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Spring Anime 2013 |OT -7| My Giant CG Pony Can't Possibly Read This Much Baudelaire

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I couldn't even survive half an episode. I had to stop and take a break before I broke something.

The first half of Episode 1 of Deadman Wonderland really is offensively bad. Things do improve once the show gets inside the prison, but not enough that I can really blame you for dropping it there.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Candy Boy did not come anywhere near to what I thought it would. Hell, Shoujo Sect was probably creepier.

Shoujo Sect was awesome, speaking of which:


Ebiten Doki Doki no Onsen - 01




I'm not sure what you mean by rules, but if you're saying that you actually liked those stupid, stupid limiters, then all I can do is strongly disagree. Limiters were an awful idea.

No, the mistake was making Strikers as it is in the first place. Coming off of A's, which is an outstanding series, expectations for Strikers were so high... and then it completely failed to meet them, and the franchise went downhill in a hurry. It's no surprise that there hasn't been another Nanoha TV series since it, or that it took a return to the first two seasons (ie, the movies) to save it -- Strikers messed things up, badly.

It has too many characters, loses its focus on what the series should be about, has some weaker characters, has awful pacing, the male character (Erio I think it is) was not popular even if he's somewhat harmless, they forgot that the series should be about Nanoha being awesome and people shooting beams at eachother (beams of friendship!) and introduced HORRIBLE ideas like the limiters and her injury between A's and Strikers, etc etc. That last point is the one that annoyed me the most, along with the bad pacing, but other people had other complaints, and a lot of them are valid.

Sure, it was alright overall, and when things finally get going near the end it was kind of good, but compared to Nanoha or A's, "alright" is pretty poor.

Doing more of the same as A's would have been a huge mistake IMO. i'm totally satisfied on the fact that they expanded the world instead of doing "more of the same".
You're right StrikerS has too many characters and the start is pretty poor... those are big flaws. but that doesn't mean that everything they tried to change in strikerS was bad.

Nanoha befriending everyone left and right would have made the serie boring and generic..
Exploring the magic system, the mid-childa past and new means of fighting was a much much better way to go.

I'm so opposed to see A's 2.0 but less good. What's the point of doing more of the same? This isn't a comedy anime.


Actual Majestic Prince 2 Impressions

Damn, I never noticed pink girl was packing the :chet. She was already my favourite and now I know I'm right. Great battle this ep. It created a nice sense of tension and had really good pacing.

The OP and ED make me feel like they are going to try and do something serious. While I actually like the face designs now, I'd probably just laugh if they went for a dramatic moment.

Definitely excited to continue this.


Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka? of the Dead- 03

Gaia gave us some :DTL.
Anderson x New Orito.
That fucking CG audience is back, argh.


I actually have a gif of the cg crowds in motion, but I don't want to re-open some old wounds.

Tiger and Bunny - 02 Majestic Prince - 02

First episode had the right balance of silly and er... mechaplosions this episode felt a bit... weird with throwing in sponsorships and Nico Nico (lulz), now I'm a bit lost on this show's identity.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
[Arve Rezzle] / [Alfr Rezzle] (I don't get why the anime community can't decide what's the name of this one)
I'm not against fanservice in anime or ogling fit ladies and their contours, but if they were planning on making a sci-fi story about the falseness of cybernetic relationships/identity with a spice of nudity then they should have at least let us enjoy the boobs by themselves instead of throwing a bunch of dialogue explaining shit that still doesn't make any sense because of the fast pace it is being delivered at. I swear, there were not even five straight seconds where there wasn't someone (particularly Shiki) talking about NLN or wars or some crap like that. It's trying to look more intellectual than it actually is, and in the end I can't remember anything that was actuallly said because there's simply no time to let the information being handed out simmer before we go to the next plot point. This is some pretty bad storytelling --nay, this is some very annoying writing.
Also, I don't get why this is part of the Young Animator Project. While indeed there was some great special effects animation most of the storyboard is composed of lots of still shots (admittedly lots of still shots) while the writers throw up a shitton of technobabble in order to try to fool the audience into thinking something is happening. Add to that some very hyperactive editing and even weirder letter-boxing where letter-boxing is not needed that doesn't make a point and instead ends up distracting me from the already difficult-to-follow action.

This was very poorly made and watching it after the superior Death Billiards and Little Witch Academia only accentuates what a waste of time this was on everyone's part. 2 out of 5 imouto panties, and only because of the boobies.


Candy Boy

Not much in the way of candy and/or boys to be found here, actually.

What we do have is a warm and fuzzy tale about the daily lives of twin sisters living and studying in Tokyo and their very, very close relationship, which is completely devoid of any incestuous romantical connotations whatsoever that could lead to misinterpretation on part of the viewer, as well as their various attempts at keeping their younger sister the fuck away from them for reasons I've yet to ascertain. Yep, just good old fashioned sisterly bonding.

Also, I think that one other girl might harbor more than a platonic interest in the tomboyish twin but given that she's not related I can't be too certain.

I give it three smelly pillows out of five.


rurouni kenshin: trust & betrayal - 1

It's always nice when something not only lives up to your memories, but exceeds them.

Striking stuff--such dense, evocative use of shadows; it's seen all throughout the episode, often highlighting some interpersonal conflict, with the most noticeable, probably, that of the conversation between Kenshin and his master, when the shadow cast by the tree upon which he practiced both connects and splits them. It's such a nice bit of framing--it's the fork, if you will, one of the many Kenshin had to choose on his way to becoming the lovable fool of the regular manga/tv show, and you see just how the boy is struck by this sudden sense of possibilities, this spreading web of prospects; it's really capable stuff, all delivered without exposition.

The episode as a whole is characterized by the polarities between light and shadow, and the oppressive mood is broken up by sudden spurts of violence, each beginning and ending with a punchy, breathless tempo. All of them lovingly animated with creative storyboarding, with such lovely gore and the tearing/breaking of flesh and bone.

The flashbacks and the present-day horrors are all nestled together for Kenshin, and they unfold one after another as the Kenshin of the past and the present struggle to hold together. It's a nice reminder of how dissociative the boy is becoming, or as Katsura mentions, the two sides within him in conflict, the killer and the boy, truth and ideal.

Man, so good.

Totally forgot to comment on this before I left earlier today but boy do I like posts like this that make me want to revisit something with a fresh set of eyes.
Hataraku Maou-sama! 2


Still huge.

Kind of a let down from such a great first episode, but it was still fun. Emi's a fun character and it seems Chiyo is going to become a bigger part of the show which will be great.

Also I'm PREEEEEEEEEEETTY sure Emi's friend at her work is voiced by Tanezaki Atsumi, AKA:


Cutie McCute

which hopefully means she's working her way up to get bigger roles!
Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka? of the Dead - 04


Ayumu you awesome bastard!

It was over before it even began.
The perfect job for Sera. Bonus Stage:
Eu so cute with ponytail.
Anderson was awesome on the commentary,
and his from the underworld too, will this lead to something?
Only the last fight was a surprise, since it looked like it would be ass.


So I finally finished the first episodes of the series I picked to watch this season. At least, the ones that have aired anyway.

Date a Live: 01

Well, I didn't think it was terrible. But it didn't really stand out in any way. Fanservice doesn't really bug me, so... Overall, I guess it was really mediocre? Still, for me, that's good enough to give it a few episodes to see how it progresses.

Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet: 01

So, Spacecraft and Mechs vs... Giant space slugs.

Okie dokie.

In all seriousness, it was rather nice. It seems rather ambitious as a series, so hopefully it doesn't take a turn for the worst trying to tell its story in so few episodes.

My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU: 01

Boy I hate that title. Feels so... wrong. It filled the Haganai niche that had opened up, but I'm not sure if I'm feeling it. Haganai had its entertaining moments, yet these characters don't quite have that comedic feel to them. I'll give it the 3 episode rule, but I'm not entirely optimistic on it.

Muromi-san: 01 and The Devil is a Part-Timer!: 01

The reason I'm lumping these together is because I really first learned about them here, so I originally had no plans to watch them. Either way, my reaction to both was the same: I want more.

Yuyushiki: 01

I had plans to watch this when I first seen the seasonal chart, so I had high hopes for it. So far, in my opinion, it hasn't disappointed. Its stupid comedy, but its fun comedy.


why do i feel weird when there is butt talk here and I see your avatar.

Speaking of avatars, is yours from Aiura?

Hataraku Maou-sama! 2

Kind of a let down from such a great first episode, but it was still fun. Emi's a fun character and it seems Chiyo is going to become a bigger part of the show which will be great.

Also I'm PREEEEEEEEEEETTY sure Emi's friend at her work is voiced by Tanezaki Atsumi, AKA:

which hopefully means she's working her way up to get bigger roles!

I REALLY hope so! She should be as prevalent as Hanakana.

Vomiting has never been so kawaii.

Oh yes it has. It definitely has.


Majestic Prince 02


This is so fucking stupid. Why the FUCK does the fucking military need fucking SPONSORS? Why the fuck is this subplot even IN the show? So stupid.

The opening and ending are snoozefests, along with the fight in this episode which doesn't even feature 2 of the protagonists. This show is now on a short leash.
Naruto Shippuden 308

Well at least Hayate got good screentime, though I dont know who in the Naruto Fandom likes Hayate that much that he needed two episodes to himself. Sakura punches still always interesting. Ready for next weeks filler.
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