Regulus Tera
Romanes Eunt Domus
Supposedly this is mechs season, but once again I wake up and we are talking about magical girls. Magical girls are forever.
It's just another cutegirlsdoingcutethings show.I don't get the appeal.
So... should I watch Gargantia?
Supposedly this is mechs season, but once again I wake up and we are talking about magical girls. Magical girls are forever.
And with that, I've seen everything Toradora! has to offer./;_;[IMG][/QUOTE]
If only, man. If only. ;_;
If only, man. If only. ;_;
Dudebros, you can make your guns kawaii in Blops2:
Thats how I feel about my coworker going through Link to the Past, Minish Cap, Zelda OOt, Zelda MM, Wind waker, Twilight Princess and skyward sword without any spoilers whatsoever for the first time. If only I could find a way to selectively forget all the Zelda stuff I played and experience it all over again like he is doing right now.
Pretty rubbish name I agree. I need to remember to see it one of these days.
The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists.
Whatever... since I was beaten I'll point out the Yank name for it is The Pirates! Band of Misfits which is a rubbish name truth be told.
Girls are forever so it only stands to reason that magical girls would stand the test of time even better.Supposedly this is mechs season, but once again I wake up and we are talking about magical girls. Magical girls are forever.
Need Kickstarter right now.What about a show where the mechas are piloted by magical girls?
What about a show where the mechas are piloted by magical girls?
Screw you Jintor, stealing my idea. But is your magical girl mecha show also a harem?
it's a slice of life harem comedy afterschool club mahou shoujo mecha show. With a polar bear.
Welcome to 1994.
Is their school closing down if they don't win the mahou shoujo mecha tournie?
Magical girl mecha plz
Welcome to 1994.
Magical girl mecha plz
What has happened to zelda these days?
We should do a gag dub. After the podcast of course.I love gag dubs.
We should do a gag dub. After the podcast of course.
Someone should do a gag dub for One Piece.
They already did.
I don't know about you guys but I'm getting good vibes for this season, both in terms of good, enjoyable shows and shows that are interesting to discuss. Much, much better than the Winter season.
The thread seems to be livelier too but that may be perspective bias since I'm involved with more shows.
I think it's down to opinions on certain shows have more of a split like Aku no Hana rather than unanimously gushing over Jojo's Bizzare Adventure.
I don't know about you guys but I'm getting good vibes for this season, both in terms of good, enjoyable shows and shows that are interesting to discuss. Much, much better than the Winter season.
The thread seems to be livelier too but that may be perspective bias since I'm involved with more shows.
I was gonna make a troll post about how the Latin America dub was better than the Japanese one, but I actually listened to it again and it's hilarious in how it completely bastardises the original. It turns out that this was not actually dubbed in Mexico, but rather somewhere in Los Ángeles. Further proof that Intertrack was the only dubbing company worth the bother. RIP IntertrackWelcome to 1994.
I don't know about you guys but I'm getting good vibes for this season, both in terms of good, enjoyable shows and shows that are interesting to discuss. Much, much better than the Winter season.
The thread seems to be livelier too but that may be perspective bias since I'm involved with more shows.
I was gonna make a troll post about how the Latin America dub was better than the Japanese one, but I actually listened to it again and it's hilarious in how it completely bastardises the original. It turns out that this was not actually dubbed in Mexico, but rather somewhere in Los Ángeles. Further proof that Intertrack was the only dubbing company worth the bother. RIP Intertrack
EDIT: Great Intertrack dubs:
Dragon Ball Z
Sailor Moon
Slam Dunk
Ranma 1/2
Ghost Sweeper Mikami
Special Measures Unit: Stella Girls' Academy High School's C3 Club will be animated by GAINAX.
No, it's pretty much shit.Good lord. But it has its own nostalgic charm I'm sure.
No, it's pretty much shit.
Real talk: the best Spanish dub of any cartoon ever was the one for Garfield and Friends. It's why I can't hate on Chile even though their football team is full of thugs.Lol. alright.
I like the Sailor moon one though, and the spanish dub of DYRL seems really gorgeously done.
They are sad cause no are your little chibi Precures doing?