Shell Arise - Border 1: Ghost Pain

Well, that wasn't bad at all. Much better than the trailers let on in fact. The problems which surfaced with the trailers are still there - the character designs are pretty shit, the digital composite style which IG loves to use still makes everything look flat and boring, and recasting the characters, especially Batou, is kinda dumb. But in the end the script turned out to be pretty tight and not randomly dumb. It felt reserved enough and it didn't try to cramp too much crap within a short runtime. The action was pretty well animated too.

As far as an origin story reboot for GitS goes, I'll say this does a decent enough job of not being garbage. Surprisingly enough, that low bar is a pretty high bar in a lot of remakes and reboots these days. Or even other IG shows on average (lol Psycho-Pass). The new style of GitS is definitely modeled after the modern thriller. With self-investigation by the main character, lots of trust/suspicion dynamics with allies and superiors, and more "realistic" sort of mysteries like money laundering and murder, wrapped around the cyberpunk setting of GitS. It think it worked well enough.

This is what I wanted to hear. Thanks ducky.


Gargantia on the Predictable Planet 12

So it wasn't a bad episode by any means. The CG robots are meh, and the entire thing was predicted several weeks in advance, but I still found myself enjoying it, and I still felt that Ledo's decision was a natural result of his development thus far.

This is still the best anime of the season for me. Even if Valvrave is the "best" anime of the season.


Setec Astronomer
Ojamajo Doremi # 14




Best episode about a Gary Stu ever.

Yeah, I think I've forgiven this show at this point. Let the good times roll!


Escaflowne - 19
Can't. Stop. Laughing.
Most ridiculous plan ever LMAO

Aaaaw, ep 19 is one of my favourite episodes of anime ever, as I expanded on at length last year.

I don't think it's a particularly ridiculous plan.
The Destiny Prognostication Engine shows that if the Dragon and the Girl From The Mystic Moon grow too close, then the future becomes uncertain and Zaibach's plan will fail. So in manipulating Hitomi's affections for Allen, they can avoid that happening. That's why they get so nervous after Hitomi and Van's scene in the windmill.

Of course, having to go through all the rigmarole with Eriya and Folken is melodramatic and plays up the "shoujo-ness" of the situation, but the plan makes sense to me.


Yuyushiki - Episode 10

Finally catching up to the show. Not bad, but I'm already missing the extended cast. Focusing an entire episode on just the 3 leads feels kinda underwhelming after they introduced the other characters. The wacky dreams, comic strips, and whiteboard art were all pretty fun, but I want to see more of their other friends. :(

Yuyushiki - Episode 11

YAY! A wild Aikawa appears! Just what the series needed to bounce right back. The direction and layouts in this episode were pretty damn creative too. Lots of shots focused on feet/leg animation, or hands, etc. Some really cool angles while they're in the club room too. The puns worked extra well this episode too. I really like the way the script actually deals with some very practical issues with regards to high school students growing up, but covers it all up with ridiculous pseudo-lesbian humor and wacky hijinx to reflect what it really felt like at that age. Great stuff.

It's going to be pretty depressing after the final episode this week, since there'll be no more Yuyushiki. :(

Edit: More yummy examples from ep11!


Escaflowne 20
Man this becoming giant mess
Aaaaw, ep 19 is one of my favourite episodes of anime ever, as I expanded on at length last year.

I don't think it's a particularly ridiculous plan.
The Destiny Prognostication Engine shows that if the Dragon and the Girl From The Mystic Moon grow too close, then the future becomes uncertain and Zaibach's plan will fail. So in manipulating Hitomi's affections for Allen, they can avoid that happening. That's why they get so nervous after Hitomi and Van's scene in the windmill.

Of course, having to go through all the rigmarole with Eriya and Folken is melodramatic and plays up the "shoujo-ness" of the situation, but the plan makes sense to me.

I appreciate your post, but the concept of
"Hey let voodoo that girl to kiss other guy"
make my funny bone suffer. Its such a bizzare scenario.
Aaaaw, ep 19 is one of my favourite episodes of anime ever, as I expanded on at length last year.

I don't think it's a particularly ridiculous plan.
The Destiny Prognostication Engine shows that if the Dragon and the Girl From The Mystic Moon grow too close, then the future becomes uncertain and Zaibach's plan will fail. So in manipulating Hitomi's affections for Allen, they can avoid that happening. That's why they get so nervous after Hitomi and Van's scene in the windmill.

Of course, having to go through all the rigmarole with Eriya and Folken is melodramatic and plays up the "shoujo-ness" of the situation, but the plan makes sense to me.

The internal logic of it makes sense, but the way the plan is executed,
ie magick a girl into kissing someone
, isn't particularly elegant and doesn't work as a plot device for me.


Setec Astronomer
Ojamajo Doremi # 15


This episode was actually pretty touching, and the show continues to demonstrate it won't shy away from certain subjects, even making a meta jab at those who do.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I can speak Korean, and muddle through English, but the one thing I'll always regret is taking Spanish over Japanese for my mandatory language courses. I like to believe that my weebish interests would have aided in comprehension, or effort, or something. Instead I can count to ten or so after two years of Espanol.
Escogiste bien.
manga looks better, the anime looks very subdued in comparison.
Best avatar.
Yuyushiki - Episode 10

Finally catching up to the show. Not bad, but I'm already missing the extended cast. Focusing an entire episode on just the 3 leads feels kinda underwhelming after they introduced the other characters. The wacky dreams, comic strips, and whiteboard art were all pretty fun, but I want to see more of their other friends. :(

Yuyushiki - Episode 11

YAY! A wild Aikawa appears! Just what the series needed to bounce right back. The direction and layouts in this episode were pretty damn creative too. Lots of shots focused on feet/leg animation, or hands, etc. Some really cool angles while they're in the club room too. The puns worked extra well this episode too. I really like the way the script actually deals with some very practical issues with regards to high school students growing up, but covers it all up with ridiculous pseudo-lesbian humor and wacky hijinx to reflect what it really felt like at that age. Great stuff.

It's going to be pretty depressing after the final episode this week, since there'll be no more Yuyushiki. :(

Edit: More yummy examples from ep11!

I will miss it so. Maybe it will be one of those weird cases where it gets another season for no discernable reason.
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kira - Episode 1-4

Took a dive into this since it was only 4 episodes and I still wanted to see some Higurashi after seeing Higurashi Kai. This was just a huge comedy in the 4 episodes that I wasn't expecting. It's kinda weird for me to see them just coming back from being
insane, killing each other, and psycho cat eyes
to laughing comedic happy stories. I will say that episode 1 was funny and weird, 2 was nice when the characters were going crazy (brought back some of that nostalgia for the 5mins it was shown) that is until the magical girl stuff, episode 3 was actually the best and was pretty funny, and episode 4 was really boring and I didn't like it at all.

I probably didn't need to watch these but I guess it was a good laugh. Just wish I could have known they were going the comedic route, instead of the drama horror like the story used to be. I heard they're making another Higurashi short season so I hope it's more drama horror instead of comedy this time.


I think that the bannable post occurred earlier in the thread; several people were accusing him of being condescending according to quotes in his post history. Whether that's true or this was just another case of juniors being on a way shorter leash and the dogpile of offense being taken as sufficient evidence that offense was intended, I'm not sure but, frankly, that whole thread sounds like a pain in the ass to parse through.
It happens when the topic is fundamentally flawed and just serves to confront people, I'd prefer that posters with 'Junior Member' status would just avoid those kind of traps until they have sorted out how this place works completely. Anyway, comparisons of different shows like that are unnecessary.

A shame indeed, I liked Tamerlane and his analysis, like the one for Belladonna. :'-) See you on the other side (or at another place), man!

That said, Mad Pierrot, I think you always worry too much about how this forum rolls and how each conflict is resolved, you are going to end up much more afraid over-thinking about this! Best thing is not to be that attentive and trust in the Moderators oversight on that matters... I don't want to see you involved in discussions that could end up gone wrong.
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