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Spring Anime 2013 |OT-8| What could be beyond OT-8? Possibility.

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aku no hana - 04

Man, dat narrative structure. It's so elegant. I don't want to spoil the episode and it's somewhat tedious to recount it, but it's so well paced and set.

Kasuga really is obsessed with symbols and rituals, isn't he? Just as the keeping, and reading, of books has become a talisman of sorts for him, he deals with the stolen gym uniforms by locking them away with a scrap of poetry, a step forward, as he sees it, to moving on away from that unfortunate event. It's definitely reflective of a mind that's subsumed in the habit of recognizing patterns and metaphors, but as of yet, cannot quite understand their import asides from the importance of maintaining them.

The show has always had great backgrounds, but the incredible sordidness of the ones in this episode were especially impressive. It's one thing to portray beauty, but another to build up atmosphere in such a way, the sheer griminess of everything.

And the rotoscoping is getting better as we go. I am so hyped for what is to come. The tone of the show has been darker, more intense, and the way (the potential) for things to spiral out of control is exciting stuff.

As a ending note, note the irony of Nakamura talking about taking away Kasuga's walls, as she constructs them around herself.


Precure Allstars DX3 End
Well this film fixed my issue with the last DX movie. The last one gave more focus to the more recent teams, mainly because they're not crippled by being seperated from other people to transform (that and Heartcatch was the most recent at the time). This time, everyone had equal focus. I can see this becoming a problem again as more Precure get added into the mix.

Boy, are you going to hate AllStars New Stage!


Azazel-san Z Episode 04

oh god that ending (there's probably a crude joke there somewhere)

Better than last week but at least this arc is over with. Hoping the next arc is better than Hemorrhoids Guy and hope there's more Akutabe next week.


[Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon R] 064
Oh man, this is one of those episodes. :( I just hate it when they do missing parents storylines.

Yeah, at the risk of it sounding completely off base, it's these episodes, showing ChibiUsa as a very young girl (She's about 5 in R isn't she?) who is, let's face it, way in over her head about everything, that form what makes her great as a character in R.


I should at least finish what I started with these.

Short episode impressions had an overall positive reception from a little over two-thirds of respondents, with about a quarter indifferent. Longer reviews were similar, with about three-quarters in favor, as were critical show analysis posts, which had very few respondents disliking them.
Staff discussion had a bit more neutral impression overall, with about half in favor and a quarter indifferent, while industry discussion returned to an overall two-thirds positive impression. News posts were nearly universally well-received, with close to 90% in favor of them.
Finally, meme and joke posts were the most divisive of all, forming a nice bell curve.

From the “preferences for types of posts that aren't covered by the above categories” section:
Bandwagoning school days posts are worse than hitler

Posts spamming hnngh or gifs have got to stop.

More pick-up posts!

I enjoy the recommendations provided by Anime-GAF.

To clarify, I don't mind longer reviews, it's just that many of them are padded and long-winded. I prefer concise reviews that get to the point without 5 paragraphs of repetition.

I guess story discussion about shows isn't exactly covered by the above? Either way, my interest in any type of post depends on the work/topic being addressed.

like - Novid rants
dislike - moe gifspam in the absence of other post content (hnnnnnng doesn't count as content)

Fanservice images are pretty annoying.

Occasionally excessive use of gifs and giant images.

I like when people get into discussions about anime they are watching or have watched. This is different from impressions because it requires posters to engage with each others' views. Sometimes it lets people get into things beyond whether or not they enjoyed an episode of something, which is much more interesting to me.

I hate image spams. Especially so when it's from shows I dislike. Or when it's from a show that is in my backlog and the images spammed spoil events.
I respect Poeticprose's super lengthy posts even though I don't think I've ever read one of them to completion.

"Detailed" reviews that in reality are just a step by step summary of what happened in the episode or "long" reviews that are only long because they have a load of images.
(ed. note: I assume these are both dislikes)

Like the occasional tit for tat particularly when discussing a point or an angle to an approach.
Dislike it when it becomes too personal or general (No, 'It's cute what', 'Whatevs')

Corny one liners, 4chan or whatever memes, unfunny pics are depressingly awful.
Posts with more than four images are also on the dislikable side, why not link to the images or make a blog?
Please more shipping discussion and awesome fanarts.

List posts (waifus, etc.). Ok in small doses, I suppose.

Joke reviews can be fun sometimes.

Preference for DTL posts

I don’t like elitist type posts that look down on others
I prefer lighthearted posts that have fun

-Sales listings (ambivalent)
-Home video info (like some)
-Moe discussion (dislike some, it gets redundant quick)
-Event/con discussion (like a lot)

I like posts that praise me.
I don't like posts that don't.

School Days talk - Dislike max

Duckroll hype :(
Joke, but I'm an idiot who fell for it too many times.

I have a preference for posts that point out yuri in shows that I may be missing out on. Posts that shit on females just because they don't have a dick though are garbage.

I don't care for the cute circle jerks, where some guy will post a cute picture and three or four will go "hhnnnnnggggggghhhh" or some alternative.

Recent pickups (ed. note: assumed like)
Slightly off-topic stuff (ed. note: assumed dislike)

Dislike: overly lewd posts.

Joke posts are getting a bit out of hand lately. Need fewer of them
Short form episode impressions are good, but more appropriate for show OTs

I like screenshots, but only if there aren't too many.


What do you think of the overall level of civility in the thread?
Usually seems fine, though occasionally I feel that people "gang up" on a single poster. Doesn't go too far very often, but it is unpleasant when it does.

It is fine for the most part, but people need sarcasm detectors.

Generally good, not very welcoming to newcomers/high barrier to entry.

Almost always civil—to the point that the rare downer posts and antagonization stands out.

Pretty solid I'd say.

Generally fairly friendly and lighthearted, but occasionally certain jokes can be taken too far.

Friendly enough but a handful of posters can be fairly nasty.

Like in all NeoGAF, always on the extreme, or too antagonistic or too friendly(lol).

With the exception of a few exceptional events, this thread is friendly enough. I think we've even become more welcoming to newcomers than we were before. There are times when people pick fights for one reason or another (they see offense when it isn't intended, or they get defensive when another user gets bothered by something), but on the whole I think posters recognize that there isn't much reason for fighting on a discussion board about anime. I think we're improving, and I hope things continue on their current trajectory.

good enough

Mostly friendly

A mix of both. Plenty of civility along with random spurts of genuine "your opinions suck" posts.

People are friendly and accepting of others most of the time, but by the same token when fierce disagreements happen they tend to escalate far more than I would like.

AnimeGAF is full of prima-donnas.

In general it's a reflection of any (internet) community. Some people are very civil; some people are very snarky; some people take everything too seriously; some people are too flippant. I think it's friendly enough, and these days there are fewer troll recommendations so it's a bit less cliquey to new people I think. While I would occasionally like for people to be less standoffish, I guess that's more down to my personality than anything else.

For the most part, the thread maintains an acceptable level of civility although it occasionally descends into a more antagonistic level of discussion. However, this happens surprisingly rarely.

I think everyone gets along well enough.

Friendly enough

I don't think that there are many instances of people being genuinely mean-spirited to each other; misunderstandings are generally due to sarcasm/feigned ignorance being taken seriously. Still, for all the discussion, we're all still essentially strangers to each other, which impedes understanding.

Well, that seems to depend on the people posting at the time. Sometimes it seems really friendly and others it's like the little boys club and the people seem to detest new people from joining in or just seem not friendly. But I think it swings both ways quite evenly, at least when I'm reading it.

it seems to trend more and more to completely insider jokes that exclude people not already trapped

I think it's okay. Confrontation happens and should happen, it's healthy for any community. I don't think the threads are hostile.

I think that people allow for a large amount of debate and respect other peoples opinions on anime. I enjoyed the "discussions" over best female protagonists and best female love interests of protagonists.

Mostly friendly. Most of the antagonistic behaviour comes from misunderstandings or trivial bullshit of "X > Y". Most of the time all users are accepted for whatever they watch - although SAO should still rightfully be shunned. ;)

It's good enough for most purposes.

Everyone is shit.

Things can be a bit heated, but I've never felt unwelcome since I've come to AnimeGAF not too long ago.

More friendly than not, I would say.

A bit too clique oriented.

Seems great except when something flares up.
Largely healthy discussion for the most part.


It's fine for the most part. It's certainly nicer than when I started posting and even then I didn't think it was so bad.

I've seen a few people snipe at one another somewhat frequently, but I think on the whole, AnimeGAF is fairly easygoing - although I can't help but think there's something of a barrier to entry in the community.

It's a fake friendly thread.
It is friendly on the surface but if you look closer, you'll see strong antagonism there.

One would like to hope everyone takes everything as jest, because I feel the thread has a light hearted tone and at most people are saying even the harshest things with their tongue firmly in cheek. But sometimes you do feel that arguments can get a little heated and they needn't be. Fortunately these are very rare cases.

not antagonistic enough

It's fine, for the most part.

It's ok. Things are usually kept civil and even negative things never really escalate.

Friendly enough generally. Had a bad day or two recently.

Really friendly

It's a really good community IMO! Maybe a little hard to integrate into? Then again, a lot of communities have that problem after some time.

Seems friendly enough. I have no complaints here.

It's a really nice thread!

Needs more chaos.

Too friendly.

I learned not to compare Starship Operators to Planetes.

Too high-strung. People take animegaf drama way too seriously.

Civil enough

Plenty civil, more civil than gaming NeoGAF by a long shot.

Somewhere between alright and slightly antagonistic, and I'm not talking about "I don't like <x> show posts." I'm talking about the kind of posts where someone practically insults someone else for liking something.
It doesn't happen incredibly often, but still happens more often than it should.

People seemed surprisingly provocative/easy to provoke in the beginning of the season, but it's fine in general.

It varies. It's generally friendly, but can be very hostile depending on the subject.

Overall the people are fine with the exception of certain people. They don't read the mood of the thread or its posters very well and proceed to do their own selfish things. It's extremely annoying and I wish that kind of immature attitude would stop. The thread should be filled with agreements and disagreements that spring up from a variety of conversations. Continuing to antagonize the posters in the thread because your own attitude sucks is hardly something I'd call civility. It's not everyone and while this does happen it doesn't happen as frequently as certain posters who keep pulling these dumb shenanigans.

Things can be a bit hostile sometimes, but it always cools down eventually.

I think its friendly on a functional level but some people are always going to be too sensitive to handle it.

Friendly. I rarely see people being dicks.
Thank god WednesdayGAF is a MangaGAF thing only.

AnimeGAF is very friendly place. Of course there are some minor fights from time to time but that is perfectly normal as we are humans =)

It's generally civil. You'll get a silly amount of hostility directed toward certain shows and that becomes tiresome, but it's not really aimed at posters.

daijoubu desu


I think it’s generally civil. Sometimes things can get heated though.

Everyone's really friendly. One of the nicer anime places to be on teh web.

I think it's friendly enough, but some of the antagonistic reactions to others' tastes in anime are deplorable.

It feels rather friendly, yes.

The thread has always seemed friendly and civil to me.

Needs more shit-flinging.

Hard to tell since I'm still relatively new, but I think it's pretty decent.

Above average compared to other animu gatherings.

Generally friendly, especially to new people.

What do you think about the "signal-to-noise ratio" in the thread?
I'm sometimes annoyed by _____ because their tastes are usually really shallow and I don't feel like they contribute much of substance to the thread.

Everyone is not being heard, new members are usually drowned out by the number of posts. This could be helped by toning down the number of "HNNNNNG" or basically nonsense style posts. Completely getting rid of them isn't necessary, but toning them down would help.


Maybe if I used more pictures I would get more responses; at least this is what I can tell from my most recent posts.

white noise central

It's slow enough for most posts to get read; it was faster last year.

Long posts tend to get ignored unless the subject is immediately interesting, and this is understandable to an extent. Outside of that, it's difficult not to be eventually noticed by somebody, which is a good sign of a healthy community.

I do think people who don't post as often can be drowned out unless they say something outrageous enough to get attention.

During the busiest hours maybe some posts drown out but generally I think that almost everything gets at least one reply.

moves too fast

I've only posted a few times and feel a bit unnoticed, but that may be because my visits are rather far and in-between.

I feel like the ratio is biased more towards noise than anything else. I don't strictly mind it at all, and at times, it's funny, but it's somewhat disheartening when you put a lot of time into writing something or making an observation and it's drowned out by a sea of shortform comments that don't add much.

I think most things are getting heard some animes are watched by less people so they don't get much attention but i doubt that's by any fault of the thread

It's mostly noise at this point, but that's what keeps the community/thread alive.

I think everyone is being heard yeah, despite the number of people in the thread.

it's alright, there's too much noise for sure but I don't feel that the good posts are drowned out

Most of the time it's fine, but on occasion you'll get pages of garbage spewed out in a short period of time.

Doesn't seem like a problem most of the time, comparable to other fast-moving threads.

I feel like with the amount of joke posts, the thread moves too fast and people get lost. Discussions of certain shows just die due to thread speed.

I notice some less than regular posters tend to get somewhat drowned out in favor of the regulars; however, questions always get a helpful response regardless of whether or not the poster is a veteran or new to the thread.

A lot of drowned out reviews, but usually questions are answered.

Feels like most of the time, everybody is getting heard.

Might be an issue for others. I read every post so it's fine with me.

I don't think anything actively escapes being noticed unless you're using the ignore function, in which case you're deliberately not hearing people!

Pretty bad. I have witnessed several posters/posts being ignored while posts containing very little substance take over. Some posters seem to get a reply no matter what they posts, while some seem to never get a reply despite asking a good question or sharing news/opinions.

I'm not sure that matters too much, considering we're on an interwebz forum, there's worse discussion when folk gather into one of those threads in Gaming or OT. You know, those ones like the waifu one.

Some impression posts can get drowned when in the middle of an ongoing discussion, but nothing major.

Does this include those who drown themselves out by posting a "long" review with a million pictures. Because that's just an invitation to scroll on by. Oh sorry, I'm repeating myself.

Most posts aren't responded to, but many don't have to be (short impressions, etc.)

The current pace has lent itself to a better signal-to-noise ratio, I think. This season has enough interesting shows that there's plenty to discuss, so a lot of the thread's content is worthwhile.

Hard to keep track of what’s going on. too many different conversations. Very little direction.

Well, there are some posters that some people seem to pay attention to more if that's what you're asking. And news seems to be seen more when it's accompanied with images I think. People seem to take more notice to it I think.
And if you think there's too many short shitty posts, just don't read them, it's not that hard.

It's pretty good. In general most people who ask questions get answered very fast.

It comes down to what you consider noise and what you actually value. Because of the activity, everyone is drowning everyone else out.

I can't get into the mind of the readers to see why maybe some posts get attention while others don't, but I'd say most 'elaborated' posts provoke discussion as long as they refer to a topic/show of interest in the thread. Naturally, the more controversial statements always get more replies, but that's a given.

There's definitely a lean towards current-season discussion, which I think is short-sighted but predictable. Discussion of older anime should happen more frequently.


Everyone is like "me me me", and yet it really should be about me.

Sometimes I feel like I need to include some variant of "cute" in my impressions to get heard, but otherwise I'm satisfied.

think the fanservicey and sailor moonish styled anime posts are overwhelming and kind of drown out other genres sometimes

it's fine, that or I'm totally ignoring whatever is being drowned out.

I see new people get drowned out every once in awhile, but it's something to expect when there's a lot of activity.

As a junior with not very important views, you do tend to wash away but most of my opinions are just repetitions of things previously said. To be a personality you ultimately need to post things which represent your personality!

I find it easy enough to read all the posts and I've never felt drowned out.

Very good.

It feels like some things are getting drowned out, but in general its fairly average.

I do think some of the more critical and detailed posts aren't getting the responses they deserve.

It's alright, I don't mind random banter since it usually remains anime-centric. Thread moves way too fast tho, but what can you do with that many people.

SAO is a good example of no real discussion beyond 'lol it sucks'. Like all forums, need to cut the hate or people need to keep it to themselves if they hate something somebody else enjoyed.

There can be be times where it devolves into meme image spamming and nothing much productive happens but I think its getting better about that.

Some of us do get drowned out on fast posts.

It would be nice if things moved slower so there could be more interesting discussion.

Anime is a very very broad topic. Since I keep up with literally everything in this thread, I dont miss much of anything. however I could see how others can miss pages and pages of content, even when I’m not posting. On busy work nights I don’t even post for 5-6 pages straight and still it goes at a rapid pace, so its probably overwhelming for many.

Some posts do get drowned out but even if some posts don't get replies I feel a lot of people do read them.

Because of the excessive speed of the thread, a lot of what could be interesting discussion gets drowned out by the latest dumb argument.

Half and half. I guess it depends on if someone wants to response to someone else or not. Of course it depends on the pace of the thread as some posts can get buried.

It depends, but most of the time things are alright.

I feel a little sad when someone's detailed impression/review gets drowned out, but I suppose there's not that much that can be done about that.

Somehow annoying.

Some people can be ignored, but I'm not really sure how much it happens. Things can get drowned out at certain times of the week, however.

Most posts go unnoticed.

Things are being drowned out, people reposting the same thing is a common occurrence.

I think people who post a lot are always going to be heard. Mods have the red tag so it's hard not to notice the posts. Other than that however, I think the signal to noise ratio is fairly justified due to how many posts occur. It's inevitable that non-frequent posters will be drowned out.

It's easily worked around by noting who the poster of a post it and not being afraid to revisit an older post you might see someone quote later.

Analytical/essay/generally well-reasoned posts typically receive fewer responses than shorter, more conversational, off-the-cuff posts, but I don't think that a high thread speed is to blame for this. "Signal" posts are often from older backlog shows and/or full of spoilers, which limits who can respond; furthermore, if there's nothing particularly controversial in the post (e.g. a breakdown of technical aspects), few people are going to find it worthwhile simply to say "I agree with the above points".
Perhaps more recognition of the effort involved, even if it's just saying "good post", but I think that those people in the thread who are interested in critical discussion aren't going to miss posts that interest them simply because of thread speed. If it's assumed that primarily "noise" posters skim over "signal" posts, why wouldn't the opposite be true?

At present there's more signal than noise. At other times spamming will lead to a reduction in the amount of information present on a single page.

There might be a few too many rapid back-and-forth real-time conversations that may be better suited to IRC.

Seems fine
There's actually one more post coming up, sit tight

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I'm sometimes annoyed by _____ because their tastes are usually really shallow and I don't feel like they contribute much of substance to the thread.
I bet the blank space was "Precure fans". They all suck.


I wonder what the movie would be about because I hope it's not going to be a retelling of the story (which I think it's going to happen).


I should at least finish what I started with these.

Well, those results seem mostly positive. It's not possible to please all the people all of the time but it seems we're doing a good a job as any.

It's interesting that most of negative comments weren't picked up by the multiple choice questions but rather they were revealed by your "Signal/Noise" question. In all honestly I don't really know how you can tackle that problem beyond what we're doing at the moment.

Having individual threads for each show at least means everyone's comments/views/opinions on a certain episode are kept in one place and everyone read and respond to them. Beyond that, you can't and shouldn't dictate to people how they should post in this thread, and so with the level of activity in here it's just inevitable that a certain amount of content gets lost in the churn, and that a certain amount of content won't interest everyone.


I wonder what the movie would be about because I hope it's not going to be a retelling of the story (which I think it's going to happen).

It says that it's going to be an "all-new film", so probably something new. I don't think they would need until 2014 if it was simply a recap.
You know when I first saw this thread I thought it would be much like gaming side with people shitting on each other on which anime was better and judging others for the type of animes they watch. Surprisingly its much more civil and friendly but it may be because its an OT as OTs general are civil for the most part.


I wonder what the movie would be about because I hope it's not going to be a retelling of the story (which I think it's going to happen).

I don't see how it would take them that long to put out a complication film. You can knock one of those out in a few months with scissors and glue as your only tool.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
You know when I first saw this thread I thought it would be much like gaming side with people shitting on each other on which anime was better and judging others for the type of animes they watch.
I can post more if you want.


More pick-up posts!

Nooo! There are threads for that nonsense. For as much as I saw complaints about image spam, this would only exacerbate that. It doesn't promote discussion, and just gives way to some odd behaviour.

I like posts that praise me.
I don't like posts that don't.

Very true.

It's a fake friendly thread.
It is friendly on the surface but if you look closer, you'll see strong antagonism there.

Like that comment. So passive-aggressive!

"Detailed" reviews that in reality are just a step by step summary of what happened in the episode or "long" reviews that are only long because they have a load of images.

I'd like to think that this doesn't include me, but there is always an element of apprehension, precisely because longer posts often run against the tide of the thread. I simply try to put across how/why I reached a particular opinion, so hopefully that is conveyed.

I prefer opinion pieces, rather than an episode summary. But with that said, it's not always possible, and can lead to some strained writeups. It'd be silly to expect either of those constantly, lets be honest. It's already been touched upon in that feedback, and its hard to address directly, other than saying its a matter of balance.

I think that the OT threads can alleviate this somewhat, but I understand why some would feel that they're burying themselves away by posting there. I do wish that more shows would warrant those, because it's always nice to see posters who don't otherwise join in the discussion.

Coincidentally, the Attack on Titan thread has really pushed me into wanting to watch some of it.

I like when people get into discussions about anime they are watching or have watched. This is different from impressions because it requires posters to engage with each others' views. Sometimes it lets people get into things beyond whether or not they enjoyed an episode of something, which is much more interesting to me.

Yes, and I try to do this whenever possible, though I've fallen by the wayside by sheer virtue of not watching anything in the thread backlog. Hopefully I can participate in an upcoming one. I do enjoy reading those.

There might be a few too many rapid back-and-forth real-time conversations that may be better suited to IRC.

This is inherent to community threads, and I feel like it achieves a much better balance than most. Admittedly, I do feel slightly disheartened, whenever someones well-reasoned write up suddenly plummets down the thread.

As an aside, I know that I've been here a while, when I can identify a good number of posters on that feedback alone!


What would you say is your primary reason for remaining a part of AnimeGAF?
Because I like anime and it seems to be a better community than MAL or /a/.

I like the vibe of the community, and I like the kind of involved discussion that happens in the thread. I still can't really wrap my brain around some of the inside jokes, but a lot of the people in the thread have strong opinions about the medium that they have no trouble articulating or defending, which is more than I can say for a lot of similar anime communities.


the least worst community

To contribute my opinions, read the opinions of others and engage in a discussion.

Friendly people, fun thread.

Fun people.

Knowledge, recommendations, and enjoyability.

My loyal fans need me.

It's nice to have discussions about anime without being in completely shit anime-centric forums or anonymously on /a/

I still like procuring animu, ANIMU CULTURE and the entertainment of the industry.
Much like I still like playing games, Doritos culture and the entertainment of the *more casual games now* games industry

Mostly out of boredom and because it's become a habit.

The discussions.

I like the friends and acquaintances I have met here more than any of the dozens of other boards I have frequented. It has the most interesting and informative discussion and doesn&#8217;t feel boring or threatening.

The people.

Industry news and having questions answered that I may have regarding a series.

Like watching anime

A sense of community and wanting to be recognized for contributions.

Being a movie buff, anime is attractive for the simple joys of animation, and because Japanese products always give me something new to talk about. Couple that with the best anime community I know of, and there you go!

Fun to be a part of a community that shares the same interests.

Learning about new anime each season, impressions and discussion of said impressions and it's a fun environment to post in.

It's still better than most other anime communities.

Lots of interesting posters who can discuss many different aspects of anime and have fun doing it.

I like some of the people who post there and I like to hear of news about anime that might interest me, as I don't like going out of my way to find it myself.

All other anime forums are turds.

The sheer variety of tastes and, by consequence, the wideness of the thread. It can cover from the most popular stuff to the most obscure, and most topics related to anime, including a good amount of talk about animation and the industry itself, which I like.

Reading the opinions of others who aren't completely stupid (unlike MAL, ANN, etc.)

(for the most part) It's a fun community to hang with.

Having a wide variety of respectful/friendly posters whom discuss anime that ranges between casual discussion and in-depth analysis is pretty nice.

Cool community.

I like anime and was lucky enough to not get completely ignored as a new member to the community.

some good writing, kewl guys

It's pleasure to read impressions and of course post my own.

Mostly to talk about anime, I guess.

Breadth of tastes, no circlejerking.

At this point, I feel like I know everyone well enough that I want to see what they're watching, and it keeps me well-informed about stuff currently airing.

animez n titties. ya get me.

I don't post much anymore due to work, but I still lurk as a habit. Don't have better thing to do during my free time at work.

Where am I going to go? AnimeGAF is the worst place for discussing anime, except for everywhere else.

I like to read peoples impressions on anime I'll never watch.

Second best anime community on the net.

All the other anime forums blow and have terrible posters with bad taste.

I've grown to like, or least become accustomed to, the various personalities of the individual posters. There are certain people whose opinion I always go there to read about certain shows, or get recommendations from.

Because I've lost control of my life.

Nicest people on the web. Other anime forums are a lot less civil and way too serious.

The community is pretty fun to interact with and there are a variety of opinions and thoughts that come out of discussing anime. I really enjoy interacting with the community as a whole.

A nice variety of opinions even if I don't read most of them.

Community, recommendations, news and opinions.

To discuss anime

-I enjoy sharing my anime-watching experiences
-I like to have posters on GAF as a whole who I&#8217;m familiar with and are familiar with me.

To hear others opinions on anime, as it is a bit better and inoffensive to read than mal discussions, and people are a bit more sane than those on tumblr.

I like anime, there's still plenty of informed discussions, sense of community

I like to see others opinions, i enjoy the recommendations and it allows for a deeper analysis of the anime and in some cases makes the anime better when you can share similar emotions with other watching. I guess in simpler terms it forms a sort of group cohesion a common interest among other people. a connection or bond if you will.

The community is really great and it provides an interesting place to communicate about seires.

It's generally the most consistently non excessive anime fanbase that does not (often) delve down to the level of youtube comment style posts with excessive smilies, ridiculous 4chan rolling or overly needless waifu idolising.


I like the more detailed critiques.

Because reasons, no really, because reasons.

Because the community is generally enjoyable, and I like talking about anime and related things with the other posters.

It&#8217;s a fun place to be.

I feel like part of a community of peoples yo

Providing my own impressions and correcting certain inaccurate or outright wrong statements and false generalizations that are made with respect to a few shows.

News and information as well as in-depth discussion.

Reading everyone else's impressions and just generally hanging out on IRC from time to time.

Nice folks, interesting discussion and good advice for series to watch. With GAF as a whole being so central in my Internet experience, I don't see myself forgoing AnimeGAF for a long time.


The posters.

Fun place.

News, staffwhoring and industry discussion, the occasional critical discussion of narratives and cinematography.

It's a pleasurable place to be and I don't feel left out despite my lack of knowledge on the subject matter. Oh yeah and I don't get spoiled (much).

I am no longer part of AnimeGAF, I only occasionally browse now with a once-in-a-blue-moon post.

I desperately need validation for my opinions.
Any additional comments on the topic of thread activity?
Too fast.

I think Gaf and specifically animegaf flows very well and has a consistent level of activity that makes it the most fun forum on the internet to post on. I find it generally very enjoyable to be a part of the community amid like-minded individuals.

I know this is ground that was covered in the last survey, but while obviously you can't stop people from posting what they want, to aid discussion it might be helpful if people, when posting episode impressions, post more than three meaningless pictures and a cryptic line that only makes sense to people who've watched the episode already. It would help contribute to discussion if something to discuss were offered.

I wish people wouldn't complain about excessive chatter around when a show airs be it in Japan or streaming abroad. Of course the thread will go in that direction if a large group are watching it at once.

Needs more waifu wars.

Let's just kill the Okeanos meme, okay? I don't think that anyone seriously posts more than they otherwise would just because they want to get to OT4, but just in case...

A lot of garbage that we throw at each other needs to stop. Like I mentioned earlier, it's inevitable that it happens sometimes but people who do it much too frequently and actively knows it'll piss people off need to stop. Even if it's not a majority of the community and it's only one person the antagonizing has to stop. If this isn't, it's just bullying and it makes the thread look bad, the community look bad, and most importantly it'll make the person antagonizing look bad. However, if a person is constantly doing it, I hardly doubt that he/she cares in the first place. They should just outright leave in my opinion.

It has it ups and downs in quality. Sometimes it's interesting, sometimes it's not worth looking through.

I would like to compile a list of MAL profiles for continuation throughout each new OT but I am just incredibly lazy! Also, I'm not sure it would be a worthwhile contribution or whether a MAL group may be better.

It makes me sad that a number of posters that I like have stopped frequenting the thread as of late. :(

Less Aku no Hana whining, please.

The quest to OT4 encourages a lot of noise, I feel.

It's fast, so I don't read everything. I don't know how people do it.

Joke posts are good and are a part of what makes animegaf what it is, but they need to slow down. More serious discussion needs to get heard to get the thread back to the perfect balance.

I'd like less lewd, borderline (or straight up) NSFW images plastered in the thread that probably don't give this place the best reputation.

When will cajunator's posting streak be overthrown?

Some posters need to get their head out of their asses. Their holier than thou complex gets annoying fast.

not enuf titties. where my homeboy extollere. he knew what woz wot.

More activity is better.

Too much drama. This isn't Shakespeare darling.

So what happens when duckroll goes back and stays at Cake Planet permanently? Are we doomed, or have to migrate to the K-ON thread?

I don't like having so many OTs for shows. People should just get into the big thread to discuss.
Any other additional feedback/etc?
By the way, have you ever noticed how handsome that one poster comes off as?
Golly, I don't want to mention any names, but every time he posts my day gets better.
Basically, if he stopped posting I would probably do the same. It would be that upsetting.
What a wonderful guy!

I'm fabulous.

On the subject, as per Nafe's history of AnimeGAF, clearly he/she hasn't looked through things like the Wayback Machine, where in 2001 there was an Animu forum just for us. (Somebody has earlier, come on - and I don't think I found anything on goodcow)
(Fine, it was pretty dead then)

Kenya Boy follows Gauche the Cellist. Every time. Just ask Pizza.

I like to see people experiencing School Days for the first time. Especially if they suffer, like last week.
More seriously (or not), I'll just say long live AnimeGAF!

People should relax. Everything in there is in good fun aside from the moe shit that's killing anime. If it weren't for the banker's otaku sons we wouldn't have to deal with the problems in the industry that we have to deal with today. We also wouldn't have it compromising conservative (read: proper) Christian ideals in the West. Hentai has ruined a great many thing and destroyed the purity of various franchises beloved in the West. Sonic? Ruined by otaku bankers and their otaku sons. Thundercats? Cancelled because there's not enough loli. If Lion-o was a 8 year old girl, it'd be sure money at the cost of the property's integrity and simply become a commercial to drive merchandise. All I'm saying is, well, fuck you, 4Kids, fuck you, Saban, and fuck you Les Moonves.
*drops mic*
I'm out.

I'm not as active as usual because I've been busy (not as busy as some), but I enjoy making posts from time to time.


To people who watch anime: Always be mindful of being too introspective or over-analyzing. You don't need an essay to understand why you adore or loath a particular show, and in fact looking too closely at things just tends to cloud your judgment rather than clarify it. That leads to fruitless discussion. Just sit back, enjoy things as they come, and realize that more often than not your basic, raw reactions to what you watch tend to be the most accurate.

|OT -10| possible?

keep it real yeah.


Is this space where we vote someone off of the island? Well, in that case, my choice is [inaudible]

All the opinions I just gave were pretty much based on the past few days. There definitely are times when animeGAF turns into a stinkhole that makes me want to leave it because of the somewhat insular community and the fact that some of its members are kind of jerks. Overall though it's not terrible.

I am sick and tired of SAO/Hyouka discussions.

DTL is my waifu

It'd be reeaaallly helpful/nice if we could compile some sort of list of each user's impressions, or perhaps all the impressions of a certain show.


unban ponpo
And finished. Now I'm going to go cry myself to sleep since somehow all my computer settings got reset when it crashed.


Who are these lurkers? WHO I ASK!?

It'd be reeaaallly helpful/nice if we could compile some sort of list of each user's impressions, or perhaps all the impressions of a certain show.

I'd like this, but who's going to do it?


Some of those comments sound like they're from people in an abusive relationship that they can't escape!

I'm glad to see that the comments are, for the most part, positive, which is encouraging. I certainly think we could strive to do things a bit better in certain areas but I'm pleased with how it's going for the most part.

One thing I would like to add is do is encourage more people from Off-Topic to come post in here, or rather, to let them know that this thread exists because it's clear that many people never go to the Community Board at all. I don't want to send people in here because they'll necessarily be able to keep up with the speed of the thread but rather because the combined knowledge in this thread is a resource that more anime viewers should tap into.


You know when I first saw this thread I thought it would be much like gaming side with people shitting on each other on which anime was better and judging others for the type of animes they watch. Surprisingly its much more civil and friendly but it may be because its an OT as OTs general are civil for the most part.

We've gone through periods of that in the past but the reason that doesn't tend to happen is because there's a real diversity of opinion here and when people do get into arguments it tends be about specific points of specific episodes which you can legitimately argue over, rather than just broad statements about entire works.


I see there's some real ponpo support about there.

The real fun is in trying to guess which comment goes with which poster. Some are easier than others!


Yeah, nothing like a near complete systems crash and having to reconfigure almost all your programs from scratch to get one's priorities in order and get some perspective.

I do believe I'll just mind my own business from now on and refrain from causing any drama.
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