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Spring Anime 2013 |OT-8| What could be beyond OT-8? Possibility.

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Is this your first time through the series? I'm super hyped for you watching the final episodes.

Yes, it is. My co-worker got me to try it, and I'm watching it with my girlfriend when I'm not working in the labs.

Are you implying you are watching Evangelion for the first time and without any prior knowledge? oh boy oh boy oh boy

Yeah. lol I always saw the figures around, and I wanted to know what they were from. I guess that was something that drew me towards the show.

In that case he has to post his final impression here when he hs finished

lol I will. I really like AnimeGAF, since there are always good recommendations on stuff. I'll keep you guys updated.

Also, where can I find a figure of the purple EVA that doesn't break the bank?
I want a figure for my desk, and my mini Iron Man got stolen.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Yes, it is. My co-worker got me to try it, and I'm watching it with my girlfriend when I'm not working in the labs.

Yeah. lol I always saw the figures around, and I wanted to know what they were from. I guess that was something that drew me towards the show.
You have to give us episode by episode impressions. You must.


Valvrave Episode 03


Delicious Ojou-sama

Ah social media and mech warfare. If the plot wasn't so hilariously written I wouldn't even bother with this but I feel obligated to see how far down the rabbit hole goes. That and I actually kinda like the mech battles so far. L-Elf (good lord what a name) is a treasure trove of entertainment all by himself and I can't wait to see how even more ridiculous his character becomes.
Heartcatch FinaleCure

"It's kinda funny, really. A group of beautiful 14 year olds like us having to fight Dune..." Well Put Erika, except Yuri is 17. You're a spotlight hog come to think of it.

Dune gets big and starts punching the earth and so the Precure have to save the day. With our powers combined, I am Infinity Silhouette! Precure Straight Punch matches up with the power of the God Hand and saves the day.


SUDDENLY TIMESKIP! We find out that Kumojacky has joined the Myoudouin Dojo, Cobraja became a fashion designer, and Sasorina became a teacher. Itsuki grew out her hair, TsuBaby was born. ERIKA WITH ALL THE FACIAL DESIGNS, she got caught up in past glory to the point that she forgot her dream. Every has their dreams set out for them. We are.... the best of best of friends.

It is not fair how Heartcatch is so good in comparison to everything else in the franchise. Like.... my second favorite overall might be Splash Star, but the gap of quality between this and Heartcatch is utterly staggering. It is not just an outlier, it is a severe outlier from what I've watched (Suite and Smile not factored in yet). It really is not fair at all.

The sound track was utterly fantastic throughout the entire series, even the placement was just right. The artstyle, while really goofy, enhanced the action and defies the Toei budget logic set throughout the franchise, especially Futari wa and Max Heart.

If a problem arises with Heartcatch, it's response was "WE CAN'T HAVE THAT, NOW CAN WE", and promptly fixes the issue. I think someone mentioned how there wasn't enough one on one fights, but that's generally more of a franchise dealio, rather than series specific. That and THEMES.

Every character from the main cures to the Side characters have their fair share of development and never really fall from usefulness. They're not tossed aside or random schmucks plucked off the sidewalks (looks at DokiDoki) but characters that where developed first.... Except the Rent a Santa I guess. His best features was reminding me that I have HC on my Vita background. Anyway, I like every character really. I enjoyed the developments, the pacing feels right, and I'm going to stop myself from gushing here.

Even if you don't plan on marathoning the series, Heartcatch Precure is highly recommended for fans of the Magical Girl genre. Just.... be careful as it'll warp your expectations for the rest of the series if you do want to check it out the series afterwards.

If you do plan on watching the franchise before watching Heartcatch, don't watch it first. That would be bad. Also the movie is great if you want more Heartcatch.

Might jump into All Stars DX3 in a bit. Goodbye Tsubomi, Erika, Itsuki, Yuri, and everyone else. It was one hell of a ride.

Heartcatch 35 - 49

Well that's that.

Siiigh, not having a full stomach right now is keeping me from straight marathoning the last 4.

Heartcatch Precure 44
I don't want it to end. ;__;

I don't get how you people don't want to burn through those last few episodes, the second dune shows up the pacing just begs to be marathoned through.

Erika vs Kumojacky was the best final fight in Heartcatch; mainly due to Erika punching Kumojacky in the face in the middle of his speech.

AGREED! that
punch was glorious!

Told you Heartcatch had the best fairies.

You mean best fairy right? Surely the other fairies aren't so bad the all the non-coupe Heartcatch ones are best as well right?

Anyway I liked Heartcatch but I didn't love it, plan to watch the movie later though. But if this is one of the best then I'm concerned about how deep down the magical girl rabbit hole I really want to go, heh. Definitely gonna watch Utena someday though.

also Erika >
> Itsuki > Yuri > Tsubomi


Heartcatch Precure 48

Oh man, what an episode. What really stuck out to me was the music throughout.

RIP Professor Subaaku/Tsukikage. You were a man caught up in something way bigger and more dangerous than you and had to suffer and die because of it. RIP Dark Precure/Moonlight's sister (complicated relationship). You're existence for such a horrible purpose was a tragic one. Why am I writing eulogies dammit?

As for Dune...EAT IT BITCH!!!!!!

One more episode. Maybe just a cleanup episode to tie any loose knots and let us send off our final goodbyes to everyone. Why am I writing like this?
Evangelion 3.33

I think I understood what happened in End of Evangelion more than I did this whole movie. If I cared more about Eva I would probably be disappointed, but at least there was Miyukichi for a short period of time and Kaworu being extremely attractive.


Dokidoki Precure - 13

I love Heartcatch, and I'mma let you all finish, but Dokidoki is shaping up to be the best Precure of all time.
(Actually, not really this episode, but hey. I hold out hope for the future.)

What a Sailor Moon-esque plot this episode has. I mean, there was already Sailor Stars all over the place, but this episode is more like season 1.
A convenient contest to determine princess-ness? Usagi has entered like five of those

Rikka, you're slipping. Calling out the absurdities is your job!
Regina's first real appearance
was dripping with opportunities to jab. She literally
uses magic in front of them, then remarks about determining world peace
. It's pretty blatant.

Character of the week is terrible again. It's like that dance episode early in Utena, and she's Nanami. Except with a Heartcatch-style introduction. Stop pretending you're important already! But it gives Mana a chance to play Utena's role and be badass, so it's fine, I guess.

It's here!
Martial arts Alice! Unfortunately, she traded her Satsui no Hadou for boring standard Precure punches, so no Raging Demon antics this time. Offensive barriers are fine too, but I would have liked a bit more development beforehand - "I dunno lol, probably thanks to Mana" isn't going to please many. Also, Mana gets the kill again, because this was Sailor Moon 2013 all along

The ending bit was interesting.
Regina seems almost badass enough to be a real rival for Mana. (Or another harem member, we'll see.) I recall seeing an upcoming episode title that supported that idea, too. I'm not suprised at her being King Selfish's daughter - if anything, I'd say that makes it all the more likely that she'll turn out to be Ace

Next episode is a Rikka episode, huh? I hope so. This week wasn't much an Alice episode (though I'm sure it was meant to be - she's just not interesting enough). The staff seem to favor Mana > MakoP > villains > Rikka > Alice, regardless of what the episode is about.


Severing Crime Edge 4

Two new authors, one who uses piano music and one that uses a book of justice, and one police officer who enjoys fainting through a "certain method". This show has and is going places haha.


Azumanga Daioh 17

Sakaki is also a talented singer. Aside from speaking up, is there anything she cannot do with excellence? Pet cats? Be happy? She even gives Osaka a run for her money with the crazy mental field trips, most notably in this episode when she imagined Chiyo's dad as Santa Claus.

"Snow on Christmas, isn't it romantic?"
"Yup."-Mr. Kimura.

Also, it's somewhat sad that the joke that Yomi is a terrible singer is lost in the English dub because in English she's not voiced by Rie Tanaka.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Azumanga Daioh 17

Sakaki is also a talented singer. Aside from speaking up, is there anything she cannot do with excellence? Pet cats? Be happy? She even gives Osaka a run for her money with the crazy mental field trips, most notably in this episode when she imagined Chiyo's dad as Santa Claus.

"Snow on Christmas, isn't it romantic?"
"Yup."-Mr. Kimura.

Also, it's somewhat sad that the joke that Yomi is a terrible singer is lost in the English dub because in English she's not voiced by Rie Tanaka.

A lot of things are lost in the English dub. Like Norio Wakamoto. And the English jokes (which I think they replace with Spanish?).


Subete no aware


Tsundere sake. With a mascot character voiced by Sakura Tange. Who has her own story on a drama CD included with the sake set. Now I've seen everything.
The sake comes in two varieties — one dry and one smooth — so that the drinker can blend them to their liking. The official website states that sake drinkers can enjoy making their own blend using both types, and it provides a scale from 100% "tsun" (most dry) to 100% "dere" (most smooth). Recommended mixes include the perfectly proportioned 70% "tsun" and 30% "dere," and as well as a half-and-half 50% "tsun" and 50% "dere."

The sake's mascot Sakurako is a student who dreams of becoming a nurse. As graduation from nursing school draws near, she finds herself to be a little nervous, and ends up going back and forth between a sweet and sour personality. The drama CD elaborates on her story further, with Sakurako bringing over ingredients for nabe (pot stew) and a present of sake over to the listener's house for a house date. By mistake, Sakurako drinks a little too much and becomes drunk.
There are voice samples on the website.


Subete no aware
It seems like you would hate anything even remotely attached to SAO.
Thankfully, all of those things existed before SAO was a thing! lol

Also, there was literally no reason for Oreimo to insert that SAO reference other than to make a reference. I almost thought I was watching The Big Bang Theory for a second, until I remembered that I despise all the characters in Oreimo and only find the characters annoying in The Big Bang Theory. :p


Tsundere sake. With a mascot character voiced by Sakura Tange. Who has her own story on a drama CD included with the sake set. Now I've seen everything.

There are voice samples on the website.
I-it's not like I blended this Sake for you or anything! B-Baka!

The idea of sake with "bite" being "tsun" is almost an inspired idea. I'm surprised more people haven't sold alcohol or food this way. lol

You could make hot sauce and rate it on a tsundere scale, for example.
Sweet and sour sauce. More tsun the less sweet it is.


Subete no aware


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
I suppose Kirino tier would melt your face. lol

Is sour more of a yan or kuu taste? lol

I guess the problem is that I watch most anime. If I only watched the good stuff, I might was well just stop though!

Maybe try that, for your health!


Heartcatch Precure 49 - End

I'm not entirely sure why that last bit with them fusing into one Precure to defeat Dune was necessary. They had just set up them defeating him in the prior episode. I would have rather they used that time for more downtime after the epic finish, but whatever.

So this next bit I assume is months later because Tsubomi's sister is born and Kumojacky is out of the hospital and training at Itsuki's dojo and Erika has been giving the same speech at the top of that hill overlooking the town for a while, and everybody's tired of it. Oh, and Tsubomi has decided to become an astronaut so she can plant flowers in space. On desolate planets. She might have to give up the dream of having that happen in her lifetime. But hey, whatever she wants to do.

Cathartic scene with Tsubomi talking about all the stuff she learned, and then that little girl looking at the picture and holding the perfume. I'm assuming that's Tsubomi's sister.

As for why that picture is there, I assume it's because everybody figured out they were Precure when the four of them disappeared as the Precures went into space. And the picture is there to commemorate them. I'm probably wrong; maybe it's at her grandma's house or something.

I would have liked to see Momoka one more time. But otherwise I enjoyed this ending.

Final Precure rankings:

Marine>Sunshine>Moonlight>Blossom. But I liked all of them.

Precure running rankings (this and Futari wa):

Marine>Sunshine>White>Moonlight>Blossom>Black. Again, I generally like all of them.'

As for fairies, I'm not sure. But I do know:

Not Mepple/Mipple >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mepple/Mipple.

Coppe-sama is probably best though.
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