Tsukikage Ran 04-06
Meow was the driver of the plot in all three of these, and her infectious desire to be the hero is a lot of fun to watch. This comparison isn't perfect, and the two shows are wildly different in many other respects, but an episode involving a painter and another one involving a set of hot springs, featuring a skilled lady samurai and her overenthusastic partner... this is something I haven't really seen since Manyuu Hikenchou. I don't know if that's blasphemous or not, and Ran has basically zero fanservice while that has all the fanservice, but they're at least quasi in the same genre. Ran is a lot of fun so far. Extremely formulaic, in a fun way.
Sailor Moon (S) 106-107
Ooh, Haruka's backstory. And hell worms. And a dark-skinned girl who does track and field and likes grabbing other peoples' butts. That was a nice episode, and the music that accompanies Haruka and Michiru's transformation sequences is lovely. The Chibs episode was also cute - and had Eudial destroying a community center for no apparent reason. And everybody being mean to Usagi, but that's expected.