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Spring Anime 2013 |OT -7| My Giant CG Pony Can't Possibly Read This Much Baudelaire

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Dat tsundere Natsume.

Also, just saw a friend of mine post this on Facebook (SAO related, spoilered just in case :)lol):



The Light of El Cantare
I really hope her seiyuu gets more roles.

I don't know much about seiyuu but for some reason I suddenly realized that Yoshitani Ayako still hasn't had another role since MGX and now I'm depressed. Blacklisted for daring to sound older than ten :(
Karekano is gorgeous? Did you only watch a few episodes of it or something? Low budget, little animation, tons of stills and manga shots...the low production values are one of its biggest faults.

Yes, and it makes that in to something which looks great. The art style is perfect for the show, and they made the most out of everything they had.

Hey man. We got Chihayafuru S2. Who the hell saw that coming? BELIEVE!

I believe. We got one miracle, so hopefully another will happen.
Guess Zetman is also premiering on Neon Alley the day after Accel World (Apr 20). Though probably the only one that cares but they also announced part of the dub cast for Zetman. (email newsletter).

Jin Kanzaki - Jason Griffith
Kouga Amagi - Grant George
Konoha Amagi - Sophie Roberts


Subete no aware
Eh, I think that's irrelevant. No reason the guy can't have only female friends even if you don't see it happen very often with straight males.

That doesn't mean I don't think this is a milking tactic, but IMO it's an effective one.
There's no reason at all, but this is a work of fiction about a clueless harem lead and his harem.

I mean, at least GJ-bu's protagonist is so whipped that the romance stuff never even comes up.

Dat firehawk scrubbin'!
Rubadubdub, we all gots to scrub.
Yes, and it makes that in to something which looks great. The art style is perfect for the show, and they made the most out of everything they had.

KareKano has some great episodes, but it manages that despite much of its visuals. Those are obstacles they managed to overcome at points, but I would never call it a gorgeous show.
There's no reason at all, but this is a work of fiction about a clueless harem lead and his harem.

I mean, at least GJ-bu's protagonist is so whipped that the romance stuff never even comes up.

OreMan should have been the MC. He would have done a lot more than just brush some hair.


Puchimas - 62



Don't get me started on Haganai, contrived situations so the main character "can't hear" what is being said at a crucial point is something that I've much to my annoyance gotten used to, knowing what you heard and trying to force that type of situation is on another level, to the point that I almost respect Makoto from School Days.

Kodaka isn't nearly as bad. It isn't like he is clueless like a traditional harem lead nor does his libidio dictate every his thought like Makoto. Frequently moving around has made it difficult for him to develop relationships.

He doesn't match the leads of Ah My Goddess and Ai Yori, who had actual goals and motivations, but he isn't as completely shallow as Makoto either.

edit: I meant to quote Firehawk, but that gif distracted me.
girls panzer 12

TANK DRIFFTTIN, not as great as battleship drifting, bust still cool. Cool eps. Wish this stuff came out ages ago so I'd still remember the plot.

Would watch another season.
Last longer review I have to post from while I was gone. (I have short things for a handful of episodes of various things, but I don't know if it's interesting enough to actually post... and oddly enough, though I really like GuP, I never really wrote about it at length.) As you might guess, considering how much I like the franchise this is about Saki Achiga-hen's 13th and 14th episodes. It's not really a "say everything that happened" review, and more just is a summary of my thoughts about the episodes, and this part of the series.

On that note, the OP in this thread fails to mention that Saki Achiga-hen episode 15 airs in April, and ep. 16, the final episode, airs in May... that mistake needs to be corrected! Achiga-hen finishes in the next few months, and it'll be an interesting ending indeed, going by how things go in the manga.

Also, there are some images after the review, with text for each one of course. If you're wondering why I have these for this, but only a couple for Senran Kagura (the one in the text, and the two others I linked later), that would be because I took these while watching, while with Senran Kagura I mostly just watched, and didn't screencap much. It's a decent series, but Saki is certainly better...

Saki Achiga-hen: Episode of Side-A 12 (last TV ep) and 13-14 (OVA eps 1-2) - Looking back to summer last year I made a few posts talking about what happens in ep. 12 of Saki Achiga-hen, but I failed to write up a review of that episode, which is the last episode of the original Achiga-hen run. But yeah, it was a great conclusion to the first match of the Side-A final. The action's heated, and Teru very impressively good (and scary). Poor Kuro... she finally managed to stop her streak at the end, but before that she, Toki, and the Shindouji girl all lost so, so many points. But I mostly wrote this for the two new episodes (from 2013), 13 and 14.

Saki Achiga-hen episodes 13-14 - These two episodes, the first two (monthly) episodes of what is now going to be four OVA episodes, go through the remaining four rounds of the match, at a pace of about one round per episode. This results in a sadly somewhat rushed pace again, but still, they're great episodes, as expected. These two cover rounds 2 and 3 of the match, and part of round 4. It's currently Arata's match then, though this episode doesn't really get to her much; it's mostly the other players, all trying to one-up eachother. Shindouji is mounting a VERY impressive comeback -- they fell very, very far behind by the end of round 3 ("it's all the government's fault", huh, round 3 sheep-hair girl? I think not. :) ), but their last two players are much better, and also of course are a Saki-style "yuri couple". These two have a bond (and some light bondage themes), so the first can set keys, and the second can get powered up in the rounds that the first set and then won in, or powered down in rounds where the first sets a key but then fails to win. The final round is sure to be exciting... I expect the results to be the expected ones, but Ritz has done a good job of making it exciting and bringing all four teams into legitimate contention near the end!

Oh yeah, and as for the third round, Sera/Ako... :lol: Good stuff there! Also, poor "fisher king" girl from Shiraitodai... she was supposed to be good, but got crushed, badly. The announcers were too kind...

There is a frequent complaint about Achiga-hen that I see that the actual Achiga girls don't get enough characterization. And generally, this is true; even the main character, Shizu, is mostly unknown, as far as her Mahjong playing style is concerned at least. Why is even Amae Koromo worried about how good she will be? It's this far into the series, and we still have no idea! This continues until the final chapter of the Achiga manga, where her powers are finally explained; expect that in anime ep. 16. It's a late reveal, but at least she has a good power. And we only learned more details about Arata's playstyle this episode. I know that she has the least amount of attention of the five main characters, but still... I wish that this series was longer, so there was more time to establish the main cast. As it is, as much or more time has been spent on some girls from other schools, most obviously Toki and Ryuuka, but also Teru, Awai, and the two bondage lesbians from Shindouji too. Of course having significant characterization for characters from every major team is a series staple and is to be expected, but at least in the main series the main characters have as much or more. In this series, the main character is the one that we might know the least about, powers-wise! I mean, it's sure to be interesting once we finally learn, but it does make it hard to avoid charges of it being contrived, when the series starts out with three of the five main characters not seeming to have any special abilities, and the other two only seeming to have average ones. I know that they have a great coach, who's able to see things in the other players that even the other coaches seem to miss, and that obviously helps, but it would be nice if it were a little clearer why Achiga actually deserves to be here, for reasons other than "because they need to for the story". Some of that's here, such as the hints about how good Shizu is, but is it enough? Debatable.

Despite that though, these are two great episodes. Saki's at its best when it's in intense mahjong action interspersed with yuri, and this match has both of those in spades. (And as for nopan, Saki's other distinguishing mark... uh, Hajime's summer costume makes an appearance in this episode. Enough said.) So yeah, great episodes, as expected! I'm very much looking forward to the last two. And Arata's cool.

Images, ep. 13:

Yuu dodges incoming fire, scarf fluttering!

And then strikes back, because she does great in this match.

Afterwards, Ako tries to get some of Yuu's luck to rub off on her...

Too bad, you're kidding?

Yuu would like it if that were your reason. She likes warmth.

Ep. 14:
Hajime and Amae Koromo visit, and wake up, Saki on the morning of Achiga's match. Probably NSFW; that outfit of Hajime's probably should be linked only, not posted.

Shindouji's keymaking bondage lesbian girl has some cool animations when she does a good enough hit to get a key...

And there one is. After the above the sky goes blue, then this descends down. Sometimes huge keys are shown, but this one is small, and, well, key-sized. The last Shindouji girl can use the keys on the rounds they were gotten in, to get good combos that turn.

Go, Arata!


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
That scene in Oreimo is pretty amazing too.



Strike Witches S2 - 01

Holy cow at the improvements in visuals, everything looks so much better now. Regarding the first episode I was pretty surprised at Mio's treatment of Miyafuji, but then understood that it was her method to prevent her younger friend from getting involved in another war. Her VA isn't bad either. As mentioned before the laugh isn't the same, but I don't hate it either. Good stuff.


I like the Saki art style a lot. the soft pastel pallette makes all the girls look fair and really cute. Especially since they all blush like that. The art director clearly knew wtf he was doing!
The precure movies are pretty much hit or miss they are extremly boring or very intresting .. there is no middle ground.
After all it's quite hard to surpass the first yes precure movie : EXAMPLE 1

or the SECOND max heart movie : EXAMPLE 2

Indeed it's quite hard and let's be clear this movie fall short of reaching those goals. This top 2 is for now quite unmatched .

But is the smile precure movie good or bad ???? ... the answer is that it's good.


Each reaction face to the same event :)

Set after the events of episode 27 , miyuki and the others are visiting a picture book expo and the many attractions available when SUDDENLY while watching a movie , the girl nico pop out of the screen purchased by kingaku & ginkaku and ask the heroines for help.

3D doesn't work like that

The story is a typical movie story ...it's nothing special , because it follows unfortunatly the template toei started with the fresh precure movie..meaning a quickly in , quickly out chain of events , complete with a miracle ( BUY our miracle light 1.42 ..this time with a wing on the side ) at the end ... It's painfully predictable.
Now that doesn't mean that the movie wasn't enjoyable , because it was somehow but i'm just sad that they ALWAYS use this .


Nico i love you too :)

Now the big "plus" for this movie was nico , the damsel in distress with a lot of issues. She was predictable .. but written just solid enough that i liked her enough. Her design is cool and her dialog is alright. she is a nice addition.

The other picture book characters they used were a nice change of pace for this movie , it's certainly a much better effort than what they did with the fresh movie ( i didn't like that one ) and i'm glad they at least tried to give a nice running gag at start and they used enough characters to give the overal set of events a decent pace and a nice push in the right direction , because it didn't feel bored one bit.

The battles were ok , but i you saw in my examples above i want more than just that to be impressed This movies felt short in many areas , including the lenght of the encounters and their variations With the ennemies they came up with , it felt like a waste that they didn't use them more.
The only cool thing that came was miyuki getting a movie upgrade.. I know they treated miyuki problem but she shouldn't be the only one being able to use "miracles" unless toei didn't enough time or money to animate more "miracles" .

Above average precure movie, not in my top 5 ... but not a bad movie at all and it's a great watch if you've enjoyed the smile season



Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
iTunes updates my podcasts. ANNCast is reviewing Penguindrum and AWO is reviewing gdgd Fairies. Bizarro world.


The precure movies are pretty much hit or miss they are extremly boring or very intresting .. there is no middle ground.
After all it's quite hard to surpass the first yes precure movie : EXAMPLE 1

or the SECOND max heart movie : EXAMPLE 2

Indeed it's quite hard and let's be clear this movie fall short of reaching those goals. This top 2 is for now quite unmatched .

But is the smile precure movie good or bad ???? ... the answer is that it's good.

Set after the events of episode 27 , miyuki and the others are visiting a picture book expo and the many attractions available when SUDDENLY while watching a movie , the girl nico pop out of the screen purchased by kingaku & ginkaku and ask the heroines for help.

The story is a typical movie story ...it's nothing special , because it follows unfortunatly the template toei started with the fresh precure movie..meaning a quickly in , quickly out chain of events , complete with a miracle ( BUY our miracle light 1.42 ..this time with a wing on the side ) at the end ... It's painfully predictable.
Now that doesn't mean that the movie wasn't enjoyable , because it was somehow but i'm just sad that they ALWAYS use this .

Now the big "plus" for this movie was nico , the damsel in distress with a lot of issues. She was predictable .. but written just solid enough that i liked her enough. Her design is cool and her dialog is alright. she is a nice addition.

The other picture book characters they used were a nice change of pace for this movie , it's certainly a much better effort than what they did with the fresh movie ( i didn't like that one ) and i'm glad they at least tried to give a nice running gag at start and they used enough characters to give the overal set of events a decent pace and a nice push in the right direction , because it didn't feel bored one bit.

The battles were ok , but i you saw in my examples above i want more than just that to be impressed This movies felt short in many areas , including the lenght of the encounters and their variations With the ennemies they came up with , it felt like a waste that they didn't use them more.
The only cool thing that came was miyuki getting a movie upgrade.. I know they treated miyuki problem but she shouldn't be the only one being able to use "miracles" unless toei didn't enough time or money to animate more "miracles" .

Above average precure movie, not in my top 5 ... but not a bad movie at all and it's a great watch if you've enjoyed the smile season


New character is so cute. I might die.


Spice and Wolf 11

So early in the episode Holo chides Lawrence for being too good-natured and naive. She blames herself for Lawrence not being able to get a loan. It really wasn't her fault; I don't really know how she could have known that would happen. Though for her plan to get Lawrence the money he needs, his good nature and naivete are going to be a liability more than anything.

Holo's plan is to get the money through smuggling gold. And to do it, they're going to enlist the help of the shepherd girl they met.

Seems like a potential fork in the road for the series. Either it uses this for a few episodes for Lawrence to get his money and to further the relationship between Lawrence and the shepherd (her name is escaping me for some reason). Or, they could enter the seedy underbelly of medieval society, which...would certainly be interesting, but I'm not sure how I'd feel about that. It's probably the former though, and I hope she'll be more involved as time goes on.

Holo hasn't gotten drunk in a while. That needs to change.
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