Ooooooh myyyy g-
next show or 5th dokidoki?
lipstick/kissing motif... sdburton is gonna die next year.
next show or 5th dokidoki?
lipstick/kissing motif... sdburton is gonna die next year.
Updated the OT list a bit. I don't know, would that Resident Evil movie really be considered an anime?
Just accept the fact that CTMEOY was a non-canon spinoff until the manga directly proves so otherwise, and Hata's trolling in recent chapters doesn't count.Hayate no Gotoku Cuties 1
So now this takes place before Can't Take My Eyes Off You? Weird.
CG animation is not anime?
CG animation is not anime?
Hey guys, what's anime?
What's a harem?
What defines a loli?
What is moe?
What is moe?
Is it animation? YesWith some of the conversations about what is and what isn't anime, I wasn't sure. Something like the Final Fantasy movie Advent Children for example, some seem to see it as an anime but others don't. I can include it in the list as it's not really that big of a deal to me in the end.
Hey guys, what's anime?
What's a harem?
What defines a loli?
What is moe?
Hey guys, what's anime?
What's a harem?
What defines a loli?
What is moe?
Is it animation? Yes
Is it animation by Japanese people? Yes
This is not like Korra no Densetsu where you can make the arguments for it not being animu (it is animu though).
TTGL 07-08
With some of the conversations about what is and what isn't anime, I wasn't sure. Something like the Final Fantasy movie Advent Children for example, some seem to see it as an anime but others don't. I can include it in the list as it's not really that big of a deal to me in the end.
Seikon no Qwaser is gdlk. Dat Mafuyu.
do tell.
Do tell!
Updated the OT list a bit. I don't know, would that Resident Evil movie really be considered an anime?
I hope he comes back. PreCure can't defeat the forces of evil unless the whole team is present.
or do you just want me to start calling you "Mad Pierrot The 2nd" from now on?
I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with attempting to discuss of any of these particular topics. Each one is a potentially ripe source for discussion and they could all (potentially) allow you to take an interesting look at the anime industry.I don't even know what's your problem is.
I could never fill his shoes. If he doesn't make it back anytime soon though, I'll attempt a summoning ritual.
I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with attempting to discuss of any of these particular topics. Each one is a potentially ripe source for discussion and they could all (potentially) allow you to take an interesting look at the anime industry.
However, for the most part what these discussions do is travel in circles with people espousing arguments based on personal gut impressions rather than logic or insight. They can also have the unfortunate consequence of generating bad feelings between fellow humans.
Of course, just because that's how things tend to end doesn't mean that they always need to end up like that. I was just highlighting a pattern that I had notice from reading the thread today.
There are usually plenty of other interesting things to discuss anyway.
Who will be the sacrifice?
Kayos90. Training for the 91st Kayos is already well underway.
Damn straight, especially towards the end whenher boobs grow gigantic and start shooting lasers of milk.
Well. It started out as a nice discussion of two shows. Then it devolved into something horrific. lol.
...really?nice discussion
You thought well! Many thanks for these and the previous seasonal threads compilation efforts, Nafe! One thread I loved 'lurking' at before taking the plunge and becoming a member here was this one:Talking again about organizing old posts and impressions and I went and collected together all the OT threads that I had or could think of. Some might already have these bookmarked or subscribed to but I thought collecting them in one place might make for easier reference.
This and the Brawl thread were what convinced me to join GAF.You thought well! Many thanks for these and the previous seasonal threads compilation efforts, Nafe! One thread I loved 'lurking' at before taking the plunge and becoming a member here was this one:
Believe in me who believes in you -- The Gurren Lagann thread of burning passion - NeoGAF
Good times, good times...
There are usually plenty of other interesting things to discuss anyway.
What uncool folk call japanimation.Hey guys, what's anime?
What's a harem?
What defines a loli?
What is moe?
Easily the best part of the anime. So many screen caps/gifs were made that day.
Hey guys, what's anime?
What's a harem?
What defines a loli?
What is moe?
I'll watch. Show wasn't bad, I enjoyed the fights
Are we going to talk about harems all day?
Probably my fav genre of anime
I don't know who that fucker is.confirm or deny, crunchyroll is the john cena of the anime industry.
This and the Brawl thread were what convinced me to join GAF.
Perhaps I just have impossibly high standards but none of these OP's really tickle me. I guess the Muromi-san one is okay.OP RANKING
Attack on Titan (everyone has seen it, no need for links)
Tanken Driland
Obari does Obari things
confirm or deny, crunchyroll is the john cena of the anime industry.
I don't know who that fucker is.
Wrasslin? Is that like Lucha Libre?One the biggest Wrasslin superstars.
Suisei no Gargantia - 01
Probably my favorite opener of the season so far. Very intriguing premise. Loved the artwork and the animation...even the CG was ok. Just hope that the entire show's budget wasn't blown in the first episode.
I just wanted to jump in and say that the Nyaruko-San W OP song is way more catchy than the original.
It won't stop playing in my head!
It looks like we are getting more Infinite Stratos
Wonder if it's a reboot or a new story.
There is always a "winner" in harem shows. Always.
confirm or deny, crunchyroll is the john cena of the anime industry.
confirm or deny, crunchyroll is the john cena of the anime industry.