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Spring Anime 2013 |OT-8| What could be beyond OT-8? Possibility.

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K-On! 01:
I don't know whether to burn through the entire thing now or savor the experience.

I'd recommend going at a slow, steady pace, but just follow your heart. If you want to burn through episodes, don't hold yourself back!

The first season of K-On is not as polished as the 2nd season. I've said it before but even the animation work is different. K-On!! is totally at a different level.

And even K-On!! pales in comparison to the film. God, the film is distilled animation porn. I think the most technically accomplished animation I've seen from Kyoani is all there.


The parts where people try to be Shinbo and it doesn't work, also Shaft Shinbo sux so that's not a great thing to try to be.

You know there were those parts that Tanaka, Abe and that one guy I forget animated that are pretty jazz and all that but you know the rest is totally annoying to watch. When the rule of cool is samey and ineffective it's not stylish, it's boring man. I don't watch cartoons to be bored.

Yeah, I couldn't even finish it because it wasn't interesting to watch. I didn't find anything clever in the dialogue, and without that, all the gimmicky direction in the world is just polishing a turd.

Sometimes I like the show's post-apocalyptic melancholy, but that's not enough.


I like Yotsubato and all (see avatar), and Hinamatsuri is totally rad, but Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru is the fucking truth and I ran out of volumes to read a while back. And I don't know when there will be more translations, or if there ever will be, now that jmanga is dead.

Such is life.


I like Yotsubato and all (see avatar), and Hinamatsuri is totally rad, but Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru is the fucking truth and I ran out of volumes to read a while back. And I don't know when there will be more translations, or if there ever will be, now that jmanga is dead.

Such is life.

At least it got a good anime.


When it comes to slice of life comedies starring children, my vote goes to Shin Chan.
Sure it looks like shit (manga and anime) but it's awesome.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
[Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon R] 068
Some really cool scenes all around. A bit underwhelmed that the hyped battle between the Sailor Senshi and the Ayakashi Sisters devolved into yet another killer move spamfest, but the insert song was pretty awesome! If only Tuxedo Mask stopped butting in where nobody called him...

they came from the future zomg!!!
revelation strikes as something that would have been mind-blowing for any girls watching this back in 1993, but it's one of those things that are just difficult to ignore after two decades of discussing anime. :(
mfw Sailor Moon 2014 gets confirmed for CGI


Code Golbez 8

So in this one Golbez puts his people in bondage clothes or something and they call themselves the black knights. Hope there are flesh wounds incoming. Anyway, Golbez like, makes people kill themselves and stuff, but what stands out as unfair to me about this episode is that the craven racist from Lelouch's club (girl with the specs) is allowed to get away with being a cowardly racist and when people correct her they're evil. Hate her to bits.

This episode also raised a couple other questions for me:

-Assuming the EU is democratic and China is communist, why haven't they condemned Britannia for its human rights violations in Japan? How exactly do international relations work in the world of Code Pizza Hut? There's no UN, nor League of Nations, so where do people go to voice these problems?

-What about the Native Americans, Africans, and Pacific Islanders? I'm guessing racism is still a thing, so are all these peoples still subjugated in the same way Japan was? Why did it take Britannia so long to conquer Japan, then?

-How is China still a country if Britain is all power hungry like this? What about India?

-Most importantly, how come Blind Girl can't tell Zero is Lelouch? He barely even modifies his voice. Unless its a huge difference in Japanese and they don't address it in English.


[Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon R] 068

Some really cool scenes all around. A bit underwhelmed that the hyped battle between the Sailor Senshi and the Ayakashi Sisters devolved into yet another killer move spamfest, but the insert song was pretty awesome! If only Tuxedo Mask stopped butting in where nobody called him...

they came from the future zomg!!!
revelation strikes as something that would have been mind-blowing for any girls watching this back in 1993, but it's one of those things that are just difficult to ignore after two decades of discussing anime. :(
Maybe, but given the target audience for this, the whole
Time Travel
thing is pretty mind blowing in that regard.

Also love the focus of Sailor Moon being used as, essentially, a bedtime story for the younger Usagi. It's an interesting idea on how
A retired female superhero
would behave in her
years. The fact that everything from where ChibiUsa's from is so bad that she's taken to going to the past to look for the equivalent of Superman shows just how bloody desperate she is.
mfw Sailor Moon 2014 gets confirmed for CGI
You know you only feed the dark ones with such talk. And when they arise, with the above happening as it's herald, you will only have yourself (and anyone else who feed such vicious lies and falsehoods) to blame before they rise and eat you whole.


Yuyushiki 4


Smart dumb girls doing dumb, boring things and the eyes of the watchful birds that follow (usually) from a distance. The double entendre with that puzzle piece skit was 2blatant4me.

I like Yotsubato and all (see avatar), and Hinamatsuri is totally rad, but Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru is the fucking truth and I ran out of volumes to read a while back. And I don't know when there will be more translations, or if there ever will be, now that jmanga is dead.

Such is life.
I'd start reading it but I don't know how I'd deal with the wait for a new chapter. ;_;

*pours 40 for the failed business model of jmanga and the python script that immortalised soredemo*


When it comes to slice of life comedies starring children, my vote goes to Shin Chan.
Sure it looks like shit (manga and anime) but it's awesome.

I liked Shin Chan when I was a teen.

Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu!! 7

So like, basically, if you have not seen THE RUGBY EPISODE you should go and watch it now. Because it's just hilarious.

Episodes 27-39

Oh Don Krieg. You don't look so invincible now, do you? That armor and spear were no match for Luffy's determination to beat you. And you couldn't even sink him to death with that steel net. Pathetic. Good thing Ghin was still alive to shut you up. So long Ghin. Cherish what little time you have left as the poisonous gas slowly kills you. And it looks like Sanji finally left the Baratie....what a tearful goodbye ;_;

But enough about that, it's time for Nami to hog the spotlight. I now see what the true purpose of all that treasure stealing was for. I guess I misjudged her. That Arlong is a gigantic prick! WTF @ how he totally fucked up Bellemere. Crushing her arm like it was nothing and then shooting her.....I really, really, REALLY hope Arlong is killed. Seeing Luffy beat the living shit out of him and still be alive isn't enough for me. That fucker needs to die. This show really needs to start killing off some of these bad guys, cause leaving these guys with severe injuries and not having them die outright seems real foolish. I know this is a long ass show, but I keep thinking that the pirate villains that were defeated but not killed will find their way back into the plot somehow in future episodes. I hate that. So I'm hoping that Arlong is the first big bad to bite the dust. Just so I don't have to see that fucker or hear his goddamn laughter even again.



[Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon R] 068

Some really cool scenes all around. A bit underwhelmed that the hyped battle between the Sailor Senshi and the Ayakashi Sisters devolved into yet another killer move spamfest, but the insert song was pretty awesome! If only Tuxedo Mask stopped butting in where nobody called him...

they came from the future zomg!!!
revelation strikes as something that would have been mind-blowing for any girls watching this back in 1993, but it's one of those things that are just difficult to ignore after two decades of discussing anime. :(

mfw Sailor Moon 2014 gets confirmed for CGI

I believe the song is called "Ai no Senshi"


To LOVE-ru is really a love-it-or-hate-it series. Its got a stupid,clumsy male lead, relies on fanservice to gain an audience, and has an overall simple plot. It isn't Shakespeare. And yet, I have an odd obsession with the series. It does nothing out of the ordinary, yet I can't get enough of it.

Its not something I'd recommend to others, but everybody's got to have their own weird interest or quirk, right?

Heh. I really didn't much like LOVE-Ru. Abandoned it part way through the first season. Then for some reason gave it another shot with Darkness. Darkness I liked. Even if it went further than I really expected it to go.


You know CGI render and model in 3.33 ain't so bad, I even love the look.. look very 2Dish

But jebus why the cinematography so frigging bad, awkward shot on everywhere .. Action hard to follow, just very sloppy.


IIRC there are only two (or three) persons who died in One Piece outside of flashbacks.
So I guess it has balls.
Still, it doesn't bother me, there's not much point in killing everybody.
It's a children's cartoon based on a comic for children, what sort of deathtoll are you expecting.

edit: I'm not even sure I know of more than 1.

When pirates are involved, I expect a fair amount of death. Even if it is aimed towards kids. I'm sure they can handle pirates getting killed, even if are they killed in ridiculous fashion.
Plenty of generic soldiers and the like assumedly die, but the death of a main character/villain is reserved for huge story moments.

A lot of the villains have active roles throughout the whole story. It'd be one thing if they're left alive and never mentioned again, but that's very rarely the case here.


It's a children's cartoon based on a comic for children, what sort of deathtoll are you expecting.

edit: I'm not even sure I know of more than 1.

Spoilers, don't click the black bar lazybones!

Ace, Whitebeard and I guess Monet


When pirates are involved, I expect a fair amount of death. Even if it is aimed towards kids. I'm sure they can handle pirates getting killed, even if are they killed in ridiculous fashion.

No one dies in Monkey Island either.

One Piece is the same fantasy definition of Pirates as many books aimed at children.

Spoilers, don't click the black bar lazybones!

Ace, Whitebeard and I guess Monet

Yea, I just remembered the 2nd one lol, refuse to believe the third one though!


Incidentally, should you for whatever reason want an HD version of that new Rozen Maiden PV that came out a few days ago, but was previously only in terrible resolution from TBS's site, well, here you go.

Rozen Maiden is alright but Ali Project threatens to ruin it every time with their music.

So Nisemenogatari is the successor to Bakemenogatari? And Nisemenogatari is shitty, but Bakemenogatari is decent?

Do I have this right?

Pretty much. Bakemonagatari is amazing because of Senjougahara. Nise is less amazing because of less Senjougahara. a lot less :(

I love Shaft angle.

Everybody loves shaft tilt. It brings us all together.

You drew like me in the beginning always hiding hands. Your drawings are really nice now, I should have kept training.
Nowadays I just draw when I fell like it and I keep hiding the things I don’t like to draw and never color anything…while my brother just keep getting better and better(he basically did the same as you), and we started from the same point. =____=
I drew this today at work, I like to draw with just a black ballpen and just fill random papers with random drawings, today I used the backcover of a magazine. =p
I went to check some of my old drawigs, sry for 3DS shitty pics. T____T

Same here. And Regulus I can't stop listening Hoshikuzu Namida instead of Groovin Magic.

.____. I was still young and believed the fillers would end fast...dropped Shippuden when the first filler started, came back just to she OPs and Eds(same with Bleach).

RyougaSaotome, Minamoto-kun is super intersting.
Thanks, GAF.

And now that I have catch up I'm going to watch some anime
and hobo avatar myself before I cut my hair
. =]

I never hid hands when drawing. Always draw everything. ESPECIALLY what you suck at. Otherwise you'll never improve. I do however suck at color, but perhaps morel ike Im either too lazy or lack the time or materials to color my art in a way I deem presentable and want it to be seen.

K-On! 01:

Trying this for the first time as an act of gratitude toward someone. Mindblowing craftsmanship. The level of deliberateness perceptible in even the slightest movement or gesture, choice of perspective, and every last aspect of how scenes are framed is rare and wonderful. The characters and the spaces they inhabit feel so alive. It's heaven for an expression whore like me. You know, I'm almost thankful that I avoided this series believing it the devil incarnate in my anime hipster days because all of these finer details would have been lost upon me. I don't know whether to burn through the entire thing now or savor the experience. Oh, and something something the girls are really cute something.

It's a shame that, no matter what heights of technical mastery or enjoyability this show achieves, it can never be a 10/10 series because there's a tiny hat in the ED. I'll forgive and look past this unfortunate flaw, of course.

K-On has some of the very best production values in anime. On top of that it was adorable. Its pretty much a hit out of the park for KyoAni.

Some sort of Precure iPhone app:

The base application is free, but naturally you need to pay for DLC to actually do anything with it, I presume.

I saw this coming. I was hoping it wouldnt, but it being cellphone based is NOT surprising given how the original device looks.


Are there any animes that could be likened to Indiana Jones or alike? With treasure hunts and globetrotting?

Well, Montana Jones was very much "inspired" by Indy, although it's probably a bit kiddier than you're hoping for.

Master Keaton is about an insurance investigator whose real passion is archaeology but also happens to have trained in the SAS - there's a lot of globetrotting, but it's not quite an "adventure" story.


Evangelion Rebuild 3.33

Too much hate, its a entertaining blockbuster flick, better than most if not all 100-200m USD hollywood blockbuster recently. Not more than that though, and doesn't deserve to classified out of that. Anno making money for producer not a project for himself.

What I like:
- All that :DTL moment, but seriously its the most compelling part of the movie. I actually invested a lot to it, dat piano scene.
- I actually like the story, not sure why people said its like a simply noise.. Its the same thing as the OG stuff with a bit different angle and actually confirm thing, all that we learned here can be applied to the OG too, maybe I'm fond with it because its basically a same damn thing from SRW Alpha LOL.
- Last 20 minute are pretty hype, with some hand-drawn mech cut.
- Touji's sister.

What I hate

- Everyone are asshole, god the first 30 minute are very nerve-wrecking
- Shitty cinematography, Anno you may use CG now but what happened to your eyes.. And I'm not even good judging this kind of stuff but some shot look silly and make my head dizzy.
- Outside that piano session the OST are non-existent I despise that random rock track at the climax.
- What use of that new EVA pilot again? And Asuka isn't less of twat too.

I think its the best to see these movie as the original's supplement, while its not necessarily make a good movie series, I'm glad can see the thing that I always want to see in the original, such as:

Shinji have oldschool super robot moment (2.22)
More interaction for Kaworu and Shinji, yes eps 23 was better and more impactful but so glad can see more of it
Different angle for NERV vs world conflict, I always bummed can't see that in the OG because people said "Its not that kind of story"

Its not make a good movies, but I'm glad can see thing that I always crave.
Evangelion Rebuild 3.33

Too much hate, its a entertaining blockbuster flick, better than most if not all 100-200m USD hollywood blockbuster recently. Not more than that though, and doesn't deserve to classified out of that. Anno making money for producer not a project for himself.

What I like:
- All that :DTL moment, but seriously its the most compelling part of the movie. I actually invested a lot to it, dat piano scene.
- I actually like the story, not sure why people said its like a simply noise.. Its the same thing as the OG stuff with a bit different angle and actually confirm thing, all that we learned here can be applied to the OG too, maybe I'm fond with it because its basically a same damn thing from SRW Alpha LOL.
- Last 20 minute are pretty hype, with some hand-drawn mech cut.
- Touji's sister.

What I hate

- Everyone are asshole, god the first 30 minute are very nerve-wrecking
- Shitty cinematography, Anno you may use CG now but what happened to your eyes.. And I'm not even good judging this kind of stuff but some shot look silly and make my head dizzy.
- Outside that piano session the OST are non-existent I despise that random rock track at the climax.
- What use of that new EVA pilot again? And Asuka isn't less of twat too.

I think its the best to see these movie as the original's supplement, while its not necessarily make a good movie series, I'm glad can see the thing that I always want to see in the original, such as:

Shinji have oldschool super robot moment (2.22)
More interaction for Kaworu and Shinji, yes eps 23 was better and more impactful but so glad can see more of it
Different angle for NERV vs world conflict, I always bummed can't see that in the OG because people said "Its not that kind of story"

Its not make a good movies, but I'm glad can see thing that I always crave.

3.33 literally made me hate every character besides Asuka, because well.... she is Asuka. Meanwhile, Shinji has to be the most scrutinized and verbally abused male lead in history.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
You drew like me in the beginning always hiding hands. Your drawings are really nice now, I should have kept training.
Nowadays I just draw when I fell like it and I keep hiding the things I don’t like to draw and never color anything…while my brother just keep getting better and better(he basically did the same as you), and we started from the same point. =____=
I drew this today at work, I like to draw with just a black ballpen and just fill random papers with random drawings, today I used the backcover of a magazine. =p
I went to check some of my old drawigs, sry for 3DS shitty pics. T____T

No worries! I used to do the same thing when I was in school, draw on random papers, homework, whatever. XD

So it goes.



Well, Montana Jones was very much "inspired" by Indy, although it's probably a bit kiddier than you're hoping for.

Master Keaton is about an insurance investigator whose real passion is archaeology but also happens to have trained in the SAS - there's a lot of globetrotting, but it's not quite an "adventure" story.

Oh, I remember the Montana Jones from saturday mornings when I was a kid :D Will definately revisit that to see if it still holds up!

Master Keaton looks interesting, thanks for that!
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