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Spring Anime 2013 |OT -7| My Giant CG Pony Can't Possibly Read This Much Baudelaire

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Maturity, bitches.
Nicknames are way easier to remember than actual names
I literally forget the names of characters the moment I finish watching a show. Unless I make the effort to remember them because I like the character I will give them silly names. So often I'll find myself having to look up the character list just before I make a post.

The twins were my least favorite part of the show. So boring.
My least favourite part was the story. It was all fun and games until it reared its ugly head.

yuyushiki - 01

mom sensei > yellow > blue > pink
I donno man, she's not even 30.

At least we know who the gaming lamers are in here! :D
The ones without the Luigi hats. Pretty obvious bro.


oh hi anime-GAF! Never knew about this thread until I searched up Sailor Moon on the site haha.

I've been rewatching Sailor Moon episodes again since I haven't watched the show for about ten years. It's such a guilty pleasure. It's great even for a show aimed at little girls.

The designs of the bad guys keep me coming back; they're too cool. I just finished episode 42 of the dub.


The Minotaur was awesome.



I hope this show produces many many great gifs. Its not KyoAni or anything but it has potential.

oh hi anime-GAF! Never knew about this thread until I searched up Sailor Moon on the site haha.

I've been rewatching Sailor Moon episodes again since I haven't watched the show for about ten years. It's such a guilty pleasure. It's great even for a show aimed at little girls.

The designs of the bad guys keep me coming back; they're too cool. I just finished episode 42 of the dub.


The Minotaur was awesome.

Greetings! You are definitely among Sailor moon fans here and fans of Mahou shoujo shows in general.


I am now rooted in this god damn thread for the rest of eternity. I would further like to request that my username not be used for such a purpose from here on out.


Maturity, bitches.
I am now rooted in this god damn thread for the rest of eternity. I would further like to request that my username not be used for such a purpose from here on out.
Once the colons appear in front of your name they cannot be removed.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Also (geez, people, gettin' me all sidetracked and shit):

Toradora!: SOS! 1

What the hell is this I don't even.

I missed these characters so much. Even wacky SD versions are great to see again. :D

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
So Toradora!: SOS! is mostly about food, then? Because I'm pretty sure I just got a lecture from Ryuji about why pudding makes people fart.



Maturity, bitches.
Not only is this GIF from a marvellous film, but you can also basically reply to every one of BGBW's posts with it :p
Ouch. That hit me 'aard man.

Speaking of puns, I was glad that the couple of wordplay puns in the first Yuyushiki episode had convenient English translations.
Yes it is rather good when they take the time to localise the puns rather then throw a million translator notes at you.


Greetings! You are definitely among Sailor moon fans here and fans of Mahou shoujo shows in general.

Sailor Moon 45

oh dang Racy was pretty strong. She beat all 5 Sailor Scouts, broke Sailor Moon's locket, and teleported her to a different dimension too. Other than the random power up Sailor Moon got, episode was great.


HxH 2011 74


And thus ends our little escapade with the lamest antagonist int the entire series. It won't be much longer for the Chimera Ant arc to begin!


Subete no aware
Dudebros, you can make your guns kawaii in Blops2:

Kawaii Pack ($1.99) – Inspired by the ‘happy-go-lucky’ sub-culture of Japanese Pop Art, the Call of Duty: Black Ops II Kawaii MP Personalization Pack comes loaded with a Kawaii-themed weapon skin, three uniquely-shaped reticles, and an all-new themed Calling Card by which your enemies can remember you. (NOTICE: Reticles will only be available for ACOG, EOTech, Hybrid and Reflex optics.)
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