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Spring Anime 2015 |OT| The Disappearance of YEAARRT!

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ISUCA ep 4 to 10

I wish i could say that isuca is a disapointment..
Unfortunatly , ISUCA is worse than i could have expected.

Where to begin ?
Isuca at his core has a normal story .. the core of the sub plots is actually something you'd find in many animes. unfortunately the potential this anime could have is totally wasted on unefficient dialog.

Yeah , the dialog is probably the worst offender in ISUCA , because it's not bad dialog , it's just out of place. info dump in places you don't need , no info when you need it.The characters talk wayyy too much in the middle of their battles.
Why so much tsundere behavior in every battle scene. Yes that bother me.
A damn ennemy is taking someone hostage, they are 3 to 1 , yet nobody bother to think of a plan. A giant mad diety is in front of you , but, hey let me finish me monologue ...

Isuca also is gore in all the wrong places and needlessly perverted in the most bothersome ways. WHY ?
I'm asking ..why ... what was the point ? Those aspect benefit NO one in the story.. You remove it , and nothing changes.

The MC behavior is ok , but his behavior was dumbed down by the fact that everyone around him forget his status. This is a guy that has NO battle hability, no training, no special skills except one totally cheated that has a very limited range and activation conditions, yet everyone forget that . i could buy this when no one knew what was his power , but nothing changed afterwards . his first attempt on the field with his sword resulted in a near death experience.
yet everyone forgets , and the plot tries to make him revelant.

Another problem is that the cast of characters , while ok , is totally UNBALANCED.. i mean seriously... the group power balance is just nowhere to be seen and each of their attemps to solve a problem results in a total mess.

The main heroine, sakuya , fight with a bow , but it's the most BORING bow user i've seen in anime or manga. She has skills and she trains but they totally forgot to make her intresting to watch. The ennemies she faces are just too powerfull for her, void on psysical attacks and always have something that make her attempts useless.

Speaking of that , the tsundere attitude of the heroine is freaking disgusting. How many times can you say , " you don't know " before you actually tell the person what the problem really is. i thought that they would solve his after their trip to the mirrored world , but NOPE , the following arc and the old bad attitudes are back. This is impressive how NOBODY seems to learn from their mistakes. "Oh no, this was a trap" Goddamit , 4 episodes ago , you thought that someone was behind this mess and you still don't expect traps ??? WHAT THE HECK ?

"i'm ordering you as the next head of the familly"
^^^goddammit sakuya , ARE you forgetting that you have no power in that familly, you're not respected... you have no political power what so ever. Why are you still using that line. The character don't even bother to answer as themselves know it's nonsense.

Isuca is the worst harem anime of winter 2015.
The love triangle is weak , testament is shakespeare if you compare. The animation lack dynamism or soul ....or both .. it's just not intresting . it's censored , but it's not even something that is relevant to the plot . and the characters , aside from 2 ( sakuya and suseri ) are left in the dust. they have lines but ..does it matter ?
The opening song seems so out of place for a serie with themes like this.


I've never seen an arrow miss his target this way .. they royally messed up.

Ps: Verdict of winter season
Why is the animation so poor - tier
Seiken tsukai no world break

buy the uncensored blu-ray - tier

The most balanced harem with actual character develloppement - tier
Unlimited fafnir

Dumbed down by useless girl - tier
Absolute Zero

Living in the 80's - tier ( Nightmare edition )
More ISUCA Stuff , please help

i'm trying to make sense of this anime.

If the nurse is
a pupetter , then what was preventing her from using that puppet to fight in the subway ? or to push the button , once the plan was made . Again , in the subway , what prevented sakuya from shooting an arrow to puch the button , since it has been established that she has the skills to do it ?

Again what prevented them from attacking the cloud in order to free the MC ? didn't that work with tamako 2 mins before ?

Also , in the mirrored world ,
how was ISUCA inside ? isn't the mirrored world a closed thing ? why is the exit a different place than the entry if they destroyed the thing. Also didn't they seal the damn spirit after learning his true name ? then why was the mirror destroyed ?

is there an answer for those things in the manga ??
Hero Bank Episode 51[END]
I would definitely have Hero Bank in my top 10 anime ever list. Only anime that can keep having dumb butt jokes and puns along those lines to make me laugh and be so happy in the morning. It also had my favorite friendship thing in it with Nagare being the super friendship driven person, which ended up leading to one hilarious moment in the final episode
being disappointed when Kaito's power up wasnt because of his friendship, but because of love

Hero bank was enjoyable for its money story though at times it almost gave a bleak outlook on things since most likely lots of people have some form of debt and may want to escape it like what Money Ghost goal was to free people of it. Though second half had huge debt for lots of people which was saddening. It did at times make me wonder how the world would be without money or even folks crave for me. This was probably to the extreme with some of the characters (for example Kaitos sister wanting to always save money so much, or in the different God of Suits districts the way they would restrict people that live in them from being too spendy etc).

Still elementary schoolers tackling these issues and attempting to save the day was fun with the Hero Bank battling system in the virtual space, powerups and being more powered due to accumulated virtual currency, and lots of variety in antagonists. Having an announcer during these fights, random people chiming in the different screens in places, as well as the fast paced and rotating camera made it an really immersive system. Seeing it evolve over the course of the fifty episodes was excellent too. It never felt too samey but seeing more things added to it, like tag battles, a new device keeps it fresher than most of these anime (for example Oreca Battle never changed the hitting the spheres). Seven Gods of Suits were as good as the first halves various friends in many locations that join Kaito's side.

All of Big Money Company were great, Kaito, Nagare, Fukuto, Mitsuo, Long-kun, and even Sekito Sakurada, loved them all alot
and wept so much at the ending, Sekito, why
. They were handled well with intriguing back stories and vital components to the main plot, not just in regards to Kaito but to the whole story of the antagonists. Seeing how both halves are connected was a fun experience.

Also this was one of those rare anime endings
where it doesnt revert to the world being back to normal but living in a post money devestated world like pre civilization times
I liked that.

Always remember Smiles are free! 10/10 anime.


More ISUCA Stuff , please help

i'm trying to make sense of this anime.

If the nurse is
a pupetter , then what was preventing her from using that puppet to fight in the subway ? or to push the button , once the plan was made . Again , in the subway , what prevented sakuya from shooting an arrow to puch the button , since it has been established that she has the skills to do it ?

Again what prevented them from attacking the cloud in order to free the MC ? didn't that work with tamako 2 mins before ?

Also , in the mirrored world ,
how was ISUCA inside ? isn't the mirrored world a closed thing ? why is the exit a different place than the entry if they destroyed the thing. Also didn't they seal the damn spirit after learning his true name ? then why was the mirror destroyed ?

is there an answer for those things in the manga ??

The manga is all pretty different from what I remember of the early material. I don't even remember seeing the nurse fight.


Shin Sekai Yori (From the New World): EP.15-16

Where is this going
rats vs. man war soon? This "human" society is horrible,
Saki is right about it. Then at the end she has those thoughts and dreams about her best friend and lover.... I ask again, where is this going, lol.


Shin Sekai Yori (From the New World): EP.15-16

Where is this going
rats vs. man war soon? This "human" society is horrible,
Saki is right about it. Then at the end she has those thoughts and dreams about her best friend and lover.... I ask again, where is this going, lol.

Its certainly going somewhere I can assure you. Yes that society is pretty awful but you find the reasons why.
Shin Sekai Yori (From the New World): EP.15-16

Where is this going
rats vs. man war soon? This "human" society is horrible,
Saki is right about it. Then at the end she has those thoughts and dreams about her best friend and lover.... I ask again, where is this going, lol.



Interesting, I think Break-Ups(on CR) is a Korean anime.

Wow, sometimes the subs are a little off. When he says five times or six times, the sub says three or four times, for example. Thankfully it is 99% good.

Edit: That final subbed line would have been better with the literal translation: "Do you really want to die?!", instead of "Come here you!".

Overall it was nice, somewhat Korean soap operaish.

Andrew J.

Ping-Pong the Animation 01-11 END

Sports anime isn't usually my thing, but this was pretty good, even great. Yuasa can make anything look cool, of course. The story was pretty basic sports shounen with typical character archetypes, but those things are common because they work, and the use of flashbacks and repetitive motifs kept it from feeling stale.

Can't say I wouldn't have preferred a Kick-Heart series, though.


More ISUCA Stuff , please help

i'm trying to make sense of this anime.

If the nurse is
a pupetter , then what was preventing her from using that puppet to fight in the subway ? or to push the button , once the plan was made . Again , in the subway , what prevented sakuya from shooting an arrow to puch the button , since it has been established that she has the skills to do it ?

Again what prevented them from attacking the cloud in order to free the MC ? didn't that work with tamako 2 mins before ?

Also , in the mirrored world ,
how was ISUCA inside ? isn't the mirrored world a closed thing ? why is the exit a different place than the entry if they destroyed the thing. Also didn't they seal the damn spirit after learning his true name ? then why was the mirror destroyed ?

is there an answer for those things in the manga ??

They don't answer those because I'm fairly certain those things don't happen at all in the manga.


You can only warn people so much before the grab the flame with both hands and burn themsevles.

Warning people is pointless. Nowadays people's reaction to being told something is bad isn't to go "wow, I probably shouldn't bother then" but "wow, I now absolutely have to watch it just to see how bad it is and upload my reactions on youtube"
Fafner 2

Well, that setting is pretty fucked up, moreso on the fact that they somehow kept it a complete secret until now. Introducing a lot of characters, hopefully I can end up remembering them later on.


D-Frag ! OVA

This was pretty decent. As predictable and repetitive Kazama's straight man act can be. I don't think I will ever tire of it, his full of indignation commentary gets me every time.


Bad joke since it looks like something they'd do.
Worse, it looks like something they SHOULD do.

Everyone is a car, man, you just gotta go with it.
Indeed one must go with it.
Q: Ikuhara-san, Utena and Sailor Moon are two of the most popular anime amongst yuri fans. Do you intentionally include shoujo-ai subtexts in your work?

A: No. I'm still able to make a story where it's between a boy and a girl. But I feel irritated to see my girl getting together with some other guy. I've tried to kill off Tuxedo Mask in Sailor Moon many times. But no matter how many times I tried to kill him, he gets resurrected so I only get angrier. So I decided it would be way better if the girl just didn't have a boyfriend to begin with. Of course I'm just kidding. In reality, if I have a guy in the show, the love relationship gets to have a bigger role than the show. And that would be an interesting element, but I wouldn't want that to make that the scene-stealer of the show. Most other shoujo shows are in that direction. It's about who-and-who are getting together, or who-and-who are breaking up. I thought it would be a loss if that would be the big motif just because a girl was the main character. I think there could be more shows with other motives than that.
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