The Vision of Escaflowne 19
Escaflowne: An anime whereIsaac Newton uses Atlantian technology to stay alive while trying to woo a japanese girl away from her multiple love interests. Now with giant robots.
You can't see me but I'm crying from how beautiful this is.
Extra note:
We all know where Rise really ranks among Persona girls.
Code Geass 16
Why didn't Lelouch put his hand down on the scale, forcing it to tip and saving Nanally instead of playing Chess? Then it is a matter of reflexes, not thoughts.
Of the page, or Persona girls? ;P
Shoko distracts him with her singing, Haruto bites him. End of problem.
That's not the point. The point is L-Elf is armed, dangerous, and nobody even cares that he's missing. Put up some damn fliers or something. Also Haruto is apparently invincible, sooooo.
I still don't understand why Accelerator receives so much love. He was just another shitty character in a season filled to the brim with shitty characters, and a pretty lame villain on top of that.
Is it just because of the "psycho" angle?
It's just a bit of morbid curiosity. It had to be something special to keep people going despite those scores. :lol[/IM]
[B]Sword Art Online 02[/B]
Those floor 1 summons are wielding [I]cotton candy maces.[/I] That dude, that was complaining the entire episode, needs to die soon.
[B]Guilty Crown 02[/B]
[URL=""]Hiding the real [/URL] [URL=""]shame until the [/URL] [URL=""]second episode.[/URL] I don't get how they can reasonably predict [SPOILER]what weapon he rips out of people's chests.[/SPOILER] They just banked on [SPOILER]their rebellion leader not being torn to shreds by guessing what that stolen mutant shit does.[/SPOILER][/QUOTE]
The ending scenes in ep 2 of SAO are great dubbed. Kirito at his best.
Isnt Guilty Crown exciting? All the voids, so varied.
Yay or nay?
We all know where Rise really ranks among Persona girls.
Guilty Crown 02
Guilty Crown 02
Hiding the real shame until the second episode. I don't get how they can reasonably predictThey just banked onwhat weapon he rips out of people's chests.their rebellion leader not being torn to shreds by guessing what that stolen mutant shit does.
Why didn't Lelouch put his hand down on the scale, forcing it to tip and saving Nanally instead of playing Chess? Then it is a matter of reflexes, not thoughts.
Fall.Apologies for being out of the loop but when will Kill-la-Kill air?
Butt that's the one good thing about the show.
playing through P4 in 2008 or so: Rise best
after going through Golden: Yukiko best
maybe i've . . . matured
milquetoast waifu lol
Good man.[/ig][img][/mg][img][/im][/QUOTE]
Third guy is boss
I'm still more hyped for the live action movie though
Go Ayano and Goriki Ayame > all
Butt that's the one good thing about the show.
I don't mind Yukiko fans. I can totally see why people dig her.
First Justin Lin, now you. Asians everywhere with the betrayalthons.playing through P4 in 2008 or so: Rise best
after going through Golden: Yukiko best
maybe i've . . . matured
[Aku no Hana] - 5
It's taken me about five days to watch this episode all the way through. This is fairly unusual for me as I tend to sit through just about everything I watch in a single sitting. However, Aku no Hana makes me feel so uncomfortable and agitated that consuming it in one sitting is just about impossible; I have to turn it off the show to give myself a break every now and then.
In that sense, the show is very successful in crafting a thick, unpleasant atmosphere. But you already know this if you've even watched a single episode. I just feel that I must explain why I haven't posted any impressions for an episode that aired days ago.
You really do hate girls.
Looking classy. All that stylish black.
A little annoyed that the immigrants apparently perfectly understand Japanese straight-off though with none of Maou's hilarious mishaps.
milquetoast waifu lol
*sounds SDBurton alarm*
She looks adorable. The men look boring as fuck and I hope they die in the first episode.
Wow Yellow (Tachibana?) is amazing, wasnt going to watch this before, but I guess I may, and Hibiki is stunning too. The girl looks pretty dull, I hope she at least wont have a bland personality, after Humanity Has Declined I dont think I can endure an anime with such a lead again.
She looks adorable. The men look boring as fuck and I hope they die in the first episode.
But he has a sword, you havent even seen him use it yet.
But he has a sword, you havent even seen him use it yet.
Time to get on board the Psycho Pass hype train!
So what I get from animegaf is that Precure movies are shit and Nanoha movies are amazing.
Thanks for the information! Does Mr. Ezura still has a team at Production I.G? His newer blog ( seems to focus more on technical aspects of the work (in general) than talking about actual and recent projects he could be involved with...For Border Pain the color designers are Yumiko Katayama and Mayumi Sato. The director of photography for the entire project is Hiroshi Tanaka, who seems to do pretty much all the composite direction in IG these days.
Great! If this was aired for the most recent episode emission of Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann... can we expect something else for the last one?