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Spring Anime 2013 |OT-8| What could be beyond OT-8? Possibility.

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Only thing I know about Code Geass is the MCs name is Lelouch. that's enough to make me hate him. I can put up with L-Elf but man...

Sorry to disappoint you but I'm sure the creators know exactly what they're making.

I know but I can still dream.


Hataraku Maou-Sama 1
Well this is pretty darn good. I like Maou already, and the rest of the cast is pretty rad as well.

Going to watch the other three now.


Valvrave The Liberator 3

L-elf turns into
C.C. and offers a contract to the useless protagonist?
I'm not even gonna comment the whole
escape from prison and One-man Army nickname.
To complete the shit cake, this episode looked like shit too.


Tragic victim of fan death
I'm beginning to realize I hate almost all the female characters in Geass. lol. Well... maybe I think Cecille is alright. Everyone else sort of sucks.


Pretty sure DTL likes it.

Oh God I like something DTL likes? Is that even possible? I'm pretty sure I've hated on everything the poor guy likes so far. This can't be right.

Majestic Prince 4
She gainaxed for no reason. All Tamaki is is a blob of tits and ass and stupid blob facial expressions. Tamaki is the worst thing. Even worse than Chief, who looks somehow even MORE ridiculous in a shirt that doesn't show off her absurd cleavage. Also PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP DOING THE FIVE REACT AS ONE THING. I mean does everything that is said by one of the kids require not only that all four react SIMULTANEOUSLY but that the actor immediately react to the reactions to his action? Blaaaah. I just have to keep reminding myself that it is only the 4th episode.

Rin-rin is an annoying nickname. Chief is apparently keeping her oversized breasts from exploding out of her shirt with a piece of string. Her face looks marginally better in this episode, though. OH MY GOD ALL TAMAKI HAS TO DO IS SIT UP AND HER BREASTS BOUNCE FOR LIKE THIRTY SECONDS INDEPENDENTLY.

I can't put my finger on why Tamaki's :chet is awful and Yoko's was not. Maybe because I was under the impression Yoko was at least 5 years older than she apparently was. Maybe because Yoko had more to her character than this.

Maybe because I'm just plain biased against Hirai. "Sometimes, I have dreams." WOW YOU DON'T SAY. Randy looks like a grown man. The heck.




Y'know, I really want to like this show after the great first episode but every single episode after it has pretty much sucked the whatever goodwill I have left for the shoe out of me. The CG mecha battles (as infrequent as it is) are cool to watch but everything else feels so half-arsed that I just can't bring myself to care about this show anymore. maybe It'll get good again and I'll pick it back up but for now this thing is dropped like the face of an oblivion character.

...seriously, man? I know you don't like SAO, and don't mind you disparaging it in discussion about the show proper, but to make that comparison out of nowhere, come on. Let it go...
Are you Kirito or something?


Are you Kirito or something?
No, I just thought that endlessly dragging out a show just to beat it up even when it's not part of the main conversation was a bit excessive even for this thread.

In retrospect, about five minutes after I posted that response, I had realized that going against the natural hate flow of this thread is like trying to swim up a mile-high waterfall, but it was too late to take it back anyway.


Valvrave 3

Really? Did I need to see the otaku kid snuggling his naked animu woman pillow? Do you really want me to believe that mankind has advanced to having giant robots and space colonies galore, but not weeded out this fad? WHY.

I liked it better when
Shoko was dead.
It's kind of unsettling for Haruto to return to being a loved high school kid and status quo and all when
several hours ago he shot people in the head because he thought Shoko was dead. Like, this is Flit Asuno levels of not showing the hero the consequences of his evils. Pretty stark contrast to say, Amuro, who freaked out after killing people.

You know, can you even call it a mecha anime if it doesn't have a gratuitous shower or bath scene somewhere? And in the future all teenage girls are voluptuous, you see, and not in the least bit self conscious about their bodies. Mr. Kimura would die and go to heaven if he knew.

Haruto is clearly a vampire. Except instead of garlic as a weakness, it's called getting Bright Slapped. 800 years of internet and Rainbow is still a valid username? Okay.

700 million instant and not at all actual friends. When does this all blow up in his face? Is this gonna be a story about how fame and fortune ruin him? Is this about what Hollywood does to young, aspiring mecha pilots? WHY DO TWO OF THIS SEASON'S MECHA ANIME SHOWS DEAL WITH GETTING INTERNET FAMOUS?

I ask the hard questions for you.

I can't tell if I just hate L-Elf, or if his awful has changed my opinion about the show in general.


Valvrave 3

And suddenly L-Elf goes rambo, this so delicious.. And I'm seeing some hand-drawn mech there? glorious.
Why last 2-3 minute aside eps 1 always terrible tho, fuck that.
Really? Did I need to see the otaku kid snuggling his naked animu woman pillow? Do you really want me to believe that mankind has advanced to having giant robots and space colonies galore, but not weeded out this fad? WHY.
Come on man that just funny snip.


But he's the best part of the show.

He's terrible in every conceivable way. His team is the only imaginably worse part of the show than himself. Can't stand him. And I'm severely disappointed that
they still haven't addressed Haruto's "resignation" in any significant way yet.

But mostly I freaking hate L-Elf. Like seriously.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Heartcatch Precure 40

RIP Sasorina. Or more accurately, AIP (Awaken in peace; yeah I know that's the lamest thing anybody ever wrote but I don't give a fuck). Now the real Sasorina can go on, living in peace after having been taken in by the Desert Messengers. I thought she was dead for a bit there, and I was a little disappointed at first to see that she was actually alive, but I guess she had her heart flower returned to her...or something? Eh. Was actually a little moved by Kumojacky and Cobraja there and the way they honored a fallen ally. And now they're gonna get serious. They're evil, but they care about each other. I respect that.
This episode made me tear up. ;_;
First ten minutes of Heartcatch Precure! the Movie

The first 10 minutes were much better than the entirety of Fresh Precure's movie. Maybe even GoGo's movie, which was a sexual parasite that sucked the romance and creepiness of that series, but amplified it to rather disturbing levels for what amounts to a movie for children. It also helps that it didn't spend the first few minutes wasting its time shouting "HEY you little shits, whip out your plot device merchandise!".

Tsubomi was adorable within these few minutes. It helps that she's majorly different from the usual main lead personality. These 10 minutes felt like it lasted longer, but it makes sense that the movie would be at least as good as the series.
Watch out for those delicious Studio Pablo backgrounds.


And I'm severely disappointed that
they still haven't addressed Haruto's "resignation" in any significant way yet.

I'm sure it's the sort of thing that, sooner or later, will come back to bite him (bad pun intended).

In the meanwhile, he's just going along with what others tell him to do and even playing the hero as if nothing were wrong.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Best Precure thing ever.
No, that's still Heartcatch 48.
End of Heartcatch Precure!: The Movie

Well the entire movie was interesting. Although at times, I still wonder who is the real main lead here.
It's an Olivier movie. This would usually work against the movie's favour except that they totally made Olivier character's believable in the context of the Precure team of the year. Also STUDIO PABLO.


Chu2 Depth of Field 5


cg mecha show of the season

No, I just thought that endlessly dragging out a show just to beat it up even when it's not part of the main conversation was a bit excessive even for this thread.

In retrospect, about five minutes after I posted that response, I had realized that going against the natural hate flow of this thread is like trying to swim up a mile-high waterfall, but it was too late to take it back anyway.

I just don't get why you take even the smallest slight against SAO so personally.

What kind of hero draws magical girls?
The hero we deserve.


I just don't get why you take even the smallest slight against SAO so personally.
I have no problem anymore with SAO criticism as a reaction to something else about the show; if someone new to the thread posted their impressions on it, I wouldn't bat an eye at three pages of "SAO sucks" comments in response to it. I just don't see the need for cajun (or anyone else, really) to keep bashing on it at the slightest unrelated provocation, like it's a compulsive need to remind others how much you hate the show. But that probably comes from my ongoing disconnect with the culture-at-large in the thread.

Anyway, I'm just going to stop here and let you have the last word after this or whatever so I don't already start to skyrocket my post count. I need to go rest before the KyoAni thing anyway.
The Heartcatch final arc is one of the best magical girl things ever conceived. Those last four episodes are pure gold.

With how the movie turned out, and everything up until episode 41, I would not be surprised.

Lets see. I guess this could go down as a 2/2/4 split ending on Sunday, or 4/4 split to finish on Saturday, and being elated for some time until I deal with Friendship Issues Precure and Smile MoronCure.


This should probably be the last negative thread.

Agreed. The gimmick is getting old, and Medaka Box is over now.

At this rate he's gonna write a LoL-esque ragequit post about it.

I don't like it when you post this way, wonzo. Whatever your intentions were, dragging unrelated stuff from other threads into here completely unprompted just shits the thread up with drama. It's not acceptable on the rest of the board, and it shouldn't be acceptable here.

Stop bullying posters you don't like.


FMP?F!! 3

This is the one where Sousuke storms the rich kid's pad in order to "rescue" Kaname from him. Best part is him accidentally firing a live grenade at the butler, Washio, who is definitely an Oddjob reference. Sousuke, you so zany.


This is certainly a cool project! Reinterpretations of Osamu Tezuka characters from famous illustrators in a exposition to be held at next COMITIA, along original designs (to be used for comparisons) from The Master himself... best thing is a book release is planned for this!


Hataraku Maou-sama 2-4

Some unnecessary anime bullshit aside, this show is pretty entertaining. The characters feel fresh even if they're not really major deviations from known archetypes. I hope Emi doesn't gradually become yet another bipolar character; if we need tsundere antics, at least let her be the old-fashioned type who matures and changes her attitude throughout the series.

Don't care for all the
Lucifer was the actually evil one
stuff we are obviously going to get. It drags the thing down, and I'd like it better if all the fantasy stuff were irrelevant; Hopefully it never becomes major, but I'm kinda resigned.

The best thing so far for me has been the interaction between Maou and the rest of the cast. I also like Alsiel and hope he gets some meaty focus later on. Also Chiho>Emi, but she's not bad so far. Surprisingly enough emotional range, more than I expect from a romcom like this anyway.

Bad shit:
Lucifer. He's already a terrible character and he'll bring bad stuff to the plot coupled with probably mediocre action scenes nobody will care for.
Why are the OP scenes so saturated? It looks like a fucking Tumblr gif compilation.


Because it is a tumblr gif compilation. They didn't finish the OP in time for airing so they mocked up something quick I guess. OP will be in from Ep 5 onwards apparently.


They could have keep the tone these scenes had in the actual show. If you're going to touch things up, at least do it well!

Can't complain too much though, the visual execution and direction have been very competent so far. This is the White Fox we need.


I'm just surprised there've been NO repercussions for it whatsoever yet. Then again, we're only a few episodes in.

Yes, I know. That could come up again when he actually meets the people behind the robot or simply finds out more about it in general.

This reminds me Final Fantasy IV and Code Geass do have a few things in common (good and bad). Not to mention I'm still a totally unrepentant fanboy for the game after all these years.


I really didnt need any more this season but I checked put Hataraku Maou-sama, it's like disgaea 4 without the sardines


Shit, I take a nap and there's already a new thread with 400 posts. That's why I'll never make the wall of shame I guess!

Just watched Valvrave 3 and had a way better time than last week. This is the kind of craziness I was expecting coming in! Now if Haruto would stop being such a... uh, whatever his non-existent person is.

On another note, I stumbled on Hataraku Mao-sama on TV yesterday night (episode 4) and it made me check the first three episode today. I had a surprisingly good time and some real good laughs, but I hope it won't go too serious, actually :x

Next, I need to check Gargantia, which is the only of this season three mecha shows I haven't tried yet!

edit> Bottom of the page, nooooo.


Yes, I know. That could come up again when he actually meets the people behind the robot or simply finds out more about it in general.

This reminds me Final Fantasy IV and Code Geass do have a few things in common (good and bad). Not to mention I'm still a totally unrepentant fanboy for the game after all these years.

Join me in your love of FF4. Go to FF threads and spread the word.
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