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Spring Anime 2013 |OT-8| What could be beyond OT-8? Possibility.

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Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam 43


Oh God, 6 more episodes of this. I bet there isn't even an ending to this show, just a random episode where a girl falls in love with Kamile and dies, Char mopes about Amuro and Lalah, Fa and Katz steal mobile suits, Jared gets beat up and who even cares.

The penultimate episode is probably a clip show.

So disappointed in this show.
The World God Only Knows' 3rd Season to Cover Goddesses Arc

This year's 24th issue of Shogakukan's Weekly Shonen Sunday magazine confirmed on Wednesday that the third season of The World God Only Knows' (Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai) anime will cover the Goddesses arc in Tamiki Wakaki's original manga. The third season will premiere this summer.

Yay for them not wasting time. It's probably going to be quite condensed though or something.


Mad Bull 34 4 END

RIDING BEAN may be the perfect self contained OVA but I'd argue this is the perfect OVA series. The way Kazuo Koike's insane male power fantasies works with this utterly amazing dub job have me at a complete loss for words. This should be at the very top of THE LIST purely just for how amazing it is.

If you're only gonna watch one gory cheesefest anime in your lifetime, be sure to make it this one. Do it for Sleepy.[/IMG]

Mad Bull 34 truly is a work of beauty and art.

Sleepy is a saint.

Yes. (nsfw)

Ohohoho man, yeah they do!

Oh my.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Queen's Blade S3: Rebellion - 04


Why am I not surprised that there's
vibrator battle armor.
As lewd (and true) as it sounds, seems like its going to be the most OP obstacle for Annelotte and the gang to deal with in future episodes.

More importantly I really want to know what the hell is up with
Claudette and the rest of the QB verterans. They're so cold and heartless, manipulating and bullying people into doing their bidding. The fact that I'm starting to hate Elina, Claudette and Ymir (not such much her)
is really biting me. :lol


Mad Bull 34 4 END

Went back over my old impressions and it seems I liked it overall better than I remember. Well, aside from episode 3:
Terrible Chinese accents I can barely understand and two white girls after Daizaburo's dick made this boring as shit. It's like the camp value was misplaced and I got regular Kazuo Koike rapetime.

I do hope more check it out though.


The World God Only Knows' 3rd Season to Cover Goddesses Arc

Yay for them not wasting time. It's probably going to be quite condensed though or something.


The dream is dead ;_;

(manga spoilers for goddess arc)
At least we get to hear Kana Asumi get fuckin rejecteeeeeeddddddd yeaaahhhhhh

EDIT: Aw fuck, no GIANT onee-san. FUCK.

At least we have Ayumi's Ayumis.

I hope Tsukiyo is voiced by Rie Kugimiya. She's pretty much made for that role.
Ojamajo Doremi 3


Who is initially depicted as an asshole/genki girl (I think)! She's good at many things except smarts. She gets some details of her life though since this is her episode.

Her dad's a taxi driver, and makes some bomb ass takoyaki (really would like to try freshly made takoyaki instead of frozen takoyaki) and she lacks a mom because of fighting.

DIVORCE ISSUES! Because fuck your demograph!

Probably one of Doremi's more thoughtful (and yet not thought out well) ideas, but we get some development between the family as well. I thought these girls would become witches in these episodes, but it looks like it'll happen on episode 4! Maybe Doremi will become more compe-pffthahaahahaaaa
Wow, I was gone long enough to miss two of Syrinx's Madoka impression posts? Man, where does the time go?

Puella Magi Madoka Magica 7

I guess I'm a total jaded dick, cause I don't see the big shock of what Kyubey did. I mean, what he's saying makes sense (you know, in the context of the show). If this is a more effective way for them to operate as magical girls, then whatevs. I suppose he could have been more up-front ("You never asked" is the dumbest justification for not telling somebody something. "Hey Dave why didn't you tell me you're a mafia hitman?" "You never asked." See how dumb that is?), but it was made clear to them that they couldn't go back to living the lives they were living once they signed the contract. And they don't have to be zombies. They can still be themselves. It's just that their souls are in a gem they wear instead of their body.

You're defending his rationale for
using soul gems but that doesn't address him withholding this information which is the real shocking part. It's worse than not being upfront about it, Kyubey intentionally pulled a bait and switch. Would you become a magical girl if you knew it would turn you into a lich? Because that's what you become when you're immortal in exchange for your soul being tied to an object. And if you were given the information they were would you really see that coming? After all the lives being changed forever bit was always tied to the duty and danger of fighting witches and nothing else. I'm a pretty heartless bastard and play devil's advocate in a lot of things but you really can't sympathize with unwittingly being turned undead? At least feel sorry for Sayaka when Kyubey was torturing her to prove a point. Mascot on girl domestic violence ain't exactly pretty! :p

Puella Magi Madoka Magica 8

Sayaka's descent into hatred and madness is really tough to watch. Especially the way she spoke to Madoka and blamed her for her sacrifice and suffering. Madoka is really getting dragged through the mud emotionally here. She had to watch one friend die, and now watch her best friend deteriorate. And then she blames herself for everything. Damn.

Where was all that sympathy before?! Bah!


Got 99 problems and only one of them is a waifu

The dream is dead ;_;

(manga spoilers for goddess arc)
At least we get to hear Kana Asumi get fuckin rejecteeeeeeddddddd yeaaahhhhhh

EDIT: Aw fuck, no GIANT onee-san. FUCK.

At least we have Ayumi's Ayumis.

I hope Tsukiyo is voiced by Rie Kugimiya. She's pretty much made for that role.

Less Kusunoki screen time ;_;

Episodes 170-182

Well shit, never thought I would warm up to Eneru so easily. Thought he was just some fake God asshole that was using dials and shit to show off his power. But when he fucked up that Shandorian warrior w/the glasses using his lightning powers, I was like "Goddamn." And of course he basically bodied some of the fodder that was elsewhere, and I was like "Yeah, this guy is pretty fucking awesome. Smug, but still awesome." Then he took care of that lame ass Laki *thumbs up*. And then he made Zoro, Wyper, Gan Fall and Robin (who is still a waste of space IMO) his bitches like it was nothing (Wyper came close with sea stone reject dial but it was pretty obvious that shit wasn't gonna work).

Too bad he now has to deal with a certain clueless, pissed off rubber man. I think Eneru's reaction says it best:

(from the manga but you get the idea)

Of course it's fair to say the fight between Luffy and Eneru won't be a quick one. I think it will last up to 3 episodes minimum.

And there's still the matter of stopping Eneru's overall plan of making Skypiea fall from the sky itself. To be completely honest, I'm more interested in the well being of the people on Angel Island than the people of Shandora. Never really cared about the Shandorians and their struggles. Guess I'm just that cruel. If they get their land back, I'll just be "meh". But Skypiea must not fall!

Just 4 more DVDs and 1 subbed episode to go through and then I'll be all done.


The Vision of Escaflowne 23

NOOOOOO!! Don't love him, Hitomi! Alan is a controlling, manipulative, jerkass!! He may be Beautiful, but he's still Sephiroth!! He has a son he never supported!


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Except he didn't knock up your older sister before you met him, Princess! That doesn't make any sense! He's just a creep!

Gaddes is Best Guy.



Mad Bull 34 truly is a work of beauty and art.

Sleepy is a saint.
The world could use more people as kind as Sleepy is.

Went back over my old impressions and it seems I liked it overall better than I remember. Well, aside from episode 3:

I do hope more check it out though.
Yeah, Daizaburo's a massive knob. At least Sleepy took the high road and
chased away the reporter he was crushing on knowing she'd only get hurt in the long run thanks to his dangerous line of work.
Yuyushiki 6

I was on the fence so far but this episode pretty much seals it, pink is the best one. Sorry purple but your lack of punchlines lately ain't cutting it.

Aiura 6

Teacher continues to be the best character.


Wait, for TWGOK S3 so they're going straight into the goddes arc so no sumire arc, no tsukiyo arc, no yui arc and no kusonoki sister arc? Maaaaaaaangloooooobe!!!!

At least do Tsukiyo's and Yui's arc!!!

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
[Evangelion 3.33]
LOL what a fanservice-convenient "curse."
I just realised this is exactly the same dilemma Noriko goes through with Gunbuster, except Anno doesn't do an asspull out there and actually explores the implications that come with a

Once again, Gunbuster > Evangelion.


Wait, for TWGOK S3 so they're going straight into the goddes arc so no sumire arc, no tsukiyo arc, no yui arc and no kusonoki sister arc? Maaaaaaaangloooooobe!!!!

At least do Tsukiyo's and Yui's arc!!!

Nah, I think they'll show the rest of the goddess captures then finish off with 3-4 episodes on the Namek section.

Namek was like... 114-189...


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Queen's Blade S3: Rebellion - 05

Finally got some hints on what may very well be the reason why
Claudette and the others are acting so different from their normal selves.

Also, we were finally introduced to the character shown above, Branwen. Kinda irks me that an awesome looking character like her is resorted to
fighting in underground matches and being a slave to a wimpy piece of shit goblin
. She should be out in the open world slaying dragons and shit. :(


Code Geass 20

1. HAHAHA, of course Lelouch's incredibly sloppy job with Shirley would fall apart because she'd written herself a note beforehand. I mean, REALLY.

2. HAHAHA, the cops beat the crap out of little racist girl. Police brutality of which I approve.
I do not endorse real police brutality.

3. Suzaku is still better than Zero will ever be, and he doesn't even have super powers.

4. That's right, little racist girl, there's nothing good about you. At all. And you're ugly. That's right. You're right to hate yourself, you little racist.

5. "I hereby command you to love me!" DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWW


[Evangelion 3.33]

I just realised this is exactly the same dilemma Noriko goes through with Gunbuster, except Anno doesn't do an asspull out there and actually explores the implications that come with a

In Gunbuster it was an initially small but increasingly significant part of the setting and the story as the show progressed, while in Evangelion 3.33 it's probably meant to be understood as some sort of meta-commentary in order to mock the audience's interests rather than serve the actual narrative in any interesting or useful way (pending the final movie). Which does appear to come across as too forced and unnatural in practice from what I'm hearing about it.

Once again, Gunbuster > Evangelion.

I'd easily agree on a personal level. Otherwise...I guess it's true for the Rebuild films, at least.
Ojamajo Doremi 4


I'm not sure why Doremi thought it was smart to just up and expose herself to her friends like that, but now she has witch friends and the opening makes more sense now! This was isn't as dark or screw the demograph like the previous episodes, I'm almost curious to see how 4kids butchered it.

Seems Kansai-chan managed to be able to fly her broom out of everyone despite never being taught about it.

Oh god damn, Kansai is scaaaaary, don't mess with this Ojamajo!

Other notes: Haven't said this before, but the idea of having limited magic spheres for your magic seems like a neat concept, and I wonder if it'll play for strategy in later episodes (although this is a "kids" show).

Witch world appears for the first time, nothing too indepth but it's kinda cool. Everyone does what they want to do, fuck the magic frog!


Bodacious Space Pirates 22

It's pretty funny how Chiaki just keeps transferring back to Marika's school whenever she needs to talk to her


Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid 7

This episode begins with a confrontation between Sousuke and Wraith. When last we saw Sagara, he was FREAKING OUT and he's not much better in this scene. The confrontation quickly becomes an indictment of Sousuke's character, though, as Wraith lays it out for him (and the audience) exactly why characters like Sousuke are the pits (his antics put Kaname in more danger than they keep her out of, he's a failure at adapting to society, he wants to have the best of both carefree high school life and mercenary action hero when he's bored, he always obeys orders but now that it doesn't suit him he doesn't want to, etc, etc, etc.) Wraith REALLY rips him apart, and the worst is that, since Mao's said most of this to Sousuke recently, most of it is true, and fair.

The rest of the episode is Kaname's day. It begins cheerily enough, since she's still a buzz about the haircut from yesterday, but not seeing Sousuke at all makes her less perky. She decides to have a Girl's Night to forget about Sousuke, though, and is intent on her plan until she bumps into one of the assassin sisters on the street, which causes her to have a panic attack, and, deprived of Sousuke, this only gets worse and worse as the episode continues. This is a set-up for one of the best lines to come in the show, but why spoil it now. Seeing Kaname react to danger without Sousuke is some good character development.


Slayers 6

There's a part where Lina and Zelgadis are on the run and she crashes into a tree and turns to the camera and just says, "Koala." It's funnier to see than read about.

And Zelgadis says Rezzo is his grandfather and his great grandfather. This means that Rezzo either gave birth to himself, married his mother, or married his daughter. No matter what it is weird.

And poor Noonsa got gobbled up. We'll miss you, Noonsa.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
[Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon R] 086
This episode has got me covered in both the :sdburton and :dtl fronts, although it takes a previously :sdburton character and sullies her garden. :(

Sexy-Usa is amazing. I wish she didn't go back to her normal form after this, or that if she does she at least retains her penchant for
crazy attacks (look at all dat symbolism)
when she inevitably becomes a Sailor Scout Senshi.

P.S. This is why I've stopped trying with Toei shows. Not even avoiding next episode previews helps.
In Gunbuster it was an initially small but increasingly significant part of the setting and the story as the show progressed, while in Evangelion 3.33 it's probably meant to be understood as some sort of meta-commentary in order to mock the audience's interests rather than serve the actual narrative in any interesting or useful way (pending the final movie). Which does appear to come across as too forced and unnatural in practice from what I'm hearing about it.
I wanna remain not-cynical and believe Anno genuinely wanted to tell something new with this material instead of just LOL I TROLLED YOU AGAIN. The
in Evangelion 3.33 is not bad by itself. Taking the story of Shinji and having to adjust himself to
fucking everything up in a world that has left him behind and that blames him for apocalypse
could have been a compelling story had Anno actually bothered to fucking revise the script.
Omamori Himari 4


Oh boy, I left this one on hold for a while, and figured I watch this because I'm tired and probably wouldn't watch it at any other time. This is a supernatural harem with action basically, which i picked up because it was an adaptation of something I read years ago, but it wasn't finished back then.

Anyway, typical harem lead, dudes a pacifistic demon slayer, and everyone wants the D/D, Dead or Dick. Have a feeling that watching harem based shows might be harder for me, even though I binged this stuff like a few months ago when I was getting back in the groove of things.

Anyway, hurting Yuto pisses off his guardian into becoming a Super Saiyan, Childhood Friend gets screwed over, Water Loli wants to observe his nature (and was under his covers). YEP this is a harem.


Gundam 0079 1-15

Wow the original Gundam is really good despite its age and shitty animation.

Amuro getting slapped again lmao, I take it that she's a zeon

The best episode in the entire series is when Amuro's Gundam fights the Gouf. From that moment on I knew that Goufs were the greatest mook mecha in the forever.

Gun x Sword 3

HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG. The Eldora 5 reminded me of Power Rangers AND Gao Gai Gar, and the feels collided as the awesome exploded and old man heroic courage battles and returnings from the dead and SO AWESOME SYNTAX FAILURE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH


I thought you were talking about me for a second.

Maybe I was <3

Puella Magi Madoka Magica 7

Holy hell, that cliffhanger ending.

I guess I'm a total jaded dick, cause I don't see the big shock of what Kyubey did. I mean, what he's saying makes sense (you know, in the context of the show). If this is a more effective way for them to operate as magical girls, then whatevs. I suppose he could have been more up-front ("You never asked" is the dumbest justification for not telling somebody something. "Hey Dave why didn't you tell me you're a mafia hitman?" "You never asked." See how dumb that is?), but it was made clear to them that they couldn't go back to living the lives they were living once they signed the contract. And they don't have to be zombies. They can still be themselves. It's just that their souls are in a gem they wear instead of their body.

So then the show goes and makes Kyoko a sympathetic character. She acts in such self-interest because of how her wish for her father backfired on her. But it's like she said; it backfired because she didn't understand what her father truly wanted. I feel that Kyosuke has made it pretty clear that he wanted to play violin again, so I don't think Sayaka's wish was in vain.

But if her wish was motivated by her desire to have Kyosuke love her, then it seems like it has. Hitomi tells Sayaka of her plans to confess her love for him the next day, so she has until then, but she feels she could never ask him to hold and kiss her zombie body as she tearfully explains to Madoka (again, this scene probably would have impacted me more if I understood the horror of that process, but I'm not sure I do, I'm a horrible person, yada yada yada).

Then that ending scene came along, and it was something else entirely. The way it all played out in this silhouetted style along with the bizarre art made it all the more striking. Sayaka really starts to lose herself in the fight with that witch, laughing manically and having fun ripping it to shreds. Then the episode ends with the witch attacking the mad Sayaka, and goes out with Madoka meakly saying "Stop. Please stop." WHAT HAPPENED?! I MUST KNOW!!!!!

Was this where the three-month delay came in? Cause going through that here would have FUCKING SUCKED!

No it came later, after the show drove us even more nuts. It delayed at the worst possible moment which built anticipation up to a head, and then the show actually delivered.

Dude. She has to dedicate her life to fighting witches now. Would you want a girlfriend who, every night had to go out and "do something?" And might not ever return?

If you want another example of how awful that situation is, perhaps THE textbook example of how fucked up it gets, watch Saikano.

Welcome to the NHK! - 17

Fuck fuck fuck FUCK! This arc is gonna piss me the fuck off. Wretched pyramid schemes.

Also, Student Council President a shit. Using his hikkikomori insecurities to get money. Woooowwww

This show went all sorts of directions and dragged Satou into very uncomfortable and embarrassing but realistic situations. NHK is so good.


Nanoha As - 13 END

So that was Nanoha As. My final thoughts:

Pretty much that. What a wonderful, heartwarming show. It had a brilliant final act.

First off, at

I don't know how they did it, but they were able to give a BOOK character. The conflict that was going on throughout the entire show was very well done and had me on the edge of my seat. I really liked the fact that there was no real villain in the show. Almost every other anime I watched had some other asshole who was responsible for the shit the characters went through. Here however, the characters have very good reasonable motivations that actually makes them HUMAN. The whole scenario where these Guardians desperately try to save Hayate's life is very saddening and actually sort of puts our heroes in a negative light of some sorts, but that's because they didn't actually talk it out instead of fight.

The climax is wonderful seeing all these characters go for one massive rush against the program that was the source of it all.

I really don't know what else to say, I just loved it. Time to give this franchise a break though before I go on to StrikerS. Cause I have some other anime to watch.

First one is more or less an apology to those who were offended when I said I didn't like the show because of the 4kids DUB:


All right folks. I'll give the subbed version a shot and see how it goes. But alternatively:

When I saw the plot description for this, I thought to myself; "Wow this looks hilarious." It was apparently good enough to warrant a crossover with DBZ and One Piece, but I just want to hear AnimeGAF's consensus on it.

All in all, thanks to those who told me to keep going with Nanoha, cause I didn't leave disappointed. See ya next time.

Nanoha A's was a miracle. Strikers just overstays its welcome.

I approve of mad pierrots avatar.

I approve of YOUR avatar.
Also, was it you that posted the Aiura title gif, cause I want that again. Its sooooo cute!

I was certain I had it saved on my phone but I cant find it ;_;

It would be even more awesome if cajunator and rurouni actually did rule 63 interpretations of the pairings in order to complement SDBurton's masterpiece.

This....isn't a bad idea actually. But we don't know what yall look like!


Goddamnit crunchyroll player why are you such a piece of shit

freezing for no apparent reason, impossible to skip around from scene to scene without refreshing the window... smh


Musashi Gundoh 3

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