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Spring Anime 2015 |OT| The Disappearance of YEAARRT!

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Kekkai Sensen - 03

The environment shots in this episode was great. Not the most exciting episode, but I think the whole chess part was cool. Though it dragged on a bit too long for my taste.
UBW 15

Getting to see all that Illya backstory is what made the last 10 minutes of the episode so hard to watch. Also loved how despite the fact Berserker is well, the Berserker class known for being a whirlwind of uncontrollable rage and power, when it came to Illya he was as gentle and protective as they come which is a stark contrast to Fate/Zero's Berserker. ED fit this episode beautifully.
Fuck you Gil you didn't have to make her suffer.


Blood C is a great show and one of the best entries on The List. One of THE reasons I wish people would remember it's not a List of "bad anime."

If there was any room for taking constructive action in that regard and increasing variety, then a number of shows like Fist of the North Star and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure would be extremely obvious picks for inclusion.

That possibility seems to be unlikely at the moment, so we end up with a list of mostly bad anime with a couple of special cases that are more controversial and even relatively divisive among the anime community, objectively speaking, but good luck getting those who think they're all bad to acknowledge this.


Just watched Sound! Euphonium ep. 2. It was pretty different compared to ep. 1 and I can't tell if it's just because of the difference in directors or if it's going to be indicative of the direction the show is going to take.

One thing I definitely hope the show does less of in the future is the excessive monologuing Kumiko did this episode. This episode used a lot of dialogue to explain people's feelings. I don't particularly hate monologuing, but it was used a bit much this episode. It made the episode feel like a very blatant light novel adaptation, while I thought ep. 1 relied on visuals as well to convey information a lot faster. Kumiko narrating in the past tense at the end was when I really felt the difference between this episode and the last, since I don't remember anything like that happening in ep. 1. It was a pretty big perspective shift for me lol. I don't mind if the show is told from this perspective from now on; I just hope that the show is consistent.

Anyway yeah, as people have mentioned, Ishihara isn't as interesting of a director as Yamada. Everything felt pretty functional, I guess. Also, it might've just been me, but those background montages during dialogue felt really abrupt lol.

Edit: Oh but I still enjoyed the episode. It's slow rolling so far but I feel like it's going in a direction I'll like.


Unlimited B
roken Heart
Works 15

I watched Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya before this,
I knew what would happen, but it was more brutal than I thought it would be. I was still rooting for Berserker right until the end.
Emiya really is stupid, but then again, how would you react if you saw something like that?

Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya 1-2

This is hilarious, better than I expected even, I'll watch more of this when I've actually finished Uni though, I don't have time to binge watch.


Garo The Animation 1-5

It feels strange to say this, but I feel animation suits better this stuff then the live actions. I remember watching some Garo live actions and the transformations/action scenes always felt so cheaply fake, sorta out of place etc. At least here it fits much better, for my taste anyways.


Real talk, I ended up going for (and sticking with) clarinet through the end of high school since I couldn't get sounds out of the trumpet on instrument-trying day in elementary school.
It happens to a lot of people!
It is pretty ridiculous how much they got "right" with this show. Little sax love but I'll deal. I am sure there'll be an episode where they will be featured more prominently and I will enjoy how they show off the instrument(s) I used throughout school.

Strangely enough, this show makes me want to pick up my sax and start playing it again. (I haven't touched it in several years cause I live in an apartment and don't want to disturb my neighbors) But it makes me want to find a secluded place to play it.

Anyways, the show is pretty rad. Definitely a show I plan to watch all the way through. And to think this wasn't even on my radar as we were entering this season.
I know that exact feeling! I haven't done a ton of ensemble playing in a while because my focus in grad school was composition. For the higher degrees they don't let you spread yourself out as much, so i've definitely missed it! I'll still bust out my horn and play through some orchestra excerpts once in a while just for fun.

And I always have an accessible piano.
I can't stress enough how much i'm enjoying your impressions. I'm having a good time with Euphonium, but your impressions retroactively make it more enjoyable.
Glad you enjoy them! I feel really compelled with each episode to try and write about all of the nuance going on in this show that may be overlooked by a lot of people. There's a lot of love and care in the visuals and narrative that is all highly spot-on. It's such a refreshing show to watch.
I'm also not sure why they kept the style transition of Iggy from dog-face to man-face in the anime. It got super weird in the flashback. The anime should be FIXING the mistakes from the manga (starting and ending with man-face), not embracing them. Anyway, the pace and tension has been set so I'm looking forward the the next encounters.

Uhh, no they should definitely keep them. If they change it so that Annasui's first appearance in Part 6 is as a man and not as a woman for example, that would be stupid, because it's hilarious.

I can hardly call Iggy's facial change a mistake, even. Character designs change all the time, usually in more subtle ways, but changing Iggy's face to be more human-like so he can show emotion during the fight is a good thing.
The reason Iggy never did anything is because he's a dog and doesn't give a shit about some evil vampire in a fight he was dragged into. Only when he was directly threatened did he start caring, because that's how Iggy is.

In future parts the cast gets more screentime and does more, for the most part. In Part 3 Jotaro probably beats 75% of the enemies, and Avdol, Joseph and Iggy hardly get any solo fights, which sucks. It's an improvement from Part 2 where Joseph defeats literally every single major enemy, however.


RomCom SNAFU Too! 3

This is just a really sucky situation for everyone involved. This issue is going to come to a head. Hachiman seems to be jerked around a lot but the way he does things hurts other people. So it's like a vicious cycle that just feeds into itself.

I do wonder when his shield of being the villain will totally crack.


Tragic victim of fan death
RomCom SNAFU Too! 3

This is just a really sucky situation for everyone involved. This issue is going to come to a head. Hachiman seems to be jerked around a lot but the way he does things hurts other people. So it's like a vicious cycle that just feeds into itself.

You got it wrong. The way Hachiman does things hurts himself the most. Not others and especially the ones he is helping.


Yahari Ore No Seishun Love Come Wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Episode 3: God if I was Hachiman I would have punched Hayato in the face by this point. He's supposedly the "nice" character, but the way he talks about Hachiman as if he isn't there is just frustrating as hell.
It legit got my blood boiling when he and Yukino's big sister (who's just as bad) were talking about him and he was saying "Why is HE here?" when he's right there in front of him.

Every character in this show except for Hachiman, Yukino, Saika, Yaoi girl and the silver haired girl absolutely annoy me.
It really shows how good a guy Hachiman is that he doesn't just tell them all to go fuck themselves, especially when he goes out of his way to help them at his own expense.

Yui continues to annoy me, pretty much her entire character is just moeblob noises and exaggeration.

Maybe i'm just in a bad mood, but this episode annoyed me more than it did make me laugh, considering it's a comedy.

The episode itself was good, plotwise. But the characters just weren't clicking for me, maybe it's the lack of decent interaction between the actual decent characters.
I do wonder when his shield of being the villain will totally crack.

Already seeing some of the cracks.

You got it wrong. The way Hachiman does things hurts himself the most. Not others and especially the ones he is helping.

Exactly, and that in turn it is hurting the other two girls who have watched him do this over and over again. The last stunt he pulled really hurt them in the end after they had just put unconditional faith in his plan. Yui even said as much at the end of that episode. So no wonder everyone is on edge.

You're right in that the last issue they were trying to resolve no one in that group was hurt. But now it seems to be affecting the current person they're trying to help and it's put great strain on the group. He may hurt himself the most but he is affecting how this plays out and, in effect, hurting others.


Tragic victim of fan death
Already seeing some of the cracks.

Exactly, and that in turn it is hurting the other two girls who have watched him do this over and over again. The last stunt he pulled really hurt them in the end after they had just put unconditional faith in his plan. Yui even said as much at the end of that episode. So no wonder everyone is on edge.

You're right in that the last issue they were trying to resolve no one in that group was hurt. But now it seems to be affecting the current person they're trying to help and it's put great strain on the group. He may hurt himself the most but he is affecting how this plays out and, in effect, hurting others.

He's only hurting Yui. Yukino couldn't give two shits about what happens to Hachiman. The only reason she is pissed is because Hachiman is being a hypocrite. That's all. He's not really hurting anyone outside of one person that is largely irrelevant.


Psychopass 2: 5
I actually liked this episode. It was mostly Tsunemori and Jouji doing detective work but it was good and it was a good build up towards the next action set piece.
Although I feel like releasing a videogame that controls the drones is, I don't know, the logistic of setting it all up seems kind of insane. But hey, it's going to be entertaining at least. Also, Kasei commented to herself Shimotsuki was going to be eaten alive. That's a positive in my book. At the end it's revealed that Togane has been stalking Tsunemori, which is interesting, but if PK's comments on Psycho Pass 2 craziness is anything to go by, I am afraid the pay off won't be good at all.
Magical Vivid - 03


Vivio applying the takamichi familly motto to use: In order to befriend someone, just beat the crap out of the other first !!!

Nice episode that was more about the justification of einhart than anything else, even if vivio went back to her feet after the "hobby" line, you could feel that this line hit the mark but this will start one hell of events , now that after a generous and avid match , friendship rose above everything else !!

That match was ok, too bad it was just strikes and without binds , magic and all the other stuff but i can't wait to see all the rest, particulary the tournament. I have high hopes for this arc.


The Melancholy of Suzuimya Haruhi and The Disappearance of Suzumiya Haruhi

There is a lot of content between these two, I can't really put it into words, an issue I'm having, hehe. None-the-less, I loved every second of it. Even Endless Eight, which at first I had some issues with, but after having a day's rest from it, found that it wasn't bad. As CureVylash tweeted to me, "perfection".

The whole show/movie is interesting, the premise is amazing and I love it. The characters are all great, the music is great (Especially the spooky audio that comes on when speaking with Koizumi). It's all good, I wish there was more of it to be honest.


He's only hurting Yui. Yukino couldn't give two shits about what happens to Hachiman. The only reason she is pissed is because Hachiman is being a hypocrite. That's all. He's not really hurting anyone outside of one person that is largely irrelevant.

Its interesting to see how really different readings of these relationships people are having.


Nagato 3 - Haruhi/Kyon is the multiverses otp. This episode I found especially interesting in that it recreated events from the movie though tweaked. Makes me wonder about the title. Is she actually going to disappear with Haruhi leading the effort to find her? Or is it just her disappearance as protagonist as Haruhi takes her rightful place as star. And I see Haruhi is back sexually assaulting poor Mikuru right from the start.


Saint Titanfall
Garo The Animation 1-5

It feels strange to say this, but I feel animation suits better this stuff then the live actions. I remember watching some Garo live actions and the transformations/action scenes always felt so cheaply fake, sorta out of place etc. At least here it fits much better, for my taste anyways.

You've got an awesome ride ahead.


Maturity, bitches.
I forgot about that! Might be a good time to finally start watching it.
The episodes are short so you can easily do it in a day. I did it by accident the other day. Meant only to watch one and ended up re-watching them all ha ha ha.
The episodes are short so you can easily do it in a day. I did it by accident the other day. Meant only to watch one and ended up re-watching them all ha ha ha.

The total runtime of both ONA shorts is 2 hours. It's on one BD-50 in the Japanese Blu-ray Box.

(bonus features were the original commercials, textless OP/ED, and new OP featuring Oniguchi (Shiraishi))
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