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Spring Anime 2015 |OT| The Disappearance of YEAARRT!

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They made them nigh-inaudible in the tv broadcast, you can actually hear them in the BD release though.

Also mods I ask that you please open the F/sn thread again.

Do you think they'll end up doing the same thing for the second cour? I really hope not, since the soundtrack doesn't deserve to be wasted like that.


Hey kids! Do you like Patlabor? TOO BAD. It’s DEAD. GO THE FUCK HOME.

Okay, okay, maybe I’m overreacting a little bit, but give me just awhile to explain where I’m at with this movie and why I’m not happy about it. To do that, I’m going to give just a brief rundown of how I feel about the whole series and let you go from there. As such this post serves as mainly my thoughts on the movie but also my feelings about the entire franchise.

Patlabor on Television was my first brush with this franchise, and I loved it. It introduced an incredibly well-rounded female lead, a stellar supporting cast and a well-thought-out world in which giant robots made sense and functioned and evolved in believable ways. It was perhaps the most down to earth Mecha anime I’d seen, and it was funny to boot. Izumi Noa wasn’t overly sexualized, she wasn’t completely dependent on guys to do things for her, and at the same time she wasn’t a hyper competent badass, either. She had strengths, weaknesses, moments of incredible determination and endearing vulnerability. She had important relationships with other women at the SV2 and conversations with them that were independent from men. She earned those relationships and they developed naturally. It’s not hard for me to consider that Izumi is the best written woman in any anime I’ve ever watched.

The New Files, then, was just as well received. It helped give closure to the whole thing for me. Sure, Gotoh never hooked up with Shinobu, but at least we got some insight into how she felt about him. Sure, Asuma never hooked up with Izumi, but at least we got to learn why he’d even joined the SV2 in the first place. It was full of touching moments and action that helped to finish things off. Even series-specific character Kumagami got to develop and have her own friendship with Kanuka forged.

Early Days continued the series tone and I think that tone reached its peak in Movie 1. There were serious moments and struggles, but on the whole it was an energetic experience about the team I had known for many episodes coming together to take on a bigger challenge. The final showdown between Izumi and the possessed Zero had me on the edge of my seat.

But then I watched Movie 3 and things changed. For starters, Izumi and Asuma were reduced to cameos. There was CGI. BAD CGI. The entire plot was centered on two side characters who were of minimal importance to the TV series, OVAs, and first movie. There’s a sequence in the first movie where these two side characters are doing legwork to track down the villain. This movie felt a lot like that sequence stretched into an entire film, and it wasn’t fun. It wasn’t bad, it was just incredibly dull.

The film centered on their investigation into a serial killing where the serial killer was a giant penis monster made out of cancer cells. I don’t think any major Patlabor character featured in this film for more than ten minutes total. The entire experience would’ve been surreal had it not been so dull. But what I didn’t know was that a lot of it was also a sign of things I could expect in the next movie. Where Patlabor 1 was colorful and energetic, Patlabor 2 was bleak, washed out and oppressive.

The plot of Patlabor 2 centers on a terrorist attempting to plunge Tokyo or Japan into a civil war. He developed the idea of military grade Labors and watched the first team of them die when HQ sat on its ass and did nothing. Not surprisingly, a whole lot of nothing happens in this movie because the events of the film are part of his orchestrated attempt to make all of Japan feel what he felt in that moment.

I can’t rightly tell you that this movie is bad. It probably isn’t. But I didn’t really like it, either. In a way, it reminded me of Zeta Gundam, if Tomino’s method of getting fans to let go of Gundam had been something other than murdering the entire cast of Gundam. Because this movie is most certainly about letting go. The main villain is a man, after all, who cannot let go of what happened to him.

To put it bluntly, it felt to me like the point of this movie was to convince the audience to let go of Patlabor and to do that by framing the entire thing as one giant set up to Captain Gotoh letting go of his long-time attraction to Captain Nagumo. I feel that every aspect of this movie reflects these two main points, and I will attempt to explain that.

The movie uses a sort of grey-scale palette of colors to create a sort of repressed setting. This setting represents both the writer’s feelings of entrapment by the franchise and Gotoh’s own imprisonment within his interest in Shinobu. The seeds of the eventual emotional divorce are sown early on: Shinobu has received a promotion, the entire crew of the SV2 has moved on to other jobs, Izumi isn’t piloting Alphonse, and, most important of all, Shinobu suddenly has a long lost love interest. This is important for two reasons: the first is that this lost flame is the film’s central antagonist and figures heavily into the split between Shinobu and Gotoh and the second is that this character has never once been mentioned in any other Patlabor work. Combining the two together leads me to feel that the character must have been introduced for this purpose.

All of these elements represent the way the writer feels about the work. Izumi’s not piloting Alphonse anymore because Oshii isn’t interested in writing about it happening anymore. At one point she goes so far as to say “I don’t want to be known as the girl who’s interested in giant robots my whole life.” And if that’s not a statement about wanting to move on from this franchise, I don’t know what is. Everywhere you look in the movie the cast has moved on. Shinshi has a baby and a desk job, Ota’s training cadets, The Old Man’s retired with Shige taking over his job, Kanuka’s in America, and so on. Everybody’s moved on, and it’s time we did, too.

A major moment in the film is a protracted dialogue between Gotoh and one of the Japanese Intelligence agency members debating the difference between Unjust Peace and Just War. In the film this is a commentary on the present situation, but in the context we’ve been discussing it takes on a different meaning. It becomes a consideration of Gotoh’s relationship with Shinobu. It clearly isn’t a sincere and just relationship, since Gotoh’s attraction to Shinobu frequently puts him at a disadvantage to her, whilst Shinobu’s ironwalled attitude creates the situations where she can take advantage of him whether she realizes it or not. At one point in the film she exclaims “I see now just how much your promise to me meant to you!” which is a painfully harsh condemnation of a man who has at numerous points gone well out of his way to help and cover for her. The Just War would be the very deserved enmity that could come of such a friendship. The conversation’s meaning then boils down to this: Is it okay for Gotoh to continue to pine for Shinobu in silence if it means that he may someday come to hate her openly? Is it okay for Oshii to keep making Patlabor movies when he doesn’t really want to if it means making fans happy? Even though one day he will come to hate Patlabor if he does?

As the movie carries on, Shinobu’s trust in Gotoh continues to deteriorate despite the fact that her own actions are just as if not even more questionable than his own. At every step she makes terrible decisions because she once loved Tsuge and isn’t over him yet. Shinobu can’t move on and that creates huge problems for Gotoh. She trails Tsuge into a trap on a boat without telling anyone, but when she sees his face she loses her nerve and he slips out of her fingers. In this same scene her relationship deteriorates even further when a horde of cops arrive because Gotoh tipped them off (even though it was her mother who called him, worried about her). The film is full of instances of Gotoh going to great lengths to try and help Shinobu and at every turn being rebuffed by her.

The movie’s climax comes when Shinobu confronts Tsuge as the reassembled SV2 dismantles his operations. She quotes to him a verse from The Bible in which The Lord warns that He will divide the people. This verse refers to Tsuge’s plan to turn Japan into war on itself, but also to the state of contradiction Shinobu finds herself in with the men in her life and the fans and Oshii find themselves in. As the movie closes, the villain, Tsuge, still cannot move on from the franchise, discussing what will happen in the film’s future. Gotoh, however, upon seeing that Shinobu has yet to actually move on from Tsuge, turns his eyes to the celebrating SV2 and remarks “I guess, in the end, they’re all I really have.” This symbolizes that after 50 episodes and numerous ovas and movies, Gotoh has at last let go of his attraction to Shinobu and moved on from her. Now it is time for the fans and the writer to let go as well and move on with their lives.

EXCEPT that Gotoh doesn’t have them, either. Sure, they came when he called, but they’re not around anymore. Sure he can rely on them in a pinch but there’s nothing else in this movie to really indicate that Gotoh spends time with them the way he used to or talks to them very much at all. We never actually see him interact with any of them, and even at the end he is physically far away from them. So for me, at least, the ending isn’t “Gotoh moves on” and is instead “Gotoh is abandoned by everyone” which is almost as horrible and depressing as the rest of the movie.

I won’t say this was a bad movie, but I won’t say it was one I enjoyed either. I cannot help but hate a movie that builds itself entirely around depressing the audience into moving on from it. I cannot bring myself to like a film so blatantly devoid of interest in what made the franchise great that it actively avoids it. Like Patlabor III there’s barely any mecha fighting going on, and most of the cast are absent. It’s just 2 long, dreary hours of Oshii attempting to convince fans that there’s nothing left to see by draining their will to carry on. And that’s my generous opinion of the film. In the heat of the moment I’m tempted to write the entire production off as it being the world’s longest and gloomiest NTR, in which we watch the hero quietly sit by and lose the woman of his dreams to a mass murderer as she herself suddenly becomes colder and bitchier than she’s ever been before simply to hammer an artificial wedge between them and really bludgeon the point that HEY IT’S OVER MOVE THE FUCK ON KIDDOS into your heads.

Patlabor II is grey, depressing, and a lot like riding a slow moving, flat rollercoaster in a rainstorm. You don’t go anywhere and you’ve had a net value of negative fun by the end. I’d compare it to death by asphyxiation except I’m pretty sure that’s more colorful than this film was. I don’t think Patlabor II was bad, but I fucking hate it just the same.


It's odd, the soundtrack itself has several pretty good and noticeable tracks when I listened to it standalone, but they weren't that memorable themselves in the anime.

Well, let's hope it gets better in the second season. :D The new episode comes out today, right?

Just finished the first episode of Owari no Seraph. Damn, the pacing is so slow in this one. I guess imma watch the next one and gonna drop it if it's still such a snorefest. Really not feeling this one. :\

They made them nigh-inaudible in the tv broadcast, you can actually hear them in the BD release though.
Ah, that explains it I guess.


Do you think they'll end up doing the same thing for the second cour? I really hope not, since the soundtrack doesn't deserve to be wasted like that.

I saw the new episode earlier today and I can say that this is happening in the 2nd cour as well, I'm sure though given what's to come in the show that the intensity of the new tracks should offset the issue somewhat.


Guess what I got today!


Video unboxing:


Is It Wrong to Try and Pick Up Girls in a Dunegon - 01

Already way better than all the harems from last season by a long shot. All the girls are super cute (with good, attractive character design) so far, and the premise/world is neat.



Well Im sold. More.

Houston Day 1 Con Writeup

-PV shown. Not much new info, maybe 10 seconds. I think there was a new cut involving Diane and one with Sucy(or Akko can't remember) looking at a flower. One long cut with Akko jumping around with a pillow and feathers flying. Nothing really substantial.
-Yoshinari didn't want to comment on completion percentage. Not close to being done.
-Aiming for a Fall release date for cinemas in Japan.
-Yoshinari working in hotel room. Obviously dead busy.
-Sushio and Nishigori doing key animation for LWA 2 (Nishigori was kinda cagey about it)
-Nishigori did say that he liked drawing the faces for Yoshinari character designs.
-Nishigori joked that he's been doing so much work for Trigger that it's time they repay the favor.
-Animation quality jump for LWA 2 compared with Terminator to Terminator 2 quality
-Yoshinari joked that it shouldn't be too hard to increase the animation quality.
-Murase-Easy for her to slip into Sucy role. More phrases for Sucy to say in the sequel (yay!).
-They are doing VA recordings already to some extent as Murase said it was nostalgic recording after two years.
-More battle scenes and stuff they didn't do in the first episode
-New outfit for Akko, sort of like a cloak (they didn't remember what it's for lol)
-More scenes outside of school (^probably what she wears outside of campus)
-New female character Amanda, female. Inspired by Ryuuko. [I didn't take photos cause I thought this would be in the artbook they were selling at the con. I was wrong.]
-Other new is Constante (sp? not Constantine though). Small female kid, engineer.
-Third new female friend. Big bone woman (thick). She likes to eat. Think Kanako Mimura.
-Yoshinari jokes that he's trying to ride the Big Hero 6 wave (of plus size)
-Background art looks like Kaneko again. Was picture of a park
-World takes place in modern day and they want to expand on that a bit.
-Boat in key visual is a float.
-Sushio wants to draw Sucy the most
-Sushio again doing key art and joked around that he wanted to impress Yoshinari. Yoshinari joked back with essentially 'Good luck with that'.

Q&A stuff
-Production for 2nd episode is a bit more laid back with not having to teach new animators
-Koh not doing animation for LWA2. Big brother is scary.
-Some insane fangirl essentially asking how to join Trigger
-Someone asked what they thought of Shirobako and one of them replied that Shirobako didn't pick up on the 'darker side'.

Favorite Anime
Nishigori- Nadia and why he went into Gainax
Sushio- Kill La Kill (lol)
Murase- Childhood anime lies with Sailor Moon
Yoshinari- Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honnêamise (I actually helped out a bit and yelled out the english name Royal Space Force).
Wakabayashi- Toy Story

Im so ready for LWA2. Also dammit I shoulda been there. Houston is only 3 hours away.

I'm giving into the hype and start watching Cross Ange...

Can't flipping wait for Nisekoi season 2, #TeamOnodera the first romance is the realist!

YES. Watch Cross ange! Its quite entertaining. You will hate almost everybody including Ange but thats part of the fun.

Is Nisekoi just a decent harem show? If so I'll be fine with skipping it.

Its quite fun to watch

Soma 01

Enjoyable first episode. Close enough to the manga to keep me happy.

Now that said Kōfuku's food > Soma's food.

I would have to agree. Shaft really knows what theyre doing when it comes to food.
I know people like to make fun of them but Shaft knows how to make things interesting consistently.

[Shokugeki no Soma] 1


Ok ok Im gonna watch it!


Danmachi - 01

Holy shit yes. Goddess too cute. World seems interesting. MC and Goddess better get together at the end, they're an adorable couple.


Please let this be good. Pleeeeeeease.
Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Episode 49

Yuuya oniichan v Sora was the best fight in weeks. Action duels are always so good when both players are willing to risk it all to get the Action cards in the middle of attacks. The first set was especially good. Sora deck is perfect for this type of dueling and Yuuya oniichans too. I love the Deathtoys and Furnimals, epic combo mid duel. And the overlay network as well.

Also, Reira is good duelist hope he gets a large role later on.


You're crazy! Man one of the best anime films I've seen, bar none. Fuck, the animation, the soundtrack, the characters...fuuuccckkkk. So good. I find myself going back and watching the opening title sequence again and again periodically just because its so fucking good. One of the most intense and engrossing experiences I've ever had watching something, both physically and emotionally draining. Looks and sounds sublime on Blu-ray.

Draining like a vampire attack, maybe.

I mean, the overwhelming majority of the good Patlabor characters aren't even IN this movie. You have Gotoh and Shinobu and that's it. And Shinobu's been turned into a cold ass bitch queen because sudden shitty exboyfriend happens.

The fact that fatass mcdetective is one of the major players in the plot while MOST of SV2 aren't in this movie leaves me reeling.
I can see someone not liking Patlabor 2 if what they care about the franchise is just the characters or the titular mecha, considering most of them barely show up during the film. But as someone who appreciates the delicate, moody atmosphere Oshii brought to the first film, I was happy to find it in even stronger force here. I think it's a really powerful film about what can happen when military and technology run amok and it's my personal favorite out of all of Oshii's films.


School Days gave me nightmares. I did not react well to that show. Not in real life or on here at the time.

I marathoned that show and then slept like a baby. either Im just desensitized or Im a monster.

I was watching Hunter x Hunter episodes as study breaks and it was great. I always came back to my work refreshed. After I finished through episode 26 I decided to take a break and watch Haibane Renmei.

It's a good show, but it's draining and I would not recommend it as a study breaker lol.

Haibane Renmei can really put an emotional toll on you. It hits pretty hard.

Mofus and rock together at last.


Gargantia 2nd Season Scrapped in Favor of Novel


I'm a bit sad at this I didn't mind gargantia and I would have watched a second season but alas the novel will likely never be translated.

I will miss this show :(

Shokugeki no Soma 01

I didn't think any show could have lewder eating than Gourmet Girl Graffiti, but here it is.

Well several people did warn that this was the case.
Danmachi first episode is good, but it maybe not for long because anime script writer is that Date a Live anime guy...

Well hope he can prove i'm wrong this time.



Feels like we're picking up right where we left off. The new OP and ED are both pretty good, and while Archer's going into the danger zone, having already seen at least the movie, I know what's going to happen. The Rin and Shiro scene was nice, too. I know a lot of people are looking forward to the back half for the action, but without some buildup, that action won't land. Plus I can't unsee Kuzuki as anything but the Cinderella Girls producer now.

I'm also looking forward to Gilgamesh getting defeated twice this year.
Gunslinger Stratos - 01

ehhh so this is based on some Square Enix game, I don't have a good feeling about this.
Last third was slightly better, so I'm probably going to see the next one before I completely write if off, just in case if this for some miracle reason becomes good. ED song was good though!

is that what I think it is
Btw, hi AnimeGAF, I'm new here :)
welcome buddy


Unconfirmed Member
Danmachi - 01

Holy shit yes. Goddess too cute. World seems interesting. MC and Goddess better get together at the end, they're an adorable couple.


Please let this be good. Pleeeeeeease.

Hestia is bestia.


I can see someone not liking Patlabor 2 if what they care about the franchise is just the characters or the titular mecha, considering most of them barely show up during the film. But as someone who appreciates the delicate, moody atmosphere Oshii brought to the first film, I was happy to find it in even stronger force here. I think it's a really powerful film about what can happen when military and technology run amok and it's my personal favorite out of all of Oshii's films.

See, I dunno. I feel like the first film had a good control of it's mood and the second and third films just dumped a shittton of grey in there for bleak's sake. And Patlabor hasn't until these last two movies been a particularly moody work. It doesn't feel much like Patlabor at all when the cast of Patlabor and labors themselves are absent and the tone is completely different than all previous entries I'd viewed.

It's why I'm convinced the point was to get the audience to quit wanting Patlabor, because it didn't feel like Patlabor in the slightest. I also feel like the first film handled the concept of technology run amok better, with the Old Man's comments to Gotoh about the way he couldn't keep up with new tech, the concept of an OS running amok and the fact that end of the movie was all about stopping machines from going berserk and destroying the city.

The second movie barely talked about any of that stuff. It just droned about war and peace while robot blimps spewed fake toxic gas as Gotoh got ripped off by the universe. It wasn't nearly as focused on this point.
Gunslinger Stratos Episode 1

Ought to have just started at the enter the other world part. It was significantly more exciting than the beginning life stuff. Love the magic and technology in this world and the "other self" character design. Will keep watching.
I marathoned that show and then slept like a baby. either Im just desensitized or Im a monster.

Haibane Renmei can really put an emotional toll on you. It hits pretty hard.

I was one of the few who actually went in not knowing how it all ends and even watched the completely uncensored version where you see what happens and all the sounds of
slicing bodies open
. So yeah, I was caught off guard.

I really liked Haibane Renmei. It's really grown on me over time. Really glad I did that watchbet.


Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works 1.
Too bad no 1 hour special this time, but it was exciting as always. Archer is such a douche for turning to Caster. Rin is such a cutie in this episode though. So tsundere! ;_;


Hey kids! Do you like Patlabor? TOO BAD. It’s DEAD. GO THE FUCK HOME.


Patlabor II is grey, depressing, and a lot like riding a slow moving, flat rollercoaster in a rainstorm. You don’t go anywhere and you’ve had a net value of negative fun by the end. I’d compare it to death by asphyxiation except I’m pretty sure that’s more colorful than this film was. I don’t think Patlabor II was bad, but I fucking hate it just the same.

I had a really different perspective on this movie, considering that at the time I saw it, the prior film was my only experience with the franchise. Because of that, while it was tough watching everyone in SV2 drift apart, it didn't strike me with anywhere near the same kind of vehemence that it did for you. Oshii takes a wider focus with the second movie, making Tokyo, with its growing paranoia and uncertainty, a central character in his drama. The movie's unknown, suffocating sense of threat without real catharsis is exactly the kind of mood, the kind of so-called peace, that he wishes to criticize through the film. And it's very, very different from the mood of its cinematic predecessor.

I can't exactly blame you for feeling betrayed that Oshii took this second film in the franchise to make something that was both very different from Patlabor and an active move to break down the character relationships that bound the team and the franchise together. It was the kind of mood he was in at the time (he almost was given the reigns to make a Lupin film where Lupin didn't appear because he stole "the movie" from the audience). But I think that, on its own terms, it's a very interesting movie that builds on its predecessor's ideas of how "progress" tries to forget and leave things behind, and what happens when that which is forgotten makes itself known. Its political commentary on how the militaries of developed nations try to make themselves feel safe, as meaningful as it was to Japan's situation at the time the film was made, still feels extraordinarily relevant today.


Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon 1

Only watched it for the title. Fantasy light novel tripe. Nothing particularly engaging despite a mildly interesting premise. Pass unless it gets really good impressions later.

Re-Kan! 1

It's alright? Vaguely amusing, but you can tell it's adapted from a 4koma. May give a second shot.


Scored 3/100 on an Exam
Regarding the new Haruhi Suzumiya show, which I haven't read much about-- is it any good?

I liked the previous seasons and the movies, and I read all the light novels and liked most of that too. Does it still follow the novels?
I have a sneaking suspicion it's some odd fanservice season which may destroy my likings for the series forever. Is that true?

I also hear there's a new Gargantia season. I liked the first season but don't see how it can reasonably continued, is it stupid as I imagine?

EDIT: I should note that I like both for their scifi elements, rather than whatever else they try to push in there.


Tragic victim of fan death
UBW 13

The faces looks really bad for some reason this episode. The writing is also shittastic. lulz.


Plastic Memories 01

The premise kinda reminds me of a sci-fi version of Momo, The Girl God of Death, but crossed with a workplace sitcom. Androids and how they live, what this means compared to humans, it can cover some well-trod but interesting things here. And even though it deals with a digital form of death, it still keeps a very light tone in order to not let the sadness completely overwhelm things. Plus it has that really bright, popping color palette. I suspect the cases will only get tougher as the show goes on, but one easy one and one hard one give a good idea of what this show is going to be like.

Sci-fi's not all about logic and futurism. You can't have either of those things without some emotions, and this series looks to be entirely about navigating the trickiest thing of all - human emotions and attachment. Like AI, but less likely to give me nightmares. Seriously, those aliens were creepy.
man, this season lookin' sooo bad. probably should just start shirobako now.

Backlog season? Backlog season. Only series I'll probably follow is Nisekoi out of some twisted obligation to continue watching because I finished the first. Need to finish up Shirobako, Parasyte, Ronja, Xenoglossia and Mushishi. Maybe get back to Aria.


Ugh, forgot how gross the saber scene was with how weak and provocative her posture is during this scene. They could've shown it better but it is using the source material so :/. Overall episode kicks things off as the later half gets more action paced and with rising quality from here on out. I like the op and Ed better than the first ones. Sad they didn't use this song for the end scene. http://youtu.be/3L1DEvzsftw


I had a really different perspective on this movie, considering that at the time I saw it, the prior film was my only experience with the franchise. Because of that, while it was tough watching everyone in SV2 drift apart, it didn't strike me with anywhere near the same kind of vehemence that it did for you. Oshii takes a wider focus with the second movie, making Tokyo, with its growing paranoia and uncertainty, a central character in his drama. The movie's unknown, suffocating sense of threat without real catharsis is exactly the kind of mood, the kind of so-called peace, that he wishes to criticize through the film. And it's very, very different from the mood of its cinematic predecessor.

I can't exactly blame you for feeling betrayed that Oshii took this second film in the franchise to make something that was both very different from Patlabor and an active move to break down the character relationships that bound the team and the franchise together. It was the kind of mood he was in at the time (he almost was given the reigns to make a Lupin film where Lupin didn't appear because he stole "the movie" from the audience). But I think that, on its own terms, it's a very interesting movie that builds on its predecessor's ideas of how "progress" tries to forget and leave things behind, and what happens when that which is forgotten makes itself known. Its political commentary on how the militaries of developed nations try to make themselves feel safe, as meaningful as it was to Japan's situation at the time the film was made, still feels extraordinarily relevant today.

I do begin to think that my reaction is in part because I saw this thing last of all. Had I finished on movie 1 and never watched it, I'd have been happier, and if I'd only seen the movies, I might still have been happier. Maybe it's my exposure to the TV series where there was never anything this oppressive and where the focus was upon the lives of the cast, but I just kind of feel a story as markedly hopeless as this felt. This movie feels like if Kanuka had died at the end of the last movie and the whole point of the last movie had been telling you Kanuka didn't need to live anyway and at the end hey that's life sometimes you just have to kill your friend.


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
UBW 13

The faces looks really bad for some reason this episode. The writing is also shittastic. lulz.

I tend to agree. I was disappointed by this episode. The faces were bad too as you pointed out.

The ending scene was cute though. Overall, not the best episode in the series but looking forward to more of it.


Regarding the new Haruhi Suzumiya show, which I haven't read much about-- is it any good?

I liked the previous seasons and the movies, and I read all the light novels and liked most of that too. Does it still follow the novels?
I have a sneaking suspicion it's some odd fanservice season which may destroy my likings for the series forever. Is that true?

I also hear there's a new Gargantia season. I liked the first season but don't see how it can reasonably continued, is it stupid as I imagine?

The new Haruhi is based on a weird spin-off manga based upon the alternate world posited in the movie where Yuki is a normal, if shy, girl, as opposed to anything that could be considered canonical. I'm not sure if "fanservice" is exactly right, having not read the manga in-bulk, but until (if) Tanigawa gets over whatever writers block has been causing him so many problems for the last decade, it's all you are going to get.

As far as Gargantia goes, they made some OAV episodes, but apparently they've just announced that they've canned the second TV series, and that story will now only exist as a novel which probably doesn't stand a snowballs chance of ever being translated.


Regarding the new Haruhi Suzumiya show, which I haven't read much about-- is it any good?

I liked the previous seasons and the movies, and I read all the light novels and liked most of that too. Does it still follow the novels?
I have a sneaking suspicion it's some odd fanservice season which may destroy my likings for the series forever. Is that true?

I also hear there's a new Gargantia season. I liked the first season but don't see how it can reasonably continued, is it stupid as I imagine?

EDIT: I should note that I like both for their scifi elements, rather than whatever else they try to push in there.

It's not fanservice, but it's basically a series set in the alternate "Disappearance" universe. There aren't zero sci-fi elements, but they are greatly reduced and don't show up at all until later. It's a romcom starring the alternate universe's Yuki Nagato.
Regarding the new Haruhi Suzumiya show, which I haven't read much about-- is it any good?

I liked the previous seasons and the movies, and I read all the light novels and liked most of that too. Does it still follow the novels?
I have a sneaking suspicion it's some odd fanservice season which may destroy my likings for the series forever. Is that true?

I also hear there's a new Gargantia season. I liked the first season but don't see how it can reasonably continued, is it stupid as I imagine?

EDIT: I should note that I like both for their scifi elements, rather than whatever else they try to push in there.

1. The Disappearance of Yuki Nagato is an adaptation of a spinoff manga focusing on alternate universe Nagato from the Disappearance of Haruhi book/movie. It does not feature sci-fi elements and is not closely linked to the main novel series. Nagato blushing/pairing with Kyon is the main focus.

2. There is no new Gargantia season. There was one in the works, but it was scrapped and turned into a novel instead.


Crystal Bearer
I didn't think the faces were that bad in Unlimited Blade Works 13. Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention.

Caster-focused episode next week though.

Decent episode to come back to. If I had one thing against this episode, it was how oddly paced the transition between scenes were. Rin and Archer at the park in the morning, immediately cuts to Rin and Archer at the church in the afternoon, immediately cuts into Shirou sneaking into the church, with Rin and Caster barely starting their confrontation, at night.


Subete no aware
Holy hell, UtaPri's harem is up to 11 guys, and the new episode spent 16 minutes out of its 24 minute running time re-introducing every single one of them. It's probably the most impressive harem ever, with basically every trope possible being covered. Given that this thing is so popular with the fujis, I can only imagine that they'll just keep adding more guys to this harem. lol

But hey, at last the last few minutes were all Wakamoto hamming it up and rolling his consonants in the only way that he can.
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