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Spring Anime 2013 |OT -7| My Giant CG Pony Can't Possibly Read This Much Baudelaire

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Lupin III - Green vs. Red


I was actually a bit underwhelmed for the first half. I began to think that my habit of impulse-buying things based on titles might not be the best one. But the turnabout in the second half of the movie is just absurd. How the hell do you rate a movie like that? It starts out weak, then starts throwing things at you like
a giant robot
. I was not prepared. Then the final showdown of Green vs. Red has one of the most amazing cuts of animation in my recent memory. I wish so much that I had a gif of it. And the ending! I don't know what to say.

The whole second half just blew my mind to tiny little pieces. Parts of it are chronologically out of order, but in such a way that I still don't know if certain scenes took place before or after the climax. And everyone looks like Lupin (despite the title, there are many impersonators, not just one), leaving only their voices to tell them apart. Of course, they're all doing their best Lupin impressions, down to the speech pattern. The main green jacket impersonator is even named Yasuo, in reference to the original Lupin's vopice actor. It's also
unclear at the end which Lupin was victorious - he wears the red jacket, but has the green ring that Yasuo had

It's also important to mention the barrage of homages. The beginning especially is full of callbacks to previous works. It is a 40th anniversary work, after all. Certain cuts are lifted directly - even I, having seen very little Lupin, was able to notice obvious ones, so I'm sure there are many more that the hardcore fan would pick up on.

I don't even know what verdict to give. Does mediocre half + amazing half average out to like, 7/10? For the sake of MAL, I have to pick a number, so that's what I'm going with for now, but it's really to complex to judge immediately. I plan to adjust accordingly after a few rewatches in the future. Regardless, I reccomend it strongly to Lupin fans - I'm quickly becoming one myself.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Man. I finally just got some decent sleep for the first time in like three days. Feels great, man. :D

Anyway. My watch list has gotten a little insane, so I think I'm gonna finish off Hidamari Sketch x Honeycomb and Acchi Kocchi today. Will then probably start A-Channel, so I can have two backlog shows going along with all the weekly stuff. Or maybe I'll finally start K-on! like I keep saying I will. Who knows.
Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka? of the Dead- 02

HENTAI Boy Battle
Only in Japan,
the fact that you turned into a crossdressing pervert make you a famous person.
I can't accept it my darling.
Next fad is the Eu fashion, as by Imaginary Eu A, Imaginary Eu B and Real Eu.
Looks like
is back.
Why did I stop watching this show. Why.
You can still correct that mistake!

Putting it on hold was the right thing to do then.
There are plenty of other reasons to watch it, though. It's good.

At least he watched the whole thing.
Hatewatching something horrible is "at least" worthy, really?

Yeah... the franchise started fraying pretty hard at the seams when StrikerS went out, but Vivid and Force extend that into a hot mess. Force especially reads like fanfiction--well, to the degree that it makes the plots preceding it look like works of Shakespeare.
Yeah. Force is horrendously bad... and I thought that Strikers was disappointing! It is, but it's got nothing on Force, not a thing.

But even so, Strikers was a huge, huge step down from the first two seasons... I like that they made the characters older, but they didn't do much else right.

I liked a fair bit about StrikerS... Subaru and Teana were actually a decent, well-developed combination, for example. I thought about 4-5 of the 12 Numbers were pretty interesting to watch, Jail was a scale-fitting villain for the scope of the plot, and in terms of big-picture-pacing it was surprisingly coherent for all the shit it tried to juggle.

What I don't like about StrikerS is like a laundry list so let's not go there. lol.

If Movie 3 decides to overwrite existing canon, I hope Subaru at least somehow survives the purge. Maybe Agito and Teana too.
Subaru and Teana were okay, but I was disappointed that they couldn't fly. It really limited them versus Nanoha and Fate, makes them feel second-tier...

As long as it felt like Nanoha, as in fighting other mages just as strong as they are and not some shitty minions/robots, I don't care what age of Nanoha does it. Honestly I hope it's set in the StrikerS universe since I'd love to see Subaru in HD.
No, pretend Strikers never happened and make something new. Maybe use some of its characters if people really want to see them, but I would very much prefer to have them abandon Strikers and its stupid "Nanoha got hurt and can't use her full power much" setup.

I don't have any impressions for the Nanoha StrikerS episode I watched, I just want it to be known that Nanoha and Fate are probably the most homosexual people in all of anime without being all lewd all the time.
It's completely, totally stupid that the canon still is that they're "just friends" despite that they live together, share a bed, and are raising an adopted daughter. Come on, just admit the obvious already.

Eeeeh, that's my main problem with the ending, since I thought Sato
was running away to bring the Ice Witch to the last fight.
I wish that that's what he'd been doing as well... :(


OreShura 1-8

This is as typical as a typical harem can get, but it's still pretty fun. Not much to say, other than it's essentially Chuunibyou if Touka was the main girl after Yuuta instead of Rikka. The OP is really awesome.

Best girl.


Legend of the Galactic Heroes - 54: Sieg Kaiser!

~ Sieg Kaiser Reinhard! Sieg Kaiser Reinhard! Sieg Kaiser Reinhard! ~

What a splendid episode! First, Yang and Reinhard finally meet face to face to have a discussion. Reinhard's offer to let Yang serve under him was expectantly rebuked by his ideological rooting. It was interesting to see them debate the value of democracy, especially if you consider that history has had both dynastic dictators (le Roi-Soleil Louis XIV) and democratically chosen dictators (Chancellor Hitler and General-Secretary Stalin, who had their positions granted through them through layers of representation).
Ofcourse, the true moment suprême was Reinhard's coronation as Kaiser of the Neue Reich. Unfortunately, neither his beloved sister Annerose or his friend Kircheis were there to celebrate. Where was Annerose anyway? Reinhard held his promise, did he not?
Pretty interesting to see the start of the New Imperial Calender.
And it seems von Oberstein agrees with me on the rather ambitious persona of von Reuental.

Amnesia Episode 1

Opening: Good
Ending: Hate it, won't ever listen to it again

Okay, I understood the setup with the girl having amnesia (twice!) but the episode itself as a whole seems really weak. Main girl I'll give a pass for now since anyone would be quiet if they lost their memories. But is she supposed to have a name? Because I sure didn't hear one whenever someone was talking to her. Then there's that little spirit boy hanging around her whose already annoying me. I don't know if its his voice, mannerism, the explanation he gave about why she lost her memories, or just a combination of all three. What I do know is for right now, the show would be better off without him. With the boys, who are typically good looking, all of them have a personality/characteristic that's pretty straightforward: black haired is a tsun, blond is cheerful, blue is lecherous, and green haired is the smart one. I'd say the clothes they're wearing looks ridiculous but I've seen worse that would put what they have on to shame.

Still curious about the beginning and where this show will go, so I'll continue on.

[B]Amnesia Episode 1[/B]

Opening: Good
Ending: Hate it, won't ever listen to it again

Okay, I understood the setup with the girl having amnesia (twice!) but the episode itself as a whole seems really weak. Main girl I'll give a pass for now since anyone would be quiet if they lost their memories. But is she supposed to have a name? Because I sure didn't hear one whenever someone was talking to her. Then there's that little spirit boy hanging around her whose already annoying me. I don't know if its his voice, mannerism, the explanation he gave about why she lost her memories, or just a combination of all three. What I do know is for right now, the show would be better off without him. With the boys, who are typically good looking, all of them have a personality/characteristic that's pretty straightforward: black haired is a tsun, blond is cheerful, blue is lecherous, and green haired is the smart one. I'd say the clothes they're wearing looks ridiculous but I've seen worse that would put what they have on to shame.

Still curious about the beginning and where this show will go, so I'll continue on.[/QUOTE]

WHAT? [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKrW0TajyE4"][B]Recall by Ray[/B][/URL] is really good.


Man. I finally just got some decent sleep for the first time in like three days. Feels great, man. :D

Anyway. My watch list has gotten a little insane, so I think I'm gonna finish off Hidamari Sketch x Honeycomb and Acchi Kocchi today. Will then probably start A-Channel, so I can have two backlog shows going along with all the weekly stuff. Or maybe I'll finally start K-on! like I keep saying I will. Who knows.

what is sleep?
I don't understand.
Who doesn't like a crotch right in their face?

The next BD cover better have Wakaba in her best hot pants plus thigh high combination.

Man. I finally just got some decent sleep for the first time in like three days. Feels great, man. :D

Anyway. My watch list has gotten a little insane, so I think I'm gonna finish off Hidamari Sketch x Honeycomb and Acchi Kocchi today. Will then probably start A-Channel, so I can have two backlog shows going along with all the weekly stuff. Or maybe I'll finally start K-on! like I keep saying I will. Who knows.

You haven't watched K-ON!? That's the essential cute girls doing cute things!
You can still correct that mistake!

There are plenty of other reasons to watch it, though. It's good.

Hatewatching something horrible is "at least" worthy, really?

Yeah. Force is horrendously bad... and I thought that Strikers was disappointing! It is, but it's got nothing on Force, not a thing.

But even so, Strikers was a huge, huge step down from the first two seasons... I like that they made the characters older, but they didn't do much else right.

Subaru and Teana were okay, but I was disappointed that they couldn't fly. It really limited them versus Nanoha and Fate, makes them feel second-tier...

No, pretend Strikers never happened and make something new. Maybe use some of its characters if people really want to see them, but I would very much prefer to have them abandon Strikers and its stupid "Nanoha got hurt and can't use her full power much" setup.

It's completely, totally stupid that the canon still is that they're "just friends" despite that they live together, share a bed, and are raising an adopted daughter. Come on, just admit the obvious already.

I wish that that's what he'd been doing as well... :(

i disagree .
Sure the striker anime had various problems of pacing ..but they nailed the setting and the rules properly. There comes a time where you can't just do anything without rules and the setting and rules strikerS used were more than fine, if not excellent ... Even more in the themes used in the anime.

Disregarding StrikerS will be a huge mistake.
i disagree .
Sure the striker anime had various problems of pacing ..but they nailed the setting and the rules properly. There comes a time where you can't just do anything without rules and the setting and rules strikerS used were more than fine, if not excellent ... Even more in the themes used in the anime.
I'm not sure what you mean by rules, but if you're saying that you actually liked those stupid, stupid limiters, then all I can do is strongly disagree. Limiters were an awful idea.

Disregarding StrikerS will be a huge mistake.
No, the mistake was making Strikers as it is in the first place. Coming off of A's, which is an outstanding series, expectations for Strikers were so high... and then it completely failed to meet them, and the franchise went downhill in a hurry. It's no surprise that there hasn't been another Nanoha TV series since it, or that it took a return to the first two seasons (ie, the movies) to save it -- Strikers messed things up, badly.

It has too many characters, loses its focus on what the series should be about, has some weaker characters, has awful pacing, the male character (Erio I think it is) was not popular even if he's somewhat harmless, they forgot that the series should be about Nanoha being awesome and people shooting beams at eachother (beams of friendship!) and introduced HORRIBLE ideas like the limiters and her injury between A's and Strikers, etc etc. That last point is the one that annoyed me the most, along with the bad pacing, but other people had other complaints, and a lot of them are valid.

Sure, it was alright overall, and when things finally get going near the end it was kind of good, but compared to Nanoha or A's, "alright" is pretty poor.


You guys know any 10 year olds( that have parents and are sane) who would hit an adult (with firewood no less!) for saying something that they didn't like?

I forget that this thread moves really fast.

Those terrible kids in shows like Supernanny.

Personally I knew better at that age, because I knew I was getting a whoopin' if I acted anything close to that.


Sure, it was alright overall, and when things finally get going near the end it was kind of good, but compared to Nanoha or A's, "alright" is pretty poor.
I always kinda felt it was down to the series being 26 episodes rather than 13 for the first two series. It created an expectation of having to carry over a plotline that lasted that long which led to it being an overall weaker experience. The ideas were there but the execution wasn't.

Although the Numbers (I think that's what they were called) smacked of a decision to include more unique female cast members for the sake of it. More so than usual.

Plus, while I can understand in some way the necessity of the rules for power control for the adult trio, you're left with a feeling that a lot of the damage could have been prevented if they hadn't had to essentially sign a form everytime they wanted to do something powerful.


Majestic Prince - 02

Today's battle brought to you by P&G

The show still has an odd mix of tone, like it wants to go full-on comedy but is being restrained somehow. I can't really explain it. In going down some half road, it seems to really lack any sort of focus but its still quite early. Might prove to be a lot of funn.

Interested to see what white-haired Lacus Clyne's part in the story will be.

The OP is...a lot more subdued than I thought it would be. It doesn't reveal the comedic side of the show much at all.


Shingeki no Kyojin 1

The episode's events were exciting, kept my heart thumping, but I'm not caring for any of the characters. Maybe they'll grow on me.
My roommate is super hyped for this series so I imagine I'll wind up watching the whole thing in any case.
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