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Spring Anime 2013 |OT-8| What could be beyond OT-8? Possibility.

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Hunter x Hunter - 77

Dang that's even more harrowing than I remember in the manga.

Attack on Titan - 04

Eren's speech this episode made me realize I find him less annoying now, I guess it comes down to him now actually having something to back up his speeches rather than jumping straight into a Titan's open mouth with a bare fist.

Muromi - 04

The introduction of Harpy reminds me of the manga Everyday Monster Girls.

And sweet mother of Sakugaboobing :chet is the next episode going to be bouncy.


MaouDonalds 04

Woah. I get the feeling this series could probably have worked just as a pure fantasy series to a limited extent if it had really wanted to. The first fantasy scene about Emi's dad was surprisingly touching. Oh shit, they tied the police dudes back in from the first time Maou and Azrael landed.

I like how confident Maou is. He largely appears to know what's going on and he's very nearly the most competent person on the show, at least in terms of survival.

Lol Emi's friend laying it on thick [In relation to the metacontext of the show], jesus.

Oh man Emi keep walking around with your shirt half on. Awww yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Ohlololol "Unleash the Dullahan". Haha, Azrael adhering to command hierachy in all instances is hilarious.

Emilia getting to the root of the problem. I mean, I'd already read this almost from the second episode from the being locked out of the apartment thing, but it's nice to see this spoken out so plainly. Unfortunately, interrupted. At least we get the fortuneteller out of it. Oh shit she knows!

Holy crap! Shit is getting real!
People should relax. Everything in there is in good fun aside from the moe shit that's killing anime. If it weren't for the banker's otaku sons we wouldn't have to deal with the problems in the industry that we have to deal with today. We also wouldn't have it compromising conservative (read: proper) Christian ideals in the West. Hentai has ruined a great many thing and destroyed the purity of various franchises beloved in the West. Sonic? Ruined by otaku bankers and their otaku sons. Thundercats? Cancelled because there's not enough loli. If Lion-o was a 8 year old girl, it'd be sure money at the cost of the property's integrity and simply become a commercial to drive merchandise. All I'm saying is, well, fuck you, 4Kids, fuck you, Saban, and fuck you Les Moonves.
*drops mic*
I'm out.

So who was the Novid impersonator?


I totally procrastinated too long on the survey.

I'd like this, but who's going to do it?
That'd be interesting, although the logistics are up in the air. Some of the OTs this season have done something similar for just first impressions. Is there sufficient interest for compiling all the impressions during its airing time? Adding new impressions after the fact means you can't just stuff it all into mega-posts to be linked because eventually we'll lock the OT and make a new thread.

Seems fishy to me.
New OVA, movie, fandisk and a new spin-off manga.


They also revealed a new character with Nishi Kinuyo the captain of the Japanese tank team.
Also do we have a poll for teams, particularly for Hentai Ouji and Hataraku?

Am I the only #TeamAlciel... :( at least it has a steady flow of excellent artes.

Hunter X Hunter 77

They did not need to make it that obvious.
Also disappointed that they got rid of the more lighthearted stuff.

Last week people disappointed with the episode and now this week, is the anime really handling the manga that bad? I was all hyped for this arc due to manga readers high excitement level.

Pokemon B/W Adventures in Unova 13

N's quite a lot more interesting than he was in the games.

N,seriously N? That is awesome, hes like in the upper echelon of best pokemon designs. I would so watch it if Ash could be swapped out for the male protagonist of the games.
Am I the only #TeamAlciel... :( at least it has a steady flow of excellent artes.

Last week people disappointed with the episode and now this week, is the anime really handling the manga that bad? I was all hyped for this arc due to manga readers high excitement level.

N,seriously N? That is awesome, hes like in the upper echelon of best pokemon designs. I would so watch it if Ash could be swapped out for the male protagonist of the games.

HxH chimera ant arc does start kind of slow, one the king appears that's when the arc gets really good
Attack on Titan 4

After the ridiculousness and silliness of the first two episodes, I was thinking that this might be a trainwreck show to laugh at, but this episode was really good. I'm genuinely excited for next week. Maybe the show is just better when it has a lower budget.


I thought you meant Akagi from Slam Dunk with the banana reference


But something was wrong since he's not smart, then I looked up on mal and found the one you were referring to. Its about mahjong?
Right, except no. It's about as much about mahjong as One Outs is about baseball. It's really about mind games.



There's something very wrong with these faces. (and the fact that Crunchyroll is actually charging money for this awful poster)


Was it the mecha fan, Trejo? Are you coming for them next?

I haven't finalized my list yet.

Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san. Z 4
Anyone else not feeling this season so far? This hemorrhoid arc in particular hasn't been very funny.

Yeah it's been kinda sub-par unfortunately but the first season had some iffy episodes too so I'm hoping that now that this one seems to be done things will start looking up.
All the schools are Japanese.

If there's a Japanese national team, that suggests the possibility of a world tournament. That'd be fun. It could be like Rocky IV.

The appeal isn't as great when everyone it already using international tanks. Though seeing Japanese stereotypes for other countries is usually amusing.
huh I thought Ooarai girls academy is the Japanese team.

Oarai is the freestyle school, all the other schools are country themed. There are also Spanish, Finnish, Polish, Hungarish, Finnish and two French themed schools.

Ok you've got my undisputed attention there.

There is also Earl Grey, the ex-captain of Glorianna who was a fan of the British Cruiser tanks unlike Darjeeling who is more into Infantry tanks.



I understand GAF negativity getting to you. It gets to me sometimes. But at some point you gotta take a step back and just say "nah fuck those guys I like this." You'll probably have to go elsewhere for a positive discussion on whichever show it is that you like and animeGAF doesn't like.

That's probably how it is for everyone here with at least one show they like.

Being a semi-frequent poster, lots of people see my posts, including several who Im pretty sure resent it and a lot of the stuff I like. but fuck it. I like what I like. I hate what I hate.
If I am the only supporter of shows like Chrono Crusade and Shangri-La, so be it.

Hataraku Maou-sama 3

Opening: Great. Actually rather happy not to be skipping another anime Op in a while.
Ending: Bad. Should have kept the previous one.

So this episode had a focus on Chi, whom I've honestly forgotten existed after the first two. Gotta say she looked really cute when she went on the date with Maou and when her face started to go bright red when trying to confess to him before Emi cockblocked her. Speaking of which, that little catfight between them definitely provided alot of laughs and would have been the best part of the episode, if not for the police station scene with Alsiel breaking down at the end.

This episode was a treat from beginning to end. One of my favorites.

Remember about a little over a week ago or so and Articalys mentioned that there was some kind of contest for who could correctly guess the voice/seiyuu for the pet squirrel thing named Grace in Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet? Well the credits list it as Ai Kayano in case anyone was wondering. She also does the voice of the girl named Saya who met with Amy and told her to use her glider properly.

Looking I see Articalys mentioned it in the OT but I didn't see or missed any mention of it here in the main thread. I also forget what it was you would get as a prize for guessing correctly.


I didn't even have internet in 1999, never mind being a member of a forum.

I had internet, but it was rudimentary. I dealt with sub 28k speeds for years and yuears. Remember dancing baby videos? took like an hour to download the big files. It was like an event every time we got one of them to work. Now there are fucking gif files larger than that and they load instantly.

Okay, you know what, let's just do it this way. How about all of you take the chance to tell me anything you dislike about me -- the way I talk, posts I make, shows I like, whatever -- then I can pack it all up and take it with me so you don't ever have to deal with my face here again. Sound good?

I'll check back in, oh, five hours or so.

Arti dude, we like you. You are valuable to the community and you make me aware of a lot of shit Im otherwise ignorant about in the anime world. I just think you let some things get to you or go to your head and you really shouldnt take this stuff that seriously. You dont have any obligation to do anything for anyone and its not your job. You should do it because youl ike to do it and not because you have expectations to meet.

Yuyushiki 1-3

I love it. Some of the mushy stuff just makes me melt, like the whiteboard scene. Too fucking cute.

Purest form of love, etc. Feel good show of the season.

Oh shit. Izayoi sighting! Welcome back!

Also do we have a poll for teams, particularly for Hentai Ouji and Hataraku?

Tsukiko is so great I dont really like the show that much but I preordered a really cute figure of her. She should wear cat ears the whole time.

Speaking of, here's Junkpuyo's Chiho picture from the other day colored.

Their caption?

"I’d like some fries with that."

Ohhh they colored it <3

How can someone so wrong be simultaneously so right?
#Team Chiho
#Team Tsukiko

This is the correct answer! Will also accept #Team Azusa from Hentai ouji. Its one of those shows where neither of them is the wrong answer.

Whaaaaat? She stood up to Emi talkin shit about her Maou-sama.

Dunno how you or anyone else does this. Too much to read.

Yesterday I had to catch up on like 8 pages because I went to a music festival (and again tonight). Tonight is the reggae band The Wailers (Bob Marley's old band) so its gonna be fuckin awesome. But I expect another 8 pages of catching up later.

Princess Tutu 20

Why is Duck friends with these girls again?

Best scene was Mytho dancing to "Night on Bald Mountain" and scaring all the girls who were watching him through the window.

So Mytho and Fakir's childhood friend Raetsel
tells Duck of a special power Fakir had when he was young where he would write stories, and those stories would often come true. But sometimes they had...undesirable effects. But at the end Fakir is determined to put it to use. Drosselmeyer warns of the danger of the power. Wonder what will happen, but it sounds like something not good is coming as a result of this.

I wonder why all the endings of the books Fakir looks up in library have been removed. Perhaps they are symbolic of his and Duck's
ability to create a new ending to the legends. Or something like that.

Too little Kraehe going on. Dark Mytho has generally taken over. And he seems to be falling deeper and deeper into the blood of the raven.

Edit: I realize that I screwed up on imgur and that third image is now a future avatar I may use. I'm not on my computer anymore so I'm not fixing it.

I dont know why she is friends with them. they are all hateful bitches. Duck deserves better but she rarely gets treated like she should.

I don't even care who or even if Maou chooses. I just want more Chiho!

Same :D

This is why its called best girl. Not winning team or whatever. Best girl is BEST GIRL.

kayoss90 said:
0;55870564]I was convinced that Shingeki was good and it was. Should I truly believe that Hataraku is also good? Hmm...

Yes. Yes you should.

So I brought this up in IRC.

On the one hand, Emi is the Kirino of the show.
On the other hand, Chiho is the Kanna of the show.

I guess I have to listen to Matthew Broderick. The only winning move is not to play the game.

Please dont equate Emi with Kirino. Emi has endearing and redeeming qualities.

So I just helped chaperone a school anime club field trip to a very small con in East Tennessee... I need suggestions on some anime to get me started! I really enjoyed the con and have been asked to help with the club but my anime knowledge is completely null. I need suggestions for some shows to get me started :)

Welcome! Please tell us what sorts of genres you enjoy and if anything at the convention stood out to you. We would be glad to help you find something you like!

Team Chiho, CALL IN!


hentai ouji 3

later half was pretty confusing. I didn't even notice it was a flashback until the end :/

Ouch. this eyecatch hit my heart.

This show is too cute for its own good. Even though it really isnt that good to begin with.

the Team Emi versus Team Chiho fight reminds me of the Tennis match in My Romantic Comedy Snafu show, where they're all happy to win the game but they still sorta lose if that makes sense.

Emi may indeed one day win the game of who ends up with Mao but she'll always be the lesser woman, she's already lost.
This is so weird considering our avatars!

But I accept, next time you're in the armpit of Texas give me a ring.

Emi is just playing her role as the Hero, so certain expectations about her character have to be met. It doesnt make her the best :D

Spring Anime 2013 |OT-8| Little girls (at heart) watching Precure and everyone else

I'm a little girl at heart. Possibly mind too.

Oreimo 2 ep 4

What's with Japan and bathroom doors unlocked/broken? Girls always seem to barge in easily.

Japan cant even get insulation right. You expect them to figure out complicated things like door locks?

Spoken like a man who somehow managed to beast ZeXal.

Two backlog seasons in a row is tearing this place apart.

Backlog? I thought this was THE SEASON with all the mecha stuff? When was the last season that truly engaged almost everybody who watched stuff?

If they have the tech to make soft plastic for their ho-ha's then they should have used it also on their exposed joints.

Actually, this does exist. The soft boob part anyway.

The K-ON thread is still kicking it and that's a dead franchise.


Forgot to mention that Heartcatch's second ending theme is the shit, and probably the best ending in the franchise so far. Gawd damn.

Oh my god yes it is. I listen to it practically religiously (which is funny because its gospel inspired)
One of the catchiest songs in all of anime, and Ive heard a LOT.


Henneko 3

Well that was
resolved rather quickly. This show needs more Tsukushi (track coach). The dancing is still cute as ever.


Hentai Ouji 03
he certainly got his façade back pretty quick! Wonder what they'll focus on now.
Still as cute as ever, I don't know if I'll be able to take that ED much longer.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
I think the funniest part of Maou-sama 4 was
Alciel's scream when he saw Miki-T
. I must've rewound that part five or six times. :lol
Hunter x Hunter 77

Kurt is pretty awesome onii-chan and so great and funny. Snake part was so awesome and intense. Though I did quit the episode for a few hours, cant believe someone would even pen this story and then even animate it, awful, awkward, and just not good.
Why give us so many good scenes with Kurt and Reina and family and all happy fishing, only to depressingly off him like that and then show him being all devoured with just his clothes and blood remaining. I was hoping the crew would have swooped in to save, them but to be devoured, devouring kids even, thats just not right and so bad and sad. This series is supposed to be happy, the op even.

Can nen users really be caught up in this?
Hunter x Hunter 77

Kurt is pretty awesome onii-chan and so great and funny. Snake part was so awesome and intense. Though I did quit the episode for a few hours, cant believe someone would even pen this story and then even animate it, awful, awkward, and just not good.
Why give us so many good scenes with Kurt and Reina and family and all happy fishing, only to depressingly off him like that and then show him being all devoured with just his clothes and blood remaining. I was hoping the crew would have swooped in to save, them but to be devoured, devouring kids even, thats just not right and so bad and sad. This series is supposed to be happy, the op even.
They added all the extra stuff his the familly just so that we can feel bad about them
It's not spoiler but in the manga their appear for like 1 case or 2 max.

Can nen users really be caught up in this?

Oh you have no idea.
This arc will give you things your body won't be ready for.


I think the funniest part of Maou-sama 4 was
Alciel's scream when he saw Miki-T
. I must've rewound that part five or six times. :lol

Now I've re-watched that part to check and it's the third time I'm watching it consecutively. And I'm in tears.

Need moar. Next week can't come soon enough!



Geez. Her hair is a fucking miracle.

"Mommy, why didn't Honoka-chan and Nagisa-chan get to speak? ;_;"

Those are some of the best Precures of the bunch. their silence will not be tolerated!

What do you think of the overall level of civility in the thread?

What do you think about the "signal-to-noise ratio" in the thread?

There's actually one more post coming up, sit tight

I really appreciate the work put into these surveys and find them fascinating. thanks for doing this.

I bet the blank space was "Precure fans". They all suck.

I bet it wasn't lol.
PrecureGaf is third best Gaf.

You know when I first saw this thread I thought it would be much like gaming side with people shitting on each other on which anime was better and judging others for the type of animes they watch. Surprisingly its much more civil and friendly but it may be because its an OT as OTs general are civil for the most part.

Anime fans generally aren't as zealous as gaming side. In gaming, people put a lot of emotional and capital investment into a singular entity, so their loyalty and desperation to support that investment leads to some rampant fanboyism. In contrast, anime watching is a much more affordable past-time (usually) which leads to less incentive to take sides like a war faction. Except in the waifu wars, which are deadly fucking serious and should not be underestimated. Waifus are no joke.

What would you say is your primary reason for remaining a part of AnimeGAF?

Any additional comments on the topic of thread activity?

Any other additional feedback/etc?

And finished. Now I'm going to go cry myself to sleep since somehow all my computer settings got reset when it crashed.

Very interesting to read what people think.
I hope you do more of these. I especially like the one poster who obviously got "are we there yet?!" syndrome.


There's something very wrong with these faces. (and the fact that Crunchyroll is actually charging money for this awful poster)

Kotoura looks ADORABLE in that poster but otherwise yeah those are some mighty derpfaces.

If you post semi-frequently, I can't even imagine what's left for the rest of us :p

I was being silly :p
Its blatantly obvious that I can't quit you all <3
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