It is just the SSY manga that in this instance happens to be particularly lewd.It's not? What's the right thing to call it then?
It is just the SSY manga that in this instance happens to be particularly lewd.It's not? What's the right thing to call it then?
I see! Him talking about the deadlines of the next edition and saying to wait for it in that way surprised me at first. Thanks for the clarification, man!Nah; he just says that he is very glad he had a chance to participate in a project dedicated to training the next generation of animators. The ending paragraph is something like "please look forward to both Trigger's and AnimeMirai's future works" but they're probably not the same thing.
Recent Machi☆Asobi vol.10 event ( brings more animemirai project's staff talks to its attendees, so this time Little Witch Academia was a sure protagonist of the edition:
【マチ★アソビ】「トリガー×アニメミライイベント」に吉成曜監督、スーシィ役 村瀬さん、トリガー大塚社長らが登壇し「リトルウィッチアカデミア」制作秘話を語る | トーキョーアニメニュース – TOKYO ANIME NEWS
Apparently, Mr. Yoshinari takes significance of how supportively foreigners received his short film, nice. What I want to know is what he exactly says about the next animemirai edition applications and its timeframe... is he really interested in participating again?
To be fair, it's the "mainstream shônen magazine" that runs series such as Aku no Hana, Joshiraku or Shingeki no Kyojin...It's a normal manga serialized in a mainstream shounen magazine.
It's a normal manga serialized in a mainstream shounen magazine.
It is just the SSY manga that in this instance happens to be particularly lewd.
That's not hentai.
Oh... thought those paragraphs were attributed to Mr. Yoshinari. Sorry!Yoshinari didn't say anything about the applications. The sentences between the direct quotes from the people at the panel are editorial descriptions. The part at the end says that the panel closed with the announcement they're going to continue with Anime Mirai for another year, and they'll be opening applciations on May 1st, and plan to announce the 4 successful studios by the end of May.
Oh... thought that paragraph was attributed to Mr. Yoshinari. Sorry!
Would move Ledo up to #2 but otherwise I agree, good rankings.
Each time someone mentions Kingdom is getting another season, I keep thinking of the Twelve Kingdom. And each time I realize it is the shit version of Kingdom, I simply cry. :'-(
I also really need to start on Twelve Kingdom after hearing all of its praises too. Might be time to pick up the first part of it on Blu-Ray.
Cancelled. Aniplex budget diverted to Vividred Season 2 instead.
Man, what's with all the hentai posts lately? Are things just that slow with regular anime lately or is there something mind blowing about these that I'm missing? Should I expect one of these to crop up as the new Bible Black?
Well, Mr. Mizushima appears to be a workaholic anyway, but I'm afraid he is going to be hands full for a time with both Girls und Panzer and the new Genshiken.
Well we just had a whole page of reactions to this one
and there were two yuri ovas talked about yesterday right? I'm not saying there weren't tons of normal posts as well just that there was a recent uptick in hentai chatter that I was wondering about. Though come to think of it the reaction to one of them merited adding it to the list, was that actually hentai or was I imagining it?
The artist does primarily do hentai though, I believe.
It shows!The artist does primarily do hentai though, I believe.
Infinite Stratos 1-4
Harem backlog time.
Chifuyu-nee <3
Infinite Stratos 1-4
Harem backlog time.
Chifuyu-nee <3
Is IS season 2 reboot or follow up? Just got curious.
I think it's a sequel, because the PV showed characters that only appear in the light novels that are set after the first season.Is IS season 2 reboot or follow up? Just got curious.
"Just do it." -GintamaStop enticing me on watching IS.
True.All of the older girls are best, and the only Ichika harem member that matters is Char.
All of the older girls are best, and the only Ichika harem member that matters is Char.
Hmmm, da taste of French.
Also, lol:
Is Japan reversing itself. Little sisters now little brothers. What is up with Japan and its incestual fantasies.
All those doujins have slowly made me switch over to the Chifuyu camp.
However I anticipate the introduction of Russia in the new season.
Well, Ichika is so asexual that the only woman he's interested in is probably his sister, so it works out!Is Japan reversing itself. Little sisters now little brothers. What is up with Japan and its incestual fantasies.
True:older sisters > little sisters
Perfectly ok with this.
older sisters > little sisters
older sisters > little sisters
Brb watching the rest of IS.
Well, then again, it was much crazier inHenneko proved thatis better.yuri sistercest
Yuri anything is usually better so it was never in doubt!Henneko proved thatis better.yuri sistercest
It's a harem. They all want his dick. Shame like all Harem protags he has brain damage.Are those screens form a doujin or is it actually form Infinite Stratos. Wiki doesn't say the sister is a brocon.
Doujin of course. But we all know the truth!Are those screens form a doujin or is it actually form Infinite Stratos. Wiki doesn't say the sister is a brocon.
It's a harem. They all want his dick. Shame like all Harem protags he has brain damage.
Well, Ichika is so asexual that the only woman he's interested in is probably his sister, so it works out!
2 days remaining until new Valvrave.
Must...hold on.........
I have no words.The innocence that triumphs. A creator of loli. Cure Jeff!
Nonsensical but spared from something that hints at a visit from Chris Hansen.The idol that overflows. An inspiration of illusions. Cure Mr.Jeff!
I got the impression that high school was something akin to an earlier version of going to uni/college. Certain schools offer different/better curriculum and rather than relocate the entire family it makes more sense to rent a small apartment outside of a certain distance. Especially if they're from the countryside. Although this is something extrapolated from anime so it's probably way off.It seems to me that "high school girls living on their own because of fairly nebulous reasons" is a pretty common thing in SOL anime. Can't be having those pesky parents stinking up the joint!
I'd probably agree with this but the only other flaw I could really (perhaps unfairly) nail it with is that it simply ends. I remember there was a reason for it but it's still pretty upsetting to have the unfinished storylines hanging about.Everyone should watch the Twelve Kingdoms, it's excellent.
The only flaw I can level towards it is that it has two many recap episodes, something like 4 out of 44 or whatever which might have been useful during the initial tv broadcast but is annoying on a home release where you're watching the whole series at a much quicker pace.