Date A Live 6
Is this bitch firing censored fireballs 0_o
Wait for the BDs.
Date A Live 6
Is this bitch firing censored fireballs 0_o
Chi understood them because she knows the language. Remember, she said she understood it for some reason when she heard it in her head.
I think with Space Brothers specifically, it's made worse because the show tries to be grounded in reality most of the time. Add to the fact that the movie was not only shot at NASA, but that they had the characters speak the appropriate language at the appropriate time and it just shows that it's possible to do properly.I've largely been ignoring worrying about the translation conventions for the most part, since it's not really getting in the way of the plot. The only time they've made a point that a non-Japanese character clearly doesn't know Japanese anyway is the one guy that makes stupid kanji t-shirts.
Same thing with the Maou-sama stuff, I guess. Unless they raise it as a critical plot-point issue that character A is speaking in language A, I'm basically "eh, whatever."
I assume it is magic, either that or they're just quick learners or something. The fact that it's a comedy series probably helps as well.It's something you could easily explain with magic in half a sentence and I would've been satisfied though...
Butt isn't that why people watch this?Sword Beater Online 05
When stuff starts getting a little too serious, just put some butt on screen.
Yeah I don't like Oreimo much, but I don't know why people are complaining about the incest angle now. It's been there since the beginning.
Now that it is getting closer towards the end, the incestuous connotations are getting more pronounced, and I guess it's starting to rub people the wrong way who thought that show really was just about the mending of a broken brother-sister relationship.
As for me, the incest angle don't bother me much. My eyes were wide open on that front. What's more bothersome is how the show is dominated by such a crappy character (Kirino). Her bitchiness is NOT cute; it's annoying and tired.
I find it faintly amusing that the most vicious complaints about the original Oreimo seies was that it pandered to people with an incest fetish, when really that wasn't a fair complaint at all. However, as the series has developed that's now a completely legitimate complaint. Amazing.
Yeah, I think it just went into full wahjah when they started getting jealous of each other this week.In the first season, just about the only things people had linked towards incest was Kirino's eroge and the title of the show, if you came in expecting an incest show like all the other incest shows, you would have came out of it dissapointed or trolled. The sole focus was genuinely about big brother helping the most hateful bitch of a little sister.
Yeah, I mean, at some point the audience will go along with it as long as you just tell them the rules of the world that you're showing.This reminds me of the Nodame Cantabile drama when they're in France. When the arc begins, they speak in French.
At some point a message pop up saying that everybody will now speak in Japanese to avoid subtitles :lol
Turns out these "French" people seem to speak Japanese better than they speak French :lil
Sort of like Allo Allo, which was a British sitcom about Germans living in France during WW2, but everyone spoke English. lol
Butt isn't that why people watch this?
Ah, yeah, that's fair enough.Right, but they weren't speaking German/French to other people who were responding in English. It's mainly the mixing of the languages that bugs me, since for all intents and purposes they were just straight-up speaking Japanese and they should've gone either all the way with the translation convention or explained it away.
But whatever, it's a minor thing.
Gotta make sure people see where all the production buttget went.Returning back to that shot anyway and then saying absolutely nothing was a nice touch. In case people missed it the first time.
To be fair I've never seen the live action movie -- you're saying that whenever the Japanese guy playing Mutta is speaking with one of the American actors, he talks with them in English? Are there a lot of conversations like that?I think with Space Brothers specifically, it's made worse because the show tries to be grounded in reality most of the time. Add to the fact that the movie was not only shot at NASA, but that they had the characters speak the appropriate language at the appropriate time and it just shows that it's possible to do properly.
Blitzendegen!Apparently the future language gibberish in Gargantia is really just Pig Latin German. Or something like that.
Yes, quite a few. It's been a while, but all of the conversations between the astronauts themselves and with mission control were in English, as was the press conference that the astronauts give in the beginning of the film. Even the meeting between Mutta andTo be fair I've never seen the live action movie -- you're saying that whenever the Japanese guy playing Mutta is speaking with one of the American actors, he talks with them in English? Are there a lot of conversations like that?
You could do various things though. For example, one convention in anime is to have the foreigner speak "gaijin" Japanese to remind you that they're foreigners.Having the characters speaking English for half the series just wouldn't work from any sort of logistical point of view (especially because you'd have to be casting voice actors who could speak fluent English).
I've never found it hard to substitute the whole 'okay, these characters are actually speaking in language X' in my mind.
Theory: Ledo's forces are the remnants of the Dorsian military from the distant future.
Theory: Ledo's forces are the remnants of the Dorsian military from the distant future.
[OreImo 2] 06
I shouldn't like this... but I kinda do?
This is the smut anime I was searching for. Sure, there's not much in skinship, but I kinda want to see where this goes even if it has very little resemblance to what made the first season good in the first place.
Would fucking love it if they did cast VAs who can speak the language fluently though if required (just speaking generally). I bet it would be super difficult though.
I can't think of any examples off the top of my head where a Japanese character spoke english fluently (or even where a foreign character spoke their language fluently) and their VA match'd it. Oh man, Genshiken lol
Would fucking love it if they did cast VAs who can speak the language fluently though if required (just speaking generally). I bet it would be super difficult though.
I can't think of any examples off the top of my head where a Japanese character spoke english fluently (or even where a foreign character spoke their language fluently) and their VA match'd it. Oh man, Genshiken lol
The minor characters in the K-ON movie spoke English too (although they were redubbed in the English dub lol).
Yeah, but in the dub, they over-compensate by making them sound like a bad American version of a British person.I'm not surprised, they all sounded distinctly un-English!
I only remember this because of the podcast I do, but there was that episode in Squid Girl where the scientist lady speaks somewhat decent English.
Would fucking love it if they did cast VAs who can speak the language fluently though if required (just speaking generally). I bet it would be super difficult though.
Oreimo S2 6
Yeah, but in the dub, they over-compensate by making them sound like a bad American version of a British person.
(Oy guvnah. This here be my sushi pub!)
You just have to believe.Too bad its completely different companies
Ledo is a genetically engineered clone based on Eru Erufu's genome.L-Efururu is his great grandfather.
Well, this is a universe where a girl lives in the ocean. lolDon't forget, they're all MIT grads
who can barely speak english
who are inexplicably on a beach in japan
You know, this reminds me of Jormungand and how everyone on the show is supposed to be from a different country. Yet it never bothered me that they all spoke Japanese in that show, because it never really came up as something to be worried about. Go figure.Actually, I think there were a few scenes in Black Lagoon that made a deal out of characters speaking different languages. Forget exactly which ones, though I do remember a couple instances of terrible Engrish from Megumi Toyoguchi, and I believe there was a scene in the dub with Brad Swaile speaking Japanese.
Would watch more?
Actually, I think there were a few scenes in Black Lagoon that made a deal out of characters speaking different languages. Forget exactly which ones, though I do remember a couple instances of terrible Engrish from Megumi Toyoguchi, and I believe there was a scene in the dub with Brad Swaile speaking Japanese.
Too bad the fifth Cure spot is reserved forI know it's not particularly hard to do, but Regina is easily the best thing about Doki Doki so far.
You are watching the edited for tv version. The complete version has no recaps and more sexy.Gurren Lagann 6
Aside from the recaps this was a great episode. Sexy, great action, fun character moments! Shame about the recaps.
So have they told us why Kirino is blonde? I mean, in all her photos as a little kid she's much darker haired. Did she bleach it for her modeling gig?
Gotta establish that female inferiority in the show
Dog Days is extremely fuwafuwa. Third season soon!
OreImo - 6
All these blushes this episode! Amazing!
Someone needs to tell me what the fuck is going on with Kirino's character now. I can't make ends meet with this girl.
Too bad the fifth Cure spot is reserved for the queen. :/
I know it's not particularly hard to do, but Regina is easily the best thing about Doki Doki so far.
Too bad the fifth Cure spot is reserved for the queen. :/
Wait.It would bea total waste if she turned into a Cure, her role as an antagonist is too good.
You are watching the edited for tv version. The complete version has no recaps and more sexy.
Is she Batman?
?The Queen or the Princess
Cuteman?She is way cuter.