So, KyoAni's upcoming announcement is probably FMP:
I guess mecha fans beat fujoshi for once.
Left: Older sister.
Right: Saori~ (an angel of two different faces in and out of otaku form)
So, KyoAni's upcoming announcement is probably FMP:
I guess mecha fans beat fujoshi for once.
I don't watch Oreimo, but based on screenshots, Saori looks smaller when not wearing her otaku getup. Anyone else notice or is I crazy?
I don't watch Oreimo, but based on screenshots, Saori looks smaller when not wearing her otaku getup. Anyone else notice or is I crazy?
So the real question is..
Team Tessa or Team Kaname?
Team Mao.
Crazy = Hot
Better CGI than the rest of the anime industry!
So the real question is..
Team Tessa or Team Kaname?
I don't watch Oreimo, but based on screenshots, Saori looks smaller when not wearing her otaku getup. Anyone else notice or is I crazy?
They have a flashback/backstory of when she was younger in the ep. too (in which she is wearing her normal clothes).
I... I want to believe.So, KyoAni's upcoming announcement is probably FMP:
I guess mecha fans beat fujoshi for once.
More LARPers? Didn't we have enough with Chuu2? :|
It sounds like something written by Hideo Kojima.Azazel-san Z 3
The entire concept of this episode is hilarious. A dude that looks and talks all badass about his hemorrhoids is better than how Gintama handled the subject.
One thing that's been bothering me about School Days, what's with that tagline on the title?
"In the school, the three guys met. Their relation had been changed in the season, and turned into three love stories."
How does that apply at all to school days?
One thing that's been bothering me about School Days, what's with that tagline on the title?
"In the school, the three guys met. Their relation had been changed in the season, and turned into three love stories."
How does that apply at all to school days?
One thing that's been bothering me about School Days, what's with that tagline on the title?
"In the school, the three guys met. Their relation had been changed in the season, and turned into three love stories."
How does that apply at all to school days?
Mankoto has the sexual prowess of three men? Maybe three men gattai'd to make him?
[My Little Vagina Can't Possibly Be This Yuri.] 03
More LARPers? Didn't we have enough with Chuu2? :|
I'll be looking forward to it!Planning to watch it after I finish Persona 4 The Animation.
Just curious but what is the general GAF consensus on Persona 4 anyway?
Truth be told, this is one of my favorites from the first season. It really shows how close Mio and Ritsu really are, and how not only does Mio rely on Ritsu a lot, but Ritsu also depends on Mio as well.K-ON! - 11
Oh man this episode was tough on my OTP. Ritsu's tryhard attempts to get Mio's attention were tough to watch and at times I literally had to pause to get over the awkwardness of the scene at hand. My girl has it bad for Mio!
Second part was fuck awesome with some reeeeally tender moments between the two. I wished Mio would've checked Ritsu's temperature by touching their foreheads together, but at least I got some handholding.
ssssssshhhhhhh don't say anything or MAL will edit the title.
Speaking of which, here are some more title "enhancements" that I noticed on my list recently:
Shame on MAL for taking so long to deliver some titles from the yoke of our barbarian tongue.
It's a reversal of roles.Work hard to pander to me, Maou-sama! - 02 & 03
Forgice me if I'm judging it too early, but this has officially stepped into the ranks of all the other insipid romcom anime. All the positive reception from anime-GAF might have towered my expectations for this show but I'm utterly puzzled as to why it's been so well-received here. The premise was very interesting, but the show does not capitalize on it at all, and the characters are shallow (or perhaps misrepresented might be a better description, but more on this later). The only genuine praise I can shower is that it's consistent at being slightly above average, and generally has good pacing outside of the first episode.
I wouldn't be having such a hard time handing compliments if the characters were true to their role. Maou is a demon king. He's supposed to be a ruthless, unsympathetic person no? Yet on earth he's represented as a happy-go-lucky, softhearted gentleman. Now, as if this dumbfounding sudden revelation wasn't confusing enough, he later proclaims to Emilia that his new objective is to take over the entire world and also reclaim the world he came from!
Now, I'm not exactly expecting plenty of realism from a shounen romcom, but what the fuck is this bullshit? How can you expect me to take the characters seriously with such a stupendously illogical development? I'd be more than pleased with the show if it weren't for this huge disconnect.
Glass no Kantai: La Legende du Vent de l'Univers[/B]
Checking mine I see:
Dragon Age: Blood Mage no Seisen
I looked at the Glass Fleet page a few weeks ago and it's been hit with the weeb stick for a while but that subtitle is recent. fuck's sake
That's supposed to be a girl. What the hell. And while we are on bad art, not only do we have bad art with a lack of distinct facial features, but there are moments when the art just stops and, because of no mouth flaps, it looks like the screen froze over. I had to recheck my player to make sure Crunchyroll wasn't crashing on me.
Do you understand Baudelaire, shit eaters?
Again, surprised no one posted this yet, unless you all already saw the news and figured the rest of the people did as well.
The new Rozen Maiden series coming this summer has all the main seiyuu returning -- Sawashiro as Shinku, Rie Tanaka as Suigintou, etc. -- along with a new seiyuu listed for a differently aged Jun, suggesting that they might be using the manga's restart as a springboard for the new anime...
Oh, and it's being animated by DEEN now. Just so you know.
Marimo no Hana: Saikyou Butouha Shougakusei Densetsu
One Piece: Episode of Nami - Koukaishi no Namida to Nakama no Kizuna
Pokemon Advanced Generation: Mew to Hadou no Yuusha Lucario
then there's this:
Senki Zesshou Symphogear: Meteoroid-Falling, Burning, and Disappear, Then...
So, KyoAni's upcoming announcement is probably FMP:
I guess mecha fans beat fujoshi for once.
It's a reversal of roles.
On one hand you have the Demon Overlord who is known for doing bad stuff, but deep down he's an extremely practical and realistic guy. He understands that there's no point to going around grandstanding if he doesn't have his magic or an army, so he doesn't bother.
On the other hand, you have the Hero, who is supposed to be a leader and icon for the people. But she's plagued by insecurity and is unable to accept her powerlessness. She believes so steadfastly in her ideals that she can't even conceive of the Overlord being anything other than the manifestation of evil. '
In a "typical" RPG fantasy story, it's the other way around, because the hero usually hails from humble origins while the villain is irrevocably corrupt or whatever. But Emiliya finally starting to understand that the Overlord isn't a truly bad person deep down, which shows just how petty her lofty attitude really is. This is almost the same setup as Maoyuu Maou Yuusha, where Hero is initially unable to understand Demon King's request to work together. He gets over that hurdle a lot faster, whereas here it seems like it'll take Emiliya the entire series to realize this.
Good choice.Team Mao.