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Spring Anime 2013 |OT-8| What could be beyond OT-8? Possibility.

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Not sure what you mean by that. As for your other question, it's difficult to answer without knowing about your particular tastes. I would recommend checking AnimeGAF's Anime of the Year threads.


I meant a good looking mech series that isn't the worst thing ever and destroys all hopes of anything good coming from it ever.

Prefer over the top goofy comedies(gintama, school rumble, cromarite high), mech series(most gundam series, TTGL, FMP), or something like Trigun and Gungrave. Also hate cute stuff for the sake of being cute, haruhi, and titan.
Gunbuster - 06 [END]

What a spectacular finale. Watching
Noriko and Kazumi descend into the center of that gravity bomb while saying goodbye to their close friend and comrade Jung was incredibly hard to watch. Jung was willing and able to sacrifice herself as she knew this would be the last time she would see them, if not by their sacrifice to detonate the bomb, to the fact that once they finally returned to Earth she would've long passed away by then. That entire scene made a wreck out of me after already being put through the emotional blender of Noriko receiving Kimiko's final letter. Replaying the video message of Kimiko's daughter was an echo of what her own father had done before meeting his own demise, and it gave me chills at the thought that Noriko would meet the same fate. With all this build up you could imagine my surprise at how Noriko and Kazumi were not only able to escape the explosion but made it back to Earth as well (though 12,000 years had passed there). It was pretty bittersweet. I mean, I'm incredibly happy they survived and that the people on Earth had been waiting all these years for them to return, but at the same time none of their friends are alive at this point so all they have left is each other.

I can feel the tingly sensation at the corner of my eyes and I certainly feel like crying, but I honestly cannot find any strength within me to do so right now. Thank you all for recommending and pushing this show for as long as you have. Thank you.

And the two girls lived happily ever after together. The end.



This might be a case then of the original language evolving far removed from its inception. Compare modern English to ye olde one and you will see many differences, and that's a language that has been alive for much less time. Or even Latin, which exists today in the form of the Romances but for all intents and purposes is dead.
Sure the language would have evolved over the years but I find it unlikely that it would be dead completely and much less so that they'd have no record of it. Though I suppose Diebuster did establish that humanity became extremely sloppy at keeping records of stuff. I still think they did it intentionally though. Katakana is occasionally used to spell Japanese words for example to indicate emphasis and the backwards letter may have been because of the earth's geographic features.
Full Metal Panic! Volume 5

Woh. This is playing out pretty goddamn different from 2nd Raid.
The twins are actually boys, and despite already being in Hong Kong, there's been no mention of Gates. I'm assuming he was an anime-only character created so that there'd be a central baddie outside of Gauron. I'm actually surprised they managed to stretch Day by Day into a 12 episode season considering how quick the pace of the books is. Hell, the twins have barely had any page time, with the younger brother's first appearance being the fight with Kaname on the roof before being killed.

I'm really glad I didn't skip these first few novels. I had assumed that events were largely the same, but there are quite a few changes here and there.

The 2nd raid anime was made thanks to a collaboration between the writter and kyoani.
This explain why they managed to stay faithfull to the books whille keeping everything under control and still being awesome.

I'd read the books before the anime was made so i welcomed the
change. that and the numerous additions to the plot before it.
It's a prime example on how you can do everything if your animation team is skilled and you talk to the writter first. How every anime not following that template is still beyond me. ( But hey given the sales ... )

You're going to love the next 2 books .... a lot of delicate things will happen


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Moretsu Pirates - 15



Chiaki is so awesome, oh my god. :lol

Pretty cool of the old crew
to provide manuals to Marika's club, even if it were to prevent them from destroying the ship.


Pretty much nailed it. I only watched all the filler because I wanted to get a complete picture of what went wrong and why/see how bad it actually got compared to the core show. I don't regret that decision either, as much as I bitch about those island episodes.

Full Metal Panic! Volume 5

Woh. This is playing out pretty goddamn different from 2nd Raid.
The twins are actually boys, and despite already being in Hong Kong, there's been no mention of Gates. I'm assuming he was an anime-only character created so that there'd be a central baddie outside of Gauron. I'm actually surprised they managed to stretch Day by Day into a 12 episode season considering how quick the pace of the books is. Hell, the twins have barely had any page time, with the younger brother's first appearance being the fight with Kaname on the roof before being killed.

I'm really glad I didn't skip these first few novels. I had assumed that events were largely the same, but there are quite a few changes here and there.

Basically after I finish the manga, I'm definitely picking up the books.

You're so squeamish. They're just oily.

Oh heecckkkkkk naaawww. It isn't even the oily part, its the terrifying convulsive flesh where a spine should be.


Poet Centuriate
Romeo x Juliet 11


This fucking show is gonna ruin my heart; it's like Katawa Shoujo all over again. Especially if there's gonna be
a bad/suicide end
, although it's not a straight adaptation, but I kinda would hope they'd at least keep that.

It can be so hamfistedly gushy but I just can't bring myself to think ill of it for that. It's really pretty good.




Oh my gosh those wing roots are horrifying. Apparently being a faerie is creepier than expected.

You should see that one scene in Haibane renmei...

Moretsu Pirates - 15


Chiaki is so awesome, oh my god. :lol

Pretty cool of the old crew
to provide manuals to Marika's club, even if it were to prevent them from destroying the ship.

That is one hell of a massive understatement right there.
Arjuna 8

Man, why didn't anyone tell me this was mostly a character drama? That's not a bad thing but it's totally different from what I was expecting with all the reactions I've heard about it. Also sucks to have a preview that apparently went multiple episodes ahead. Either it's spoiled me on what's supposed to happen in crazy episode 9 or I'm completely misinterpreting what that preview implied. Well supposedly it's time to learn from the mountain.


The Light of El Cantare
Sailor Moon SuperS movie: Black Dream Hole

Hito, you seriously think that this is worse than Hearts on Ice? This actually had a competent, even tepidly enjoyable, first half before it descended into generic villain confrontation bullshit.

Really, the worst thing about it is
the outer senshi being shoehorned into events
, and I suppose I'm so keenly aware of the just absolutely awful things that can happen in Toei annual audience exploitation films that this seems mild by comparison now. I at least appreciate that the movie tried to justify it, even if it's laughably inconsistent considering, well, all of SuperS. At least we got this ( [2] [3] [4] ) out of it. dohohohohoho

They would also never make expressions like this in the actual show. WTF Toei?!


Kiss X Sis

Don't worry pee-girl, I asked myself this every episode

The shit I watch just for Ayana Taketatsu.
I found myself asking why I was even watching this most of the time, but rather enjoying it when all was said and done. It was overly stupid most of the time, but then again what harem isn't? I've watched worse.

...I'd watch a season 2.


Sailor Moon SuperS movie: Black Dream Hole

Hito, you seriously think that this is worse than Hearts on Ice? This actually had a competent, even tepidly enjoyable, first half before it descended into generic villain confrontation bullshit.

Really, the worst thing about it is
the outer senshi being shoehorned into events
, and I suppose I'm so keenly aware of the just absolutely awful things that can happen in Toei annual audience exploitation films that this seems mild by comparison now. I at least appreciate that the movie tried to justify it, even if it's laughably inconsistent considering, well, all of SuperS. At least we got this ( [2] [3] [4] ) out of it. dohohohohoho

They would also never make expressions like this in the actual show. WTF Toei?!

Never noticed that blush. :lol Didn't really care for it as it felt like a poor retread of the tv series' events myself.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Kiss X Sis

The shit I watch just for Ayana Taketatsu.
I found myself asking why I was even watching this most of the time, but rather enjoying it when all was said and done. It was overly stupid most of the time, but then again what harem isn't? I've watched worse.

...I'd watch a season 2.
Did you watch the OVAs? They are far raunchier than anything in the actual show.


The Light of El Cantare
Never noticed that blush. :lol Didn't really care for it as it felt like a poor retread of the tv series' events myself.

Don't get me wrong, it's mediocre on the whole. But worse than the S film, which was soullessly through-the-motions for its entire duration? Nah.

As a thematic summation of SuperS it was definitely a joke, though. The
"not wanting to grow up"
concept isn't even referenced until two-thirds through the film! Promise of the Rose this is not.
Hyakka ryouran samurai girls - 01

What am i doing ?

I don't know really.

When this anime was airing i picked the first episode and was unable to get past the 10th minute because i was trully bored and felt that this anime was trying way too hard .
Not to mention the design. At the time i was reminded of ikkitousen , an anime that i trully disliked and thus , clicked on "stop" and went to do something else.

Now i've picked this anime again because i see that another season was made . Why do i risk to see what trully was past the 11th minute of this show ? Who knows it might be good ????

So here i am starting this anime again . So after a prologue with way too much effects on screen i'm greeted by a abundance of ink effects and a setting i'm not famillar .
Let's see :
-digital cameras
-student concil that acted like ninjas

What make of all of this ? i don't know yet .. the MC tried this speech like , he was following his mind instead of following orders or something .. and we're greeted by this girl that felt from the sky , in the MC hands , to kiss him and then , "pof" she had clothes on !


I don't even know where to begin.

Nothing in this anime make sense. You'd think they would try to explain a bit things going on , instead of relying on :
-a flat chest proud general
-a dumb maid ninja submissive to her female master
-a shy big breast body guard

to make me intrested .. i'm not !!

But still I'd give at least 3 episodes before i drop it for real i need to at least know the setting.

Ps: i would usually have posted pics , but i don't feel like it. ( and i don't wanna be banned )

This is without a doubt the messiest first anime episode i've seen in a while. All style and nothing inside. If the whole anime is like this i dunno why they made another season
Sengan kagura had a way better start than this
Arjuna 9

Sigh, well swings are never gonna be the same again geez. Also poor Tokio blowing his big moment. Really the worst part to me is all this stuff has really good direction! Why does all this talent have to go towards such a weird agenda?! I can't believe it but I'm pretty sure that I'm going to love this show overall from an art and execution standpoint but intellectually the content annoys me so goddamn much, bah.
K-On! 5

Apparently Sawako wasn't what I thought she was. A background character. Instead, she's a supervisor with a split personality caused by trying to impress a dude! And this is why dudes are banished from the world of K-On!

Mio's "flaws" as I'll put em, have ramped up quite a bit in this episode, and it looks like it might play into the near future since one of her fears was singing in front of a lot of people (then again she has quite a lot of fears...), so this might be problem.

Yui continues to be the butt of the joke.

Mugi was doe eye'd upon seeing Yui's reaction to Mio's lyrics, not to mention (the dub) having Yui calling Mio her "soul mate". And then this beauty:



Arjuna 9

Sigh, well swings are never gonna be the same again geez. Also poor Tokio blowing his big moment. Really the worst part to me is all this stuff has really good direction! Why does all this talent have to go towards such a weird agenda?! I can't believe it but I'm pretty sure that I'm going to love this show overall from an art and execution standpoint but intellectually the content annoys me so goddamn much, bah.

So basically, what you're saying is



Arjuna 9

Sigh, well swings are never gonna be the same again geez. Also poor Tokio blowing his big moment. Really the worst part to me is all this stuff has really good direction! Why does all this talent have to go towards such a weird agenda?! I can't believe it but I'm pretty sure that I'm going to love this show overall from an art and execution standpoint but intellectually the content annoys me so goddamn much, bah.

Oh man. THAT episode.
One of the greatest episodes of all time.
Just wow.
Now compare to Haibane Renmei (kind of gorey)

Man, I just love this scene too much. It's just such a nice revelation in such a vague show.

So basically, what you're saying is


Ugh, I'm being taunted by the worst character in the show. And how do they try to make me sympathize with her?! By giving a whole new meaning to
mommy issues
, just UGH.

Oh man. THAT episode.
One of the greatest episodes of all time.
Just wow.

But it peaks here right? I don't know if I can deal with finishing the rest tonight.
Hyakka ryouran samurai girls - 02

OK let's make it simple


-The fight scene ( because it occured )
-A genki girl is always a good thing
-Finally some plot so that we can understand what's going on
-Decent dialog between sanada and hanzo


-The fight scene ( it was too short)
-The horrible ink effect
-Not a fan of the fan service in effect
-The MC attitude is horrible. It feel self satisfying and somehow disgusting.

Ohhi-sama is obviously a bad guy , they are not even trying to hide it.
K-On! 5

Apparently Sawako wasn't what I thought she was. A background character. Instead, she's a supervisor with a split personality caused by trying to impress a dude! And this is why dudes are banished from the world of K-On!

Mio's "flaws" as I'll put em, have ramped up quite a bit in this episode, and it looks like it might play into the near future since one of her fears was singing in front of a lot of people (then again she has quite a lot of fears...), so this might be problem.

Yui continues to be the butt of the joke.

Mugi was doe eye'd upon seeing Yui's reaction to Mio's lyrics, not to mention (the dub) having Yui calling Mio her "soul mate". And then this beauty:


Well they are in an all girls school.

The next episode is amazing. Really makes you feel for Mio.

That's Yui for you!

You're watching it first dubbed? But the original cast is so much better outside of the dubs sexy Nodoka voice! Well, the dub isn't really bad, but it could have been better.
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