Maken-Ki! - 01
1. I love it with they give details to a girl's lips. Super sexy.
2. I want dat Principal. Please tell me she'll getmore attention
in the following episodes or specials.
3. I found my OTP of the show. High class nobility + tomboyish hothead = amazing hatesex.
Oh and fanservice? This is Vividred tier and then some(super nsfw)
Anyway, decent pilot. Even though we're stuck with a male MC who all the girls will eventually pine for, he's not the most annoying I've come across. Kudos on that I suppose. :lol (
1. I love it with they give details to a girl's lips. Super sexy.
2. I want dat Principal. Please tell me she'll get
3. I found my OTP of the show. High class nobility + tomboyish hothead = amazing hatesex.
Oh and fanservice? This is Vividred tier and then some(super nsfw)
Anyway, decent pilot. Even though we're stuck with a male MC who all the girls will eventually pine for, he's not the most annoying I've come across. Kudos on that I suppose. :lol (
I'm going to regret saying this, aren't I?