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Spring Anime 2013 |OT -7| My Giant CG Pony Can't Possibly Read This Much Baudelaire

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Digimon Adventure Season 2 - Episodes 1 - 7 (dvd)

The season is off to a much better and more exciting start than the first half. Only thing that is really holding this back are all these atrocious english and quite dated inserts songs. I wish there was a way to disable them from playing in the OST as they're not good, then the random rap or whatever song that kicked in over the Digimon Theme, what even.

TK having a huge character design improvement is instantly pleasing, the Digimon Emperor is also quite cool and Davis is an all around good guy. If they can continue to be good and somehow get on the same team (hopefully he changes his ways), while keeping Matt and Tai involved, I think this will truly be one of the better anime in the genre.

Flamdramon the fire of courage and Pegasusmon the wings of Hope are great designs. Though I want more humanoid digivolutions.


Today I woke up and smelled true start of the glorious Spring season with my hangover.

All the anime I love is back. Now excuse me while I go watch Oreimo.


Gargantia - 01
This is looking pretty great! Only thing that slightly annoying was the appearance of yet another squirrel mascot character. Is it now an unwritten rule that you need to have these stupid animals?
That said, my only real concern is that I really hope they do more of the space based stuff or at least the fighting with the bug/flower enemy. I can see the planet based stuff getting old fast.
Nyaruko-san W 1


Nyaruko confirmed shit taste.

Same jokes, forced anime/other Japanese references I don't get, but marketed as a new season. I'm watching this for Kana Asumi and Kana Asumi only!


Catching up with the thread and I see what happened with Mad Pierrot. :(
He had some personal stuff going on as well so hopefully with a little bit of a break he'll be back to the thread.


Now that MP is gone (for now), who will respond to my Heartcatch impressions other than Regulus?

Come back Mad Pierrot.

I'm reading your impressions and might comment on them from time to time. I'm actually going through the show right now myself but I can't recall the exact episode number right now. If you pass me then I'll wait before reading your posts as your not outright spoiling anything but mentioning details that I would rather see for myself rather than read about first.

7Th and SDBurton also quite like the show and may respond to you maybe. Others like Varion like the show as well but they don't post much. On that note...

Heartcatch Precure 1

So Tsubomi has moved to a new town, and she doesn't want to be as shy and introverted anymore. But she meets Erika, who's rude as hell but also nice and wants to be Tsubomi's friend and wants her to join the Fashion Club. But Tsubomi doesn't know how to deal with her. Well she better learn how, cause it turns out they live next to each other. And Tsubomi is Cure Blossom. And Erika will be a Precure too.

What's with the CG ED?

Honestly I thought Erika kind of came across as so in your face as to be a bit rude in the first episode as well. Like you mentioned where she just butted in and traded some lunch items. It's true that at other times you could tell she liked Tsubomi and was just a bit tactless in her approach. The introduction scene kind of reminded me of Smile PreCure! and Akane helping out Miyuki.

I personally have quickly grown to like her though and can she why Erika is many people's favorite. Tsubomi and her really do make a great team. Different one's mention that they felt the earlier episodes are maybe not as interesting with just the two of them but I think with how they are handled, they can carry the show by themselves in the early episodes. There's enough support characters they can interact with as well that I think helps.

I'm getting more used to the ending but I still don't think I'm there yet. With Doki Doki's ending though, I actually quite liked it from the very first episode.

Heartcatch Precure 3

Yeah, I was asking myself why that girl didn't just join the girls' soccer team during that episode. But apparently, there wasn't one. I'm not sure how that school went without a girls' soccer team all that time, but it seems they did.

Why'd Tsubomi ditch her glasses? Glasses rule. She just needed a better looking pair. And how does she see now? I highly doubt she went out and got contacts in the span of, like, a couple of days. She just said "Oh yeah, I'm gonna stop wearing my glasses". You can't do that.

Cure Marine is there now. So this show should be getting into full swing.

Oh, and that CG ending is still jarring as hell to watch. Especially when they start doing the monkey. But I like the song better than the song in the OP. The OP isn't as snappy as I'd like it to be.

I wondered why she didn't just ask to start a girls club right away too.
I also wondered about Tsubomi needing her glasses or not, haha.
I personally like both the opening and ending.

Nice, now if only she would wear a bag over her head.

Speaking of bunnies, this past weekend and being Easter I think was the first time I heard having big boobs being called "Blouse Bunnies". Maybe it's happened before and I've just forgotten but it kind of surprised me at the time.

It took me about as long to scrub through the entire episode anyway. The almighty right-key is the best key on the keyboard.

I'm catching up with the thread and came back to this quote and remember you mentioning this before and it makes me wonder how much of different shows you actually do watch as compared to skipping, haha.

She never had to wear glasses in the first place. She just used them as a way to distance herself from other people because of her shyness.

I'm going to have to pay more attention to when Tsubomi wears her glasses because at first I thought it was just a first or second episode thing to represent that change but then she goes back to wearing them at times.

I'm sure she wears them around Erika at times and she's more outgoing and accustomed to the school with joining a club and making friends now. She seems to wear them around them as well too though I think, it's not like she wears them in unfamiliar surroundings only now I believe.

It seems kind of random but I'll maybe just have to pay more attention to that like I mentioned.


Lol, the first episode of Gargantia wasn't THAT awesome. It was just the first episode.
It was a decent first episode which is always the best you can hope for. It has the rest of the season to turn to arse after all. And when it's flaming wreckage finally comes to a standstill and we all look back, at least you can say "Well, the first episode was good and showed promise".


It was a decent first episode which is always the best you can hope for. It has the rest of the season to turn to arse after all. And when it's flaming wreckage finally comes to a standstill and we all look back, at least you can say "Well, the first episode was good and showed promise".
Just like every show this season, AM I RITE
Little Witch Academia

This was just awesome. Give me more in this world Based Trigger!

Attack on Titan 1

Quite a start. Really like the look of the show and the music is great too.


Weekends are looking pretty exciting this season.

- Aku no Hana
- OreImo Shingeki no Kyojin
- Gargantia

good times


Catching up with the thread and I see what happened with Mad Pierrot. :(
He had some personal stuff going on as well so hopefully with a little bit of a break he'll be back to the thread.

If not, Sensei-Sensei should consider his successor.


Gargantia 1
Not an impressive first ep. It seemed like the PV stretched out into a full episode with some character interaction and world development. I found the mecha action quite uninteresting and messy. Lots of formations. The backgrounds were quite pretty but them moving in formation wasn't very entertaining. It got more interesting when the shit hit the fan though and that whole section did paint a nice picture of the state of humanity. The protagonist doesn't seem horrible, a bit bland but with this type of story they could do something interesting with that.

I think if I want to watch a show for mecha it'll be MJP. It looked nicer and was easier to follow the action. But I'm interested in seeing how this goes. And if they focus on land mecha action it could win me over. Land > Space.

Some should make another stompy mech show. Like Zoids but with good cg. Stompy mechs are the shit.


That and after going back and rewatching the episode I've... actually warmed up quite a bit to Aku no Hana.

I hate taking back things I've said already but I'll be damned if there wasn't some good direction and atmosphere in that first episode.



Not all of it's from spring, but JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, the new Hunter x Hunter, Shingeki no Kyojin, and maybe Toriko. If you like Shounen, that should all be good.
Already read Toriko and saw Kyojin's first episode. Haven't seen Hunter though, thx.
Devil Survivor 2

Did you watch Kuroko's Basketball?
Haven't seen them. Will check it out. Any comedies/harems/adventures worth watching?


Two more short shows to round off the weekend:

Glass Mask (or is it?)

For those who don't know, Glass Mask is a venerable (some might say creaky) shoujo manga about one girl's journey to become the greatest actress evah to play the lead in a play called "The Crimson Angel". It's already been animated three times but the manga trundles ever onwards.

So now we get a Flash parody anime. It makes sense if you know a bit about the manga and the rivalries/characters in it, and the main joke of the episode revolves around events that apparently take place in volume 35 of the manga or so...

It's barely animated and only mildly amusing. I don't think there are any Glass Mask fans in the thread who would even care about this.

Blood Type Guys

Anthropomorphous blood types - the anime!

This is exactly what you think it is. The blood types all act... according to their blood types. A cultural disconnect too far, I think, to extract any humour out of the situation.


Guys, i know nothing about modern anime except that most of it sucks (opinion based on nothing). What can you recommend from spring 2013 anime for a guy who saw his last harem anime ten years ago and loves shounen and sports anime? Because, based on a chart, it all looks same to me. As long as it's not completely moronic and funny/serious, i'd be okay with it. Better if it's not procedural.

Here you go.

Some of those I haven't seen and some of those I disagree with but it's as good a starting point as any.

Spring 2013 is just getting started so I think it's still a little early to call but so far I've enjoyed Attack on Titan, Majestic Prince, Muromi-san, Hataraku Maou-sama and Azazel-san Z.


Where were you during the nineties?
Well I didn't start watching anime proper until the early 2000's back when a show called Saiko Exciting was on British Sci-fi. I apparently missed all that then.

It just seems to be a recurring theme that occurred to me when watching it. Or the fact it was yet another damn squirrel.


I fell for it, too.
I can't remember if it was Duckroll or not but after the first few episodes, I was just majorly disappointed.

Cuticle Detective Inaba Episode 7

Well that was surprising. Can't say I liked the school extra much and the other part with the Yakuza story was so strange. Seriously, the Don being portrayed as semi-realistic goat was way to jarring after going through the past episodes. Glad he still was a sort of punching bag for Gabriela. Didn't really find what's the point of introducing the bartender character, but I did enjoy knowing more about young Yata and old man who met Inaba when he was young.


Moyashimon - 09 & 10

OHMAHGAWD YUUKI IS CROSS-DRESSING AND THEN HE KISSES SAWAKI AND THEN OIKAWA WITNESSES IT ALL BY ACCIDENT. Am I finally going to get the romance that I've been longing for from this show?!

Not 5 minutes after that scene:

We get absolutely no interesting reaction from Oikawa, as she plainly accepts (misunderstands) female Yuuki to be Sawaki's girlfriend and leaves it there. GODBLOODYDAMNIT WHY. At least we get confirmation that Yuuki likes Sawaki, which is an intriguing development.

Episode 10 concludes with
Sawaki having lost his ability to see microbes! How/why, I wonder?


Majestic Prince 1

As this board's most vocal and vitriolic hater of terrible mecha, I think it bears some weight when I say I thought this was an okay first episode.

Hirai Face
I'm not a fan of Hirai's faces and lack of noses on characters he believes are attractive, nor his general character design. However, I enjoyed Gundam SEED and yes, Destiny, in spite of this. I really will be fine. Although I agree with Chet. That lady would look better with a bag over her face. "Funny" girl's constantly changing face is okay, but I feel it should maybe be toned done a bit.

CG Mecha
I prefer hand drawn, but I love Zoids New Century Zero in spite of this fault, so I'll survive. Honestly, the CG aside, I thought the mecha designs were okay.

Errythang else
I just feel like mentioning in particular that I don't like how the show shows every one of the main five's reactions to everything at once. I'm hoping the uniform reactions now are to illustrate the divergence and development of the cast later.
I tolerate a lot of stupid things in this episode because I feel that in a way, Majestic Prince doesn't want to be SUPER serious. Maybe not yet anyway. If it does want to be serious, I hope it can pull it off as well as when Martian Successor Nadesico made the shift.
I enjoyed the hero's hot-blooded acting. Kinda was afraid he'd be like Kira or worse, Shin, so him doing some Hot-blooded shouting was good for me.

In all honesty, I think Majestic Prince could turn out alright.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Attack on Titan 01:

A good opener. Still on Team MAGI 2.0 at the moment, because as I said when I aligned with said team, I knew the first episode would be great, but I still have a feeling it's going to be downhill from here.


Gargantia - 1

Looks like we're off to a very good start so far. This was beautiful, except for the 3DCG battle during the first half, but I guess the ugliness of space makes for a nice contrast with the setting where most of the action will actually take place. I can appreciate the grand scale and raw ambition of the general design work involved though, and the enemy did come across as a truly alien force against which humanity can barely stand.

Ledo still doesn't really have much of a personality, outside of taking everything seriously, but his interactions with the AI were simultaneously interesting and amusing. The same thing goes for his awkward token hostage stunt. Call me crazy, but I feel I'm going to enjoy that brand of humor more than most of the jokes in Majestic Prince. In any event, both shows are entertaining in their own ways.

Right now, this looks like it'll be one of the better series of the season as long as the creators don't get too full of themselves and aim too far beyond what they can handle.


Most of the Oreimo threads get closed because they devolve into incest argument nonsense. Did you see the Gaming one? It got fucking weird. The fact remains that aside from the anime itself, very, very few people on GAF actually care about discussing a Japanese licensed anime game which will likely remain in Japan. The majority of the people who post in such a thread will be people who are confused, amused, or disgusted by their understanding of the concept.

I don't think that's very surprising!

How long till the S2 thread gets locked then? I'd imagine not very long.. once the series starts getting to
*wink* *wink*
Nyaruko-san W 1

More of the same as last season, but that's about what I expected. The random anime references
(particularly Gundam and K-ON)
were fun to see as usual.

OreImo 2 - 1

Kuroneko has returned. I am pleased :D. Good start to the new season.


Gargantia - 01
This is looking pretty great! Only thing that slightly annoying was the appearance of yet another squirrel mascot character. Is it now an unwritten rule that you need to have these stupid animals?
That said, my only real concern is that I really hope they do more of the space based stuff or at least the fighting with the bug/flower enemy. I can see the planet based stuff getting old fast.

the squirrel is adorable and unintrusive.
Some mascots are terrible but that little guy is great.

Where were you during the nineties?

that was one of my favorite things.
A mascot for nearly every show.

Hell yeah, and thanks!

Wooooooooo!!!!! All my stuff is submitted/approved/defended/recorded/presented now, so i'm not completely busy slaving over all my stuff anymore!

let us watch trashy anime and toast to Cuteness!
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