Crash Station
So Imaishi is doing a straight-up battle series, eh. Guess I'll have to rearrange my top 5 when it's over.
Considering how boring Nichijou was I don't blame the consumers either.
Looks like Newtype also has also a staff confirmation and key visual for previously announced light novel adaptation *takes a breath* Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita. (I Didn't Become A Hero, So I Reluctantly Looked For A Part-Time Job). The plot summary, if you've (likely, as I did) forgotten about it:
Director: Kinji Yoshimoto (Genshiken 2, a few Queen's Blade series)
Series Composition: Masashi Suzuki (Oda Nobuna, Sacred Blacksmith)
Character Design: Tetsuya Takeuchi
Studio: Asread (Mirai Nikki)
If ANN didn't seem to be having a complete site failure right now, I'm sure they'd have an article I could link to, but this'll have to do for now.Crunchyroll is an adequate source instead.
Same could be said for Hyouka.
Sounds like Hataraku Maou + Senyu + Hagure Yuusha.
I really would have to see how much Hyouka cost before I could say whether it did or didn't bomb.
Well, it was definitely more expensive than most shows, but let's remember that as an adaptation it exists primarily to sell the original novels, and on that count it was most certainly successful. Shows like Chihayafuru and TWGOK have gotten multiple seasons despite bombing on the sales charts, presumably because the production committees were happy with the advertising benefits alone.
Of course! All in all we peasants, mere-humans will delight us with their 'godly' animated works, as we serve them like the engineered audience & fans we really are...All Atlantians are the same. smh
Well KyoAni wouldn't be getting as much of a cut compared to their own material though. I'm not saying the whole project was in the red but I wonder how much KyoAni in particular benefited compared to Chuu24U or Tamako's Market.
He's the typical braindead harem MC. I find it very doubtful.The MC is just plain stupid. I hope they address that for the reboot.
I don't have access to it.subs?
Why don't you watch the superior dub version?
It's just a bit overmelodramtic like most romance VN adapatations. That's a pretty accurate statement though since my favourite scene was the diminshing phone card conversation which I thought was really nicely done but was entirely unrealistic.Ef a tale of memories
I love the artstyle of this, its artsy and visually stunning, but the plot is just terrible.
Hyouka sold consistently; the fact that sales didn't drop from 8k is definitely a clear achievement. Not a HIT, but it didn't bomb.
Well Tamako Market is both an original property, and it sold far less than Hyouka, so I doubt it was anywhere near as profitable. But I think KyoAni would have gotten paid for Hyouka regardless of how it sold, it's the production committee that would be losing money.
Okay, I'm going to hold /XX/ down, and the rest of you can do the punching. >_<
That is the CG future you wanted, duckroll... isn't it beautiful? :'-)Okay, I'm going to hold /XX/ down, and the rest of you can do the punching. >_<
Considering Nichijou bombed hard and Hyouka didn't exactly set the charts on fire despite their extremely high production values, I do not blame them.
Well Tamako Market is both an original property, and it sold far less than Hyouka, so I doubt it was anywhere near as profitable. But I think KyoAni would have gotten paid for Hyouka regardless of how it sold, it's the production committee that would be losing money.
KyoAni was on the production committee for Hyouka.
It'd be like an American TV exec making a show about being a Victoria's Secret model or something. In fact, I'm surprised someone hasn't done it yet.
I don't watch The CW, but aren't they still making 90210 reboots and crap like that? lolIsn't that basically everything that airs on the CW?
I guess here's a question: Would you rather have a KyoAni that has something every season or a KyoAni that does two shows a year? I'm not sure, to be honest.
Well, they're not living up to the production values of K-ON!'s second season and film, or Disappearance of Haruhi either, and those did sell very well. But of course, you are correct that high production quality is not what the market demands, unfortunately for myself.
It all started with Hyouka, really. I don't know if K-ON is to "blame" in terms of a massive success allowing them to have the capital, financial or otherwise, to basically start making a show a season.Two a year. That leaves room for two-cours shows, lol.
But yeah, if it's a question of quality over quantity (and I guess it isn't as clear-cut as that), I'd definitely go for quality.
The problem is that Tamako Market was also a bomb.Tamako was good enough that I don't want to joke about the coming of NeoAni (outside of their shift to producing their own content) just yet. What we've seen out of the PV for Free hasn't been too encouraging, but there's always other shows.
It all started with Hyouka, really. I don't know if K-ON is to "blame" in terms of a massive success allowing them to have the capital, financial or otherwise, to basically start making a show a season.
Speaking of KyoAni, looking at their Wikipedia page, I saw that this thing - Sora wo Miageru Shoujo no Hitomi ni Utsuru Sekai - came out right before K-ON!. Is it any good, or is that the last vestiges of Key-Ani?
I don't watch The CW, but aren't they still making 90210 reboots and crap like that? lol
Oh right, I forgot all about Haruhi. lolI wouldn't say that. They may seem busy now, but if I remember correctly, they were busier back in 2009. I'm pretty sure they were working on After Story, K-On, Haruhi 2009, and Disappearance around that time.
The problem is that Tamako Market was also a bomb.
Not really.
Tamako was good enough that I don't want to joke about the coming of NeoAni (outside of their shift to producing their own content) just yet. What we've seen out of the PV for Free hasn't been too encouraging, but there's always other shows.
The MC is just plain stupid. I hope they address that for the reboot.
If Chuu2 is successful and they can half ass it, why not just chase the easy money?Not sure why that matters, if we're talking about the supposed reduction in craftsmanship. They've had disappointing sales before, and they've been busier before.
Awww shit, it's deredere Ayase. Which probably means another Ayase centric episode.
If Chuu2 is successful and they can half ass it, why not just chase the easy money?
Not really.
The only other CW show that I know of is that Supernatural show... and that seems to be all about manservice. lolWhat I was thinking of was The Beautiful Life from a few years ago, which was about beautiful models doing beautiful things which is probably as close as you can get in Western TV to a show about bras.
Also, the CW is notorious for casting only the most beautiful 20 year olds they can in their shows, which is as close as you really get to fanservice.
It's before my time, but go figure.That's Munto, if that tells you anything. It's basically Kigami's pet project. He wrote and directed the entire thing, and apparently (I stopped watching it after two episodes, to be honest), it wasn't very good.
If Chuu2 is successful and they can half ass it, why not just chase the easy money?
If Chuu2 is successful and they can half ass it, why not just chase the easy money?
The only other CW show that I know of is that Supernatural show... and that seems to be all about manservice. lol
Easy money isn't always where you think it is. They probably thought Tamako Market would be easy money.
Why would they think an original anime with a vague premise would be easy money?
Well, they're not living up to the production values of K-ON!'s second season and film, or Disappearance of Haruhi either, and those did sell very well. But of course, you are correct that high production quality is not what the market demands, unfortunately for myself.
The only other CW show that I know of is that Supernatural show... and that seems to be all about manservice. lol
What I was thinking of was The Beautiful Life from a few years ago, which was about beautiful models doing beautiful things which is probably as close as you can get in Western TV to a show about bras.
Also, the CW is notorious for casting only the most beautiful 20 year olds they can in their shows, which is as close as you really get to fanservice.