Deal with it folks. Kirito is here to stay and with SAO's success, season 2 is inevitable which will further cement his position for years.
I don't give a shit. As long as there is an Accel World 2.
Deal with it folks. Kirito is here to stay and with SAO's success, season 2 is inevitable which will further cement his position for years.
It was a pretty popular show so it makes sense it ended up there. Sadly not as popular among the anime volume buying niche.
I'm having a rather nihilistic urge to introduce the people in the waifu thread to Extellore.
Extollere doesnt have a waifu. He has a whole harem.
Perhaps. The ip might still be viable for merchandise and a second season though.Which doesn't really help KyoAni much.
I don't think I've even seen this. Huh.I said backlog season was over, but I remembered that Mouryou no Hako had another bonus special thingy. So I figured why not.
Mouryou no Hako 14/Special
This episode isn't really required viewing. It's basically a summary of the show from the perspective of Atsuko Chuuzenji, Kyougokudou's younger sister and reporting rival of Toriguchi. She doesn't have a big role in the show, so her outsider's perspective tells us a little about some major events without revealing anything new.
I wouldn't say it was a waste of time, but it didn't add a whole lot.
Attack on Titan 1
Okay first episode. Protag is totally obnoxious though. He really should act his age(Yes, I don't feel that he is).
Attack on Titan 1
Okay first episode. Protag is totally obnoxious though. He really should act his age(Yes, I don't feel that he is).
Who reads Newtype, anyways?
He's a kid in this episode.Attack on Titan 1
Okay first episode. Protag is totally obnoxious though. He really should act his age(Yes, I don't feel that he is).
There's a difference?Girls and gundam fans.
Even as a kid I knew that when someone came to visit you offer to take their coat rather than run away screaming.He's a kid in this episode.
Top 10 Episodes (spoilers masked)
1. Vividred 9 (Wakaba photoshoot ep)
Well my Kirito nendoroid should be arriving some time next month. Can't wait.
Pillows are so last year. I'm taking anime fandom to the next level.I recall you calling that item "buttplug" at a time...
Believe it or not, long ago, before the days of coordinators Gundam was made for enrons weird I know.There's a difference?
Even as a kid I knew that when someone came to visit you offer to take their coat rather than run away screaming.
Perhaps. The ip might still be viable for merchandise and a second season though.
It was the SD Burtonest. Well, not exactly. 10 should have won anyway.Jesus, how do they pick the worst episode of that show to be number one?
I thought you shot them right away.You and your British tendencies. In America, when someone comes to visit, you punch them in the face before doing anything else..
It was the SD Burtonest. Well, not exactly. 10 should have won anyway.
As was predicted by a few people, the Madoka Magica movie Blu-ray sets have now been listed on Right Stuf as a direct import.
Which doesn't really help KyoAni much.
Perhaps. The ip might still be viable for merchandise and a second season though.
Bastards.I like how they'll ship to England and Ireland, but not Scotland or Wales.
Yeah, 12 safe or not, was great fun.10 or 12. Because the most predictable ending of all time was still pretty great.
You tell me. Valve's store is especially guilty of this. They let you choose Scotland or Wales but then force you to select a region from a drop down that only has England regions.For the World UK = England. You can't be that surprised.
I like how they'll ship to England and Ireland, but not Scotland or Wales.
I would buy a Tamako Nendoroid
10 or 12. Because the most predictable ending of all time was still pretty great.
Haha, fuck that.As was predicted by a few people, the Madoka Magica movie Blu-ray sets have now been listed on Right Stuf as a direct import. (BD regular edition, RS price $90) (BD collector's edition, RS price $105)
Note that, while the Japanese commentary is included on the disc, it won't be subtitled.
I still need to buy the Madoka blurays.
I was hoping that they would be cheap during HMV's closing down sales. Yeah...
They were already (relatively) cheap.
Regret not getting Princess Jellyfish when HMV had the blue sticker promotion.
I was hoping that they would be cheap during HMV's closing down sales. Yeah...
Wait, I just read that bit on the Japanese commentary. Talk about day light robbery. Either sub it or cut it out completely and charge a more reasonable price.
They were already (relatively) cheap.
Regret not getting Princess Jellyfish when HMV had the blue sticker promotion.
They were already (relatively) cheap.
Regret not getting Princess Jellyfish when HMV had the blue sticker promotion.
So can someone describe the recommended viewing format for Yamato 2199? Like there are movies that are made up of the television episodes that don't necessarily cover everything and the currently airing television show should go past the movies?
Don't you guys get totally different dubs over there at Spain?Don't forget their 'Los Gatos Samurái' dub, splendid one!
I would buy a Tamako nendoroid.If I bought nendos at all.
Haha, fuck that.
As was predicted by a few people, the Madoka Magica movie Blu-ray sets have now been listed on Right Stuf as a direct import. (BD regular edition, RS price $90) (BD collector's edition, RS price $105)
Note that, while the Japanese commentary is included on the disc, it won't be subtitled for the international release.
Princess Jellyfish was only legitimately discounted for about a week, though - most HMV stores increased the price so that, even when the discount was applied, it cost slightly more than RRP!
You'd think they would at least ship to scotland since scotland loooooooves anime.
Is there a Tamako Market LN or are you just speaking in general?It'll help, since extra merchandise - light novels, toys, etc - are all that'll be selling outside of those mediocre BD/DVD sales.
And who knows, it might be like Hyouka where some of the week-one sales for the later volumes outsold the first's week1.
I don't see them, if they do make one at all, doing more than just Tamako, but we'll see.It would definitely depend on the character for me*.
I would buy a Tamako nendoroid.If I bought nendos at all.
From the My Little Pony comic:
Wait, really? I have no sense of how big anime is in a lot of countries but something about this cracks me up. Now I kind of want to see a loli version of Braveheart or something.
D'aaw. Look at the little jellyfish.
Doesn't Usagi (Super S and Sailor Stars spoilers)It's debatable whether Usagi is a pegasus who gains a horn or a unicorn who gains wings.