CorvoSol just got tricked into watching a shoujo animu lol.
Does that mean it's for girls? I'm sure I can survive. I Made it through 00, and that was for yaoi fangirls only.
CorvoSol just got tricked into watching a shoujo animu lol.
I had a similar idea, but it was about an exchange student. In anime they always have what seems to be perfect Japanese, so I'd want to do the opposite and have them know no Japanese. Because this is obviously a comedic idea they would be a typical U wot m8 geezer.I want to see a SOL anime with an English teacher played by an actual native English speaker. That'd be pretty cool.
Gotta be a cute girl. had a similar idea, but it was about an exchange student. In anime they always have what seems to be perfect Japanese, so I'd want to do the opposite and have them know no Japanese. Because this is obviously a comedic idea they would be a typical U wot m8 geezer.
CorvoSol just got tricked into watching a shoujo animu lol.
dulce report would make a good anime imo
Puzzles !! Remember in this world , the world puzzle solving/making you can do the better human you are. The fact that he has cooking and house holding skills is just a plus.Phi Brain 09
It's a puzzle as to why everyone in this school is excited over the crossdressing pageant.
CorvoSol just got tricked into watching a shoujo animu lol.
Artemis >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Luna
Escaflowne is for everyone.
You guys are no fun.Escaflowne is for everyone.
If you had found something that was exactly (or near enough) to my idea I would have enter a thousand years of despair so I'm glad you couldn't think of anything. There's also that other show coming out in some future season of a Brit family exchange thing.Sketchbook Kate Compilation
Not quite what you asked for, but it's the best I could think of right away.
Yo! You sayin' English gals can't be cute?
Gintama 25
As a Death Note fan I approve of this hilarious parody.
Gintama 25
As a Death Note fan I approve of this hilarious parody.
According to this notice from the official Hataraku Maou-sama site, we're not going to get the regular OP animation until episode five -- apparently because it hasn't actually been completed yet.
If you had found something that was exactly (or near enough) to my idea I would have enter a thousand years of despair so I'm glad you couldn't think of anything. There's also that other show coming out in some future season of a Brit family exchange thing.
That's the one. But it says Alice likes all things Japanese so my idea is still safe.Kiniro Mosaic?
So, Heartcatch new ED is fucking fantastic and I'm dancing in bed right now.
Who could survive in a desert for longer, SDBurton or DTL?
Does that mean it's for girls? I'm sure I can survive. I Made it through 00, and that was for yaoi fangirls only.
Best visual shot in the entire episode.
Dogs, dogs, dogs everywhere in my anime!
Escaflowne mechs are just gigantic knights with a few cool powers.
All mecha shows are for girls now.
About time you listened to one of my recommendations.Speaking of shows for girls:
[Cardcaptor Sakura] - 1
Yuyushiki - Episode 2
I really enjoyed this episode. The jokes worked much, much better this time round, and the show really nails the feeling of 2 retarded friends and their normal friend just spending time doing nothing at all and being stupid. I laughed a lot more this week. As I said previously, I really relate to the character dynamic here, and honestly, being kids there's nothing wrong with just being stupid and random. Their antics are funny, and
I definitely look forward to more characters being introduced, because it's going to be hilarious to see how Yukari and Yuzukoland themselves in jailtry to interact with other normal people! Lololol.
I'm sure the blushing shoulders in Gargantia and the outsize racks in Majestic Prince set many a lady's heart a-racing.
Seriously, what is up with the shoulder blushes in Gargantia? Is it supposed to be sunburn from being out in the open ocean all the time?
Question: if Aku no Hana is unpleasant to watch but intentionally so to project this unsettling feeling of blah blah blah, but you still don't actually want to watch it... I'm not really sure what I was going to ask, but I just finished some Dostoyevsky recently and that was some cringe-ass Russian reading from the 1800s so the idea of good literature that I nonetheless don't particularly like reading was on my mind.
I guess Anime Limited are releasing Perfect Blue on BD here in the UK later in the year. Huh.
This just jumped several places on my backlog just now.Lets not forget the capes.
So bought.I guess Anime Limited are releasing Perfect Blue on BD here in the UK later in the year. Huh.
CCS is the best mahou shoujo show (sorry Hito).
Praise indeed. I am yet to see why the series has garnered such praise but I'm sure I'll find out soon enough.
Also, people sure are CLAMP in this CLAMP series. Those ridiculous legs are quite unnerving.
We are officially friends now. I fuckin' loved Bodacious Space Pirates so hard. Been delaying starting the novels actually.
I seriously just got out of bed, grabbed my earphones, and went to YouTube just to listen to it again.
CorvoSol just got tricked into watching a shoujo animu lol.
Does that mean it's for girls? I'm sure I can survive. I Made it through 00, and that was for yaoi fangirls only.
How does one dance in bed? Spasm out under the sheets?
Speaking of shows for girls:
[Cardcaptor Sakura] - 1
So far, so magical girl. I can't really draw any conclusions based on this kind of introductory episode because the magical girl shows that I've watched tend to quite a few warm-up episodes before they actually get going. Still, what's on display here is rather enjoyable and the production values are extremely good, thank you Madhouse for not being Toei. Of course, as this is just the pilot I expect the production values to crash down to earth for future episodes.
Card Captor Sakura made me hate pianos.
Especially the kinds that chase you and freak the fuck out.
CCS is the best mahou shoujo show (sorry Hito).
This just jumped several places on my backlog just now.
So bought.
And now you know why I think Mio is the best.
Welcome to last Friday.Hope everyone is ready for JoJo's Part Three:
You're welcome.Syrinx, I'm gonna go ahead and blame you that I can't stop listening to the Tomorrow song this morning.