So I guess I'm still watching almost everything...
Attack on Titan 6
Mikasa really should be the main character. Even as phantasy version of a Vulcan, she is more interesting than the rest of the cast put together.
OreImo S2 6
Is anyone still trying to say this isn't a fucking incest show? God damn.
Muromi-san 6
Maybe it's because it's a 12 minute show, but it's stupid enough that I find it funny. I'm assuming they're just going to go through a myth a week and show their wacky interpretation of that myth and that works for me.
Hentai Prince 5
Maybe Dresden was right; it does go downhill from episode 4. lol
Leviathan 6
This is fine in a generic way, but why can't Tanken Driland be licensed?
Space Bros 57
I really don't know if this arc represents growth in terms of the mangaka becoming a better writer or just the mangaka getting a better handle with the material and the characters, but coming off of last week's great episode, this episode was perhaps just as good.
I mean, directly compare this to the "bubble" arc where the characters were trapped in a fake moonbase for like 10 weeks and it's no real comparison in terms of how better the pacing and the foreshadowing has become.
The English thing is still a bit of a problem though, because you have this gag:
But this ONLY works if the characters are speaking Japanese. So either all the Japanese characters are speaking Japanese and Amanti and Pico speak Japanese, or the Japanese dudes are being rude and leaving Amanti and Pico out of the conversation by speaking Japanese, or this is an error that the mangaka was willing to make for the sake of the joke.
Again, I'm sure Americans aren't supposed to be watching this show, so a Japanese audience wouldn't think about this stuff, but moments like this are enough to just take me out of the show.
That said, I want to believe that because of the increase in quality that this scene is a direct reference to episode 1:
And, more specifically, where Mutta finds himself now.
I hope that this arc represents a new standard of writing for the show anyway. Here's a show that went from making me wish it was the movie a few months ago and is now one of the shows that I look forward to each week. I can only hope
Chihayafuru can go through a similar transformation.