Fuuuuuuuuuck everything.
Are the Mirai Nikki and Deathnote manga really that awful?
I like it. For the sakuga, of course; it was animated by Seiya Numata.
Fixed. They don't call him the superior 'lolimator' for nothing...Wow, he really likes drawing little girls.
Photo Kano 1-2
Wow, this show is a special kind of slimy. I feel unclean.
Maybe just one more episode.
I only explicitly mentioned those two! And actually Deathnote is OK. (most of it, not very good but entertaining) hyperbole aside.
Now that we are in the mainstream press at least in the UK, we should REALLY get a podcast up
And lets not forget that ED OH DEAR GOD NSFW:
I like it. For the sakuga, of course; it was animated by Seiya Numata.
It's more SDBurton than Chet Rippo.
And yet it cannot be stopped:
I must have missed something.
the Edge interview everybody talking about over at gaming side?
im trying explain to anime gaf that I told them about Saban and they didn't hear it.
Fixed. They don't call him the superior 'lolimator' for nothing...
So CR picked something else up:
Valvrave - 01
I like it. Expect/want lots and lots of trainweck. =D
Wanted to hear the voice of the love interest girl more. =/
I only read the ending of the Mirai Nikki manga actually so I can't speak much about it.Actually to be fair I've never read Mirai Nikki, but DeathNote was, in retrospect, not that great. Certainly leagues better than Bakuman though.
On a more serious note, we really need to be more considerate about spoilers. Please. Can everyone be more considerate? Please?
Yo I need some clarification on this. Are we allowed to post spoilers so as long as we mentioned what they're for, and [.spoiler][./spoiler] them?
Way to ruin it for me...Yeah, the post in question just happened to forget the tags.
Man, fuck this show.![]()
Palming that goodness.
Seriously though, so damn adorable. Shame there wasn't a satisfying ending. I blame waifu culture.
Gao Gai Gar is a tough sell to people. You can mention how it ends up as something ridiculously hot blooded and enjoyable but you're still faced with an awful lot of early episodes where it's a Saturday morning kids program with monsters of the week. It's not bad but it's nothing spectacular.Huh. I was watching Gao Gai Gar at some point, wasn't I?
I want to say Aria but I can't really say that the animation itself improved upon the simply delicious Kozue Amano artwork. It did however produce in spades with its soundtrack which I feel qualifies it at least partially. Plus, a few of the additional episodes/expanded chapters I feel fit in well wit the tone of the series.Speaking of adaptations making changes to the source material, can anyone think of any anime adaptations that actually improved on the original material? I mean, it's not really that common but it has to have happened a few times!
Looks like I'll have to hunker down and marathon the shit out of this show to catch up
The major flaw I had with Acchi Kochi was that while it was an enjoyable comedy series, it's premise as having a romantic element was pretty stifled. It's made clear from the get go that Tsumiki likes Io and vice versa and everyone knows this and comments on it all the time. Yet nothing happens. They have this awkward kind of half relationship which fine, generates plenty of :cajun moments but it's also kind of unsatisfactory. If they'd just pushed d a bit further from the end of episode 11 it would have been a pretty amazing series instead of merely good.
im not too sure how a satisfying ending for acchi kocchi would work.
making out and hot cat sex would be a bit of a tone shift.
Well, sex would probably be pushing it too far because such a thing is not tolerated outside of hentai and shows with NTR based plots but something a bit more than "And thus they continued with their life, in a state of friends-but-not-quite-lovers-until-they-just-lost-interest-and-found-someone-else".im not too sure how a satisfying ending for acchi kocchi would work.
making out and hot cat sex would be a bit of a tone shift.
I guess they were hoping but from what I recall it wasn't a rip-roaring success. It's a shame, I really did enjoy it a lot more than I thought.Exactly. Though I have to wonder if maybe the show ended how it did because they didn't know if they'd be back for a second season or not?
Way to ruin it for me...
Did I miss much in the last several hours besides what seems like about three pages of agonizing over Precure hackjob rumors and a page or so of discussion about Needless' ending animation?
Valvrave OT is go!
Now fill it with your impressions.
Can I post my "angry rant" with marked spoilers that I posted in here? Not sure if jumping straight into spoiler talk is a good idea for a new OT.
I foresee alot of filler for Hataraku Maou. The manga is only 2 volumes long so far.
Aku no Hana
Dennou Coil - 01
I really like the ending.
:wonzoAku no Hana
I guess that's the moment to drop the show before it turns into a hatewatch.
Yay, someone is watching Dennou Coil!
Such a great series. The ending is pretty nice too.
Greatest love story ever told.
Not sure of that. But it's definitely the sakuga-est.