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Spring Anime 2013 |OT-8| What could be beyond OT-8? Possibility.

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The Wind Rises poster.


Valvrave the Liberator Episode 7


So many explosions, and high speed action with vibrant colors, closeups shots as weapons were being fired, and just tons of wasted yet really fast movement darting back and forth zipping and zagging and even spinning while firing lasers, dodging, and all that typical mech action. It was amazing and surely what other mech anime this season need to be doing and fast. The hilarious dialogue mixed in, while at first a bit distraction, was quickly welcome as it added a layer of some uniqueness to this whole anime and really kept the characters believable and fun. Shoko and Saki both are terrible characters but the presense of L-Elf and
the way he offered his body to Haruto made it worthwhile.


SFDebris has posted it's next three reviews of Madoka, going up to episode 6, and it continues to be an amusing look at the series from a person not that familiar with Anime.

"Bunny Cat's a dick..."

I was expecting something like an over the top reaction video but this is actually a really insightful look into the show. The idea that the show is about balance and contrast rather than just a dark show makes way too much sense. Plus anyone who watches Red Dwarf is cool in my book, thanks for letting us know about this guy.

Also I've never heard the dub before this but Hitomi in English is hilarious and perfect!

Well, there is that eye-licking part...
I swear, I can never find that eye licking gif when I need it.

Wait, is this an actual trope of some sort? I never knew eye licking existed outside of the live action Boogiepop Phantom.


Valvrave 7

"You can't take them, but I can't tell you why".
This show keeps being really stupid, but it's still fun.
Will this one girl
stay dead? Though I don't think she deserved that end.


I am offended.

But anyway, I meant the retarded "checkmate" move. It's like, the whole scene makes absolutely no sense and any sort of implication the game could have had is gone besides "Schneizel won".

It's a stupid move but the only relevant implication is spelled out rather transparently by the characters themselves.

Never got why people would complain so strongly about that. It's not like the rules of chess are above the laws of physics and those are broken by anime, this particular one included, on a regular basis. If I wanted to see accurate portrayals of chess and any other sport or game, anime would be the last place I'd look through.


I am offended.

But anyway, I meant the retarded "checkmate" move. It's like, the whole scene makes absolutely no sense and any sort of implication the game could have had is gone besides "Schneizel won".

For the record I think Chess is no fun because I always lose and since my opponents are only marginally good at the game anyway, it still takes a long time.

As to the checkmate, I couldn't quite understand that. I thought you weren't allowed to declare checkmate unless there was NO possible move for your enemy to make? And that you simply declared check if on your next turn you could catch the King.

But whatever, the whole thing was dumb and only happened because chess is some thing for Lelouch. No one in reality would've agreed to that game anyway. In reality Schneizel would've been like, "GTFO of my brother's wedding party you weren't invited." and Sakuga would either have to play the husbando card or nothing at all.

The entire situation was contrived and meaningless. Beyond the "OH I KNOW WHO YOU ARE." Which again, was absurd and contrived, because Schneizel ought already to be privy to that information.

Majestic Prince 8

I wish that Space Mecha Battles didn't mean "put the camera in a drier and tie-dye the screen". So sick of spinning and colorful laser explosions, mostly because I feel like they just aren't very tense. Hell, even Izuru's duel didn't feel that tense, but that was mostly because it was an incomprehensible mess of fugly CGI spinning around too damn fast.

Seriously, the mecha design for Majestic Prince is terrible to begin with, and the CG makes it that much worse. How many more "cool" fins can we stick on Red Five? How does it all manage to be red and grey at the same time? I don't know.

Still, at least there was more fighting and less Tamaki whining in frequencies dogs alone should hear. Music is also really good in this show. The Wulgaru theme is nice. And it was good to see the team fight as a team but also act as independent characters for a change.


the only relevant implication is spelled out rather transparently.

It is? I only remember a couple of inner monologues that amounted to nothing, and shocked faces.

One can gather easily that Schneizel won, and that he's the "better" of the two at the time, but that's not really the implication, rather than the event itself. The match was paraded as a way to have insight into the characters, but I ended up with nothing, because I don't know how to take the development.


It is? I only remember a couple of inner monologues that amounted to nothing, and shocked faces.

One can gather easily that Schneizel won, and that he's the "better" of the two at the time, but that's not really the implication, rather than the event itself. The match was paraded as a way to have insight into the characters, but I ended up with nothing, because I don't know how to take the development.

Schneizel wanted to test Lelouch's reaction with that dumb move and Lelouch immediately chickened out. That's really all.


Poet Centuriate
I am offended.

But anyway, I meant the retarded "checkmate" move. It's like, the whole scene makes absolutely no sense and any sort of implication the game could have had is gone besides "Schneizel won".

For the record I think Chess is no fun because I always lose and since my opponents are only marginally good at the game anyway, it still takes a long time.

As to the checkmate, I couldn't quite understand that. I thought you weren't allowed to declare checkmate unless there was NO possible move for your enemy to make? And that you simply declared check if on your next turn you could catch the King.

But whatever, the whole thing was dumb and only happened because chess is some thing for Lelouch. No one in reality would've agreed to that game anyway. In reality Schneizel would've been like, "GTFO of my brother's wedding party you weren't invited." and Sakuga would either have to play the husbando card or nothing at all.

The entire situation was contrived and meaningless. Beyond the "OH I KNOW WHO YOU ARE." Which again, was absurd and contrived, because Schneizel ought already to be privy to that information.

Majestic Prince 8

I wish that Space Mecha Battles didn't mean "put the camera in a drier and tie-dye the screen". So sick of spinning and colorful laser explosions, mostly because I feel like they just aren't very tense. Hell, even Izuru's duel didn't feel that tense, but that was mostly because it was an incomprehensible mess of fugly CGI spinning around too damn fast.

Seriously, the mecha design for Majestic Prince is terrible to begin with, and the CG makes it that much worse. How many more "cool" fins can we stick on Red Five? How does it all manage to be red and grey at the same time? I don't know.

Still, at least there was more fighting and less Tamaki whining in frequencies dogs alone should hear. Music is also really good in this show. The Wulgaru theme is nice. And it was good to see the team fight as a team but also act as independent characters for a change.

Schneizel wanted to test Lelouch's reaction with that dumb move and Lelouch immediately chickened out. That's really all.

HAHA, I get to post it again!



Aikatsu! 32

Ye another fun episode, this time with plenty of nicely animated bits especially some 2D dancing and even the sakugavan makes another appearance! But none of that shit even matters when compared to the wonders of a FIVE PERSON SPECIAL APPEAL AWW SHEIT


Psycho-Pass 1/2/3


Wise decision.


The Wind Rises poster.[/url][/i]
rip rebuild


So this is what the contents of the Gurren Lagann BD-box look like. All fifteen discs and two artbooks of it.

wish I loved the show enough to buy this.

Well it does look cool. All FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS (and then some) of it.

Ehh...Fate Zero was more expensive.
that was two sets though.

You should watch Mars of Destruction, Ultimadrago. It's only a single 20 minute episode. How bad can it be?

Mars of destruction isnt terrible.
it is bizarre though.


HAHA, I get to post it again!


Next point of order: As of this point in the series, Schneizel is an absurdly empty character. If he's supposed to be menacing, cunning, intelligent or whatever, he's failed to come off as any of it. He legitimately has had as much character development as Odysseus, and both of them have had less than Clovis, and Clovis has been dead since before either of them were introduced.

That's how much of a non-character Sneasel is.

Why do British Kings have German and Greek names?


Next point of order: As of this point in the series, Schneizel is an absurdly empty character. If he's supposed to be menacing, cunning, intelligent or whatever, he's failed to come off as any of it. He legitimately has had as much character development as Odysseus, and both of them have had less than Clovis, and Clovis has been dead since before either of them were introduced.

That's how much of a non-character Sneasel is.

I guess you could say he's cunning because of the tricks he plays on Lelouch, like agreeing to the Special Zone in the first season, and his dealings with the Chinese. Stuff like that. But yes, Schneizel is really kind of an empty person/character...in more ways than one.


So I randomly watching anime without sub, and I'm surprised can understand about 3/4 of the dialogue.

There's no return for me..


hataraku maou-sama - 08

It's like they thought it was the last episode they would ever make and tossed everything in there.

And it was glorious.


I guess you could say he's cunning because of the tricks he plays on Lelouch, like agreeing to the Special Zone in the first season, and his dealings with the Chinese. Stuff like that. But yes, Schneizel is really kind of an empty person/character...in more ways than one.

Neither of those are tricks, that's just doing stuff. The only thing cunning or well played on the part of Britannia was assigning Viceroy Nunally. Otherwise it's been textbook Evil Empire behavior to the point of parody.

Valvrave 7

Can't do it. L-Elf is awful and I don't see what you guys like about him. Dude has magical powers that let him sense WHEN A CAMERA IS FOCUSING ON HIM. And then he "negotiates" before staging the world's lamest coup d'etat.

AHAHAHAHA THIS GUY DIDN'T EVEN LOSE AN EYE. He just had a scar. Oh my gosh, he's just plain Yzak of Gundam SEED. Or like the absolute worst version of Lord Dulandau from Escaflowne.

I liked Shoko better when she was dead.

Go back to Gundam AGE Q-Vier.

L-ELF CAN FLOAT IN SPACE WITH NO OXYGEN. He hasn't even gotten a Valvrave yet and is already invincible.


So okay, BEFORE that, though, there was a point of enjoyability with L-Elf when he was in his whole "join forces" phase in order to get with Amuro Haruto and escape from Desil Fuckhead Dipshit Q-Vier and Yzak A-Drei.

Otherwise I still can't stand L-Elf. He's too good at everything. What's even the point? On the other hand, he almost seems like the only person in the entire show who isn't an inbred half-wit, so there's that, too.

So basically I'm divided on him but leaning towards hating him. But hey, he wouldn't be the first character I hated and warmed up to. All it takes is more awful characters like Q-Vier some good character development.

Full Metal Panic! Sigma 7
So this time around, Kaname and Sousuke escape from the Alastors by having the Arbalest blow them up. How he didn't sink the ship, Iunno. I know Arm Slaves aren't as big as Mobile Suits, but I like to pretend they are. In my head. Anyway, along the way, Kaname admits to herself she's head-over heels for Sousuke, and even enjoying the fact that she's having an incredibly unusual Christmas. After they're safe, Tessa contacts her with PSYCHIC BRAIN POWAHZ. Meanwhile, Mr. Mardukas guides the TDD to victory in a submarine battle as Tessa is being carted off by "Captain" Harris.


Valvrave 7

ERU ERUFU KARURUSUTAINU. Come on, they have to be doing this on purpose!

This episode was pretty good, they kept stuff coming at a steady pace and that
coup d'etat
had perfect delivery (lol). Those explosions were pretty tasty too.
I'd like it more if the show went all bombastic and played up the spectacle, like Geass, but perhaps that's a misguided expectation because I can't help comparing the two works.


Yuyushiki 7


Man, they really laid the lesbian undertones really thick in this episode. It'd be much better if they just stuck to being creative and subtle about it like the puzzle piece thing from a few eps ago. This episode was pretty fun otherwise.


Neither of those are tricks, that's just doing stuff. The only thing cunning or well played on the part of Britannia was assigning Viceroy Nunally. Otherwise it's been textbook Evil Empire behavior to the point of parody.

Point taken. In the end, the fact is I don't actually like the guy or care for him as a character either.

Valvrave 7

Otherwise I still can't stand L-Elf. He's too good at everything. What's even the point? On the other hand, he almost seems like the only person in the entire show who isn't an inbred half-wit, so there's that, too.

His randomly efficient antics are amusing or produce amusing reactions from other characters, like in this episode. Currently, I'd say his only known weakness is that he sucks at negotiations and social relations in general. I suspect that, much like Lelouch, some of his grand plans will come crashing down in the end despite his ultra-competence.


Let's just say that this statement makes it clear you don't play chess. ;)

Think I made that clear when I said I always lose at Chess. Kinda knight can't move in a straight line, anyway.

The Count of Monte Cristo 2

What follows are what I felt were some of the more visually entertaining points in the episode:

This lady's hair and dress were hard to look away from.

Even the conspicuous CG looks great in this show.

The Count of Monte Cristo objects to your petty mortality.

Still gettin' the "Franz is into Albert" vibe off of this adaptation. Mostly because Franz does stuff like say "You wouldn't understand who I'm into!" to Albert.

By rights, that suit should be garish, but somehow it looks so damn schway.

OH. MY. GOSH. I don't even care that they changed it so that
Luigi Vampa is not in the employ nor acquaintance of the Count
. That scene that scene that SCENE. I mean OH MAN. OH MAN. A goddamn dagger to the OH MAN OH MAN. So menacing. So absolutely, totally, and beautifully villainous, and so compelling at the same time.

The Count of Monte Cristo, as he damn well should, steals absolutely every scene he's in. You just cannot compete with the guy when he's on screen. His every move, word, and affectation are just so damn awesome.

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