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Spring Anime 2013 |OT-8| What could be beyond OT-8? Possibility.

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Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
[Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon R] 064
Oh man, this is one of those episodes. :( I just hate it when they do missing parents storylines.

Usagi still being a moron.
He's a bitch, you idiot. Just let him go.
Scandalous! Plus, incest and sdburton at the same time? Oh my.


I feel we watching different show, feel the exact opposite of what you writing here..
The character are so bland, and I feel betrayed with how the show take itself seriously.. I thought the comedy gonna in much bigger portion?
Turned out, from the 3 mech show.. this one that take it way too seriously at most.

Well apparently only you, ducky, and maybe DTL that left in hype train!

I don't think the show takes anything seriously, but I agree that I think the characters are about as bland as possible. I mentioned it before, but there really are not 5 protagonists, but 1 protagonist with 5 heads, all of which react to whatever the present actor does, including the actor itself.

Action -> 4 reactions -> 1 reaction to the reactions. EVERY TIME.

The Vision of Escaflowne 8



Girl has so many damn love interests and they all be fallin' over her. Got Amano. Beautiful Sephiroth. Mole Man. Angel boy. Like a metric ton. Can't even know.


The Vision of Escaflowne 8



Girl has so many damn love interests and they all be fallin' over her. Got Amano. Beautiful Sephiroth. Mole Man. Angel boy. Like a metric ton. Can't even know.

It sounds like you're not familiar with shoujo works.


Every season is backlog season.

And at the same time it isn't.

Considering that Aku No Hana, Gargantia and Attack on Titan are all 'legitimately' good shows (to differing degrees) and there a few acceptable works on the side I really can't consider this to be a backlog season. Sometimes seasons have shows that are only good in comparison to the rubbish that's airing at the same time but Aku no Hana is probably the work that I imagine will have the most critical acclaim in coming years.


Escaflowne is so, the story is so mind numbingly stupid.

Beside 7th's spoiler this is what I feel about the whole plot of Escaflowne, total spoilers ahead:

Escaflowne is like if in the past people foresaw World War 2, the rise of Hitler, the atomic bomb, all that jazz, and knew that they had the power to change it but instead of just reaching out to Hitler and changing his life for the better and maybe stopping the war instead they decided to change some dude in Poland's life and make it to where he can survive the war and rebuild, oh and also give some girl from some small island untouched by the war a chance at love while they're at it. It's that fucking stupid.
The K-ON thread is still kicking it and that's a dead franchise.

Well yeah, but it's like super duper popular to the max. There's like.... How many of PrecureGAF?

It's because (most) of us are actually pragmatic and don't want it constantly thrown in our face as proof of being deviants/pedophiles/etc. everywhere else on GAF like the Bronies.

Oh yeah, that ._.


The Light of El Cantare
The fact that there isn't one is surprising to say the least. Question would be how long could it last really.

It's because (most) of us are actually pragmatic about their GAF experience and don't want it constantly thrown in our face as proof of being deviants/pedophiles/etc. everywhere else on GAF like the Bronies.

because reasons, two very big reasons

When the jiggling stops, the inner contours of her breasts disappear entirely. huh.


If they have the tech to make soft plastic for their ho-ha's then they should have used it also on their exposed joints.
Again there's very good reasons for this:


See, it's entirely due to maintenance reasons!!

When the jiggling stops, the inner contours of her breasts disappear entirely. huh.
How does that work...

Welcome to the wonders of future plastics.

basically you should watch busou shinki as it is fucking amazing


It sounds like you're not familiar with shoujo works.

Unless Sailor Moon or Azumanga Daioh count, then no, I don't think I've ever watched a shoujo. Wait, I saw a couple episodes of Card Captor Sakura, how about that?

Code Golbez 5


Anyway, I feel like there are a grand total of three not stupid characters in this show: Jeremiah, Suzaku, and Golbez. Golbez is a hugenormous douchebag whose powers have made him think it is okay to basically torture the entire student body, but then, he's sort of the villain of the show anyway. Jeremiah only SOUNDS smart because he has the same voice actor Holland did, and that man has a sexy, sexy voice.

Suzaku is a badass hero classic who will defend the SHIT out of that princess. His inclusion into Lelouche's class is some hilariously improbable stuff. Then again, the rebel girl is in his class too, so why not? I mean, it's not like this is the kind of stupid crap Gundam AGE pulled or anything.

Oh, and seriously, Nanally's English VA sounds like Miss Piggy of freaking helium. It's ear-stabbingly awful. Someone please tell me her VA doesn't sound like that when not voicing anime girls. SO BAD.


My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU - 04

I dropped it after going through most of ep1, but picked this back up for whatever reason. Will probably hit up episode 3 after this.

That was pretty good, and definitely an improvement from the first episode. It manages to avoid a few of the icky wish-fulfillment junk that plagues other works in the genre--the mainguy being a total weirdo makes the inevitable romantic hijinks tolerable, or at least, the prospect of it happening tolerable.

Saika is the best. #teamtrap


Maou-sama 4

Wow, shit's starting to go down now, what with
appearing and all. Also, it's pretty evident that
Maou isn't really evil at all anymore. He basically admitted as much to Emilia before Chiho butted in and ruined things like she always does (suck it, #TeamChiho)
. Also, I figured something was up with
from the start. Glad to see I was right.

Still the best show of the season.

Chiho butting defused a rather volatile situation. Emi wasn't exactly overjoyed to hear that Maou simply didn't consider humans at all.


Attack on Titan 4

Another pretty low-budget episode, with lots of stills and off-model animation. It was still pretty effective, with tons of important character setup packed into the episode; Eren's speech was more effective in audiovisual form than I expected. Annie's introduction worked well, Sasha continues to be ridiculous, and Jean is hilariously transparent. Next week should be fun.


Attack on Titan 4

Another pretty low-budget episode, with lots of stills and off-model animation. It was still pretty effective, with tons of important character setup packed into the episode; Eren's speech was more effective in audiovisual form than I expected. Annie's introduction worked well, Sasha continues to be ridiculous, and Jean is hilariously transparent. Next week should be fun.

It's probably not going to be fun for the staff though!


I was going to mention that Mr. Tezuka's Story of a Certain Street Corner kind of fits completely your given description (if I remember correctly there even was a decent picture quality release of it around 2005-06), but I'm more inclined to believe now that Jexhius is closer to the real answer.

Gotdamn! That was it! Yes!

It's available here on DVD and I'm ordering it.

I saw this fansubbed years ago and forgot the name. Didn't know it was by Tezuka! It was very unique and emotional and the art is unique as well. Everyone should check it out.

This looks pretty cool so I'll definitely check it out sometime. Thanks for bringing it to my attention guys.


Pizza Hut is all an essential part of the Code Geass experience.

I'm beginning to see that.

Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu!! 5

The first half of this episode is about an art project that Sousuke royally screws up. The art teacher is a blowhard, and his mad art babble misleads Sousuke's overactive imagination. This leaves Kaname having to battle Sousuke and ultimately tie him up in order to get the project done. The funniest part is when, after stepping on a land-mine (only in Fumoffu are Land Mines hilarious) Ono-D asks if Kaname won't reconsider going out with him if he survives. She shuts him down like "HEEEELL NOOOO."

The second part is about Kaname wanting to step away from Sousuke and see someone else instead. She goes on a date with an upperclassman from her middle school days, and Sousuke is at first worried that she is being coerced or has a drug abuse problem. Kyouko asks Sousuke to go with her to the park and we are treated to both Sousuke and Kyouko in spy suit get up (Kyouko even has adorable matching black bows for her hair.) In the FMP game that only exists in my fantasies, the suit is totally an unlockable. Anyway, the Bonta-Kun suit premieres, and Kaname shuts down her upperclassman in favor of Sousuke.

I like this episode because it sort of establishes that Sousuke and Kaname don't like the idea of going their separate ways anymore, and foreshadows
The Second Raid and Sigma, when Sousuke and Kaname's relationship is similarly, but more severly put to the test.

Oh and the yakuza thugs in this episode belong to Ren's gang.


Attack of Titan 4

Yeah, the episode looked pretty ugly, but I guess I'll put that aside.

I'm not a huge fan of how the show does comedy. I didn't really think it was funny in episode 3 either. Otherwise, this was a good lead-in episode. I definitely appreciated the quick summary of the entire cast. Even if I can't remember their names, just being able to stick traits on everyone is good enough for now. I can't help but look for death flags for everyone though, lol.

I have to admit that Eren speaking about humanity's pride all of the time feels really weird. I know he's been talking about it since the beginning, but it's weird how he keeps citing such an impersonal motivation even though we keep getting flashbacks of his mother.

The twin-tailed, black-haired girl who joins the Recon Corps with them is pretty cute. Hopefully, the next episode is intense and well-animated!


Also, I finally watched Gargantia episode 3 after being afraid to watch it for a week. I seriously thought the morality arguments were going to consume the entire episode because everyone was making a big deal out of it, but they brushed it aside so casually!

As for the argument itself, I didn't really think it was that big of a deal. The behavior of the Gargantia crew kinda reminds me of hunting-and-gathering or communal behavior. I agree that it was a bit ridiculous how ungrateful most of the (unfortunately still underdeveloped) cast was, but Bellows seemed grateful even though she lectured him on his behavior and Amy seemed to understand that it was to be expected and that he wasn't at fault.

Maybe I need to watch the episode again, but I came away from that episode with a pretty positive impression of the sequence of events. In the end, it seems that everyone is ready to accept him too, so I'm excited for the next episode! Maybe they'll finally introduce the side characters to Ledo (and us).

I really only skimmed the posts about this because I was trying to avoid spoilers, so sorry if I'm just retreading on old ground.
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