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Spring Anime 2013 |OT -7| My Giant CG Pony Can't Possibly Read This Much Baudelaire

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As someone who doesn't watch sportsball, I just treated it as fanservice for football nerd kiddies. Like when Gretzky randomly showed up in The Mighty Ducks. lol

If that were true, they wouldn't have plastered Wayne fucking Rooney's face all over the place *vommit*.

Maybe it was because Rooney's face is impossible to mess up further.
The OreImo OT made me wonder whether or not S2 will still have camera focus on Kirino's behind.

The OreImo OT made me wonder whether or not S2 will still have camera focus on Kirino's behind.



Thanks for the MJP impression links, guys. I'll try to get the |OT| up by tonight. Figuring out the title will be the hardest part, haha.
Hum gargantia is not bad ..it has a superb start indeed .. I do hope this will keep going properly ...
i loved the first episode

Hum so many good anime this season.


Dokidoki Precure - 10

Can you believe it? A Precure episode with no goggles required. This episode far exceeded my already high expectations.

Everyone was at their best this episode. Rikka / Mana lilies, Rikka / MakoP complicated feelings - even Alice and the faeries played good supporting roles. Ai and Joe even managed to appear without ruining things horribly.

Were all those evil smiles just off-model, or intentionally creepy? Off model, of course. But you can't win 'em all, I guess.

I wish that
the monster had been made from Rikka, but the one we got was sufficiently neat. Spammy fight though. I still hold out hope for a miniarc in the 20s or 30s where each Cure gets an episode in which her heart is removed. Dokidoki wouldn't let me down

Now, keep up this quality, and Heartcatch will be dethroned! The preview includes Ai, so that likely won't be the case, but this episode makes me want to dream.
AKB0048 10-13 - So, I finally finished season 1 of AKB0048. I stopped watching this show after ep. 9 while it was airing, for some reason, but did like it quite a bit up to that point, so I always meant to continue, preferably after the second season was airing. Well I ended up waiting until after S2 was over, but close enough. In short though, I'll be watching S2 soon for sure; this was a good show! It has some things I can complain about, but overall is really good, surprisingly so considering what it's based on. I mean, a sci-fi series about a fictional version of a real singing group, and it works? Who'd have thought it. It's basically the Idolmaster Xenoglossia of AKB, only probably better overall because of how Xenoglossia isn't nearly as good in its second, serious half than it was in the first part. Also it has idol concerts instead of girls in giant robots, but they're fighting against people in giant robots at times, so that's not entirely different. :)

Overall, this was a legitimately very good series which I absolutely recommend. The series has some silly and unrealistic elements to it, but holds up overall despite them. The concept is really weird, though. I know I've said that before about this series, when talking about the first 9 episodes last year, but I have to say it again because every episode reminds me of how absurd the basic concept is. I mean, seriously, entertainment and singing groups are not only illegal, but are something which there is a whole military organization dedicated to destroying? Seriously? That whole idea is so absurd that it's hard to take the series as seriously as it wants you to take it. Because yes, to the characters, this is quite serious indeed, and isn't played off for laughs at all; there is plenty of comedy in the series, but not about that. The evil DES are not funny. They aren't successful most of the time, but they are a real threat.

In these episodes, the four main character girls return to Lancastar, the planet they came from, to hold an understudies' concert. Sensei Sensei even came up with a "new" song for them, though it's just the series' OP, so it's only new to the characters. Still, I guess the full version of it is sort of new. There are, as expected, several major plotlines about how things have gone on this planet, but basically "not well" sums it up.
Nagisa (the MC)'s father has been arrested because his daughter joined AKB0048; the schools have been shut down and now the students are either at home or have joined the military or the resistance against the DES; The girl who had had a boyfriend learns that he's now in the resistance, and has to try to sort out what he thinks of her now (since she still likes him, naturally); gel-blob-hair girl learns for sure that the work she was doing in that factory was indeed making DES robots -- and sees some panels she made herself on robots that attack them, in fact; and more.
All of this stuff was interesting; it was kind of sad to see how Lancastar had managed to get even worse since they had left it.

Nagisa also suffers a serious crisis of confidence after
her father refuses to let her rescue him from prison, and after seeing how her mother has given up on cultivating flowers in their small front yard, and starts thinking of dropping out of AKB0048. This is the main drama in these episodes, in addition to the action and the concert. Fortunately though, all turns out right in the end, and her father even smiles for once, something he never does! Very nice. :)
This crash and recovery of Nagisa's do happen very quickly, and it is somewhat cliche of course, but it's reasonably believable, and the story works overall.

There's also a concert and battle, of course. That all goes as usual in this franchise, though in ep. 12 one girl's arm is injured, so she couldn't participate at the end. On that note though, with the DES firing so many rockets and bullets at the girls, the idea that the girls never get killed during concerts is pretty ridiculous. All it would take is one headshot, they have to happen sometimes. Are the DES actually only firing nonlethal ammo or something? They do also have nets they use to try to capture AKB0048 members. But no, she got injured, and the bullets and explosions sure LOOK real. I know that the girls have those Kirara things protecting them, and also we are told that their uniforms are bulletproof, but the uniforms don't cover their arms, legs, or head... and as that arm injury shows, the Kirara aren't perfect. So yeah, only the magic of unrealistic writing keeps all of these girls alive through every concert, as far as I can tell. I wish they had a better in-universe excuse for this. Ah well.

Overall though, AKB0048 is a pretty good series. Once you accept how absurd it is, the story is good, and I like that it takes itself seriously; that's part of what makes the series work as well as it does. The characters are likeable too; sort of like, say, GuP, they're not the best or deepest around, but each character is at least moderately interesting, and the stories work. I liked all four main characters' plotlines in this set of episodes at least somewhat. The story with the other characters was good as well...
in the end the green-haired current Takamina learns that her dedication to protecting the understudy concert has rewarded her with a continuation as Takamina, while Sensei-Sensei has said that at least one of the understudies is going to be a Center Nova.
The team commander now has a new goal, redouble her efforts to figure out what happened to the other Center Novas. I guess we'll see that in S2. Overall though, despite that one cliffhanger element, this was a pretty solid season ending. As silly as the concept may seem, it really is a good series.

Date-A-Live 1 - Date-A-Live is a mediocre harem action series, and expect nothing more than that. The concept is unique, at least, though, so it's not the worst... I will keep watching. The series is about a near-future earth where giant space explosions called "spacequakes" have killed lots of people. The main character learns that actually the "spacequakes" are caused when
these girls from... uh, somewhere... an alternate reality or something? appear in our universe.
The governments' response is to try to kill them with soldiers (such as schoolgirls in formfitting flying suits, of course), but they're having no luck with that because the enemies' shields are near-impenetrable, so instead they take up a second plan, which this generic guy learns about at the end of S1:

Instead of killing them, date them! Hence the title of the series. So, the MC's goal now is to go date this girl, teach her about humanity, and over time make her into a normal person or something and not a dangerous threat to the Earth. Uh... sure, why not.

So far, there are three main girls, the "evil" girl, the girl in the military, and the MC"s sister. There is also a woman who works for the government who is around a lot. The MC's sister acts like a hopeless moeblob at home, and acts like a useless maybe-brocon, but later we learn that she has another side to her...
Actually she's the commander of the flying ship that the Japanese government is basing their anti-spacequake girl activities from in this region. Why a ~14 year old girl is the commander I have no idea, but she is.
This persona is completely different from her other one, so she talks seriously, berates her stupid brother, etc. If that's her real personality, then hopefully the whole "I like my brother" thing was just an act. Regardless it's obviously there because of the bizarre anime fascination with incest, but I think I've said enough times how incredibly stupid THAT is to have to say so again. But anyway, spacequake-causing girl is the female lead, so she, and likely more of her kind (I mean, will it really stop at just one of them?), are the focus.

So yeah, good luck, staff... helping a generic bland harem lead type guy like this successfully date girls, even weird ones like these, won't be easy. :) Overall this is obviously a pretty terrible show, but one episode in it's fun bad, not bad-bad, so I will watch more.

Little Witch Academia - I said a few words about this, and don't want to write a long review -- this is a pretty basic OVA, and unless it became a series or something there's not all that much to say -- but yeah, it was enjoyable. The story is about a girl who sees a magic show (with real magic), and then wants to be like the woman magician (witch) who had done the show. Her magical abilities are suspect, but when she gets older she goes off to witch school anyway. So, the characters are teenage girl witches at witch school. Yeah, the MC is your generic somewhat hopeless-seeming but actually skilled when it matters protagonist. The other girls at this school are all stereotypes as well; there's the "rival" girl who's sort of a tsundere princess style character, a teacher (
who has a secret of her own
), and several other characters, including two friends for the main character, and two hangers-on (maybe "friends") for the rival girl. It's a fairly traditional story, as the girls accidentally mess up and then have to save the day, but it's well enough told, and yes, the animation was pretty good.

Oh yeah, no pantyshots (or fanservice stuff) here, their legs just vanish into the skirt. Sure, why not. Keeps it classier, I guess. I think can see why people mention the animation in this, though, it is good, and there are some fun parts too like
the long fight against the dragon that took up the last part of the OVA
. Overall, it was fun. I'd watch more if it existed. But yes, the story and characters were very, very generic, and have nothing original about them at all, and that is a negative.

Cuticle Detective Inaba Episode 4

Kei's dog lover mode confirmed to be the hidden extra hard boss. Seriously glad he changed back but that Luna picture was just disturbing .

Disappointed that it was Inaba's brother Haruka in the OP after all. At least he still has a quirky personality just like his brother.


Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san. 13
Amazing, this was extremely fun to marathon through. Lots of energy, very nice VA cast and I really liked the changes in art they used throughout the series. Even though it was mostly one arc after another, the stories were all pretty good and connected well with each other and watching them all. Now I'm only three OVA episodes to season 2.
I blasted through the first season today thanks to your initial previews. Liked it quite a lot really but my only complaint was that towards the end there felt like there was less and less material for each episode. Or perhaps it was more a case of me just wanting to watch more.

I had to laugh at the ridiculous Kugimiya Rie sex noises in the first episode though.

GuP finally up next but I have to make it further than the first couple of minutes with the first person tank scene. :(


I look forward to reading ABF's impressions on AKB0048 season 2.

Personally, I found it underwhelming by Kawamori standards and after a while I kinda just wanted it to be over and done with.


Detective Conan is pretty much the best there is at this, both in terms of the actual mysteries themselves, as well as the characters. There are certainly other good mystery anime, but DC stands a head above the rest.

Whoops forgot to reply earlier. Near universal praise for it on here is likely going to draw me towards it sooner or later, I think.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
How long until someone on OT asks why there are so many anime OTs?
One Piece 587 - 588

Still behind I guess. Traffy is epic and the whole fight taking up nearly the entire episode was really good. The animators seemed like they were inspired by Naruto at that part with the wood style ninjutsu hybrid substitution jutsu. I liked it.

I dont like how they did the body swap. Or rather they should have gone the whole way. By keeping the character's original voices in their new bodies it kind of loses the effect. Especially considering that the characters in the anime are still hearing the actual voice of the body. (if Nami is in Sanji's body, then she should sound like Sanji). The bubbles showing the body inhabiting the body was a good touch and I hope they keep doing that.


One Piece 587 - 588

Still behind I guess. Traffy is epic and the whole fight taking up nearly the entire episode was really good. The animators seemed like they were inspired by Naruto at that part with the wood style ninjutsu hybrid substitution jutsu. I liked it.

I dont like how they did the body swap. Or rather they should have gone the whole way. By keeping the character's original voices in their new bodies it kind of loses the effect. Especially considering that the characters in the anime are still hearing the actual voice of the body. (if Nami is in Sanji's body, then she should sound like Sanji). The bubbles showing the body inhabiting the body was a good touch and I hope they keep doing that.

I'm with you on the voice thing, would have had better effect with the original voices. Maybe the voice actors weren't up to the task / they tried it and it was bad?


Gargantia 1 (Crosspost with the |OT|)

That was a fantastic first episode. My gut feeling about this show turned out to be right. And what fantastic visuals.

Dat art

Did I mention I like the art?

I'm sitting down to watch this now. Excited!

There's a couple of OVAs and a 13 episode first season. The episodes are also half length so one could probably blow through them in no time.

With the second season just starting now is the perfect time to jump in!


But the HD remake looks awful and it robs the original game of its trademark style.

I disagree, but I am not expecting it to be better than the original, which is god tier anyway. I need a Zelda fix.

I swear thats the EXACT SAME panning shot from the first season.

Are you implying someone accidentally drew that?

I'm sure it was. I have accidentally drawn catgirl lesbians before. You never know when it will happen!

Little Witch Academia - I said a few words about this, and don't want to write a long review -- this is a pretty basic OVA, and unless it became a series or something there's not all that much to say -- but yeah, it was enjoyable. The story is about a girl who sees a magic show (with real magic), and then wants to be like the woman magician (witch) who had done the show. Her magical abilities are suspect, but when she gets older she goes off to witch school anyway. So, the characters are teenage girl witches at witch school. Yeah, the MC is your generic somewhat hopeless-seeming but actually skilled when it matters protagonist. The other girls at this school are all stereotypes as well; there's the "rival" girl who's sort of a tsundere princess style character, a teacher (
who has a secret of her own
), and several other characters, including two friends for the main character, and two hangers-on (maybe "friends") for the rival girl. It's a fairly traditional story, as the girls accidentally mess up and then have to save the day, but it's well enough told, and yes, the animation was pretty good.

Oh yeah, no pantyshots (or fanservice stuff) here, their legs just vanish into the skirt. Sure, why not. Keeps it classier, I guess. I think can see why people mention the animation in this, though, it is good, and there are some fun parts too like
the long fight against the dragon that took up the last part of the OVA
. Overall, it was fun. I'd watch more if it existed. But yes, the story and characters were very, very generic, and have nothing original about them at all, and that is a negative.

Well Tweeny witches sorta did this first, but not as well.
I look forward to reading ABF's impressions on AKB0048 season 2.

Personally, I found it underwhelming by Kawamori standards and after a while I kinda just wanted it to be over and done with.
What, is the second season not as good as the first? That would be unfortunate... I don't really know anything about S2, except that it continues the story.

Originality is overrated.
There is a point where something is so generic that it doesn't stand out at all, though...

Well Tweeny witches sorta did this first, but not as well.

I haven't watched that, but it did sort of remind me of Quiz Magic Academy, just with a lot less fanservice of course.


What, is the second season not as good as the first? That would be unfortunate... I don't really know anything about S2, except that it continues the story.

There is a point where something is so generic that it doesn't stand out at all, though...

I haven't watched that, but it did sort of remind me of Quiz Magic Academy, just with a lot less fanservice of course.

Tweeny witches is pretty good. check it out.
Studio 4C is another very talented studio.


Little Witch Academy

Loved it. Great story and art. Not being a huge consumer of anime it felt fresh and new to me.

I wouldn't mind more episodes in this world.


What, is the second season not as good as the first? That would be unfortunate... I don't really know anything about S2, except that it continues the story.

I think I just grew really tired of the world and characters as it went along. There just wasn't a whole lot there to carry the show for a second season, if you ask me.

Plus it didn't help that the whole "Idol Culture" insanity started getting creepy and terrible instead of weird and funny.

Of course, that's just in my opinion. You might end up believing otherwise.


For a board so supposedly open to all opinions and people, there sure is a hangup about incest and Oreimo. The show is pretty innocent. Its not even graphically depicting a relationship between brother and sister. Why the fuck do people have such a problem with this silly show?
Attack on Titan

Really liked this. MC has a spine and the characters are generally likeable, even relatable. The concept is also really good and from the looks of things the fights are going to be awesome. To hell with all this harem moe crap we get these days. We need more action-oriented anime with a decent plot.


Subete no aware

I think it's worse than MJP, but I'm not really sure. Shounen heroes be shounen-ing.

Dokidoki 10

I was really hoping that
it would turn out that the blue Precure would be the one to get "Selfish", but they cop out by having a stalker get involved instead.
Yet another missed opportunity for this show. :p


Biblia Koshodou no Jiken Techou 7

Cool, an episode focusing on mangas! Where I learn that Utopia: Saigo no Sekai Taisen is one of the most expensive mangas ever.
The overacting during the first scene on the roof was ridiculous, holy fuck :lol

While it's not the best drama ever nor the most exciting, I still love the atmosphere. The cinematography is pretty cool, love that yellow-ish filter.
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