Space Dandy was ok. Some great episodes and I think it's a really important show given the conflux of talent involved but it embodies the notion that comedy is subjective because if that humor doesn't grab you, welp..
Well, the best of Space Dandy were the episodes with little comedy. The ones that focused on comedy were usually on the weaker side.
I was hyped for Space Dandy when it was coming out, due to the talent and such but I just remember seeing a trailer before it came out and something to do with Boobies and fan-service left right and center and I checked the fuck out at the moment. Not what I was looking for, and although I'm sure its all out of context, regardless I'm very stubborn and will admit as such and will go out of my way to avoid shows that tick me off, because I have far more interesting things to watch. Call me a prude, but it's just not my thing at all. Maybe I'm missing out on an amazing show that I'd love, but I severely doubt that it's a show for me. At least it was upfront about it, saved me time.
you usually have top-notch animation, art direction, creativity etc. for when it lacks (or along with) humor.Space Dandy was ok. Some great episodes and I think it's a really important show given the conflux of talent involved but it embodies the notion that comedy is subjective because if that humor doesn't grab you, welp..
They're trying really hard to make The Asterisk War into the next SAO/AoT aren't they?
That was really jarring. That normally happens for me but it seemed really bad here. Why is it a thing anime? Simply a speed thing?
Seraph of the End ep1:
a show with this much PABLO POWER couldn't possibly be bad, right?!?
I was hyped for Space Dandy when it was coming out, due to the talent and such but I just remember seeing a trailer before it came out and something to do with Boobies and fan-service left right and center and I checked the fuck out at the moment. Not what I was looking for, and although I'm sure its all out of context, regardless I'm very stubborn and will admit as such and will go out of my way to avoid shows that tick me off, because I have far more interesting things to watch. Call me a prude, but it's just not my thing at all. Maybe I'm missing out on an amazing show that I'd love, but I severely doubt that it's a show for me. At least it was upfront about it, saved me time.
Yep, as a whole it wasn't the greatest, but some really outstanding episodes. Probably a better clip of this out there, but this scene\episode was so good.I think Space Dandy has some of the greatest single episodes, but there are more consistent and better shows. Few I can think of over the past year save for Ping Pong though.
It's Mushroom Samba or Baseball Blues x14 (but not as good) with about a dozen not-as-silly eps that turned out pretty good. The fanservice was largely forgettable aside from the one restaurant they hung out at. It's just strange to see such vehement handwringng meant to convince yourself it was the right choice when you could have, I don't know, checked out a few episodes and made a much more definite decision.
No one hates their hobby quite like anime fans do.
You should see what Doctor Who fandom is like.
Some pro sports fandoms too. Imagine if you loved anime but spent a few months every year trying to convince yourself it won't be a big waste of time this year!
You should see what Doctor Who fandom is like.
You made a poor choice, based on content of the posts you've written and the shows you've enjoyed. The mistake you've made is thinking that Space Dandy is one series, it's actually 26 different shows broadcast under a single title. Whether you liked or hated an episode has nothing to do with how you'll react to the next one. They're all created by entirely different staff.
Wait Shokugeki No Soma got licensed by Sentai? FUCK
This is an excellent and analytically thorough post, certainly nothing to be ashamed about. The only issue is that you're arguing against a specific preference & mindset that CorvoSol has which was born out of watching the TV continuity first. His attachments to the characters and the tone established in Patlabor TV is understandable, but it means that he's not really addressing what Patlabor 2, the movie, is trying to do on its own terms so much as how it made him feel as a fan of previous material in the franchise.
I don't mean to insult or criticize CorvoSol, here, but to encourage you to continue this type of posting and thinking.![]()
Time to clear out the back log
Argevollen 20
I don't remember why we got here, but I don't care. This is the most vanilla mech anime I've ever seen. Nothing really stands out and the cliched story basically writes itself at this point.
Here's a way to sort through modern mecha anime:
Flip a quarter, if it lands on heads it's terrible and don't watch it, if it lands on tails it has a 20% chance to be decent.
plastic memories 1
y ;~;
Argevollen isn't terrible, its just boring. It doesn't do anything wrong technically, its just hard to stay interested when everything is so generic.
foodgasm reactions make me look forward to prison school reactions
Time to clear out the back log
Argevollen 20
I don't remember why we got here, but I don't care. This is the most vanilla mech anime I've ever seen. Nothing really stands out and the cliched story basically writes itself at this point.
That is actually a pertinent question, we have not been given a reason why there is this artificial end point yet.
Plastic Memories 1
Last 20 seconds ruined any desire to watch further.
It's the exact same direction as the manga. The first episode was a damn near scene-for-scene adaption of the first manga chapter.Seraph of the End-1
Now let me tell why you this is lazy direction. So the opening sequence depicts the fall of humanity. Why are you opening with this? The sequence isn't graphic or long enough to really capture the viewer's attention. Why would you not open depicting the main character's life before the fall so the viewer has some point of contrast and understanding of what the characters were like normally? There's no sense of tension or drama in the sequence and it doesn't work well enough as 'Armageddon porn'.
Now the show jumps 3(or 4) years later depicting what life is like in this new district. Only they don't. There's not enough world building in this sequence to know what a typical day is under this regime. Yes we see them getting their blood sucked, drinking those juice containers, and of course the typical vampire elitism (in such a stereotypical fashion I might add). However the show doesn't give the viewers a good appreciation of the size of the district nor where buildings or characters are established at. Not to mention the show doesn't spend enough time to really let the atmosphere sink in.
Later there is supposed to be a heart to heart sequence with nu-Suzaku and nu-Eren however there isn't any attention paid to the location of where they have this conversation. The sequence isn't staged well at all. Nu-Eren almost starts yelling right next to the sleeping kids. Also whoever was the sound director fucked up in this sequence as the music that plays when nu-Suzaku comes in, is triumphant. Oh not to mention the guitars which is just bad track placement.
Finally there is the 'despair' bit which is obviously telegraphed and lacking in execution. There is no effort made in regards to the lighting to really play up the sequence in that everything is too bright.Some darker shading on the vampire would have done leagues to play up the scary factor. Instead the only reason visually why the audience should be afraid of the vampire is due to the speed. More facial shots on the part of the vampire would have also helped.
Then the show does another time skip. It's almost like the author just wants to get straight into the action and ignore characterization or world building. This episode felt like it should have been the second episode and the first episode should have been the world before the collapse. There's no tension and the pacing is extremely rushed. Compare this with Shingeki which certainly is no masterpiece theater but it stands out how Shingeki took its time setting things up and tried to give the audience a full appreciation of why Eren hated the Titans.
I should also mention that Sawano is being lazy as fuck again and rehashing his Shingeki soundtrack.
Edit: I won't just blame it all on the anime staff. There is some seriously bad shit on the writing font. "You are the chosen one Neo" standing out to me. Not to mention I thoughtthe black haired kid was going to be the one to bite it as seeing his 'family' murdered in front of him wouldn't further his character progression as he already hated vampires and so the blonde haired kid would be the one to escape.
There is an "official" OT.I think I'm gonna try K-On finally.