Tomodachi wa Mahou
As a SAO Expert©® I can inform you that Kirito Kami isn't a good example of someone who knows how to gamble.
You really think there is a person alive who would call Kirito's bluff? Nope!
As a SAO Expert©® I can inform you that Kirito Kami isn't a good example of someone who knows how to gamble.
You really think there is a person alive who would call Kirito's bluff? Nope!
Hey, If Jojo does it, it must be fine right?As a SAO Expert©® I can inform you that Kirito Kami isn't a good example of someone who knows how to gamble.
Yes CR got Ace of Diamond s2, but so early.
Ace of the Diamond Second Season starts at a new time now starting next Monday, April 6 at 3:30am
As a SAO Expert©® I can inform you that Kirito Kami isn't a good example of someone who knows how to gamble.
Note the important "always". This means that if he raises the pot you can almost guarantee he has a bad hand. There is a chance he could have a good hand but since this is a game of luck it's fair to say in the long run this tactic would only lead to ruin as bad hands are more likely. You should avoid tells and patterns.Hey, it's a legit tactic, lol.
How'd you guys feel about Bleach: Memories of Nobody?
I'm not insane!
If I wanted to watch low quality versions of the show, I would just watch the official streams from CR/Funi/Daisuki/etc. Go big or go home.
Guys, guys!
Noragami is coming back!
Your hype better have reached the skies!
EDIT: The person above me better be just as hyped.
I just finished Madoka myself and it really is something to cringe and cry along with..
I'll be starting from a New World thus afternoon, regardless of the artstyle, the story sounds interesting.
Best anime news in a while for me. I'd only be happier with more Yozakura Quartet.
EDIT: not completely true. i'd be dancing in the streets if a new season of Natsume got announced,
Shin Sekai Yori (From the New World): EP. 1-3
I'm trying to figure this one out, really cunfusing," What in the heck is going on? The presentation and music is pretty good, but whoever said this one was weird was right and I'm sure I haven;t even scratched the surface yet....especially with the glowing mobile "Libraries
Ok, Ep 4, just made it much worse.....WTF is going on?
So, who wants to watch Nisekoimonogatari?
Shit, why is this the first time I've heard of Anime Bingo?!
Not sure if greatest of all time or too much shaft at once.
Shin Sekai Yori (From the New World): EP. 4-8
Okay, this one just keeps getting weirder and weirder by the minute. Boy on Boy, girl on girl..... Did the kids reallyThere is soo many weird things going on in here... ....alter the worlds timeline from their decisions when they were 12?
Shin Sekai Yori (From the New World): EP. 9-14
The story is starting to settle down a little bit now, and the wholeLooks like Saki will be busy for a long time..... I'm still a little confused on the structure of society now and all the colonies for the differnt species... They hint at minor changes, but do not expound on those....timeless age thing is kinda creapy
This is a strange dark one for sure..
Have there been any good original fantasy anime's at all?
I miss stuff like scrapped princess.
Memories: Stink Bomb
Second part of Memories anthology, this time going more for over the top comedy sci fi. Story is about this guy named Nobuo Tanaka who has a cold and accidentally takes a pill that was a bioweapon creation.This basically turns him into a walking apocalypse as he emits a gas that kills everything that surrounds him. He gets instructed by some higher up to take the experimental bioweapon to him, who unbeknownst to that bureaucrat, he was the one who took the pill that caused the deaths. The rest is basically over the top action as the military sends everything they have to stop this man who is single handedly accidentally destroying the country. Admittedly this story served to annoy me more than make me laugh because this idiot couldn't take a hint that he was the cause. Which while indeed it is supposed to be funny because he is a thoughtless walking disaster, made me more frustrated than anything. And he remains an idiot until the very end with that dark comedy ending. Despite that, it was really good, super entertaining. And man was that some well animated action as the guy somehow dodged all the missiles from the military with the moped he was riding.
Huh, it's been a long time. Hmm, I remember it being okay. If you like Bleach, why not go for it?
Best arc approaching quickly! You are flying through this. Perhaps take some time to let the show sink in. Theres a lot of details.
I had to watch it twice to really grasp the nuances of everything. But man its amazing. The feeling of dread for these characters is what really got me. You feel so helpless watching this play out.
Scrapped Princess was legit. You might like Chaika. At least season 1.
Stink Bomb was hilarious. that whole disc is a treat beginning to end.
It did. Wasn't as good as the first season, but it had more Chaika and Freddy shenanigans so I liked it.Chaika was good. Really enjoyed it, hope it gets a s2...
Is he riding Kongou?Strike Witches Operation Victory Arrow Vol. 2
Battleships actually being useful for once? My battleship boner is harder than the steel used to make them right now.
Sarcasm ???Chaika was good. Really enjoyed it, hope it gets a s2...
I mean I enjoyed bit, but I enjoy popcorn movies too...Sarcasm ???
Its real good. Just don't watch the 2nd OVA though. The 1st OVA is awesome but the 2nd one likely takes place after the arc they will be covering in season two. So its rather spoilery.
Lol I love how theres a pointless boob window shot 30 seconds into Cross ange. Oh boy what have I gotten myself into?
Lol I love how theres a pointless boob window shot 30 seconds into Cross ange. Oh boy what have I gotten myself into?
I remember when I watched episode 26, and I was told that it was supposed to be the really high point of the show. When I saw it for the first time, I was actually underwhelmed. I mean, I thought it was a really good episode, but I didn't know why this particular one was hyped up so much.
Then Jarmel posted this. Seriously, you should give it a read.
When I saw his points there, I began to understand. There were just so many little details in that episode that really made that episode shine for me once I took another look at it.
Not to mention the camera uses Eureka's viewpoint in a couple of shots to emphasize her emotional state when she was freefalling.
Lol I love how theres a pointless boob window shot 30 seconds into Cross ange. Oh boy what have I gotten myself into?
I've watched it. Yeats ago. Don't really like Bleach post soil society arc, but whatever.
Stink Bomb was hilarious. that whole disc is a treat beginning to end.
I welcome new adaptations of old material.
Even if it isn't Tatsunoko. Will this likely be Toei?
I mean I enjoyed bit, but I enjoy popcorn movies too...
Best arc approaching quickly! You are flying through this. Perhaps take some time to let the show sink in. Theres a lot of details.
I had to watch it twice to really grasp the nuances of everything. But man its amazing. The feeling of dread for these characters is what really got me. You feel so helpless watching this play out.
How'd you guys feel about Bleach: Memories of Nobody?
Lol, you will learn a couple of the director's fetishes soon enough, lol.
No Chaika already has a second season. Its 2 cours. But I guess you wanted more, in which case, I agree with you. Chaika was great even though the pacing was ridiculous towards the final stretch.
Yeeep. Just how that dread slowly creeps up on you. All that tension. So good.
Lol, you will learn a couple of the director's fetishes soon enough, lol.
I watched all the Bleach movies and remember pretty much nothing except the Hell Arc would've been better and more cool then whatever we actually got in the manga
It was even kind of set up to happen. I don't remember what happened.
Cross Ange 01
Surprise butt rape?
So the whole show is TMI about the director. ^_^
Cross Ange 01
Good world building. Tron everywhere. Space lacrosse. People arent who they seem.Surprise butt rape?
On to the next thrilling episode!
Zola is a mega perv
Or maybe just the director of this show.