So, who wants to watch Nisekoimonogatari?
So, who wants to watch Nisekoimonogatari?
That still doesn't really answer my question. I need a hook!Surprisingly well done Bones adaptation from last year with a made for TV ending that didn't retroactively make the entire series worse (sup Chaika and Soul Eater). Next to Space Dandy it was probably one of their best works in 2014.
Edit : Not that I'm implying that the show is on the level of Space Dandy but it was a surprisingly consistent product when all was said and done.
That still doesn't really answer my question. I need a hook!
That still doesn't really answer my question. I need a hook!
Well fuck I most likely lost this bet. I mean what's the chance of this airing in 2016.
Seriously I thought there wasn't enough source material. Oh well it doesn't matter because at least its a great series. Duckroll getting lucky huh.
Every day that goes by, we are less likely to get Digimon Tri. this season.
Nadesico (Everything Else)
I still lack the full context for everything regarding this anime, but it held up pretty well for my first viewing of it. The twists at the end regardingwere pulled off smoothly enough, and the moment near the end of the series when the Jovianstime travelwas pretty powerful. Like,end up shooting one of their own because Gekiganger has given them a black and white idea of "justice". A real robot series with super robot spirit - it had a certain lightness to it that makes it feel not so much like a war story at times, while still delivering emotional moments like Ruri's entire episode. Good stuff.they basically killed Gai twice
Cyberteam in Akihabara (Entire Series)
For a magical girl-esque series, only two of the girls - the lead heroine and the mysterious newcomer - ended up actually "transforming". It's more like a monster series crossed with something that resembles Evangelion - and like Utena, it involved a castle in the sky, onlybut Hibari's desire tothis one was real. I'm not sure what the deal with Takeshi was at the end,makes sense, even if it felt kinda anticlimactic. All the conspiracy/world history stuff was an interesting angle, but it always felt disconnected from both the trio of villainesses and the Cyberteam. The moments when the villains were by themselves did cast them in a largely positive light, especially compared to Rosenkreuntz. It wasn't really anything like I was expecting it to be, but it did hold my attention. A fascinating product of its era.stay behind, because Akiba at least has the possibility of change, unlike waiting things out in space with Crane
YuriKuma is about how AnimeGAF rejects other fans of anime for not following the ways of "accepted taste" and excludes them behind the wall known as the Attack of Titan OT.
need an anime recommendation:
so im pretty picky about my anime
only shonen i really liked have been one piece and hunter x hunter and i still find both only decent at best
just finished hunter x hunter, never finished one piece but i watched like ~150 eps and for some reason stopped watching.
anyways lookin for a new anime to watch, has to be either on netflix instant on crunchyroll.
my fav anime ever is serial experiment lain. kinda looking for a darker themed anime, maybe horror-ish?
dont know much about parasyte but isnt it based on a horror manga? it worth watching? it scary/dark/bleak/etc.?
no offense, but i cant get into anything that has this sort of art style:
Shin Sekai Yori
Madoka Magica
might have a great story n shit, but yeah, aint my type of thang
Really, the art style of From the New World is that bad? How? Why?no offense, but i cant get into anything that has this sort of art style:
Shin Sekai Yori
might have a great story n shit, but yeah, aint my type of thang
Eh, I don't really get passing up shows based on art style. I don't think there's ever been a show where I saw the art style and hated it enough to pass it over. For example, Kaiji looks ugly as hell, but I love it! There's a fantastic, intense gambling anime beneath all those terrifying noses. If you can look past a show's appearance, you'll be able to find a lot of great stuff beneath.
In any case, for you I'd recommend Flowers of Evil. If you like Lain, I'm sure you can appreciate slower paced anime. If you want something dark, then this ought to work. It's not a horror, but it builds up dread like no other. It should be on Crunchyroll.
No Game No Life is the only show visually offensive enough to me that I won't even consider watching it, though other undesirable factors come into play there.
Really, the art style of From the New World is that bad? How? Why?
I mean, I can understand it. Anime is a visual medium and so I'd expect a series to display some visual charisma. I just don't see what's so offence about the art for From the New World, beyond the human character designs being kinda bland.
While that show is basically awful digital composition vomited everywhere I find the content to be more offensive than the visuals.
4. Saekano - Megumi made this anime. Best.normal.character.ever.
Eureka Seven - 20
The violence Holland exerts over Renton is also just a tad too over the top for me. It's an adult that punches and dashes around a 14 year old to such a degree that I can't help but wonder why the crew doesn't intervene more than it does. I mean it gets acknowledged, sure, but there's just a bit of a disconnect on how extreme it feels to me. It does work in the sense that it's "anime violence" so that Renton almost just shrugs off some major blows to his head and jaw without getting a major injury really, but I was never a fan of displaying it that way anyways. At least the psychological damage is as severe as should be.
Reflecting on it, it's really impressive how good Eureka Seven's writing was. They were able to take so many characters and not only develop them but also have their development tie into the larger themes of the work. Very few works are able to handle an ensemble cast that well.
They even had character development for the damn kids.
I mean, that's totally true and one of the many reasons I appreciated the series more when I rewatched but it's also far longer than many modern shows. You can't really do an ensemble cast in anything less than 24 episodes, unless your show is fairly light on 'plot'.
I mean, a 50 episode original series that doesn't tie-into a pre-existing media property or current trend or anything? Sheer extravagance!
Shin Sekai Yori (From the New World): EP. 9-14
The story is starting to settle down a little bit now, and the wholeLooks like Saki will be busy for a long time..... I'm still a little confused on the structure of society now and all the colonies for the differnt species... They hint at minor changes, but do not expound on those....timeless age thing is kinda creapy
This is a strange dark one for sure..
Every day that goes by, we are less likely to get Digimon Tri. this season.
I mean, that's totally true and one of the many reasons I appreciated the series more when I rewatched but it's also far longer than many modern shows. You can't really do an ensemble cast in anything less than 24 episodes, unless your show is fairly light on 'plot'.
I mean, a 50 episode original series that doesn't tie-into a pre-existing media property or current trend or anything? Sheer extravagance!
Not to mention it was actually serial. How many 50 episode shows don't have lengthy MOTW segments?
The whole thing nowadays is just completely inconceivable. A children's show showing people gettingdismembered and blown up.
Eureka Seven - 29
With what's just about the most awkward and random timing, Talho finally decides to be the character to spill the beans about Eureka, 29 episodes in. So this land Scub Coral may be a sentient being called the 'Coralian'. Eureka happens to be a humanoid Coralian, so we aren't actually told what this entails. Like, seriously, even under 4 eyes Renton is pretty much just "you're you and I don't really care about any of that". What kind of 'birth' she had, what her youth were or anything...yet to be talked about I suppose. Typing all this I'm wondering what Renton's role in all this plays. Since he and Eureka both have this special connection to one-another and the Nirvash, maybe Renton himself is a Coralian himself, claimed as son by Adroc as a means of protection (shortly before Adroc's death). And who knows what else there is to Renton's mother and sister hmm...
Well curious about more revelations.
PS: Those children do kinda go on my nerves by now. They aren't even badly written but they're still 80% nagging little shits and I still don't know why they see Eureka as their mother considering what she's done. I mean, I assume the buggers didn't know it was her whoand just took her as savior or Still, while not an important detail I'm kinda wondering why that isn't better explained.murdered their families and friends
Hell yes.
You're quickly approaching the best arc
Eureka Seven - up to ep26
So the world building gets stronger as more information concerning the transpars, instability of earth, desperation sickness and overall society are trickling in. Feels like this could be rather well thought out actually...
I'm unfortunately still mostly interested in Renton and Eureka right now and even their craving for each other gets a bit monotone.Then they reunite this last episode and they still can't utter a fricking "I love you" already? *smh*
The newly introduced pair Charles and Ray seem like pretty good characters. Was certainly refreshing for once seeing Renton be treated like a human being, though the events felt a bit circumstantial.
Holland and rest of crew still grind my gears a bit. I understand that Holland has his reasons for being the asshole he is but at this point it's just so darn one-note and his inaptitude to be nice for a change has also become one of the major aspects to drive the plot forward, instead of doing so more naturally. It's a bit like watching drama etc. occur mostly because of stupid, needless misunderstandings. He also doesn't feel like a good crew at all.
Overall though, I'm much more invested in the show by now and I'm looking forward the second half. Animation quality is pretty great btw. and there's a lack of crappy CGI models or other noticeable flaws.
They even had character development for the damn kids.
Wonderful, something to look forward to tomorrow then question though.
that came about as a change in society because of their encounter with the "false $@#/^#" from earlier.Will they change the whole girl/girl and boy/boy relationships
I remember when I watched episode 26, and I was told that it was supposed to be the really high point of the show. When I saw it for the first time, I was actually underwhelmed. I mean, I thought it was a really good episode, but I didn't know why this particular one was hyped up so much.
Then Jarmel posted this. Seriously, you should give it a read.
When I saw his points there, I began to understand. There were just so many little details in that episode that really made that episode shine for me once I took another look at it.
I'm okay with them getting it. The two shows they're bringing out over here are going to have a bunch of extras/goodies with them.It's seeming like Pony Canyon will be handling the BD release of Sound Euphonium in the West. Personally I think that's great; I'll get to have a KyoAni show with great video quality, and probably get a soundtrack included. It'll hurt my wallet, though. Our awful Canadian dollar better recover soon. It makes getting already expensive releases much worse.
Now I just have to hope that the show itself is good.
I remember when I watched episode 26, and I was told that it was supposed to be the really high point of the show. When I saw it for the first time, I was actually underwhelmed. I mean, I thought it was a really good episode, but I didn't know why this particular one was hyped up so much.
Then Jarmel posted this. Seriously, you should give it a read.
When I saw his points there, I began to understand. There were just so many little details in that episode that really made that episode shine for me once I took another look at it.
Wonderful, something to look forward to tomorrow then question though.
that came about as a change in society because of their encounter with the "false $@#/^#" from earlier.Will they change the whole girl/girl and boy/boy relationships
Sweet, s1 was pretty good.
I think you got that a bit mixed up. The encounter with the false minoshiro did'nt trigger anything. It is just a portable library and explained to the kids how society and humanity works.
It goes something like this:
1. Due to the destructive capabilitiey of power users it is necessary for humanity to easily relieve stress. And humanity evolved in such a way that stress is relieved via sexual interaction, already amongst children even.
2. In the future homosexual relationships are seen as totally normal.
3. In order to counteract pregnancy at an early age (due to the increased sexual interaction), same-sex relationships are discouraged (or straight out forbidden I think) which results in all those homosexual relationships.
that came about as a change in society because of their encounter with the "false $@#/^#" from earlier.Will they change the whole girl/girl and boy/boy relationships
Mmm, that wasn't quite my interpretation on the last part. Someone here had a great explanation for when Mature(?) was watching and posting impressions and their take on it was thatit was more that there was less "apprehension" among themselves when exploring same sex relationships and the shift to being in relationships with the opposite gender was just a thing that came about with being more comfortable with the notion of sexuality as a whole ... or something.
Mmm, that wasn't quite my interpretation on the last part. Someone here had a great explanation for when Mature(?) was watching and posting impressions and their take on it was thatit was more that there was less "apprehension" among themselves when exploring same sex relationships and the shift to being in relationships with the opposite gender was just a thing that came about with being more comfortable with the notion of sexuality as a whole ... or something.
But in any case, yeah
There was nothing about their behavior with regards tothat was explicitly triggered by that encounter.their sexuality
Original Scifi - Star Driver (okay), Eureka Seven AO (bad), Captain Earth (meh), Space Dandy (pretty fun).
Original Fantasy - *crickets*
Have there been any good original fantasy anime's at all?
I miss stuff like scrapped princess.
Have there been any good original fantasy anime's at all?
I miss stuff like scrapped princess.
Not original, I believe?
Define good. Because Rage of Bahamut was 'original' but it jumped the kawaii shark.
You probably should have done your research.
There are 12 volumes out of the manga and the anime only covered up to the end of volume 4 with the Yukine arc before they spun off to their own stuff.
Define good. Because Rage of Bahamut was 'original' but it jumped the kawaii shark.
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