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Spring Anime 2013 |OT-8| What could be beyond OT-8? Possibility.

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The Vision of Escaflowne 19



Escaflowne: An anime where
Isaac Newton uses Atlantian technology to stay alive while trying to woo a japanese girl away from her multiple love interests. Now with giant robots.

You can't see me but I'm crying from how beautiful this is.

When you put it like that you realize just how great the show is.

I can't wait for CorvoSol's reaction when that happens.
Code Geass 16

Why didn't Lelouch put his hand down on the scale, forcing it to tip and saving Nanally instead of playing Chess? Then it is a matter of reflexes, not thoughts.

Not really though. Mao clearly explains when he's focusing on Lelouch he could see his true thought. Given the situation that they were in, Mao could see Lelouch's every move since he was the only person in the room. Mao could have easily done the same thing with his end of the scale, so Lelouch probably thought it was too big of a risk because he doesn't know how good Mao's reflexes are IMO.

I'm kind of surprised that you didn't complain about Suzaku running up the friggin' wall and kicking a mounted machine gun off it's hinge WHILE IT WAS FIRING AT HIM.

Keep going though, the pivotal episode draws near for you.

Andrew J.

Shoko distracts him with her singing, Haruto bites him. End of problem.

Even assuming he'd fall for that, you'd still have a problematic situation. Haruto would be stuck in that body for...how long? Indefinitely? And we don't know if he can body-switch again before returning to his own, either, so he'd potentially be giving up a useful ability.

That's not the point. The point is L-Elf is armed, dangerous, and nobody even cares that he's missing. Put up some damn fliers or something. Also Haruto is apparently invincible, sooooo.

They're probably just glad he's not actively trying to kill anyone at the moment. They're not trying too hard to look for him or stop him from what he's doing...well, I'm sure most of the students wouldn't poke a hornet's nest, either.


Yuyushiki 2-5
I know it's intentional but the trains of thought in this show are just entirely random and all over the place. But it's still enjoyable though. The flashback with Yui and Yukari was pretty damn adorable though.

Yellow > Pink=Purple=Aikawa=Mom

Show of the season!*

*Because I've fallen behind on everything else.
I still don't understand why Accelerator receives so much love. He was just another shitty character in a season filled to the brim with shitty characters, and a pretty lame villain on top of that.

Is it just because of the "psycho" angle?

There are people that dont love Accelerator, for me he was nearly as great as Touma in Index, it was always exciting seeing him appear and his excellent skills and really good personality/voice.

It's just a bit of morbid curiosity. It had to be something special to keep people going despite those scores. :lol

[B]Sword Art Online 02[/B]

Those floor 1 summons are wielding [I]cotton candy maces.[/I] That dude, that was complaining the entire episode, needs to die soon.

[B]Guilty Crown 02[/B]

[URL="http://i.minus.com/ibuOreYga9Nzai.jpg"]Hiding the real [/URL] [URL="http://i.minus.com/izQQG9WXYkEu5.jpg"]shame until the [/URL] [URL="http://i.minus.com/iHW2KNNyp8ECH.jpg"]second episode.[/URL] I don't get how they can reasonably predict [SPOILER]what weapon he rips out of people's chests.[/SPOILER] They just banked on [SPOILER]their rebellion leader not being torn to shreds by guessing what that stolen mutant shit does.[/SPOILER][/QUOTE]

The ending scenes in ep 2 of SAO are great dubbed. Kirito at his best.

Isnt Guilty Crown exciting? All the voids, so varied.







Why didn't Lelouch put his hand down on the scale, forcing it to tip and saving Nanally instead of playing Chess? Then it is a matter of reflexes, not thoughts.
Lelouche has no way of knowing whether he can tust Mao not to have a second detonator or that tipping the scale would save Nunally. Also his thoughts are exposed so he couldn't surprise Mao with that. His only way out of this was convincing Mao that he was playing along to distract him long enough for Suzaku to disarm the bomb since Mao would wait for the very end of his despair before blowing up the bomb so he could savour his revenge.

Apologies for being out of the loop but when will Kill-la-Kill air?
I need to watch the dubbed version of Persona 4 since I ordered them a while back. Thanks for reminding me guys.

Also Yukiko is best girlfriend in Persona 4. Even the 2nd cover of the Persona 4 Blu-rays agree. :p
[Aku no Hana] - 5

It's taken me about five days to watch this episode all the way through. This is fairly unusual for me as I tend to sit through just about everything I watch in a single sitting. However, Aku no Hana makes me feel so uncomfortable and agitated that consuming it in one sitting is just about impossible; I have to turn it off the show to give myself a break every now and then.

In that sense, the show is very successful in crafting a thick, unpleasant atmosphere. But you already know this if you've even watched a single episode. I just feel that I must explain why I haven't posted any impressions for an episode that aired days ago.

Interesting reaction. You must not do well with awkward real-life interaction prank stuff like Mega64 or Sacha Baron Cohen stuff.

I personally think Aku no Hana is pretty damn tame.


Well, the reason Emeralda and the other guy could talk to Chiho is that Chiho has the ability to understand their language. They probably just used Japanese to make it easier to understand.


Wow Yellow (Tachibana?) is amazing, wasnt going to watch this before, but I guess I may, and Hibiki is stunning too. The girl looks pretty dull, I hope she at least wont have a bland personality, after Humanity Has Declined I dont think I can endure an anime with such a lead again.

She looks adorable. The men look boring as fuck and I hope they die in the first episode.

But he has a sword, you havent even seen him use it yet.



For Border Pain the color designers are Yumiko Katayama and Mayumi Sato. The director of photography for the entire project is Hiroshi Tanaka, who seems to do pretty much all the composite direction in IG these days.
Thanks for the information! Does Mr. Ezura still has a team at Production I.G? His newer blog (http://log.ezura.asia/) seems to focus more on technical aspects of the work (in general) than talking about actual and recent projects he could be involved with...

Great! If this was aired for the most recent episode emission of Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann... can we expect something else for the last one?
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