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Spring Anime 2013 |OT-8| What could be beyond OT-8? Possibility.

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Nadia: Secret of Blue Water Fin (for real this time)


As embarrassing as it is to admit, beyond being directed by Anno and some Miyazaki involvement, I knew pretty much nothing about Nadia. It was a complete unknown to me, so all I could base my expectations on was artwork I had seen on the net here and there. I was anticipating a light hearted adventure story with a goofy group of villains and a story of the week format. In retrospect, that's probably one of the reasons I put off the show for so long: it just didn't seem all that exciting.

I'm kicking myself in the butt for that.

Nadia: Secret of Blue Water is everything I love about early 90s anime. It strikes that wonderful balance between light hearted fun and dark adventure. For most of the series, I actually didn't really mind Nadia herself. Yeah, she could be obnoxious and immature, but I suppose I wasn't bothered because I know 14/15 year old girls just like her. I was pleasantly surprised by her evolution in the final five episodes, and ended up generally liking her. Jean was also a really great protagonist and substitute for the audience, just kind of stumbling into this colossal conflict. Holy shit
that moment when Gargoyle just kills him without any fanfare whatsoever. The way his body just smacks against the ground was so fucked up coming off the dramatic way that Nemo got shot.

I wasn't expecting the show to have a decent big bad villain, and even after
had been introduced, I felt underwhelmed. [spoilers]The mask just felt goofy, and he just didn't seem all that threatening. As the initial island arc wore on though, he became a sort of larger than life presence, and generally creepy as all fuck. The fact that he just wore this casual ass suit while wearing the mask was that much more unnerving, and he did some truly fucked up shit during the course of the series.I really loved his final moments though, when he discovers that he had no Atlantis blood flowing through him. That realization that everything he and his people had done was for naught from the very start. Priceless.[/spoiler]

The real surprise for me was the Graten trio. Introduced as a group of bumbling villains, they're almost immediately likable. Anytime they were onscreen, they totally stole the spotlight. Sanson in particular had way too many awesome moments to refer back to. He's one of those early Gainax badass male characters that I wish got more love. I love how protective he got of Marie as the series wore on. The episode where he
escapes the robot with her
is probably one of my favorites. Lots of characters, a lot of love for pretty much all of them. The crew of the Nautilus gets a special shout out for being diverse. I wasn't expecting the show to ever really acknowledge ethnicity in any form, making the whole thing that much better.

Having not known anything about the series, I found myself with a big fat grin on my face every time I recognized something from a later Gainax project. Whether it was pieces of music, uniforms, or even entire portions of the narrative, it was fascinating going back and seeing where it began. Hell,
the last few episodes have a giant Adam, manufactured humans, long ass moving platforms, and giant space battles
. There were some incredible moments of animation, and a ton of cuts that had almost excessive levels of detail. I want to own this series on BD.

I say that despite the complete train wreck that was 23 - 34. 33 and 34 were probably the most offensive because of how they shat on character development for three of the main players. While I liked the idea of Grandis getting some closure, it's so incredibly hackneyed and stupid that it hurts more than helps. If anything, watch 23, 26, 27 - 31, and just skip straight to 35. You'll be a lot more happy that way.

It says something about the overall quality of the series (and the last five episodes) when a chunk that big can be so terrible, yet still not make me sour about the whole experience. I loved my time with Nadia, and I'm so glad that I've finally given it the time of day. It very well might be in my top 5 at this point.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Nadia: Secret of Blue Water Fin (for real this time)

Sanson in particular had way too many awesome moments to refer back to. He's one of those early Gainax badass male characters that I wish got more love. I love how protective he got of Marie as the series wore on.
Somebody liked the pedo ending too much from what I infer!
Nadia: Secret of Blue Water Fin (for real this time)

I say that despite the complete train wreck that was 23 - 34. 33 and 34 were probably the most offensive because of how they shat on character development for three of the main players. While I liked the idea of Grandis getting some closure, it's so incredibly hackneyed and stupid that it hurts more than helps. If anything, watch 23, 26, 27 - 31, and just skip straight to 35. You'll be a lot more happy that way.

So over a 1/3 of the show is crap? That's something that is sort of hard to forgive.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
So over a 1/3 of the show is crap? That's something that is sort of hard to forgive.
You can make the argument when the rest of the show is so good!
I actually kind of saw it coming. I dunno, for some reason it didn't make me feel all nasty. Maybe cause he just seemed genuinely protective over her in the show. Their little dumb dynamic was adorable.
At least he waited.
So over a 1/3 of the show is crap? That's something that is sort of hard to forgive.

It helps that it doesn't even look or feel like you're watching the same show anymore. Save for a few good episodes in the bunch, it's pretty much poor filler. I have no problem looking past it when the actual relevant stuff is so goddamn great. That and the fact that the drop and subsequent rise in quality is so immediate makes it all the more dismissible for me.

It feels like a 30 episode show that had 9 extra filler episodes. I get that that won't fly for some people, but the meat of the show is utterly fantastic.

At least he waited.

Very true. Hahaha.


Maturity, bitches.
It's the ugliest, but it's also the best.
Only problem I have with it is the lack of faces when the characters are at a distance, but anime has always been bad with small faces. Other than that I've grown to like the look, or at least not put off by it.


@Trigger_Tattun (1, 2)
To confirm, yes the [Little Witch Academia] Blu-Ray will have subtitles. No calls on which region it would be. I'd personally would want it to be region free though.

And, sadly no plans for the Inferno Cop pillow case.


Man if I didn't know there was like another hundred billion episodes with Zoro in them I'd be legit impressed with this episode where Zoro takes on Hawkeye. Well, okay, it's still pretty fucking rad.

"Swords on the back are a Swordsman's shame". Yeah, that's pretty awesome.


Man if I didn't know there was like another hundred billion episodes with Zoro in them I'd be legit impressed with this episode where Zoro takes on Hawkeye. Well, okay, it's still pretty fucking rad.

"Swords on the back are a Swordsman's shame". Yeah, that's pretty awesome.

I have a One Piece shirt (by Uniqlo) with that quote.


For some reason I stopped watching Aiura after week three. Thankfully, at less than three minutes of actual content per episode, it's easy to catch back up quickly.

I would watch the hell out of a series about the teachers voiced by Sugita and Yukari Tamura.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
For some reason I stopped watching Aiura after week three. Thankfully, at less than three minutes of actual content per episode, it's easy to catch back up quickly.

I would watch the hell out of a series about the teachers voiced by Sugita and Yukari Tamura.

Aiura is so good. Episode 5 in particular is just great. Really wish it were a full length show, or at least 13 minutes like Muromi-san.

Also crab OP is best OP.
I take it that you don't play many racing games then because you find it impossible to relate to the cars?

In the games, the person driving the car is male, the outfit, wheel holding, and way to turn the car. So I can relate to the driver.

Okay, so this season I haven't really been paying attention to the OP/ED of shows I'm not watching (besides the snippets that were in the PVs before they started airing). What's the good stuff out there that I should listen to?

On a side note, I'm looking forward to AnimeSongCollabo's cover versions from this season, which they should be posting in 2-3 weeks.

I dont even think you ever shared what you even are watching.

Genesis Aria from Arata The Legend
Canon from UtaPri
Maji Love 2000% from UtaPri

guys is there any good yaoi on crunchyroll


Sekaiichi Hatsukoi

Cuticle Detective Inaba...at times.
Why in the world is some REALLY important character/plot development relegated to an OVA? I mean, it was really well done and all, its just that the kinds of things mentioned in this story arc seem pretty integral to what will be Season 3.

Final TWGOK rankings:
Elsie > Nagase = Shiori = Kanon > Kusunogi > Chihiro > Tenri > Haqua > Ayumi >>>>>>> Mio
How do you know this when the driver is wearing a jump suit and big helmet most of the time!?


Not saying it isn't the case, but there is room for self insert as well.[/QUOTE]

Wouldnt we see her hair if it were female? I really dont think an NFS racer would have a female driver, their often the radio person.
Mushibugyo 7

Kabuto and Hanabi made this rather fun and memorable.

Sengoku Basara: Samurai Kings s1 1 - 13 (end) (bd)

The way the episodes were set up on the BD, or rather episode 13, was rather baffling. I almost thought they were out of order, as shouldnt 13 have actually came before 12. Because in 12 its like some grande party
With everyone all showing up with really no reason for how or why they even arrived there

Still the entire anime was quite fun and visually pleasing. All the bright coloured lights, or even neon colored rainbows, characters feeling a fire in themselves from other characters, and just tons of whirlwinds, sword slashes, and everything, made it one of the better anime in the setting. Characters too were just great and wholly memorable and I hope we get more of them. Sasuke and Yukimura were by far my favorites and their personalities and interactions were a highlight. The One Eyed Dragon, Masamune, deserves some praise
but got beat up so much over the course, why
. I also liked Mitsuhide (best antagonist), and Keiji Maede was fun too.

Also and going back to the BD, why would Funi put episode 1-10 on disc one, but then only 11-13 on disc too...
I need to ask that too. I'm like 4 episodes behind, so did something happen that caused a switch in the OTP? Because from last I saw ManaxRikka was looking pretty strong with ManaxMako as a close second.
Well some serious contender arrived to trouble that pairing and if they do it right it's will become awesome


Moretsu Pirates - 13

It's like they tossed Chiaki to the side and decided to just roll with this pairing. :lol

Looks like
Marika's mom is yearning to return to the stars as well? Get hype!

It's not "like" ... They just put her aside for this arc because it was a time for marika to experience adventure by herself.

You still have more to watch :)

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Legal High 3

This drama is so good. The characters, the humor, the more serious stuff...
Might sound stupid but if you like Phoenix Wright you should watch it, they're kind of similar.
Speaking of that, have you watched the Takarazuka Phoenix Wright stuff? Does it deliver?


Speaking of that, have you watched the Takarazuka Phoenix Wright stuff? Does it deliver?

The musical/stage play thing? Nope, didn't see it. I don't even know if you can find that on the Internet.

The movie was dope though, but I assume most people here already saw it.


Jinsei Best Ten - Loved, loved the colorful art style. A couple clever visual tricks, especially the zipper motif. The scenario could have gone the "soap opera" route, as pointed by one of the characters, but thankfully it remained a mature yet light-hearted reflection on the passage of life and those moments in it which don't go the way we expect but leave their mark on us nonetheless.

Death Billiards - Great tension, sharp direction. I've always been a Twilight Zone fan, so I enjoyed that vibe. The young man was a real sleazeball. The ending may have been ambiguous, but I liked the message as I saw it:
Your life isn't determined by the environment you were born into; it's determined by the choices you make within and out of that.

I should re-watch these sometime. They were quite enjoyable!


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
[Lesbian Soldier Sailor Moon S] 096

In this episode we learn that all teenage girls are secretly lesbians. I was expecting Ami to be the one with this storyline, but it makes sense in a lot of ways that Makoto would fall in love with Haruka.
I was almost worried there for a moment when Uranus and Jupiter had to fight! True love perseveres!

dat Neptune


Not even Scarlet Blade?

Played it for like a half hour then uninstalled it. What I meant to say was MMOs that prevent you from making female characters.

So wait, Aku no Hana turned out good after all?

Sleeper hit of the season I'd say.

It's not "like" ... They just put her aside for this arc because it was a time for marika to experience adventure by herself.

You still have more to watch :)

That I do. I just miss my tsun girl.


Just got done watching Jinsei Best Ten, Death Billiards, Little Witch Academia, and rewatching Aku no Hana 7 in succession. If I had needed a reminder of why I'm an anime fan, this would have sufficed. A great variety in subject matter and approach, and each beautiful and good pieces of storytelling in their own way. As long as stuff like this manages to come out of the industry, I'll be happy.

Short thoughts:

Jinsei Best Ten - Loved, loved the colorful art style. A couple clever visual tricks, especially the zipper motif. The scenario could have gone the "soap opera" route, as pointed by one of the characters, but thankfully it remained a mature yet light-hearted reflection on the passage of life and those moments in it which don't go the way we expect but leave their mark on us nonetheless.

Death Billiards - Great tension, sharp direction. I've always been a Twilight Zone fan, so I enjoyed that vibe. The young man was a real sleazeball. The ending may have been ambiguous, but I liked the message as I saw it:
Your life isn't determined by the environment you were born into; it's determined by the choices you make within and out of that.

Little Witch Academia - Everyone already knows about the amazing, cartoonish character and effects animation. Yoshinari did a really good job. The setting is superficially like Harry Potter, but the execution reminded me more of old-time Disney. I didn't like the intrusion of the RPG elements though; they were an unwelcome intrusion of the contemporary technological world into the fantasy setting. Also, I felt like this strained against its runtime; certainly it told a more or less complete story, but the characters begged for more time to develop, more mini-scenarios in which to shine, and the orchestral soundtrack in particular felt longing for an epic scope which the short wasn't quite able to achieve. It really feels like Trigger wanted to make a full-length film out of this idea, but they weren't able to get funding from anywhere so had to resort to using the Japanese government's money from the Anime Mirai program to get it made. Hopefully they'll get to expand on this someday.

Aku no Hana 7 - Still the best of them all.

Yay for good anime! Sounds like you had a fun evening. I still haven't watched Aku no Hana 7 though. :(
I didn't see this, so I'm assuming I'm either blind or I missed it.

Gainax is finally releasing a storyboard collection for Gunbuster. Been waiting for forever for them to finally throw this out there.


If this is anything like the Groundwork books that collect key frames from Gainax productions, this is probably going to be fucking awesome. It's going to be 768 pages of Gunbuster storyboards. Comes out toward the bottom half of June and will run you 3,150 yen. Trust me, it's totally worth it if you're a fan of this kind of thing.

EDIT: I'm an idiot. The Groundwork books are key frame collections, not storyboards. DUH.

Just a heads up: Fate/Zero was never a game. It was a series of novels.

Nice, this made me look at other things from Gainax, I think I'm ordering DAT Groundwork of FLCL! So beatiful.

The only anime that I ever watched with a parent was Nausicaa, and my father freaked out when he mistook Nausicaa's flesh-colored leggings for her going commando. Never tried again after that.

I only got my mom to come with me to see pokemon movies and spirited away.

She isn't even the same character, though. Besides, she starts getting a bunch of screentime in S and by Stars she's half the show.

What?! Really?! I need to get back to this. I stoped after episode 6.

I might go to an anime convention tomorrow. Is there anything I should expect or worry about?

I was invited to go to one to play mahjong...I'm seriously thinking about going. I can't remember the last time I played it.

Sailor Moon SuperS 157:

This was a boring episode, but at least we got another instance of Chibiusa using Pink Sugar Attack to comically negligible effect.

e: looks like there's a Satou episode up next followed by Ikuhara. yesssssssss

I love when she use it that way, so
I got sad when she started using the twinkle yell.

Yeah, Seraphis Cain brought that up as well. I haven't read on that myself yet, but I find that much more likely than and would trust your prior knowledge of a statement before taking Steroyd's unsupported claim or wonzo's superficial criticisms seriously.

I don't understand the Nichijou hate. Am I and my brother the only ones who like the airship princess skit?

The only shiny I've ever gotten was a shiny Hitmontop that looked like a turd back in Crystal. :/ It's weird because I swear the Hitmontop I evolved it from wasn't shiny...

My first shine was a Onix on a japanese copy of a friend silver with an old black and white gameboy, I didn't even know that shines existed.
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