If people are complaining about MAL titles, time to link the Greasemonkey userscripts that help to alleviate name changes:
http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/161255 is the most powerful one IMO, which both renames the titles in your list and re-alphabetizes them afterwards, but it takes longer to activate the more titles you have in your list. It loads in only a few seconds for me, with about 200 shows, but if you have near 1,000, it might take longer. There are a few alternatives that use in-place title changes or a backend database instead of a custom list if you want to improve speed at the cost of customizability/neatness; look through the thread for those.
http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/161255 is the most powerful one IMO, which both renames the titles in your list and re-alphabetizes them afterwards, but it takes longer to activate the more titles you have in your list. It loads in only a few seconds for me, with about 200 shows, but if you have near 1,000, it might take longer. There are a few alternatives that use in-place title changes or a backend database instead of a custom list if you want to improve speed at the cost of customizability/neatness; look through the thread for those.