Personally if you don't like the MC and Hestia from the first 3 episodes then your better off not watching more. I mean they are the same and haven't changed that much especially Hestia, plus I doubt a decent fight scene will change your mind.
Though you can try it if you want.
Actually she's one of the reason the series is enjoyable for what it offers.
Well, Bell has changed in his focus and attitude. That whole fight scene was proof of his change.
Hestia, well, no change is needed there..
Is Gintama any good? How about DanMachi?
Is Gintama any good? How about DanMachi?
Well, Bell has changed in his focus and attitude. That whole fight scene was proof of his change.
Hestia, well, no change is needed there..
Is Gintama any good? How about DanMachi?
He literally didn't, but I guess his attitude did change a bit.
I don't know... Sensei was really close to Rika, but he was as close to Harada. He likes Rika, has sense that may love her, but can't, and she'll always remind him about Harada if he'll see her often. And I'm not sure that Rika can accept it if he'll care too much about her. She really don't want to crush others with hernmisfortune.Yeah, that was, I'm just not sure why he couldn't get over it and be by her side. I understand what he said, but surely he'll fix that after being gone for the year.
Gintama is great. You have to slug through 20 or so weak set up episodes, though some people like them better then me.
I am legitimately confused by the amount of people who like DanMachi in here, but they do seem to like it so whatever.
I kind of like Accel World, where the mc isnt untouchable. He gets his ass kicked most of the time, only overcoming everything with the help of friends.
Gintama has a lot of episodes.
It's a real shame how so many people who've seen SAO are afraid to watch this much better show simply for being by the same author.
I feel the same way.
Haru may start off as a "master" of video games. But he still needs to learn the fundamentals of Brain Burst from the ground up.
Unlike in Sword Art Online where Kirito had beta tested the game (IIRC) and basically had a head start.
Adding to that, Haru even makes mistakes a lot as he learns, like an actual human being. He may have an "ability that no one else has", as most LN stuff goes. But Haru has to work to keep it, and what really impresses me about Accel World is that later on in the second half,the show actually takes that power away from him, forcing him to adapt to a new strategy until he gets it back. That's a pretty risky move!
Again, it's much better than SAO where 90% of the development Kirito goes through happens off-screen.
It's a real shame how so many people who've seen SAO are afraid to watch this much better show simply for being by the same author.
For a man known to use the word glop, he somehow is able to make something completely good.I honestly cant believe it was written by the same guy.
Hestia is the Bestia
Nisekoi 7
And we're officially back! Best episode of the second season by far. Full Shaft neck tilts? Check. New girl? Check.arising again? Check. The dynamics of all the girls and misunderstandings? Check. Zany fun and comedy bits? Check. Kosaki Onodera taking up more time on screen time then Chitoge? Double points!Locket problems
It's a real shame how so many people who've seen SAO are afraid to watch this much better show simply for being by the same author.
Well I thought it was shittier than SAO.
I found SAO at least entertaining enough to keep watching. I just recognize that Kirito being God all the time was ridiculous.
I like that DanMachi is real life RPG.
Most episodes are great although it depends on your sense of humor. It uses a lot of crude humor and local japanesee jokes but it always works since the characters are amazing. It also has amazing serious arcs in order to move the story forward. It culminates into a must see anime show.Gintama has a lot of episodes.
Nisekoi S2 07
You'd think that Nisekoi couldn't get any worse.
But then worst girls arrives and shows you how wrong you were.
Thankfully I managed to free myself from this atrocity.
Let's take a look at the "news" for the Kyoto Animation Awards:So what is it that people dislike about Anime News Network? Is it the fact that they use early magazine scans but still have advertising on their site? If they were a random blog with no advertising would anyone care?
Hanayamata End
I liked it. It reminded me a lot of K-on. Just some girls coming together and forming a club. And like K-on, with the band, there was not much emphasis on the club activity but more on anime girls doing anime girl stuff. The OP is also pretty good,the way it was used in the plot was pretty good.![]()
I only watched part of the first episode but the backgrounds irked me. They have a really muted colour palette and are so obviously cheap renders - the characters just look as if they've been pasted on top.Re-Kan! Episode 8:
Kind of at a loss for word as to how average this show remains to be.
Niseshit s2 ep 7
Annnnd here is the beginning of the horrible trolling fillers which plague Nisekoi.
Man, why does Ayane Sakura always get typecasted into kouhai roles?
This title will be released on December 28, 2015.
Got a Kickstarter update from Trigger regarding LWA2. Looks like they've been spending too much time on the super high budget production masterpiece Ninja Slayer, because LWA2 is definitely delaaaaaaaaaaayed. I think we already knew that though. Whatever. I've already written it off as a loss. Just like all anime. What a mistake this entire industry was. Nothing but trash!
You should be investing your money in trusted kickstarters that'll yield high quality results rather than scams like these.
Why ? Why does this took so long ? why is this so far away.
***Goes crying in a corner.***
Baccano: A weird technicality with assets has caused the delay, it should be resolved soon. Should be released before the October 2015 London Comic Con.
Did yall like Ragnarok the animation? Cornbread might enjoy that one.
Niseshit s2 ep 7
Annnnd here is the beginning of the horrible trolling fillers which plague Nisekoi.
Man, why does Ayane Sakura always get typecasted into kouhai roles?
*permbans Narag*
Best case would be 5 episodes of the magical girls spin-off.
But with just 4 episodes left after the one special episode, at least the anime will enter the final drama part soon.