Subete no aware
She's probably the other one too. lolVirgo. Virgo.
She's probably the other one too. lolVirgo. Virgo.
She's probably the other one too. lol
Is it an actual game or a just a VN date your favorite elementary schooler thing?The better question is why would someone want to buy a RKB game but that's neither here nor there.
Nah, reading the manga as a group started translating it not long after the first season ended. The tone is so completely different it's almost as if I'm reading something else entirely.
The episode is full of marriage gags, so it's just a matter of time.
Is it an actual game or a just a VN date your favorite elementary schooler thing?
Other than that, meh. We got a new girl, but I think she's pretty terrible. Really cliche rival personality, ugly design. Her damn fang teeth creep me out. She feels right out of something like Kamen Rider. Do not want at all. Hope she undergoes major character changes or goes away soon.
Oreimo 12
I mean wowbut damn Kyosuke reject poor Ayase like that. Ayase was my favorite girls too even though Kuroneko is the better fit for Kyosuke. T_T Can't wait for the finisher, should be a lot of fun.
various people said:talk about languages
Enter Tomat's avatar.Too sweaty!
1 year older than duckroll and probably not near as cute!I'm a 6 year old girl.
Now I'm curious about what it was pre-edit.Dude, stump checks this thread now! Edit the first pic or something.
Is it an actual game or a just a VN date your favorite elementary schooler thing?
Read the manga for the stuff covered in S1 (there' still ~3 volumes left to translate btw) and then start up S2 I guess??What the best way to watch Kingdom S2 without watching S1?
Now I'm curious about what it was pre-edit.
Just a girl eating some ice cream.
I keep my avatar because honestly how could I ever find a better one than this?
iwanttoseethereceipts.gifJust a girl eating some ice cream.
Just making sure, but you're using "Tengou" instead of "Touga" on purpose, right? Didn't catch the reference.Revolutionary Girl Utena 12
Read the manga for the stuff covered in S1 (there' still ~3 volumes left to translate btw) and then start up S2 I guess??
I don't know.To which chapter?
The Wire vs. The Sopranos thread. Tamerlane gets into it pretty early and it just keeps escalating. The "anime avatar" post is somewhere on page six, I think.
AnimeGAF commentary on the issue begins on this page of the thread
and it all culminates on one hell of a Stump post here.
railgun s 11
yuri is over!
So this is all happening after touma lost his memory due to index right?
Curious whats happening next.
Too many fucking names and terms in this series. :/
Kagami is the hero Anime-GAF deserves.
Touga is a dick. Tengus have phallic noses. Co-incidence? I THINK NOT!Just making sure, but you're using "Tengou" instead of "Touga" on purpose, right? Didn't catch the reference.
Ghost in the Shell Arise - Border 1: Ghost Pain
Well, that wasn't bad at all. Much better than the trailers let on in fact. The problems which surfaced with the trailers are still there - the character designs are pretty shit, the digital composite style which IG loves to use still makes everything look flat and boring, and recasting the characters, especially Batou, is kinda dumb. But in the end the script turned out to be pretty tight and not randomly dumb. It felt reserved enough and it didn't try to cramp too much crap within a short runtime. The action was pretty well animated too.
As far as an origin story reboot for GitS goes, I'll say this does a decent enough job of not being garbage. Surprisingly enough, that low bar is a pretty high bar in a lot of remakes and reboots these days. Or even other IG shows on average (lol Psycho-Pass). The new style of GitS is definitely modeled after the modern thriller. With self-investigation by the main character, lots of trust/suspicion dynamics with allies and superiors, and more "realistic" sort of mysteries like money laundering and murder, wrapped around the cyberpunk setting of GitS. It think it worked well enough.
This is what I wanted to hear. Thanks ducky.
Just making sure, but you're using "Tengou" instead of "Touga" on purpose, right? Didn't catch the reference.
I just want to make it clear. Batou is no longer Solid Snake, therefore Ghost in the Shell Arise sucks ass. You understood that part right?![]()
I bet you more budget went into those 2 cuts of animation than the entirety of the broadcast version of episode 11. lolYay, you got the gif! I love the layout in those 2 cuts. Soooo good.
I don't know.
pro sakuga
Escaflowne - 19
Can't. Stop. Laughing.
Most ridiculous plan ever LMAO.
Escaflowne - 19
Can't. Stop. Laughing.
Most ridiculous plan ever LMAO
Aaaaw, ep 19 is one of my favourite episodes of anime ever, as I expanded on at length last year.
I don't think it's a particularly ridiculous plan.The Destiny Prognostication Engine shows that if the Dragon and the Girl From The Mystic Moon grow too close, then the future becomes uncertain and Zaibach's plan will fail. So in manipulating Hitomi's affections for Allen, they can avoid that happening. That's why they get so nervous after Hitomi and Van's scene in the windmill.
Of course, having to go through all the rigmarole with Eriya and Folken is melodramatic and plays up the "shoujo-ness" of the situation, but the plan makes sense to me.
So hot.
Oh yeah, Gargantia Episode 12. Really enjoyed this week's episode. Things got back on track as far as I'm concerned. Also really glad that last week was a one off in terms of visual quality.
Aaaaw, ep 19 is one of my favourite episodes of anime ever, as I expanded on at length last year.
I don't think it's a particularly ridiculous plan.The Destiny Prognostication Engine shows that if the Dragon and the Girl From The Mystic Moon grow too close, then the future becomes uncertain and Zaibach's plan will fail. So in manipulating Hitomi's affections for Allen, they can avoid that happening. That's why they get so nervous after Hitomi and Van's scene in the windmill.
Of course, having to go through all the rigmarole with Eriya and Folken is melodramatic and plays up the "shoujo-ness" of the situation, but the plan makes sense to me.
If only the first episode's fight could've been on par with this one.
Escogiste bien.I can speak Korean, and muddle through English, but the one thing I'll always regret is taking Spanish over Japanese for my mandatory language courses. I like to believe that my weebish interests would have aided in comprehension, or effort, or something. Instead I can count to ten or so after two years of Espanol.
Best avatar.manga looks better, the anime looks very subdued in comparison.
Yuyushiki - Episode 10
Finally catching up to the show. Not bad, but I'm already missing the extended cast. Focusing an entire episode on just the 3 leads feels kinda underwhelming after they introduced the other characters. The wacky dreams, comic strips, and whiteboard art were all pretty fun, but I want to see more of their other friends.
Yuyushiki - Episode 11
YAY! A wild Aikawa appears! Just what the series needed to bounce right back. The direction and layouts in this episode were pretty damn creative too. Lots of shots focused on feet/leg animation, or hands, etc. Some really cool angles while they're in the club room too. The puns worked extra well this episode too. I really like the way the script actually deals with some very practical issues with regards to high school students growing up, but covers it all up with ridiculous pseudo-lesbian humor and wacky hijinx to reflect what it really felt like at that age. Great stuff.
It's going to be pretty depressing after the final episode this week, since there'll be no more Yuyushiki.
Edit: More yummy examples from ep11!
Cosign.Best avatar.
It happens when the topic is fundamentally flawed and just serves to confront people, I'd prefer that posters with 'Junior Member' status would just avoid those kind of traps until they have sorted out how this place works completely. Anyway, comparisons of different shows like that are unnecessary.I think that the bannable post occurred earlier in the thread; several people were accusing him of being condescending according to quotes in his post history. Whether that's true or this was just another case of juniors being on a way shorter leash and the dogpile of offense being taken as sufficient evidence that offense was intended, I'm not sure but, frankly, that whole thread sounds like a pain in the ass to parse through.