Every time Corvo posts impressions, I want to start watching whatever he's watching.
Then let me take this moment to emphatically discourage you from watching the following shows:
1) Rah Xephon. It's shit. Don't believe anyone, yourself included, if they tell you otherwise.
2)Gundam 00. Remember what I said about Rah Xephon? Multiply that by about a billion. Rah Xephon at least ripped off a good show. Gundam 00 tried to be original and all it managed to do was be the absolute fucking worst Gundam in the history of ever and quite possibly the biggest insult to Giant Robots, Real and Super, to have ever been made. It's shit. No, shit is too common, too simple, too weak a word for what it is.
Gundam 00 is an affront to everything that is good about the mecha genre. It takes every trope, every convention, every last possibility which might be conceivably employed in a mecha/Gundam storyline and taints them, acting as a poison, nay, a disease which corrupts that which is right in the body, turning the flesh against itself, until nothing is left but hatred and sickness.
Its action devolves into the most piss poor pile of juvenile design, with such a frighteningly incomprehensible array of lasers and explosions and spinning cameras that you cannot hope to make sense of it. Its characters are meaningless mouths from which empty dialogue spews as a fountain of raw sewage, because no character is ever developed, and therefore there is nothing for any of them to discuss. The protagonist is every mecha protagonist ever, with all that is good or enjoyable removed from them as a vampire removes the blood from its victim. The plot is an absurd, dadaist series of events which happen without rhyme, reason, or repercussion. People die and are either revived instantly, brought back as characters with identical identities, or replaced with a nigh identical stand in. The movie could have been a toddler screaming at the top of their lungs directly into my ear as someone scratched a chalk board for three continuous hours and it would at least have made more sense.
Never, ever, ever, under any circumstances, no matter how attractive, no matter how much money she is offering, no matter how threatened your life may be, should you, for any reason, watch, or through your inaction allow someone that you love, to watch Gundam 00. Ever.
3)Don't watch Gundam AGE. It's shit.
I married Nowi.
Reggie what's wrong with you.gif
The Big O -13
So good.. awesome finale, what the fuck so they just cancel it like that in the past? smh.
And its all downhill from here?![]()
NO, FERTY NO. Season 2 of The Big O is the best season of the show. TOMATOES.